2010-03-17 12:43:13 UTC
I've been raised in a Christian home my entire life, but a few years ago (around the age of 15), I decided to start taking my faith very seriously. I "got saved". I always had trouble with doubting my salvation, so I prayed for salvation many times. I always doubted it, even though I wanted it with all of my heart, and I repented of my sins the best I knew how. I've been baptized twice. Anyway, I read the Bible, I thought on spiritual things, I prayed quite a bit, I did all that. I considered myself "on fire for God". That didn't last long. I didn't know it at the time, but that point of my "salvation", me taking my faith seriously, was the beginning of a downward spiral of depression and anxiety. Now that I look back, it's crystal clear. As I slowly began learning more, I learned about how impossible and depressing this life was, how many rules and restrictions there were, and, of course, a lot of the things that went on in the Old Testament. Now, fastforward a few years, I am extremely depressed, angry, confused, and so many other things that I can't begin to explain. I am stuck with a mindset that is killing me inside. Religion is the root of this depression, I have no doubt. I can't escape the mindset without getting rid of the religion. Yet, if I'm honest, I don't see how there couldn't be some kind of Creator. But everything about Christianity depresses me. It, to me, appears wimpy, restrictive, a burden of so many impossible do's and don'ts. At times it almost seems like a message of hate. The Christian life appears very, very depressing. That's what completely denying yourself leads to, right? No pleasure at all, period. The only good thing about it, as I see it, would be not having to go to hell. But, even heaven, to me, doesn't seem like it would be all that great. If I'm saved, why do I have these hateful feelings about religion? If I'm not saved, why not? I begged for salvation many times in the past, repented of my sins. Maybe I'm just not one of the "elect", and God created me to rot in hell. I've prayed so much throughout all of this, and God just hasn't been there. I've asked him to help me sort out this confusion, remove any misconceptions and/or legalism, to change my heart into one that loves him and hates sin, to take this depression and anxiety away, but it just hasn't happened. And this wasn't an overnight thing. It gets worse over time, and I'm right on the edge about to fall off. I've prayed a lot, read scripture, talked to many different people, even been seeing a counselor, and I've just now started taking an anti-depressant. Nothing is working. I don't know what to do. Christianity, or religion in general, as I see it thorugh my perspective, makes me extremely depressed, to the point where I don't even want to believe anymore. Which could be a dangerous thing. But if hell is real, I obviously don't want to go there either. I don't know which direction to go in anymore. I wish I could give more detail about this whole situation, but the whole thing is basically a few year's worth of thought jumbled up in my head all at once, just piled up. I don't know how to explain it. Any advice would be appreciated, from Christians, non-Christians, anybody.