Agnostics: How Do You Understand "God"?
2012-05-20 14:29:48 UTC
I'm an agnostic now, but I grew up in a Christian family and I was a devout Catholic for quite some time. I decided to dismiss religion after investigating and taking interest in Biology (Evolution mainly).

But, I've recently had a thought: Religion is so big, it can't ALL just be based on a myth. There must have been some truth to it. I'm referring mainly to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, that is. All of them are related; each of the faiths agrees on the matter that there is god/a supreme being. It can't just be a coincidence.

Perhaps there is some truth to it? Perhaps there is a supreme being which watches over our lives - a creator. Maybe he/she/it tried to connect or reveal to us, and we (as dumb as the human race sometimes is) just blew it out of proportion? I may not believe in the god of the bible, but I would find it hard to believe that there is no creator at all.

I guess I just may be having a hard time getting over the fact that what I've been thought by my parents half my life is wrong, but who knows. I know this is more of a statement than a question, but I'll appreciate any answers at all.

Also, please excuse my English, it's not my native language.
Seven answers:
2012-05-24 13:54:25 UTC
Charles Darwin failed miserably in his quest to validate his argument on Evolution.

God created the Heaven and Earth as the Holy Bible declares (Genesis 1:1). Don't put faith in theories. Have faith in God.

Charles Darwin did not use good logic in his famous book, "The Origin of Species."

W.R. Thompson, a Canadian entomologist(entomology-study of insects) of international repute, wrote in his introduction to the centennial edition of Darwin's Origen, "Darwin did not show in the Origin that species had originated by natural selection; he merely showed, on the basis of certain facts and assumptions, how this might have happened, and as he had convinced himself he was able to convince others.

Chapter 4 of the Origin, entitled "Natural Selection; or the Survival of the Fittest," occupies 44 pages in the 1958 mentor edition. In this chapter Darwin used the language of speculation, imagination, and assumption at least 187 times. For example, pages 118 and 119 contain the following phrases; "may have been," "is supposed to," perhaps," "If we suppose," "may still be," 'it is probable," "will generally tend," "may" "will generally tend," 'If," 'if...assumed," "supposed," "supposed," "probably," "It seems, therefore, extremely probable," and "We may suppose." Is this really the language of science? No, it is not.

Of Darwin's speculative arguments Thompson wrote, "....Personal convictions, simple possibilities, are presented as if they were proofs, or at least valid arguments in favor of the theory....The demonstration can be modified without difficulty to fit any conceivable case. It is without scientific value, since it cannot be verified; but since the imagination has free rein, it is easy to convey the impression that a concrete example of real transmutation (change of one species to another) has been given."

Source: Thompson, W.R., Introduction to The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, E.P. Dutton and Co., New York.

Have faith dear friends in God, not theories.

Genesis 1:1

Isaiah 45:18

Colossians 1:16

Hebrews 11:1-6

Genesis 2:1-3

Exodus 20:8-11

Psalm 14:1
2012-05-20 14:40:28 UTC
Let's forget the middle-east religions for a moment. How do you explain the other completely different religions from the other parts of the world? People who had no contact with the middle east, but they still invented their own gods to explain natural phenomena. For me this is almost proof enough that it is Human nature to invent explainations for things we don't understand.

For the middle-eastern religions though, yeah, I do believe they are all related and the story goes back much further. All cultures speak of a flood which MUST have been the end of the last iceage, when the ice melted. If Judaism dates back to 3000BC(?), and the end of the last iceage was around 10,000BC(ish) then clearly some one must have been around then to record it. I think the middle-eastern stories are probably at least 10,000 years old, changing slightly each time they were retold.

Something else that bothers me, why would god decide to appear ONLY in the middle east? Why not the other cultures already flourishing in the world, such as the Chinese, who already had an understanding of basic math and were civilized? Did god only want to save people in the middle-east? Screw the rest of the world? :\
2012-05-20 15:31:17 UTC
"it can't ALL just be based on a myth"

why not?

"It can't just be a coincidence. "

Why not?

Or why could they all be based on the same myth.?

Or are you saying a myth becomes fact if enough people believe it to be true?

If so then how many people does it take for a myth to become fact?

If just 1 person believes a myth to be true then is that enough?

What about say 1 million people? is that enough?

What about a billion? is that enough ?

So if say 1 million people believe a myth to be true, no matter its still a myth, BUT if 1 billion believe it then it becomes true?

You believe whatever you like, but NO amount of belief makes something a fact. and no matter HOW many people believe it

There are 2 things in any religion - the philosophy of how to live your life, and the facts the religion presents to convince you that THEIRS is the "correct" philosophy

There is absolutely nothing "wrong" in taking the philosophy from any religion as a basis to live your life. But there is absolutely no reason to believe the basis the religion presents as to WHY you should follow that philosophy.

