Should i stop going to the mormon church?
2010-10-10 20:30:24 UTC
Noone at church ever really liked me very much. I've been going with my family for years. I'm an 18 year old boy, and i've been going to this church since i was 13. I could be gone for months at a time and hardly anyone says anything to me if i go back. All the other people my age never say a word to me. I was really good friends with one guy there, but we've grown way apart after all these years. My bishop ignores me. and the adults that teach my class ignore me. I could walk out of class, and they don't care. My mom says she won't force me to go since they act like this toward's me. I always talk and laugh with them, but they never make an effort to get to know me. My class teacher always leaves me out on activities and in and outside of church. But honestly, there are a few kids over the years who has quit church because of their lack of empathy. i guess i'm the next to quit.
29 answers:
Michael V
2010-10-11 13:05:35 UTC
Your testimony of Jesus Christ and this as His true church would outweigh all of this. Read the Book of Mormon through, if you haven't already. When you feel the Spirit and want to share that with everyone in your ward or branch, you will find it leads you to build friendships rather than submitting to your discouragement. Honestly, I once had similar feelings to yours, not about any of the adults in my branch (at the time), but towards some of the youth. You know what? I let my negative feelings received from some of the youth outweigh the friendships some of the others were offering me, but which at the time I was too lacking in the Spirit to recognize and build upon, so even they sort of let me stay in what they supposed to be my comfort zone. I turned down a number of their invitations to be more involved. I was kind of a loner, and even went largely inactive, but then when I finally read the scriptures and the Spirit converted me, I went back to church and found my greatest friends, young or old, had been right there all along. That has remained true these many years since, and it is like a whole new world, a whole new life filled with all the things God promises to the faithful.

Short answer: No, do not stop going to this church. Do the things Heavenly Father teaches you in His church, and you will turn your experiences entirely around.
2010-10-11 02:22:34 UTC
I recommend that you host a party at your house and invite those who are near your age from the church. This sounds more like a social issue than a religious one. Your black and white thinking is immature; I'm sure that some people care about you. It just doesn't seem like it to you at the moment. Perhaps what you really want is the attention of some young lady. You are at a very stressful age, when social interactions take on great importance. At the same time you may feel sullen and distant - behaviours that would rub people wrong and only reinforce your feelings of isolation. Don't let your fears run your life. It sets a bad precedent. Be outrageous. Put it all on the line and throw a party. Something good will come of it.

Also - keep your standards high. Don't be a sell-out. Your relationship with God is the most important relationship you will ever have.
2010-10-10 23:00:33 UTC
Maybe there is a College in your area. If so, then you could go there. One of the nice things about going to college is that there are so many social activities available for you.

BYU for example has an extensive Ball Room dancing program that many students participate in that makes things very fun.

Also because Mormons are from all over the world, they will really value your friendship, because, often they may have been the only Mormon in the school growing up, or the only Mormon in their neighborhood.

Furthermore, because you are a boy, it just so happens that there are more girls in almost all colleges in the United States, generally speaking. And the same trend holds true at LDS colleges as well.

Many colleges have an LDS institute and some even have a student ward. There is just a lot more going on, than what is happening at your ward on Sundays.

One thing you should do is go to the Bishop and tell him about your situation. Surely he can be of assistance. Furthermore, you need to take this matter to God, certainly.

You need to pray about this, and ask God that you will get more involved in activities and have more LDS friends you can share your life with, because that is what you want, and that is a righteous desire.

You should focus yourself on living the commandments, and also you should fast regularly and often in order to ensure that God will answer your prayer promptly and completely.

By doing this the windows of Heaven will open up, and the power of God will descend upon you, and you will receive good friends that will help you, and appreciate you and will be a positive force.

Perhaps you could look for a person or people in the ward that are a bit shy, that are your same age. Maybe you could befriend them. Sometimes that is difficult at Church, but maybe you could invite them to a church activity, or just invite them to do something that you like to do.

Do not despair. With God on your side, you need have no worries about this at all.

Rest assured that all will go well as you exercise your faith, and follow the commandments of God, so that God will bless you abundantly with whatsoever it is that you want that is righteous.

