Like most folks, I get mad when Christians wish me a 'Merry Christmas.' Why can't they say 'Happy Holidays'?
2007-12-07 11:03:56 UTC
I mean, afterall, we aren't all Christians. Many of us celebrate something else, or nothing at all. Don't Christians know that it's more culturally sensitive to wish people "seasons greetings" or "happy solstice"?
67 answers:
2007-12-07 11:09:29 UTC


i am still learning :)
2007-12-07 11:10:40 UTC
I guess I'm not like most folks because I don't get mad when people wish me a Merry Christmas. People today are always so angry and spiteful and in such a hurry all the time that I appreciate the kindness that's intended by their words, regardless of if they're saying Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah or Season's Greetings or whatever. And I agree that political correctness has gotten WAY out of hand these days.
2007-12-07 11:20:03 UTC
I see no reason to get mad over this. If you want a generic seasonal greeting then just ask for it and the person should comply. However, to me the holiday is Christmas and I will wish you a merry Christmas for that reason because the other holidays do not matter to me. I get mad when people do not take the well wishes and throw them back at me.

If you were to wish me "happy solstice" or "seasons greetings" what would you think if I got mad at you?
Phil M
2007-12-07 11:07:21 UTC
Why do you get mad when someone wishes you a merry day? The 25th is a day in December. You can either choose to acknowledge the festivity of the day (Christmas) or your can say "I hope you have a good 4th Tuesday of December too."

This is something thats really dumb for you to get annoyed by. I can see how others would be easily offended if you wished them a "seasons greetings" which is equally as childish.

Its a no harm, no foul situation so grow up and be an adult. Do you get mad when someone wishes you a happy Hanaukah (sp?) too? Or how about a happy new year? I mean after all, what if I am Chinese and I don't celebrate Jan. 1st as the new year?

Dude, if this is even on your radar of "problems" go to a nursing home or a soup house and spend some time with people who have real issues
2007-12-07 11:14:42 UTC
Your point makes sense. It's like wishing the world a happy birthday when it is your birthday. Why assume that others observe your holidays, whatever the occasion may be. Certain greetings belong in certain settings, period. Good night only works at night. Then again, there is the whole freedom of speech thing. People can say what they want. There is no freedom of not getting pissed off or offended by people whom I dislike, amendment.
melissa h
2007-12-07 11:11:42 UTC
Oh, get a grip. It's christmas. What's the point of saying Happy Holidays, when if it wasn't for christmas it wouldn't be the holidays. Do you wear a big sign around your neck that says "non-christian" so everyone knows not to say, "Merry Christmas" to you. If you give a gift to someone to celebrate the 25th of December, I hate to tell you, you're celebrating christmas. So, I guess if anyone tries to give you anything, you should refuse it, your not celebrating christmas.
2007-12-07 11:41:31 UTC
"People are not smart. A person is smart". A quote from Tommy Lee Jones, in the movie Men In Black.

People jump on bandwagons without knowing all the facts, and take a ride down foot in mouth street.

It is easy to judge, and stand up for something, but it is hard to be informed, reserve your judgment for later, or never.

I have been thinking on this lately, and as of current, I think, and this is just with what I know currently, that People who say things in the name of Jesus, don't always really know him that well. They also have a very loose commitment to his way of life, which is what it means to be a Christian. Christ-Follower. It is a chosen path, and requires certain steps to actually qualify for the job.

Some people are just wearing the uniform.

There I.D. will be checked at the door.

One thing I do know, If you want to help someone to see that your way is the Better way, then you definitely don't want to offend them. this gets you nowhere, and I am sure, there are quite a few of the apostles that directly instructed us not to do that.

Oh well, I can't control anyone but myself. and I don't always do that as well as I would like, I better not look to hard at what others are doing, or I might trip over my own feet.

Take Care, and Good Luck!

By the way, I say, "Seasons Greetings!"
2007-12-07 11:21:47 UTC
"Like most folks" - I don't think so, not in the USA.

Either take my "Merry Christmas" or ignore me. Either suits me fine. I'd think you were peculiar if you said, "Happy Solstice" or 'Happy Holidays."

In Texas, culturally sensitive is not what we are about! You can take the girl out of Texas, but you can't take Texas out of the girl.

