Mal. 3:6 tells us that God does not change. Heb. 13:8 tells us the same thing about Jesus.
Isa. 8:20 tells us that if people do not speak in accordance with the law and the testimony then there is no light in them. See John 7:16.
Hosea 4:6 tells us that if you reject His knowledge God will reject you. And if you forget His laws, He will forget your children.
Prov. 28:9 tells us that he who refuses to listen to God’s laws, even his prayers are an abomination.
Ps. 119:118 tells us that those who stray from God’s statutes, God rejects.
Deut. 18:18,19 is a prophecy about the coming of Jesus, a Prophet like unto Moses, and that God shall cause Him to speak His words –His laws and His testimony (Isa. 8:20). See also John 7:16 – 19; and Isa. 48:16 – 19; Matt 7:21; Luke 22:42; John 6:38; Rom 12:2; Heb. 13:20, 21. What was Jesus’ love, but doing the will of His Father? See also Ex. 25:16, 21; 31:18; II Chron. 23:11; John 3:32 – 34; John 14:12, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 31.
Acts 13:42,43 shows us that Gentiles also kept the seventh-day Sabbath, even though they were “under grace.” And take note that no one “corrected them” on this for it was in keeping with all the testimonies of Jesus and the Apostles.
Luke 16:17 tells us it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the law to pass, or fail, or for that matter to be annulled or rescinded.
Matt. 5:17-19 and Rom. 13:8-10 tell us that God’s laws and commandments are the same thing.
I John 3:4 tells us that sin and lawlessness (iniquity) are the same thing.
Rom.6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death.
James 2:10, 11 tell us that if you transgress in just one point of the law then you are guilty of breaking the whole law. This is Satan’s greatest trick – to get us to believe that if we break just a minor one we will be o.k. This also is the deception of replacing God’s chosen day of worship, and the malignancy behind it.
I John 5:2,3 tells us that this is how we know we love God – that we keep His commandments.
I Peter 2:21 tells us that Christ is our example, and we should follow Him. See John 14:12; 15:10.
Matt.5:17-20 tells us that Jesus did not come to end, destroy or abolish the law, but rather to fulfill it.
Rom. 8:1-4 tells us that if you are in Christ, then you, also, will fulfill the righteous requirements of the law. Verses 5-9 tell us that the carnally minded cannot keep the laws of God. See also John 14:12.
Now, while Rom. 8:3 (and 3:20) tells us that we are not saved by the works of the law, Rom. 4:1-4 tell us, particularly in verse 4, that we do not do such works to be saved, but rather out of debt, because we have been saved.
Matt. 7: 21-23 tells us that Jesus will reject those who practice lawlessness, on judgment day.
Matt. 24:20 tells us that Christ still expected people to be keeping the seventh-day Sabbath even in the future, for this passage speaks about the destruction of Jerusalem, which didn’t happen until 70 A.D.
Rom. 3:31 tells us that the law is not made void by faith (or grace). Faith does not make void the law.
Rom. 3:19-22 tells us that we are saved by faith, not by the works of the law, but this does not make void the law, or in other words, it does not mean that the law does not apply – vs. 31.
Rev. 12:17; 14:12; and 22:14 tell us that those who overcome the Devil will be those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony or faith of Jesus.
Luke 18:18-23 tells us that Jesus did teach the law and indeed that it was the way to eternal life, when coupled with love.
I hope you can see that the doctrine which teaches that grace makes void the law is a false one. Ezek.13:9 tells us that prophets or teachers who envision futile ways and speak lies shall not be in God’s everlasting assembly. See Isa.1:19 – 20; 5:20; and Jerem. 5:20 – 25, 30, 31.
Ex. 31:13-18 tells us that God made the Sabbath to serve as a sign for us that we may know that it is God who sanctifies us, as opposed to the other heathen peoples, and also that it is a perpetual covenant in itself. See also Ezek. 20:20.
To those who say that it applies only to Israel, Gal. 3:29 tells us that if we are Christ’s, then we are Abraham’s seed. So that one may know that it is the children of faith, not the children of blood, who are spiritual Israel, or the spiritual inheritors of the Abrahamic blessings.
Isa. 24:4-6 tells us that it is the changing of God’s statutes, or the transgression of them that destroys the earth, and causes it to languish. That to transgress His laws is to defile the earth. Rev. 11:18 tells us that God will destroy those who do this.
