Question for all about blood sacrifices?
2009-05-14 08:03:52 UTC
Does anyone have any reason that they beleive blood sacrifices stopped.
I now in other cultures they still do it, but America, Europe, etc....The Jews and Christians, do they not do it any longer?

Why did "GOD" change his mind...did he stop askign for them...did "Jesus" ahve something to do with it?

I do find it out why certain things were done at some point in time and then stopped.
I mean, we are humans, we evolve, we change, we do things based on certain circumstances.
But if "GOD" Is perfect, never changing, etc, seems like he would not be so wishy-washy...YES sacrifice...eehh, no not anymore.

Always bothered me how people interpret what "GOD" wants and that interpretation changes. If what the people do changes based on what they beleive "GOD" wants, then how is what people are doing today the right thing, or the thing that "GOD" wants?

Your thoughts are appreciated.
Ten answers:
2009-05-14 08:14:42 UTC
In the primitive concepts, the concepts of gods and demons were practically identical. They had to be appeased through sacrifices - including blood sacrifices.

As societies became more sophisticated, they conceive more benevolent deities that expected fewer sacrifices.

Both the gods (or demons) and sacrifices are human inventions. The concepts change with time. And are not particularly important.
2009-05-14 19:34:07 UTC
In the really old days, the world was a mysterious, scary place. Sacrifice was a crucial negotiating tool for dealing with most gods. Since they were so self sufficient, you really couldn't bribe them. The only way to get their attention was to show your sincerity with an act of self-denial. Sacrifice was usually the humans' idea, not God's. Whenever God asked for a sacrifice, it was usually either a test or a solemnization, a way to make the human realize when an event was important. And there are several passages in the Hebrew scriptures in which God expresses disgust at sacrifices and other liturgical excesses being used as cover for fundamentally unchanged, immoral behaviors away from the Temple.

The point of "sacrifice" was not the suffering due to the loss of property, but the development of a more humble and selfless attitude toward life. If that was not happening, why bother "offering"? It's not really "sacrifice" unless it's self-sacrifice. The death of Christ was as much example as atonement.

Conveniently, the final destruction of the Temple occurred just as Christianity began to take off, so animal sacrifice to the "one, true God" became impossible. As in Babylon, alternative methods of observing one's faith were required. For Jews, rigorous Torah observance became a personal sacrifice. For Christians, Christ was the sacrifice, reinvoked in a bloodless manner by the "sacrifice" of bread and wine. The sacrifice was never as important as the internal spiritual transformation it was supposed to cause.

Discerning God's "will" has always been tricky, and people have always been tempted to draw unwarranted conclusions that usually serve their own interests. The divine discernments that seem to prove out are virtually always in the interest of the general good, more about altruism than self-preservation. That is the true spirit of "sacrifice", diminishing one's own security for the sake of all.
2009-05-14 15:20:35 UTC
1. As far as the blood sacrifice goes, in the Old Testament blood sacrifices were required. The whole symbolism of the Crucifixion was that no one would have to sacrifice animals anymore to be right with God. God was giving his sacrifice for all mankind so they didn't need to anymore.

The reason for the sacrifices was that God could not commune with men because of their evil ways. Something had to come between God and man in order for them to communicate. Jesus literally took the sin of the world on him at the cross; Scripture states that the sin was so overwhelming, God could not look at Jesus while he hung on the cross.

After Jesus' death, we no longer needed 'go-between' like animal sacrifice, we had Jesus to bridge that gap. Otherwise, we would never have been able to be in heaven, due to our sin presence.

2. While God is never-changing, he was making things easier on mankind by giving up his Son. He is still the same God, still has the same principles, desires, etc. But now, he has made it easier for us to come to Him.

3. People do change. People want to be right in their nature. Some interpret Scripture one way, and others another. God is not the one changing. His words are still written the same way in Scripture. His rules have not changed. Men try to manipulate the Bible all the time to fit their wants.

Good questions!
Aleksandra Petrovna
2009-05-14 15:15:10 UTC
That is the problem with most religions-determining what god wants. How do people go about this?

This is why I follow a religion which empathises RIGHT ACTION instead of RIGHT BELIEF. Upholding morals and virtue is more important than guessing what a god wants.