Take your little easily offended, touchy and tender little mad self on down the road.
2007-12-07 11:13:51 UTC
They're just trying to be nice get over it. I'm sure it's not what you want to hear so I won't be surprised when you give me a thumbs down...oh yeah Merry Christmas...and Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Yul tide, Happy solstice and seasons greetings too. Did I cover all of them?
mona z
2007-12-07 11:15:50 UTC
i think you should stop making a big deal out of everything ,i am not Christian,but you and most folks are not going die if some one said merry Christmas to you they don't mean anything bad i mean how many people before saying merry Christmas ask your religion. i think there are enough problems in each persons life than worry abut someone telling you merry Christmas when you are not would you and most folks stop always trying to make problems and instead try to solve some.
~Heathen Princess~
2007-12-07 11:10:09 UTC
Oh good goddess.

Ok, as a pagan, I dont' care if someone says Merry Christmas. For them it's Christmas. I will even say Merry Christmas back because I really DO hope they have a Merry Christmas. Most times I do say "Happy Yule!" And do you know what? I have never in my life had a single Christian say anything about it. They don't over all care. I have said Happy Holidays and had them all say something back.

As a card carrying member of the ACLU and a pagan, I do not care wtf people say to me for the holidays. They MEAN well and they are simply trying to spread good cheer.




2007-12-07 11:12:18 UTC
How sad you must be. How very sad. I think you cannot see beyond the greeting.

I am delighted whether people wish me, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays, Season's greetings, or

Merry Christmas.

I see the joy of greeting people and wishing them well. I wish this for you, my friend.
2007-12-07 11:20:21 UTC
dont get mad. this is america-most people are christians here. nobody means to offend you. its just that those of you who recogize something different at the holidays than us are so few and far between it slips our minds sometimes that a handful of people are out there that take offense. instead just assume it was said to you in your accepable phrase as i am sure that Merry c-word meant accually meant happy days for you this season my friend, it did not mean we christians are so arrogant to not recognize there are people wwith other belivefs.. Hey if i was in africa in the winter and somebody said happy kawanza to me, i wouldnt feel like i should not accept the greeting. i wish for you to have thicker skin cz you would probably be a happier person.
2007-12-07 11:19:03 UTC
Christmas is no longer a "Christian" holiday, it is celebrated by non-religious types as well as Christians. The day as the birth of Jesus has been taken over by Santa and Trees and Commercialism.

If anyone should be offended, it should be devout Christians.
2007-12-07 11:16:59 UTC
Say I'm Chinese. My calendar year is different than the one most Americans follow. Shall I get my panties in a twist when everyone says "Happy New Year" ? Aren't you being culturally insensitive?

No. Say any greeting you like to me, I will take it in the spirit intended.

God Bless You!
2007-12-07 11:09:55 UTC
If you get mad over someone sayin Merry Christmas you have some serious issues. I am not a christian, I dont care what people say to me, what difference does it make? Chill out for goodness sake.
Rob H
2007-12-07 11:11:44 UTC
Like most folks? I have never met anyone who disliked being wished a merry Christmas. I think you over generalize.
2016-10-10 15:45:47 UTC
Rev Kip - The moon God, WTF? and you're a spiritual chief? Explains plenty proper to the perspective of countless Christians accessible... *Shakes Head* Do you no longer understand that Muslims (and countless Jews) hint the origins of Islam lower back to the 1st toddler of Abraham, who God additionally pronounced might the be the daddy of a great human beings? So do you carry it against Jesus that his mom and dad weren't christian? considering the fact that Mohammed based the religion, of direction he grow to be born right into a various one. and those loopy reference you made proper to the pagan daughters he allegedly worshiped, you ought to learn somewhat greater. Mohommed surely denouced all scripture regarding them as "The Satanic Verses" and pronounced such ideals had no place in a monotheistic relgion. in any case, directly to answering the question. keep in mind, I communicate of the wider Christian attitude, and not the actual faith itself which preaches tolerance of others... Christianity has by no skill cherished different religions. to incorporate Judaism. absolutely everyone keep in mind the Inquisition? Or the certainty that Pope John Paul II admitted that the church bore some duty for the holocaust with the aid of fact of it is intolerence of Jews? Ever heard the age previous tale that we use the blood of a christian harmless to make our passover matzah? Christians want to piggy lower back off of our faith so as that they have got a love hate dating with us, yet standard won't be able to denounce us with the aid of fact they did borrow our God and not any incorrect way around. The without delay out hate for Muslims comes from the certainty that mutually as Jews merely ought to get with this technique, Islam grow to be formed after the demise and hoopla of Jesus. we don't want to grandfather clause him in, yet they outright rejected him. Oh, that and Christians look an intollerant lot because it somewhat is (plenty to Jesus's chagrin, i'm specific).
2007-12-07 11:09:51 UTC
this is half the problem in our world, give it a break. some one was simply trying to be nice, wish there were more people like that. simply respond with your holiday slogan what ever it may be. people are more worried about being politcally correct than just plain being good to one an other

