Christians help please- My friend and I had a debate he believes in dinosaurs existed first?
2007-07-18 12:12:54 UTC
Tell me your thoughts on creation? Were we here when God first created the dinosaurs? Is carbon data true is the earth millions of years old. I think the earth is far less?? look how far advanced wev'e come just in 10yrs.
46 answers:
2007-07-18 12:19:09 UTC
In the Bible there are places where it talks about people encountering dinasaur-like creatures.

The earth is not millions of years old. If that was the case the oceans would be pure salt, the earth would be covered in lunar dust, etc. Too many scientific problems with the earth being millions of years old.
Mister Sarcastic
2007-07-18 15:23:57 UTC
I believe that God created the dinosaurs. And the dinosaurs were created before people as per Genesis. There's no mention of dinosaurs with sheep, cows, etc. because by the time people were around, the dinosaurs were extinct. The days in which God took to create the world are not literal days as we understand it. A day to God is like thousands or millions of years to us.
2007-07-18 12:45:30 UTC
Creation/evolution totally confuses me. I have so many questions. Dinosaurs were animals so should have been created when all the others were created don't you think? You don't hear about dinosaurs living side by side with sheep, cows, giraffes, etc. however so where were the other animals God created and where were the dinosaurs. Where were we all this time? Supposedly man didn't live when the dinos did. Maybe we did but not in that area? My thoughts are that it is too mind boggling to think about.
2007-07-18 12:43:12 UTC
This is a debate that has me shaking my head, but for a reason you may not have

realized: I am a Christian student/teacher of the manuscripts.

This is what the manuscripts say, pretty clearly, as to what happened in Creation:

First of all, three Earth ages are taught by

Peter (2peter, chapter 3 in your regular Bible). We are in the second of the Earth Ages. The Bible does NOT SAY the Earth is 6000 years old; in fact, it states that this

Earth is eons in age, and that there was an entire Earth age before this one we live in now. Not a different Earth, not a different terrafirma, just a new AGE.

It was in the FIRST Earth age, where Satan rebelled and caused a third of our people (call them Angels or Stars or whatever you wish, we were all already created souls then, all of us) to rebell and follow him.

There was a great war; a third of our people followed Satan as I said, then there was many of our people who stayed neutral and didn't really care as long as it didn't affect them; then a final group stayed loyally on the side of God, and Satan was defeated. At that point, God could have just destroyed Satan and all those that followed him, but quite frankly, God was not all too happy with those who stayed neutral, either.

So instead of destroying all those souls, God decided to form a plan that was fair to all, and that would provide an opportunity for the redemption of all of them.

According to Scripture, we were all present, and we all agreed to the plan.

This is the plan:

God would destroy that first earth age, and bring in a second earth age, where each soul would come thru one time, born of woman, to make an ultimate decision of who they would choose to follow: Satan or Christ. In order that the plan work, two things had to hold true:

First, each soul must have the freewill to

make choices WITHOUT THE INTERFERENCE OF GOD IN THE INDIVIDUAL LIFE (this is the answer to those who ask "why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?" - its because he promised not to interfere)

And Second, we needed a comparitor. There isn't much use in getting to choose between good and good - so Satan, although already condemned to perish, is still around and thats why - God is using him as our comparitor.

In the Book of Job, God asks Job if he knows where he was back when all the sons of God laughed with joy in one accord; we were all living right here on planet Earth, which God states was created not in a void condition, but to be inhabited always. God does not create something destroyed and leave it there.

No, when you read in Genesis 1:1 that in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth, it does not say when; only "in the Beginning". Folks believe that those following verses are the description of that first Creation; its not, its far from it.

What you are reading is a description of the rejuvinating of the Earth to ready it for the second Earth age, the flesh age.

Obviously, the dinosaurs had to go, because a giant foot would more than likely disrupt Church services (i jest).

