Why do atheists deny that the world is flat as outlined in the holy bible?
2016-08-28 16:37:30 UTC
The Bible clearly describes the earth as a disc surrounded by a clear firmament that was not glass but firm. Within the firmament were the stars, the sun and the moon. Rain and floods pour through the windows of the firmament, not clouds are whatever nonsense they are teaching in schools.

Please don't lecture me about satellite pictures. These were created by Satan.

Do you trust science or do you trust in GOD.
149 answers:
2016-08-29 12:30:52 UTC
First off, you are a troll, not a Christian. Secondly, your interpretation is full of lies.

If you are an atheist, I hereby curse you in the name of Jesus Christ for trying to make the Bible and believers look stupid. If you are a Christian, Christ will know to not enforce this since you obviously have other problems. If you are an atheist, this is an official curse. Christ will know who and what you are.


My answer to another flat-earth question:

How do you explain sunset, sunrise, the stars at night, night and day! When the sun sets over the sea, it is both amazingly beautiful, but also not what would be seen on a flat earth. (not an early riser, don't see many sunrises.)

If you argue that the sun is nearby, then it would have to be very, very, very small to not shine everywhere on the flat earth at the same time, and it would have to be just a few 10s of kilometers above the surface of earth!. If you argue it is far away, you cannot get the night and day effect for its light would reach the whole of the flat surface.

How do explain the gradual disappearance of ships over the horizon, where the bottom first disappears, as it would on a round body!

I am sure others have similar problems that really cannot be explained easily with a flat earth.

The contradictions, the paradoxes are just too many and cannot be explained for this to be true.

I cannot understand people who claim this with our present understanding today, with the pictures we get of earth.


I have been on many extremely large international flights, some in the Northern hemisphere, some in the Southern, some somewhere in the middle, up and down. Everything I have seen agrees with a round earth, spherical, or as scientist like to say: oblate spheroid. I just like to say round. It is simpler and does the trick.

So, enlighten me and solve the paradoxes above. Explain this to me.
2016-08-29 12:19:32 UTC
Can you cite the book, chapter, verse and translation because I am confused. Other theists come on here claiming all sorts for the Bible. I have seen many claim the Bible tells us the Earth is a sphere. This means someone is wrong. Is it you or those who claim the Bible says the Earth is a sphere? Perhaps the Bible says both; it is known to be riddled with contradictions.

You claim that science is bad but there are two points I would like to address. It is clear that you think the Bible is true, but on what basis? What provenance does the Bible have? How can you know it is true?

Also, if you are so distrusting of science why have you posted this question? You have had to use an electronic device to put this question here. That electronic device was developed by science. I suspect there are many results of scientific endeavour that you use in your daily life. Do you not think there is some contradiction in there?
2016-08-29 04:42:58 UTC
Yes, the ancient Hebrews believed the earth was flat and floated on water. They believed Heaven was also flat but up in the sky and floated on water. The two - heaven and earth were separated by some kind of dome that comprised the sky. They said the waters above (that heaven floated on) was separated from the waters below (that the earth floated on). The Hebrews were not known for having a sophisticated cosmology. They didn't have telescopes and they were busy with other things like being slaves in Egypt. We have learned a few things since then. The ancient Greeks knew that the earth was round because they saw the shadow of the earth as it passed over the moon during an eclipse. Also they saw disappeared gradually as they sailed slowly away over the horizon.
2016-08-28 16:48:15 UTC
The Bible does not outline the world as "flat" at all. In fact it's fairly open to interpretation - interestingly it appears to have been written with a lot of leeway in that regard - mainly probably because it was never written to be a geography/physics textbook.

Is the earth spherical or flat? Answer: spherical, but the Bible isn't concerned about that. It's not really important to its message. The only direct references to cosmology and the physical characteristics of the earth as a whole only ever come up in very poetic instances with a lot of literary devices meant for telling a story, not for delivering exact scientific detail about irrelevant points.

Fun fact: nobody is actually entirely sure what "the firmament" actually means.

Anyway, troll smarter, not harder.
2016-08-29 12:20:24 UTC
Because they don't believe in the bible. Duh.

