Of course science alone can be enough to make people abandon religion, but I am also of the opinion that Creationism, I myself using the term to mean the modern anti-science cultic movement lead by leaders like Hovind, Ham, etc, is also a major producer of atheism. Here's the logic: Anyone who believes in evolution is called a Darwinian, Atheist, "worshiper of the creation not the creator," and all kinds of awful things by the Creationists. Creationists push the false dichotomy of Bible under 100% literal interpretation or godless science, no where in between. Creationists will socially ostracization rational believers in science, even if some are in fact religious, Christian even. Some Christians following Creationism will one day find out that Kent Hovind, Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis, etc. lied, so they discount them, in turn religion as a whole, become atheists who highly pessimistic towards religion, particularly Christianity, all out of having felt been lied to by the Creationist community....
Now I am a devoted Christian (certainly not a perfect human being), I want people to find Christ and take him as their Lord and Savior, so it really distresses me when Creationist and Bible-mockery questions here and on other forums reveal heartless (even deceptive) Creationists as well as blinded atheists dismissing all religion as "BS."
So what are people's thoughts on my thoughts?
Is Creationism potentially producing more atheists than believers?