But seriously, BETWEEN those times when we ourselves inhabited this earth in the first earth age, and God rejuvinating the Earth as you read of in Genesis 1, a vast

amount of time had passed; plenty of time

for the autonomous, self-propelled system set up by God for the Earth, to do its own

thing. Of course the dinosaurs were there

first, and a myriad of other life as well.

Fossil fuels were being created. How anyone can not realize that this planet is

extremely old, I do not get: the problem is that those folks refuse to take the blinders off and see anything before that Adam and Eve period.

The Bible is being used as a pawn in this fight against Science, when there is NO CONTROVERSY between Gods Word and true Science. But man sure likes a good fight, I quess.

There is no reason a person should feel that because they are a faithful man or woman or child of God that they need to jump onto either the Science or the Religion bandwagon at all. They work beautifully together.

People are not taught the proper timelines in Scripture, and as a result you get people thinking that Satan rebelled and a third followed him now, in this flesh life. No, it

back long before Adam and Eve that the great war occured, which is called the Katabole; often it is translated in your Bible as "from the Foundation of the World", but it should be translated "since the overthrow of Satan in the Katabole".

The Worlds Scientists who find fossils etc on a dig, should not be argued with, they should be celebrated; Why? Because each and every time they find a mammoth bone that dates back 30 or 50 thousand years ago, they are finding something that completely aligns with Gods Word: that this Earth is tremendously old, and not only that, but guess what: SO ARE WE.

Didn't really mean to be so wordy; your friend is right: the dinos were here before

you read Genesis 1:2.
2007-07-18 12:25:14 UTC
The Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

Life is at least 3 billion years old. No one knows the exact amount because for a long, long time cellular and precellular life left no fossil trace.

The dinosaurs had a long reign of about 80 million years. They went extinct 65 million years ago, leaving only the birds as their progeny.

The human and chimpanzee lines split several million years ago, but the hominid line continued to develop and homo sapiens arrived only 250 thousand years ago or so.
2007-07-18 12:18:09 UTC
In reality, the dinosaurs existed long before humans appeared. That's just a fact, and it can be supported by fossilized evidence. And what do you mean about how far we've come in 10 years? Yeah, we've invented a lot of things, but in an evolutionary sense, humans haven't physically changed in that amount of time, or in 100 times that amount of time.

You think the earth is far less old than science says? Why do you think that? Have you done scientific studies?

BTW, you gotta love someone who's Catholic and can't even spell the name of her religion correctly.
2007-07-18 12:21:48 UTC
No offense, but you are truely brainwashed if you think that the earth is far less then millions of years....the earth is way older then millions...(4.6 billion, that's right BILLION years old). I took geology classes in college, and there were a bunch of bible thumpers who kept interrupting class to argue about this, it is SCIENTIFIC fact that the earth is 4.6 billion years old. As for man and Dinosaurs living together why is there no fossil evidence of this? There were no humans when Dinosaurs existed. As for our advancement, what advancement in the last 10 years? we still have idiots thinking earth is 6000 years old.. and refuse to listen to scientific facts, and instead rely on what some priest said in the 1500's to argue with facts that can be proven. (Carbon dating to my knowledge is fairly accurate within a few thousand years so thats more reliable then what someone calculate from a book written by man, not god.
Peter D
2007-07-18 12:22:54 UTC
He believes that dinos were on earth before humans because he has learned what scientific human beings have discovered. You believe what you believe based on what you learned in Sunday school. Which do you think has more authority in the area of science, scientists or Sunday school teachers?

Take a look at it this way: What if a archaeologist tried to tell you what moral code you should live your life by? Would you listen to him? Does it even make sense that he would be addressing something he has no expertise in? Of course not.
2007-07-18 12:20:56 UTC
The Bible does say God created animals (that would include dinosaurs) before mankind.

As for how long before, we really don't know. I don't think it was the intent of the Bible to explain things like that. Is an exact timeline really important?