But about the bible "outlining that the world is flat," you need to provide the verses. Remember: sometimes the bible uses metaphors; sometimes words are translated incorrectly. One person here said the bible calls the earth a circle...maybe "circle" and "sphere" shared the same word in the language the bible was written in? Maybe the Hebrews didn't have an exact word for "sphere" and had to use the next best thing. Sometimes languages can be limited and imprecise. If people of Jesus's day were to describe the internet, car, or tv, they would have to rely on their own words to describe it. Also, just because the bible mentions things that Hebrews believed in, it doesn't mean it was revealed by God. The bible can have the Hebrews talk about their beliefs, but unless God revealed it to them as fact, then it doesn't prove the bible just shows Hebrew perspective at the time.
2016-08-28 18:02:16 UTC
Why do atheists deny that the world is flat as outlined in the holy bible?

- Thinking, intelligence, reality, stuff like that.

The Bible clearly describes the earth as a disc surrounded by a clear firmament

- The bible clearly describes, donkeys, bushes and snakes talking.
2016-08-30 15:47:35 UTC
If the Earth was flat, too many people would've fallen off of it by now. History has proven that the world is round, such as in the expedition of Christopher Colombus. Also there are many Christians who also believe in science.

You cannot discredit science. The advancements, accomplishments, and breakthroughs of science made by people like Madame Curie, Albert Einstein, Edward Jenner (creator of the smallpox vaccination), Rodney Willoughby (the creator of the Milwaukee protocol, where patients infected with rabies are put into a medically induced coma to give their immune system time to create an antibody response to fight the virus), David Ho (researcher who has furthered the treatment of AIDS), Klaus Schmiegel (developer of the antidepressant Prozac), and countless others have not only advanced society technologically, but have saved many lives. Saying that science is a bunch of lies discredits all of their hardwork.
2016-08-28 16:55:42 UTC
Myth: The Bible says that the earth is flat.

Fact: The Bible uses the phrase “the ends of the earth” to mean “the most distant part of the earth”; this does not imply that the earth is flat or that it has an edge. (Acts 1:8; footnote) Likewise, the expression “the four corners of the earth” is a figure of speech referring to the entire surface of the earth; today a person might use the four points of the compass as a similar metaphor.—Isaiah 11:12; Luke 13:29.
2016-08-30 00:10:21 UTC
Yes those guys 2,000 years ago knew everything worth knowing. They travelled widely at least 10 kilometres from their home town. They saw everything and knew all the answers to life's mysteries. I don't know how non believers can believe all the lies science says. We are so dumb these days. All those machines and electronics can't be true as they are not mentioned in the Bible. We must be riding donkeys and horses when we think we are in cars as they can't be real either. People can't fly so airplanes must be false apparitions as well. The people who wrote the Bible knew everything because they talked to god. Today we call people who claim this as psychiatric patients. My guess is you are a city person and live in a little narrow world not looking up from your Bible. Put the Bible down sometime and look around and you will see those guys from 2,000 years ago may not have been as knowledgeable as you believe.
2016-08-29 10:06:27 UTC
We're smarter than you. We can use rational and critical thinking skills, applying them observational and testable knowledge. It's NOT just atheists either. ALL intelligent people can figure out the Earth is a sphere. Only low info people think the Earth is flat. The Bible is not nor has it ever been a science book.

A person has to be ignorant about science and math as well as history to think the Earth is flat.
2016-08-29 01:34:27 UTC
Ancient Near East people did not have scientific cosmologies, just vague metaphors. The Hebrew Bible does not say the world is flat.

Want a flat earth? Read the Book of Enoch.
2016-08-30 02:35:54 UTC
How stupid are you?

The bible was written when the authors still believed the world was flat!

What has any of your question got to do with Atheists?

It is only people without knowledge or facts who form a misguided and wrong opinions.

I cannot see what simple people thinking the world is flat has got to do with non belief in Christianity.

