First off, you are a troll, not a Christian. Secondly, your interpretation is full of lies.
If you are an atheist, I hereby curse you in the name of Jesus Christ for trying to make the Bible and believers look stupid. If you are a Christian, Christ will know to not enforce this since you obviously have other problems. If you are an atheist, this is an official curse. Christ will know who and what you are.
My answer to another flat-earth question:
How do you explain sunset, sunrise, the stars at night, night and day! When the sun sets over the sea, it is both amazingly beautiful, but also not what would be seen on a flat earth. (not an early riser, don't see many sunrises.)
If you argue that the sun is nearby, then it would have to be very, very, very small to not shine everywhere on the flat earth at the same time, and it would have to be just a few 10s of kilometers above the surface of earth!. If you argue it is far away, you cannot get the night and day effect for its light would reach the whole of the flat surface.
How do explain the gradual disappearance of ships over the horizon, where the bottom first disappears, as it would on a round body!
I am sure others have similar problems that really cannot be explained easily with a flat earth.
The contradictions, the paradoxes are just too many and cannot be explained for this to be true.
I cannot understand people who claim this with our present understanding today, with the pictures we get of earth.
I have been on many extremely large international flights, some in the Northern hemisphere, some in the Southern, some somewhere in the middle, up and down. Everything I have seen agrees with a round earth, spherical, or as scientist like to say: oblate spheroid. I just like to say round. It is simpler and does the trick.
So, enlighten me and solve the paradoxes above. Explain this to me.