Many people believe that God created the earth and all life in 6 days. I personally (I've been a Christian for almost 20 years, and I work in science) believe that God did all of his work in 6 days (or 6 phases or periods of time, something like that), but it took longer for it to actually HAPPEN. God used his authority to "order" the earth to produce life. I think the earth obeyed his command. So I believe that God gave the commands in a short period of time, but we don't know how long it took the earth to carry out the commands.

you should do an in-depth study (including reading it in the Hebrew) of the first 5 or so chapters of Genesis. Pray and ask God questions, then form an opinion on what you're debating. :-)
2007-07-18 12:18:46 UTC
Does it not say that God created the heavens and earth. Then the animals, fowl and every living thing. He was lonely, so he created man. Man was created after the animals and fowl and every living thing. That would mean the dinosaurs were created before man. If Christians choose to ignore the fact they did exist or that dinosaurs roamed the earth, then I cannot understand where they get the idea. I personally support the belief that dinosaurs were here before man.
2007-07-18 12:30:45 UTC
G-d created Dinosaurs first obviously. The scientist are right about the earth, Adam and Eve only came later, Genesis makes that clear.
2007-07-18 12:20:57 UTC
LOL...u have got to be kidding me. so u don't believe in dinosaurs? then pray DO tell where do the bones come from. do u think that some gov. official or scientist travels the world with make believe gigantic bones digging up the earth 100's of feet deep to plant them there just so some archaeologist just happens to stubble across them. I'm come on honey..use logic and deductive thinking instead of believing what you are told to believe.

And on creationism.....just for fun some time go to your local zoo or even look it up on line. Look at a monkey's skull and human skull...there's not much difference between them besides the size.
ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker
2007-07-18 12:21:53 UTC
Hey Holly.

I suggest using the internet to read up on evolution.

The fact that you believe that the world is only a few thousand years old, show that you are getting your information from people trained to study the bible, not people trained to study the earth.

Science is a wonderful thing, and can help you learn allot about the planet you live on. The bible will tell you quite a few stories, and attempt to explain God, but ultimately will lead you to argue with people about your understanding of it.
2007-07-18 12:59:20 UTC
Though I follow Judeo-Christian tenets, I've also used my brain to try to solve the mysteries of life [including the spiritual and religious ones].

What I've concluded is that although the Bible is the word of God, it was nonetheless written by mortal men. No matter how fervently faithful they were, they were still operating with limited physical knowledge. Remember, at that time they considered the Earth as flat, and no one had yet found a dinosaur bone [nor a prehistoric cave painting].

So when Genesis talks about everything being created in six days, this was just a way of succinctly dealing with the fact that, "hey, everything is here now and had to come from somewhere." Again, limited knowledge -- not even a concept of things being as small as molecules and atoms. They just saw things as they were and accepted that a person must be one self-contained thing [like a single walking cell].

Now, the writers were obviously very impressed with God, so it would be easy to think the whole six day thing would be plausible -- and impressive to others. Sidebar: Some people call prostitution the oldest profession, but I think the oldest is marketing! :-)

So with creationism, I just have to wonder what on Earth would be God's rush? Especially the first day before Adam was formed -- without him, who was there to witness the ENTIRE universe being created? The bleachers would have been completely empty. And besides, I don't think that God is some bragging showoff.

I don't mean to be flippant at all. It's just that I think creationists and evolutionists are BOTH correct. To me, God is the most astounding craftsman, as I believe that God is the same thing as nature -- though I don't think we're individually controlled by God as puppets, I still think He's part of the forces of nature like gravity that keeps planets in orbit. Anyway, it's my believe that a lot of the old testament is parable and illustrative stuff -- for example, Adam and Eve eating the apple were just a way of saying, "avoid temptation." Since that's the obvious lesson, it's sufficient that the lesson is acknowledged and learned -- it's not necessary to believe the actual event transpired. Same thing with Noah and the flood -- where did the bird come from, and where did it find plant life if the whole planet was flooded?