my wife is a big christian, i was raised catholic now i don't get involved with religion at all. i belive more in evolution. but all that aside i don't care what faith you belive in as the are all same in one way. be good to eachother and this can be said many ways. i think the bible says it somewhat like "do un to others as you would want un to you" i know that is not complete said/typed right but you get the point
Jordan B
2007-12-07 11:10:17 UTC
I'm atheist and I really don't mind. I'm more tolerant than most Christians that get mad when you don't say Merry Christmas to them. I just respond with: Happy Holidays to you too!
An Independent
2007-12-07 11:09:38 UTC
Come on silly. Everyone knows the whole universe revolves around Christians. Get with the program.
Jess H
2007-12-07 11:09:44 UTC
I really don't care all that much. I think a lot of them say it without thinking.

If you celebrate something else, (like Hanukkah for example) then you could always just smile and say with a wink..."And Happy Hanukkah to *you*!"

Don't get mad, though. They mean well.
2007-12-07 11:12:39 UTC
Who cares? Christmas is a Pagan festival and I would be happy if they would ban it all together. It has nothing to do with Christ, so I have nothing to do with it. So many people get offended over "what to say" but for the ones who don't celebrate it.....well we just get called names and say that we are unchristian, when in fact, the reason we don't celebrate it, is because of it's origin. But still year after year we have to deal with Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, blah, blah, blah...........
Michael C
2007-12-07 11:22:53 UTC
Merry Christmas....... its the proper way to say it whether you like it or not. Jesus has a part in everything in all things. Thats why im thankful
2007-12-07 11:14:02 UTC
Instead of getting mad, wouldn't it be better to wish them your own peaceful greeting in return?

Be an example of the peace and acceptance you wish to spread.
2007-12-07 11:08:47 UTC
ok..."Happy Holy days"

is that better?

Why do you even celebrate this time of year if it has no meaning for you? You could get together with your families some other time, couldn't you?

Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas..........ect..............
Mr. Smith
2007-12-07 11:08:14 UTC
Freedom of Speech.
2007-12-07 11:07:08 UTC
I can't imagine any Christian saying Happy Solstice. Leave them to their own. Even though their belief of what Christmas is has been based on a false premise.
Heather Honey
2007-12-07 11:07:42 UTC
i don't think christians are out to offend, just trying to spread joy. since i'm a deist, i guess i should be offended by everything, but amazingly i am offended by nothing. i am just glad they included me in their thoughts. i personally believe a lot of today's society problems seem to stem from too much offense taken and everyone believing that everyone else should be politically correct.

next time wish them holiday wishes for your religion in return. i think you'll find that they won't be offended....
2007-12-07 11:10:06 UTC
Christmas is for Christians (Christ) duhhhhhh! If you PC, tree hugging, red diaper doper babies, don't like Merry Christmas, then tough, stay cocooned in your house for the rest of the month! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!!
2007-12-07 11:08:24 UTC
Thats silly. You can say merry kwanza, or happy chaunaka back, or whatever you want. Your talking about freedom of speech.
2007-12-07 11:08:28 UTC
To me, Christmas is now a secular holiday. I take it in the spirit intended and return likewise.
2007-12-07 14:33:34 UTC
I hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS ... oops, happy holidays. I'm truly sorry.
2007-12-07 11:15:25 UTC
Old habits die hard. Just like saying "God bless you" when someone sneezes is a habit that even atheists can't seem to shake.
2007-12-07 11:08:10 UTC
I don't think your are like most folks. I could care less if they say Merry Christmas, or if they send me religious Christmas cards.
babyyy M $$$
2007-12-07 15:23:45 UTC
Oh, comee onn.

Tell me you're kidding?!

