Well all most you have answered in the question itself. Lotus flower grows in the muddy water and still its body remains unaffected and does not get wet. This flower gives a very significant message to the people seeking the path of spiritualism, that denotes, 'live your life in this world like lotus flower, and do not indulge your self in muddy water of worldly pleasures and comforts'.
jaisae jal mehi kamal niraalam muragaaee nai saanae ||
The lotus flower floats untouched upon the surface of the water, and the duck swims through the stream; {{{Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Raag Raamkalee 938}}}
jio jal mehi kamal alipatho varathai thio vichae gireh oudhaas ||
As the lotus flower floats unaffected in the water, so does he remain detached in his own household.
{{{Guru Amar Daas Ji, Raag Raamkalee 949}}}
breham giaanee sadhaa niralaep ||
The God-conscious being is always unattached,
jaisae jal mehi kamal alaep ||
as the lotus in the water remains detached.
{{{Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Raag Gauree 272}}}
jaisae jal mehi kamal niraalam muragaaee nai saanae ||
The lotus flower floats untouched upon the surface of the water, and the duck swims through the stream, does not get wet. {{{Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Raag Raamkalee 938}}}
jio jal mehi kamal alipath hai aisee banath banaae ||
They are like the lotus which remains detached, floating upon the water.
{{{Guru Amar Daas Ji, Raag Malaar 1281}}}
regarding 108 leaves lotus flower I am not sure but may be as the name chanting Mala has 108 beads.