I think you need to quickly see a Doctor as you are clearly very disturbed!
2016-08-28 16:43:49 UTC
Dumb. The views concerning the universe as described in the Bible were the prevailing "scientific" concepts of the day. What is described is the Babylonian concept of the universe, and Babylon was at that time a key hub of scientific understanding. They may have even know about electricity and have developed a battery. So the real question is how could SCIENCE have been so wrong as to come up with such an erroneous theory?
2016-08-31 00:51:13 UTC
God created the Earth, sun, moon, planets, stars, galaxies, infinite universe to reflect His infinite glory and the Earth is a sphere! No where in scripture does it say the earth is flat. Think about Gravity, magnetic forces, etc. Science is not of satan since satan cannot create anything! God made all things work in a certain manner that we call science, so we witness His

handiwork or 'science' everyday; and yes He can manipulate His own creation however He sees fit, that is called a miracle. Satan on the other hand loves to distract and deceive people with ridiculous lies such as flat earth to the point that they become so obsessed with something so pointless that they stop focusing on what matters like living for Jesus and doing Gods will for their life.
2016-08-29 21:10:40 UTC
Actually the bible says its a sphere. My first vision when I was younger before anyone told me this I was a little boy before I learned about the world. God gave me a vision of my ministry.

I saw that I was a harvest machine to the harvest field of the earth. I covered all of earth as I went around it.

I saw the planet was a sphere not a full circles but it was a round shaped rock. I saw the my first globe after the vision when I was in school. I kept it because of the vision. I have a small beginning at a church known or its odd look and odd size. then I will be his little minister on a T.V. Screen.
2016-08-29 04:46:59 UTC
Why do Atheist "DENY" that the world is "FLAT" as outlined in the "HOLY" Bible " Ya the bible writings have a lot of HOLES in it i agree in the Hole part .

what EXACTLY does "HOLY" mean ? What is that process EXACTLY HOLY defined as declared "SACRED" by "RELIGIOUS" use or authority . what are RELIGIONS ?

Religions are Cultural SYSTEMS of behaviors and PRACTICES ( aka RITUALS ) world views Ethics and TEXT of SOCIETAL ( people ) ORGANIZATIONS that relate humanity ( people ) to an order of existence with or without gods .

so "SOMETHING " becomes "HOLY" because some PERSON declares it Special to a social group . so its all directed by PEOPLE saying to other people you are COMMANDED to view this thing as Special ..

. OKAY so you have a society with a culture a group of people that engages in rituals and behaviors

Tribalism Loyalty of one societal group of people to its group and viewing another people with STRONG negative feelings that are outside out side their group

. back to the question if i walk out my front door and having the understanding of the word "FLAT " defined as SMOOTH & EVEN WITHOUT MARKED LUMPS or INDENTATIONS i look at the "GROUND " SOIL EARTH LAND HORIZON and things in a distance and I do NOT see FLAT actually

I can see several mountains hills a few ditches and last i checked because i was there once the grand canyons is a really big INDENTATION

the earth would NEED indentations because WATER is LIQUID how would you contain the seas and oceans if there were no indentations or land out cropping to separate the water from the land

now there could be some confusion with the word "WORLD" it has many uses definition # 1 the EARTH together with all its countries people and "NATURAL " features .

Maybe one s problem is they do not know what FLAT means # 2 a part or aspects of Human life ... or the NATURAL FEATURES of the EARTH , in particular that is from the Oxford dictionary ....

To be a FAIR and open minded person and be SPECIFIC the bible writer never states the word "FLAT" but the word "CIRCLE" as in Isaiah 40 21-22 Quote the "CIRCLE of the EARTH"

so let us check the definition of "CIRCLE" a 2 ( two ) denationalize shape MADE by drawing a curve that is always the same distance from the center 2 dimensional a shape that only has two dimensions Width and Height

3 DIMENSIONS are Height width and DEPTH so since it has no DEPTH or THICKNESS or how deep then it can not have mountains and cannons that requires thickness or depth that would mean a circle is FLAT because by definition has no thickness or depth or 3rd dimension so what shape is a BALL a sphere a 3 denominational object

so since the bible writer is supposedly Moses writing say in 1500 BC or Isaiah and would be aware of a sphere as in a ball or grapefruit an orange he does not use the word Sphere but a circle and one could differentiate drawing a circle on a flat surface or in the dirt from an orange they are two different shapes

the HEBREW word for BALL = "DUR" and the Hebrew word for CIRCLE = "CHUG"
2016-08-30 20:47:26 UTC
the bible never says the world is flat and its a flat out myth that Christians pre reformation era belived the earth to be flat the catholic church and orthodox churches alike were well aware of the earth being round it has been common knowledge since the ancient Egyptians now where the myth comes from that people thought the earth was flat in the middle ages is the fact that many of the exploerers before the 15th century stressed on one bible verse that mentioned the 4 corners of the earth (which is clearly a metaphor) to be litteral and in result people feared sailing across the atlantic until Christopher Columbus and yea younow the story
2016-08-28 16:40:34 UTC
Well there's ISS forage if a globe earth and astronaut eyewitnesses and I know how much you Christians love witnesses. How do I trust in something that doesn't exist?

