YES!!! Where you been??? It is in the Bible stories!
The religious Jews are not allowed to eat pork and a long list of “unclean” animals.
Saint Peter refused to socialize with non-Jews because of his Jewish eating habits.
Gal 2:14
When I* (*Saint Paul) saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel*
(*that he was putting together…)
I said unto Peter before them all… why do you force the gentiles to live as do the Jews?*
(*Saint Paul was scrapping the traditional Jewish religion to make room for Christianity)
The old Jewish religion still had many desirable law and order features, i.e. 10% TITHING.
Saint Peter, the 1st Pope, got the message and, at the first chance, he assisted God the Holy Ghost killing moron Christians to firmly establish the 10% TITHING ritual in Christianity (Act5:1-11).
Saint Paul makes full use of his Roman citizenship not to appeal to JESUS GOD, but to CAESAR GOD for undisclosed consultations (Acts 28:19).
Hey, at least Caesar God can be reasoned with like with a human being!
God finally approves eating PORK meat in a dream to Saint Peter… he saw Heaven open and a big sheet
Act 10:9-16
…wherein were ALL MANNER of 4 footed beasts of the earth, and WILD BEASTS…*
(*all sorts of cats, dogs, lobsters, elephants, horses, pigs, etc)
And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; KILL, AND EAT. But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.
The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything IMPURE that God has made clean.”*
(*God is conceding that all animals are now OK to eat!)
This happened three times*
(*in a dream, one for each member of the Holy Trinity)
and immediately the sheet was taken back to Heaven.*
(*with the full zoo of PORKY creatures)
HEAVEN is full of PIGS, and all sorts of TALKING animals (Rev5:13-14); a real Paradise for ham and bacon eating Christians. No religious Jew would ever want to go there!
The first one to hear the news about Saint Peter’s dream was a peer dreamer, THE ROMAN CENTURION CORNELIUS who betrayed his own Caesar God and country ISO spiritual counsel from a Jewish slave.
He made the fierce Roman soldiers of the ITALIAN REGIMENT so proud of him (Act10:1) Spiritually speaking, of course!
Act 10:28
He* (*Saint Peter) said to them:*
(*Cornelius’ family and Roman VIPs)
"You are well aware that it is an abomination for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or visit him. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean*
(*yeah… but the dream was about eating ANIMAL flesh, not people! This is how Roman Christianity got started)
Saint Paul sternly warns wise Christians not to mess with conservative Jews (1Cor8:9-10)
Several new Christian rituals had to replace the old Jewish traditions.
Lev 17:14
The life of ALL FLESH*
(*including Jesus’ flesh)
is the blood of it: therefore I* (*God) say, YE SHALL EAT THE BLOOD OF NO MANNER OF FLESH*
(*no matter how divine it claims to be)
Joh 6:53
Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you*
Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man*
(*only BIGOT CHRISTIANS can claim that Jesus didn’t CHANGE any Jewish law)
and drink his BLOOD, ye have no life in you*
(*Jesus is addressing a vampire oriented population of future Christians)
1 Pet 1:19-20
…with the precious BLOOD of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without SPOT*
(*NOT TRUE! He was beaten to a pulp full of Roman soldiers’ SPIT!)
who verily*
(*no more BULL CRAP!)
was FOREORDAINED before the foundation of the world…*
(*God created this humongous universe as an accessory to nail Jesus Christ to a Holy Roman Cross, in full submission to Caesar God)