Dan. 7:25 tells us that one would come who would seek to, or actually the key word here is “think to”, “change times and laws”—well the only law that is also a time is the Sabbath commandment. The Emperor Constantine of Rome, who also established the Catholic Church, in the fourth century, is the one who changed the Sabbath to Sunday. This Catholic institution also speaks other blasphemies and pompous words against the Most High.
There is a very important reason why the Sabbath commandment is the only commandment that begins with, “Remember” (Ex 20:8). This God said because He knew that men would forget. The Sabbath commandment is the only one of the Ten that makes no worldly sense. He knew it would be the easiest one for Satan to deceive people over, for that very reason. By the wisdom and reasoning of the world, what matters it what day we worship on? Well, it matters to God. I John 3:4; James 2:10, 11.
The New Covenant was actually foretold in the Old. And you might be surprised by what it says. See Isa. 54:10; Jerem. 31:33; Ezek. 36:26,27; Mark 14:24.
If all Scripture is given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (2 Tim. 3:16), then the Holy Spirit is the actual author of all Scripture. Now if God and Christ never change (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8) then the testimony of the Holy Spirit must remain consistent throughout the Scriptures, both Old and New Covenants, which is, indeed, what I am presenting to you in this paper. Indeed, this is also what Jesus tells us in Matt. 5:17-20. This also should tell you that those who teach that grace makes void the law are not in keeping with what the Scriptures themselves testify to, and instead are teaching license for iniquity (which is another word for lawlessness, I John 3:4). Just as Jesus did not come to save us in our sins, but to save us from our sins, He also did not come to set us free from His laws, but rather to expound upon them and to write them upon the tables of our hearts, that we might not transgress against Him (Ps. 119:11,33-40,97-120, 137-144, 169-176). So those who teach that the law no longer applies because of grace, are in fact teaching you to sin (Matt. 5:19; 7:21-23; I John 3:4 tells us that sin is the transgression of the law).
II Thess. 2:3-12 tells us about the coming of the mystery of iniquity (or lawlessness). The mystery is, how do you get to heaven without keeping God’s laws?
There are those who would state that Jesus’ only laws are to love God before all, and to love thy neighbor as thyself (Matt. 22:35 – 40). But then I ask you, can you love God in disobedience? Can you love your neighbor if you kill him, or steal from him, or sleep with his wife? I John 5:2, 3. In John 14: 15, 23, 24 Christ tells us that if we love Him we will keep His commandments, and that His word is the word of the Father as well (in other words He speaks His Father’s words), and that those who do not keep His commandments do not love Him. Indeed we are told that His commandments are love in Matt.22:35 – 40. So you cannot love if you are breaking the commandments.
John 1:1-14; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:13-16; and Hebrews 1:2; as well as I Corinthians 10:4 all teach us that Jesus Christ was and is our Creator. Thus it was He who gave us the Ten Commandments in the first place. Those who do not understand this about Him, do not know who they worship. Plain and simple.
All that stated there is a difference between the Ritual and Ceremonial and Civil Laws and the Ten Commandment Moral Law of God --- The Moral Law is called the royal law of liberty (James 1:25; 2:8-12); was spoken by God Himself (Ex. 20:1, 22; Deut. 4:12); was written by God's own finger in stone (Ex. 24:12; 31:18); was placed inside the Ark of the Covenant (Deut. 10:5; Ex. 40:20; Heb. 9:4); is to stand forever (Ps. 111:7,8; 89:34; Rom. 3:31); gives us the knowledge of what sin is (Rom. 3:20; and 7:7); is not grievous for us to keep (1 John 5:3); judges all men (James 2:10-12); is Spiritual (Rom. 7:14)..........
By way of contrast, the Ritual/Ceremonial/Civil Laws of ancient Israel were called the Law contained in ordinances (Eph. 2:15) and is called the law of bondage (Gal. 5:1-3); were spoken not by God, but by Moses (Ex. 24:3; Lev. 1:1-3); was written not by God, but by Moses in a book and is temporary (Ex. 24:4-7; 2 Chron. 35:12); was placed in the side of the Ark, not inside it (Deut. 31:24-26); ended at the cross (Eph. 2:15; Coloss. 2:14-17); was given because of sin (to straighten us out -- Gal. 3:19); is contrary to us (Coloss. 2:14-17); judges no man (Coloss. 2:14-17); is not spiritual but carnal (Heb. 9:10).