The bible is not anymore proof than me saying that there's a purple unicorn next to me. Rain and floods are precipitation of condensed water vapor falling towards earth because of gravity.

The definition of science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, kind of hard to lie through that and still be classed as science.

I shouldn't believe NASA? How about spacex? Or the Russian satellite program? They are all different space research programs and they all lead to the same conclusion. The earth is a globe, you say Satan created them well then satan created them they're still globes no matter who/what caused them to form.
2016-08-28 20:27:23 UTC
The Bible never says the world is flat. Thats just garbage made up by some atheist or anti religious person. Stop these games of religious wars and let everyone enjoy their own personal beliefs.
2016-08-29 06:35:36 UTC
Yes, but a Classical Greek mathematician, Eratosthenes of Egypt, proved the Earth is round, a globe, over 2,000 years ago in 230 BC.

Never ever under estimate the Greeks, for they are the founders of our Western Civilization and not the Bible.

You can scream and shout as much as you like, this is a democracy. A system of government invented by the citizens of Athens and which appears nowhere in the Bible.

Δημοκρατία Democracy

Note: the Greek word Democracy, begins with the word 'demos' - the people. The world is now witness to 'the people' of the USA deciding who will rule over them for the next four years in the race for the White House.

Good luck in November

Please come down to Earth and be with the People

One final point: there are twelve Gods in the Olympian Pantheon. Jesus had twelve disciples - wonder why that is?
2016-08-29 20:45:30 UTC
I'm a christian and I believe the earth is round. And I'm sure some atheists believe the earth is flat. So what? Flat or round, the earth is a big piece of rock that God made. The important thing is God, not the giant space rock.
2016-08-30 06:35:11 UTC
"It is he that sitteth upon the globe of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts: he that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in."

-Isaiah 40:22 (Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition)

You see, the Douay Rheims is a very strict translation of the Latin Vulgate, which means that the Latin Vulgate has been saying "globe" ever since it was translated in 400 AD. So, whoever the Hebrew scholars were in 400 AD, they were convinced that the Hebrew word could mean a globe. Even scholars today will admit that the original Hebrew word could be translated as either circle or as globe. And science today has confirmed that the Earth is in fact a globe, so clearly that is the correct translation. So the bible was right in 400 AD, and modern translators today have changed it. That is a problem, and it needs fixed. We need to make new translations that fix this translational error.
2016-08-30 18:07:26 UTC
The Professor probably could make this more clear to you, but it's something like this, just don't quote me in your thesis, because I am not an expert.

Atheists are not completely human, as they lack the soul that God instilled in His REAL creations, so you can't expect them to behave like actual people. This can be proved by looking at autopsy results and comparing real, actual people with atheists. Real people have a soul which can be seen when they are examined after death, so.... Now, bearing that crucial fact in mind, consider this:

Atheists think the world is round because the extra space left by the lack of a soul is filled with completely un-necessary brain cells. This over abundance of brain cells causes the atheists eye to curve, and so actually believe the world is curved, not that their poor soul-less brains are malfunctioning.

But please, ask your Professor for the details.

Excellent question.
The First Dragon
2016-08-29 23:36:37 UTC
The Egyptians learned that the Earth is a sphere, long before the time of Jesus. They figured it out without telescopes, using the naked eye and mathematics. The atmosphere over Egypt was so clear and dry that a normal person could see some of the moons of Jupiter. They were great astronomers. The Jews were not unaware of these facts, whether any of them went in for astronomy or not.
2016-08-29 14:59:40 UTC
The world is not flat, and I'd like to know where in the Bible the world is described as flat? Leaving that aside, the Bible, the word of God was transcribed by people, who were led by God's spirit. World view and God often conflict, and world-view, in the majority of cases, takes precedence over God.
2016-08-29 08:08:12 UTC
Sailors knew 5000 years ago that the earth was round as they could easily see its curvature, and given they sailed out of sight and returned ,either those were different sailors, that suddenly sprang into existence to replace the sailors who had fallen off the 'disc' OOOOOOOR, who ever wrote it, had clearly not sailed beyond the horizon, though as he was transcribing the word of the supreme being, it would seem he(universally accepted by all men at the time that god must be male) had never stepped foot on a boat either.