That is - You follow it because YOU want to, not because the religion tells you to.
2012-05-20 14:34:18 UTC
In my opinion, religion is simply an attempt at explaining what we do not know. There will always be things we do not know and therefore I believe religion will never complete disappear. It was a little difficult for me when I first became an atheist. How could all of this stuff everyone believes in be wrong? Yet, $hit happens.

@Jason - I think you are confused. Agnostics do not necessarily believe in a higher power. Agnosticism is simply the stance that we cannot prove or disprove in the existence of a god. I am agnostic and I am also atheist.
2016-10-16 15:48:23 UTC
i'm an agnostic leaning in direction of atheism, as perfect i can define myself. Agnostics are of the opinion that some issues at the instant are not presently measurable, so they're previous evidence or disproof. while the measurements replace, then in line with probability the opinion will replace. no person has measured the actual existence of a soul. that does no longer recommend that the soul exists, nor that it would not. The question isn't presently solved. i've got faith there is not any soul, yet i'm going to be prepared to take heed to if the contraptions tender adequate are stepped forward. no person has conventional a actual region of a perfect omniscient being. i've got faith that no such being exists, yet while somebody can set up a actual length, i may be prepared to settle for the existence of this style of being. I rather understand the version between perception and records. i'm presently no longer prepared to have faith in a divinity without extra information than is obtainable maximum suitable now. that could desire to be faith, no longer know-how. besides the shown fact that, I do have a perception interior the essential goodness of mankind, even even with the shown fact that there is information to the choice. i'm prepared to settle for the seen mankind's inherent goodness completely on faith. i'm no longer prepared to settle for the accuracy of the words utilized by capacity of folk on Y!A on faith, and that i've got little or no information to grant me an business enterprise know-how of standard readability of thought in this website. human beings are smart, however the final team isn't. Your implication is that because of the fact the gang exists with some confusion in its ranks, that persons do no longer understand the version. That implication is incorrect. i understand that. i've got faith which you at the instant are not recommend, nor undesirable, nor stupid. you're, besides the shown fact that, unsuitable.
2012-05-20 14:35:41 UTC
Agnostics believe there is a higher power. Whether this be inside you or external.

I sometimes think the version of a God religious folk use is because the thought of a higher power that can not be explained is too hard for them.
2012-05-20 15:22:57 UTC
Seems like the agnostics have a faith in God but need to know God' Son, Jesus Christ, in their life as a Christian as Jesus Christ is the bridge to God. God is love, and we need to seek and follow Him as a Christian to get God's help here and to be saved to heaven when we die someday. Forget your doubts and seek to know God with a pure heart and an open mind. You can pray the prayer below to be a Christian and God can help you live it out. When you are a Christian, then you can get God's guidance, help, and get to live in heaven forever after death, if you live a good, God-honoring life. If you live a life without knowing God, then you go to hell -- a bad place of suffering forever, when you die. Praying the prayer below will make you a Christian. Then, live it out with faith and love for God and Jesus Christ, love others, Bible study, prayer, and church. It's about having a relationship with God. God is our spiritual Father, Creator, life, love, all-powerful, all-knowing, holy, eternal.

This is how to know God -- the basic Christian message and prayer --- you need to accept God's Son, Jesus Christ, into your life to be a Christian and follow God's ways so you can receive God's guidance in your life and get to heaven after you die. Knowing God can transform your life. As God is love, life is primarily about love and relationships in order to have a rich and full life. Also, you need to know God's Son, Jesus Christ, in your life as your Lord and Savior as Jesus died on the cross as payment for our sins. Having Him with you will give you God's blessing and forgiveness, as you live God's way. Not following God leads to hell, eternal suffering. Instead, there is an important prayer to pray to become a Christian. This prayer should be said with faith in God and a sincere heart:

"Dear God, I know that I am a sinful person and I don't want to be like this anymore. I know that Jesus Christ died on the cross as payment for our sins, and I want to accept Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior so I can receive God's forgiveness, guidance, and go to heaven someday. Thank you, dear God, for your mercy and guidance; in Jesus' name. Amen."

This prayer can take you to a new place in your relationship with God and transform your life. After saying this prayer, you should check out a Christian church, like Baptist or Lutheran (not ELCA Lutheran). The church can get you baptized and prayed for, and you can pray for yourself daily.

The church can get you into their Bible study group so you can learn more about God, Jesus, and God's will for your life. The Bible is God's instruction book about how to live a God-honoring life so you can go to heaven after you die. Ways to stay connected to God's path include loving God and Jesus Christ, obeying God's ways, daily Bible reading, daily prayer for yourself and others, getting to church, having your church prayer group and/or pastor pray for you, fasting with prayer for a higher level of prayer, getting with other Christians and doing a Bible study, singing hymns to God, taking communion with the church, helping and loving others, expressing your gratitude to God for His help in your life by telling others of your progress and helping them draw closer to God too, tithing, volunteering at church. Continue to turn from sins and seek God's forgiveness in your life as you live your daily life. God guide your life.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.