Faith will bring hope, it always does.
book lover duck
2010-10-10 21:16:56 UTC
It depends. Do you have a testimony or have you just been going because everyone else has influenced you and it's just something you're used to doing? I think it's so sad when people leave a church just because of a lack of empathy within it's members. It's true that in some LDS wards, they are very cliquey and may not realize how they are hurting someone by not being welcoming. Just because the people in the ward aren't being nice, doesn't mean the church isn't true. Pray about it. No matter what you decide, it should be based off your feelings for the gospel. This should be between you and God, not how others treat you.
cursed lamanite
2010-10-10 20:43:13 UTC
Listen, I was just like you. I grew up Mormon but I did not get baptist at 8 but waited until I was 18. Then when I went to college I felt the same way that you do right now. I just did not like going to the Mormon Church. So for almost 15 years I did not go to the Mormon church and I was afraid to go to any other church. I had it in my mind that the Mormon Church was the TRUE church and so I was afraid of other churches.

You are now and adult and I guest that you might now be getting ready to go to college.

My advice to you is not to make the same mistake that I made. Don't stop going to church. If you don't want to go to the Mormon church, Please do not be afraid to go to another. Realize that they are going to be very different and that they might say some stuff that is critical of the Mormon Church.

This will be a difficult time for you, but you do need to come close to Christ.

Go to a church of your choice. Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopalian, baptist. etc.

May God Bless you.
Alfred W
2010-10-12 16:44:25 UTC
They ignored me too when I said the name of Mormon was not Mormon but that is was written: people called him Mormon after his father. He may never have even heard it. Just laughed me in the face.

In church, nothing much is going to change and so it is a bad place for young people. Just express your ideas and leave.
2010-10-11 08:01:27 UTC
You must be one of "those" kids who they see thinking for--gasp--themself. They don't like that. AT all. Stop it right this minute and become a good little mormon!

I'm shocked your bishop hasn't spoken to your parents yet about your "problem". They stick their noses into everything. Just wait until you're 18. That's when they really start getting intrusive and pushy!

Kids do go for the social life. Its their reality. Don't ever think they are not observing the adults worshiping, though. So many people think kids are stupid and shallow. It's the biggest surprise of their lives when they find their own negative behavior mirrored in their children, and they don't like it.
2010-10-10 20:42:14 UTC
Wow I really feel sorry for you I mean your ward should be more welcoming and helpful. What you really need to look at though is why you still go. Joining and attending the church is purely personal and you shouldn't base your decision on others. Its completely personal but honestly, the church is for everyone.
Johnny Mac
2010-10-10 20:42:56 UTC
Part of the communion of saints (i.e., brothers and sisters in Christ) is supporting each other in our spiritual growth in Christ Jesus. If you are not welcomed as a brother, then yes, I do recommend visiting other fellowships and finding a church home where you are welcomed. Keep in mind that first and foremost, Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior; worshiping God and biblical teaching should be of the utmost importance, but worshiping God at church does go hand-in-hand with loving fellowship. You may also consider being open to small group Bible study.

You may find getting to know other brothers and sisters in Christ to be inspiring. Please remember to stay in fellowship with God in prayer and private devotion, and follow Him where He leads you.

Peace be with you.
2010-10-11 06:20:54 UTC
you don't go to church for the social life --- but I understand how the lack of friendships can make it very difficult to kids experienced this same thing in my own ward. so they found a ward nearby they had friends in and attend there instead. maybe that would work for you. I hope it does - they are happy in this other ward and love going now. good luck.
2016-10-18 11:07:52 UTC
on account that isn't the call of the e book. The call of the e book is "The e book of Mormon". The call of the CHURCH is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The e book replaced into named for the compiler...The prophet of God, Mormon. The Church is termed for its founder and head...Jesus Christ. Mormon replaced into an dazzling prophet. it particularly is an honor to his call linked with Christ's human beings. besides the incontrovertible fact that it style of feels to be puzzling to those that little to no longer something with reference to the Church.
2010-10-12 08:31:53 UTC
Oh yea it was like this for me, the girls my age ignored me and the guys my age called me names for years...I had to finally join the military.
Mani Mouse
2010-10-10 20:52:38 UTC
would you do me a favor, and read some testimonies from from people who have left. this may be your life's most important decision. there is a lot of love to be had from the jesus of the bible, jesus would never treat you this way! these people are not showing the jesus christ of the bible's love to you. you can find a loving church, and many friends that are filled with his love, and they can't help but splat His love onto others just by being around them. i don't know where you live, but if there is a Calvary Chapel near you (you can google it), that would be a fantastic place to start. just don't walk away from God though. the mormon church is a wolf in sheep's clothing, i mean you and your family no harm by saying that. all i ask is for you to read for yourself, some of the testimonies, the following link is one by a man called dan, that is amazing.

the lord be with you honey! lots of love to you!