No one gets offended by this.


I'm sure some people do,

but I've never understood it.

It's not a big deal.
2007-12-07 11:07:22 UTC
Christmas is about the most secularized holiday possible--I doubt many people are thinking "Happy Jesus' Birthday!" when they say it to you. It's just the most familiar term.
que otro hay
2007-12-07 11:08:05 UTC
i like the solstice one- it is the only scientifically proven reason to have something real to make festive. i do believe it is fine though, to wish anyone happy kwanzaa, or christmas or solstice or whatever, if you participate in that particular celebration- the person receiving the ''happy returns'' should respect the well wisher's intent and custom.
2007-12-07 11:06:33 UTC
Most people celebrate christmas, even those who arn't christians. if they knew how badly it would offend you, then i doubt they would have said anything. Geesh.
2007-12-07 11:09:29 UTC
ok well im not irish so dont say happy st patricks day cuz that offends me, i dont celebrate halloween, and that day offends me so lets say happy holiday, im single and valentines day makes me depressed so lets just say happy holiday, on your birthday why dont we all just say happy holiday
sissy k
2007-12-07 11:06:57 UTC
Even if you don't believe in it or celebrate it. Why would it make you mad if someone said it too, after all they are being nice. You can say happy (whatever you believe) to me and I will just be glad you are being cordial.
2007-12-07 11:07:47 UTC
Honestly...Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. If you don't like that then ignore the Holyday....DON'T try to take it over and turn into something pagan...after all you have Halloween.
2007-12-07 11:07:44 UTC
I always say Merry Christmas to everyone this time of year and everyone loves me for it.
sego lily
2007-12-07 11:16:17 UTC
Happy everything!
Od Ephraim Chai
2007-12-07 11:45:23 UTC
and you sure

they said Merry Nimrod
Kenneth G
2007-12-07 11:06:51 UTC
May you have a blessed Christmas and A happy new Year

2007-12-07 11:06:24 UTC
I've never gotten mad about this. I'm always fairly surprised when people do. *shrug*

I get more annoyed at non-denominational phrases like the ones you suggest, because the political correctness agenda has gotten way out of hand anyhow.
2007-12-07 11:06:15 UTC
Merry Christmas! Errrr........I mean happy holidays.
2007-12-07 11:09:51 UTC
Didn't you ask this question yesterday?

Oh spaghetti, I think I am on here too much
2007-12-07 11:09:35 UTC
If it is a holiday, people usually say happy (insert whatever they celebrate). It would be nicer if people would say "Happy Holidays" so nobody is offended, but not many people care, which is a shame.
2007-12-07 11:06:47 UTC
Why are you so agry for someone trying to be nice to you? Just say something nice back to them and get over it.
~Smirk~ Resurrected
2007-12-07 11:07:02 UTC
I'm an atheist and I have better things to ***** and worry about than a "Merry Christmas".

If you whine and complain about your feelings constantly getting hurt, you might as well be a Christian.
2007-12-07 11:06:47 UTC
It's just words that mean nothing. Why care?
2007-12-07 11:06:34 UTC
you are not like most folks by the way.
2007-12-07 11:06:49 UTC
ummm well maybe they dont know u arent a christian
2007-12-07 11:06:44 UTC
Don't be such a scrooge. You're lucky people wish you Anything.
Alex - Æsahættr
2007-12-07 11:06:46 UTC
Its a christian holiday fool! They have a right to say that!
2007-12-07 11:06:41 UTC
Christmas is a Christian holiday. If you don't like it, then stay indoors during the month of December.
2007-12-07 11:06:32 UTC
happy holidays, don't get offended dude...
2007-12-07 11:06:20 UTC
Ur lucky they wish u anything

most folks dont care BTW
2007-12-07 11:06:38 UTC
i agree. i think it's more polite to say happy holidays instead of assuming everybody celebrates christmas
2007-12-07 11:07:30 UTC
lighten up
2007-12-07 11:05:45 UTC
Merry Christmas to you!!!!!!!
2007-12-07 11:06:46 UTC
If it wasn't for the birth of Jesus what would we be celebrating?
2007-12-07 11:09:04 UTC
Because we do not deny our God.
Kayla S
2007-12-07 11:07:19 UTC
I agree, but many christians think everyone should be like them
2007-12-07 11:06:39 UTC
oh your one of those people...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.