One of the greatest gifts God gave us was intelligence -- the whole capacity for reason, and especially curiosity. It's so that we'll grow and discover and evolve, which I think God likes observing. So it strikes me as kind of stagnating when people simply accept every word of the Bible as being written by God -- they miss the subtleties that can reveal even more truth. So I don't think it's sacriligious to think that some parts of the Bible are fictional accounts that are there to teach -- it's a guidebook, not a case book. Taking it literally won't equip one to deal with scoffers who say, "Ok, if Adam and Eve had only two sons, where did the sons' wives come from?" [By the way, I *do* believe everything written about Christ.]

Anyway, if the Garden of Eden thing really happened, surely the text would have taken note that some of the beasts brought to Adam for naming having been REALLY large, don't you think?

So again, I just think God is an astounding craftsman, and that He would have no desire to be rushed about anything. He's eternal, so he'd have the patience to do the dinosaur thing for millions of years. When people spout things like "God is great" and "the Lord works in mysterious ways," they usually toss these off like greeting card platitudes and don't really consider what they're saying. I believe that God is in every atom of the entire Universe, and I am absolutely certain that our profoundly limited brains are utterly incapable of being able to grasp the enormity and complexity of God. It's very limiting to me to think of God as just some robed and bearded grandfatherly figure sitting on a throne up in the clouds. How would that be "mysterious"? Instead, He's everywhere, watching us make mistakes and [hopefully] learning from them, while sometimes intervening when it's truly warranted. That kind of cleverness and brilliance is indicative of what a complex being he is -- benevolent and all-powerful, yet still fascinated to observe us.

So I don't put much stock in religion or science. Both are fine, but for me it's just all about God. All these fervent efforts to reconcile disparate facts into a cohesive whole are a waste of time -- I just accept things as they are. What is the good of altering facts to feel more content with a "truth" that's obviously been constructed? As I said before, that's limited, and I really don't think it pleases God when people waste their time when they could be out doing what He wants them to do -- help others, particularly the less fortunate. Dinosaurs existed for millions of years before Man -- it's not just carbon dating, it's also the cave paintings showing ancient primitive man hunting [ah, the earliest divine spark of Man's creative nature!] I actually find this much more intriguing and impressive than the six day creation story -- like any sublime craftsman, God likes to take his time. And to look at the splendor of nature, His efforts paid off beautifully!
2007-07-18 12:45:03 UTC
Yes! Dinosaurs came first.
Tasha Marie
2007-07-18 12:18:58 UTC
I think God created the world more advanced and older than it actually was. Think of it this way, do you think God made Adam as a baby? or did he make him grown and older, Well i think God did the same thing with the world. And yes, technically dinosaurs were here before humans, because thats the order God created them. Animals came before humans.
2007-07-18 12:16:29 UTC
Dinosaurs were here millions of years before people. The Earth is millions of years old. There is solid proof of this. Your friend is a smart, educated individual.
All you need is love
2007-07-18 12:18:21 UTC
The book of Job actually references a creature that could possibly have been a dinosaur.. It talks about a large animal with a tail as large as a Cedar tree. With that in mind I think that it is possible that they could have co-existed with humans..

If you are interested, there is a Bible call in answer show on CSN International where you can call and ask questions like this live to pastors and bible experts. It airs from 4-5 Mountain time and the phone number for it is 1-888-8ASKCSN. They might be able to tell you more about this.
2007-07-18 12:19:58 UTC
well ask yourself this if the earth is only lets say 6000 years then how did humans get on all the continents did Noah drop every one of on a different continent
2007-07-18 12:19:57 UTC
carbon data is faulty, or so i've heard various accounts

as for the living with the dinoaurs; you, a large mammal, try living with dinosaurs all over the place without being eaten......