Ergo, its a load of old codswallop
Campbell Hayden
2016-08-29 15:42:42 UTC
The Bible clearly describes many things,

the vast majority of which are completely irrelevant, and worthless.

Atheists are fully aware that ascribing to, or agreeing with,

a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g that the bible outlines as being factual ... it a testament to ones' own stupidity.

"Flat Earth" be damned.
2016-08-29 19:11:25 UTC
Also, God is referring to the ocean, The desert, and The horizon. In those verses, if you read The Old Testament and The New Testament all the way through, you would know they knew the earth was a sphere by the time of Moses! Most do that because they are lazy, deeply upset/ angry about a guilty consciencely, and depressed.
2016-08-30 08:10:57 UTC
You should read the book of Job a little more closely. When God was speaking to Job, he described the earth as being round, described the water cycle, the phases of the moon and the effect of the moon on the tides. He even described the phenomenon of seas that don't mix.

I sure do hope you're just a troll being stupid. This is beyond the pale!
2016-09-01 16:39:39 UTC
Here is a simple way to prove the earth is round. Find a harbour that is on the ocean. Watch a ship sail away. You'll find that the ship seems to sink, and you can see the top longer than the bottom. If the earth is flat, how does that happen?
2016-08-29 09:02:52 UTC
The Bible doesn't teach those things. Some in the past may have misunderstood the Bible to teach those things, but that does not mean that is an accurate understanding.

Also, I noticed in that link one of the things shown was a Babylonian inscription. The Babylonian Empire was not the people of God.

You have asked what people believe. My question is why would we believe those who use misinformation, lies and deception to make their point?
2016-08-29 12:46:09 UTC
Maybe he's a troll, maybe he's not, but he is correct that the hebrew word for circle is chug, which is used in the scripture to describe the earth, and dur is hebrew for sphere, which is not the same thing as a circle or chug at all. Anyone in architecture or 3d modeling or math can confirm this. They are two completely fundamentally different things.
2016-08-29 06:00:37 UTC
Good Ole Isaiah 40:22 KJV "It is He that sitteth upon the CIRCLE of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in."

I have never considered a circle as flat. If you are thinking of a penny maybe, but an orange never. We also know that the universe stretches out further and further and just maybe one day the believers in the Lord will dwell in outer space when God makes our mansions. He is making it huge out there for some good reason. I trust God.
2016-08-29 06:07:37 UTC
If you are happy with your flat little world the good for you. However the majority of people theist and Atheist know that the world is ovoid (slightly egg shaped) rather than a perfect sphere.
2016-11-05 04:55:06 UTC
well there's iss forage if a globe earth and astronaut eyewitnesses and i know how much you christians love witnesses... how do i trust in something that doesn't exist?

the bible is not anymore proof than me saying that there's a purple unicorn next to me... rain and floods are precipitation of condensed water vapor falling towards earth 'cause of gravity...

the definition of science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, kind of hard to lie through that and still be classed as science...

i shouldn't believe nasa? how about spacex? or the russian satellite program? they are all different space research programs and they all lead to the same conclusion... the earth is a globe, you say satan created them well then satan created them they're still globes no matter who/what caused them to form...
2016-08-29 09:35:49 UTC
Yes, the Bible is very clear about what the authors of the Bible believed.

Doesn't mean they were right.

But you go ahead and believe whatever you like, don't let something like the facts get in the way.
2016-08-28 16:43:51 UTC
The bible doesn't say it's flat dear. It does describe 4 corners, and sailors have been using those 4 corners for 1000's of years, they are known as north, south, east and west.
2016-08-31 13:36:43 UTC
Because the people who wrote the bible didnt know the shape of the world at that time. We do know the earth is almost round as shown by photos of the earth from space stations.
2016-08-29 13:55:33 UTC
The Bible teaches that the earth is a circle.