In the past, Heathens did animal sacrifices to the gods, but we have outgrown that. Like any relationship, it grows and changes over time. Today, we have blots and sumbels instead of killing animals.

Just Me: The idea of an innocent dying for me is reprehensible. It is not justice. Human sacrifice is murder, full stop. I am responsible for my own actions, good or bad. There are consequences for life choices; denying or attempting to avoid them doesn't change the fact of this.
2009-05-14 15:36:16 UTC
God never wanted sacrifice in the first place it was introduced because sin was.............. Heb 10:5-8 He decided death was the price for sin. Life is in the blood, to shed blood is to take life. So sin took life, and blood is the price for that sin. So all the Old Testament sacrifices were just a picture of the thing to come in the future that would take away our sins. That "thing" to come was Jesus. He came died and we can be free from sin in Him................Eph 5;2 & Heb 9:26 So today we are to be a living, NOT DEATH BY SHED BLOOD sacrifice.................Rom 12:1 Because He wants mercy not death Matt. 9;13 & 12:7

So God did not change, He just got done what He had to get done. First He had mankind kill their flock to show redemption (not real redemption, just a show) a show that they needed Holy blood shed for them to buy them back from their onholy owner (satan) that they had enslaved themselves to buy sinning.

So today there is no need for it since Jesus (i.e God in the flesh) is more valuable than all fleah put together. His Holy Blood covered all sin and the price for all sin, so there is no longer a need to picture as a shadow what has already happen in Jesus.
2009-05-14 15:12:46 UTC
Pagans used to do blood sacrifices wayyyyy back before and during the rise of Christianity. With the revival many have stopped because they follow a "harm none" rule. I personally would never do it because I could never bring myself to harm an animal or being for any god/dess. I would probably vomit at the mere suggestion of doing something like that.

We are also at a different mindset. We no longer feel a need to sacrifice a goat in thanks to our deity(ies), we do honor (pray, venerate) in another much more peaceful manner.
2009-05-14 15:51:51 UTC
Blood sacrifice stopped because Jesus was sent to be the ultimate Sacrifice for all mankind. This is why he was born the way He was in order to be able to be the Sacrifice in the first place. Had he been born in the "conventional manner", he'd have been born under the same curse of original sin as the rest of us. The matter of His purity was what made it possible, for the animals used in the OT while "pure" in the sense of how they were bred, couldn't pay the ultimate price because they couldn't go WILLINGLY for man's sin.
2009-05-14 15:12:19 UTC
Sacrifices pointed to the Messiah. The messiah came and we no longer point to Him because He did what He was supposed to do.

We do today what Jesus asks us to do. Love God with all your heart and Love your Neighbor with all your heart. The other 8 commandments hang either on the Love God Side or Love Others side of that.

In the end of time, it's Not what we've Done that gets us into heaven, but what we Didn't Do. It IS all about how you conduct yourself that matters - because that is the Absolute No 1 proof of where your heart is.
Just Me
2009-05-14 15:09:59 UTC
He didn't change His mind.. He simply just did it Himself!

Jesus died on the cross.. and said, "It is finished!"

"A legal transaction took place"

We broke God's Laws (the 10 commandments),

and Jesus paid our fine in His life's blood.

So on our day of judgement we can leave

the courtroom scott-free because our fine

was paid!

*The old sacrifices only COVERED our sins for a period of time.

*The sacrifice of Jesus, WASHES AWAY our sins totally!

But, God "Resists" the "Proud"

and gives "Grace" to the "Humble".

So we must come before Him humbly.. by REPENTING & TRUSTING in Him and He will save us because of the loving merciful God He is. :D

"Repenting": meaning, not only being sorry, but turning away from your sins... (the Holy Spirit) helps us do this.

"Trusting": meaning, having faith & trusting yourself as you would to a parachute while jumping out of a plane. You don't just believe it exists.. you put it on and trust that it will save you above anything else.. (such as; money, fame, parents, loved ones, boyfriend, girlfriend, job, happiness). You put Jesus above all that... and He will save you after you've surrendered... again.. this is all done by the drawing of the Holy Spirit. : )
2009-05-14 15:45:55 UTC
Jesus shed his blood for our sins.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.