Theres a reason why they dominated the planet, and not us. If we were around back then, we wouldn't be here now...
2007-07-18 12:16:15 UTC
I believe God created the earth, I believe that was billions of years ago. I believe that animals were created before humans, I believe that it was more then seven days. I believe we have done so well in ten years because that past ten years are better documented then the past 10 thousand years.
Purdey EP
2007-07-18 12:16:03 UTC
The earth is millions of years old. Dinosaurs were around long before humans were. In fact humans and dinos never co-existed.
The Happy Atheist
2007-07-18 12:32:51 UTC
I think you need to educate yourself in the science and history of evolutionary biology, therefore, I have provided a link just for you ;-)
2007-07-18 13:54:23 UTC
men dk more than God...we dk for sure but its possible that job 40 is referring to dinosaurs
2007-07-18 12:17:39 UTC
Carbon dating has proven to be quite unreliable after 10000 years.

Many Christians do believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth and some believe that they walked with people.
John C
2007-07-18 12:15:58 UTC
The earth is 4.6 Billion years old and your friend can use evidence to support his/her claim what do you have to back up your claims?

Look how far we didn't come during 1700-1800's it has not been until the last 20th century that we have had massive leaps in technology

using the recent decade as an example for how we have come over our entire history is just ludicrous
Matthew O
2007-07-18 12:17:09 UTC
According to the Bible, grass grew and thrived and reproduced on the earth before the sun existed -- if you believe that, you might as well believe any damn nonsense that tickles your fancy, because it's clear that reason is something you're not concerned about.
2007-07-18 12:19:44 UTC
You do know all dogs came from wolves right? How long do you think that took? Sadly we might just have to start accepting evolution.
♫O Praise Him♫
2007-07-18 12:19:22 UTC
I don't know, and will probably never 'know,' unless I find out after I die =0)

All i know is that i am here now, and dinosaurs are not.
2007-07-18 12:15:44 UTC
Given the party to whom you addressed your question, I'm sure you'll find an answer that suits your a priori decision.
2007-07-18 12:20:31 UTC
No. Yes. No. I can't remember 10yrs.
Someone who cares
2007-07-18 12:19:26 UTC
Billions of years created

Millions of years ago... dinosaurs

thousands of years
2007-07-18 12:16:18 UTC
God created the animals before he created Genesis 1 is below to the KJV.
2007-07-18 12:17:23 UTC
For support on Creation go here:

Full of Bible believing PHD Scientists
2007-07-18 12:16:05 UTC
As animals, dinosaurs must be created before we were. There are references to dinosaurs in the Bible (in Job).
2007-07-18 12:19:02 UTC
no we weren't here when dinasaurs we created. it was before any human kind existed. even cavemen didnt exist. thats why there are no dinasaurs in the bible!
2007-07-18 12:16:25 UTC
Instead of asking christians, why not do some real objective research into science? Or do you prefer pulpit science?
2007-07-18 12:15:01 UTC
I believe the creatures were created first according to Genesis.

I also believe that man and dinosaur cannot co-exist......and that man was in the middle east, while the dinos were elsewhere in the world.

So could they have existed at the same time? Yes.....just not in the same place.
2007-07-18 12:15:33 UTC
i personally have the opinion that there may have been a previous creation on earth that was destroyed prior to the current one ... and carbon dating is grossly inaccurate from all ive read .. its basically test somthing several times and pick the date that fits ur model ..
2007-07-18 12:16:28 UTC
I bet it was some debate...your friend used logic and science and you put your fingers in your ears and went lalalalalalalalalalal
2007-07-18 12:17:12 UTC
thats a good ?, but i don't think u can ever know for sure until u go to heaven and are able to ask God
2007-07-18 12:17:37 UTC
Your friend is indeed much more intelligent than you.
2007-07-18 12:16:07 UTC
There's no questioning evolution.
2007-07-18 12:18:00 UTC
im cathlic so i can tell u all about it, adom and ave were here be4 dinosaurs.
2007-07-18 12:16:13 UTC
*banging my head against the wall*
2007-07-18 12:15:53 UTC
the bible says nothing of dinosaurs therefore they don't exist

9 thumbs down... come on you clowns, it was a joke

-Below Me-

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