2010-10-10 20:57:39 UTC
Yes, having empathy is a very important part of being a Christian...

"EMPATHY--Key to Kindness and Compassion"

- What IS Empathy

- Scriptural Examples of Empathy

- How to Cultivate Empathy

- Empathy Helps in Christian Activities

- Cultivate Fellow Feeling

"What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?"

- Early Christianity---A Way of Life

- True Christianity Today

I quit attending the church I was raised attending when in Sunday School class they quit focussing at all on the Bible, and thus began encouraging us to discuss our personal feelings, instead of the Scriptures. I had already noticed that some of their teachings were not in harmony with the very Bible that they themselves had given me. So, I left & began asking around, until I found people who teach in harmony with God's Word the Bible. In case you are likewise interested, this book answers a LOT of questions!:

"What Does the Bible *Really* Teach?"

And this is good to read, too:

"Can You Trust the Bible?" :

- To Trust or Not to Trust

- A Unique Book

- Reasons to Trust the Bible

We offer a *personal* Bible study program to those interested (at *no* charge),

at the student's conveniece, in case you are interested:

"Help to Understand the Bible"

You are *Very Welcome* to visit our Bible based meetings...

You can read here what they are like, and how to find us near you:

Jehovah's Witnesses---Gathering Together

- Where & How We Worship

Whether you decide to continue or to stop attending the church you've been attending,

is your decision to make, but --instead of asking people's opinions-- it would be best to inquire of God what is best for you to do...

"Draw Close to God in Prayer"

- Why should we pray to God?

- What must we do to be heard by God?

- Answering Some Questions About Prayer

- How God Answers Our Prayers

"Worship That Is Good for You"

- Having a Purpose in Life

- Becoming a Better Person

- Hope for the Future

"Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but *test* the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world." --1 John 4:1-21

"God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit *and* truth." --John 4:23,24

"...Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him...*in trueness*." --Psalm 145:18

"Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine." --1 Thessalonians 5:21

2010-10-10 20:36:14 UTC
Sounds like it man. PLUS the Mormon religion is based on a completely ridiculous history. Have you ever actually researched it? Don't let people spoon-feed you religion.
2010-10-10 20:31:19 UTC
2010-10-10 20:45:27 UTC
Yes, the mormon religion is just some weird cult anyway. I've been living right in the enter of it my whole life. A lot of their crappy beliefs don't even make any sense at all..
Temple Clothes
2010-10-10 21:08:13 UTC
Get out before you waste 2 years on a mission and pay all the costs of it. You won't regret it.
2010-10-10 20:32:37 UTC
Sounds like you're really not getting much out of it.

I would have quit, if I'd been having your experiences.
2010-10-10 20:36:00 UTC
Try somewhere else, you may be a little introverted and need a bit of a push to socialise more...
2010-10-10 20:33:48 UTC
Yes. Stop going. All religions are cults, and Mormonism is one of the more egregious.
2010-10-10 20:37:45 UTC
You are probably a promising and attractive young man who represents a sexual threat to the older men who rule the community. While young girls are fully welcome by community leaders, young men tend to be excluded.

If you live in a polygamist society, this would be even more accentuated. Older men who have many wives must push out younger men from their community.
2010-10-10 22:03:50 UTC
2010-10-10 20:33:02 UTC
By all means
Pastor Andy
2010-10-10 20:35:55 UTC
Yes. Find real life in the real Jesus:
2010-10-10 20:32:45 UTC
Hear the truth.
Mary Sunshine
2010-10-10 20:32:25 UTC
yeah stop going
2010-10-10 20:32:16 UTC
oh hell yes
2010-10-10 20:40:30 UTC
you must be black

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.