Atheists and Christians know that the earth is round. 1969 astronouts made pictures from the earth.
2016-08-29 05:22:18 UTC
the world is flat go into space and don't come back, walk from one end of earth to the other end of earth and you won't fall off flat ground THE EARTH IS FLAT go into space you'll go on forever now pagans diden't know about space back then apart from the knowlege given to pagans from ufo landings where the gods and goddesses landed and taught, the gods and goddesses got fed up with us after a while and gave us false religion and false beliefs THE OLD TESTAMENT jude
2016-08-29 12:50:09 UTC
The 4 corners of the earth is a parable. Isaiah 40:22 says the earth is round you twits!
2016-08-30 02:17:43 UTC
Maybe we're all in a bio dome, or like a snow globe. And we're just an orniment in gods house? Did you know there are two sun's? The one we can see with our eyes and a smaller one next to it. What's that? A reflection in the glass bowl that we live in? I'm telling you, we are gods pets x
2016-08-29 00:46:40 UTC
The Bible was written 2000 years ago and it is very outdated. How could it not be outdated? The flat Earth was disproven around 450 years ago. You should never believe such outdated information.
2016-08-29 01:05:19 UTC
I guess but everything was going Ok

until columbus took a ship

and 100 people and all the animals

and sailed accross the sea,

and found us indians kicking it.

they say we'll give you $100 dollars

for the U.s>A. we say Ok we can buy

a lot with $100. the indian leader took

the money and ran. but indidans wanted

some of the land so we americans gave

a little land. Ok.
2016-08-30 17:29:20 UTC
Uhh Atheists dont believe in the Bible. Btw the earths round and has been proven to be for over a century
2016-08-29 02:08:12 UTC
The answer you need is obtained by

joining the USA Flat Earth Society.
2016-08-30 11:06:38 UTC
Please show the us all that the earth is flat as outlined in the so-called HOLY bible in order to prove the HOLY word in the bible is trustworthy.
2016-08-29 14:22:26 UTC
Actually Isaiah 40:22 brings out the the shape of the earth is circular, or spherical.
2016-08-28 18:44:10 UTC
Just yesterday I sailed off the edge of the earth proving it's flat. I thank god for the foresight to tie a bungee cord to the stern of my ship.
2016-08-29 13:42:28 UTC
I m not an atheist, but I still believe that the world is round based on scientific proof. Photographs from N.A.S.A. clearly show that the earth is round and not flat!
Lighting the Way to Reality
2016-08-28 21:02:16 UTC
You are quite right that the holy bible says the world is flat.

See my answer to this question in which I present a great many Bible verses showing that to be the case. (If I were to present all that material here, the idiotic YA! relevance factor would push my answer to the end page.)
2016-08-28 20:55:13 UTC
No where in the Bible it says that the earth is flat.
2016-08-28 22:13:17 UTC
because the earth is demonstrably round....

two tests you can do...

1, build a model rocket with a camera on it, you can easily see the world is spherical..

2. walk 100km in a straight line.. turn 60 degrees left, walk 100km in a straight line, turn 60 degrees left, walk 100km in a straight line, if you are back where you began, the earth is flat, if not, you can calculate the shape of the earth by the deviation. (guess what, its a sphere)
2016-08-29 10:39:21 UTC
Obviously a troll trying to cast Christians as fools.... no sane person believes the world is flat
2016-08-28 19:25:42 UTC
Only an ignorant thinks or believes that the planet is flat, that's the most stupid thing that i heard for the last week
2016-08-29 03:07:21 UTC
Regarding Isaiah 40:22, let me quote from a scientist who believes God created everything (in the first book, below):

“…it says God ‘sits above the circle of the earth’, which means that the Earth has a ‘circle’ not ‘is a circle’. …[a circle] also has a hole in the middle… I suspect that Isaiah would have seen the absurdity of calling the Earth a circle when (if he really believed in a flat Earth) he could have called it a disc.

…the Hebrew word chug – translated ‘circle’ or ‘circuit’ in our English Bibles – can mean variously ‘circle, arch, vault or compass’. Like our own vague word ‘round’, it can be used to indicate both two and three dimensional objects. Almost certainly, Isaiah meant ‘vault’ and was referring not to the Earth at all but to the heavens. …the God who sits above the ‘vault’ of the earth (that is, who is higher than the heavens) also ‘stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in’. You are reading poetical phenomenology, not early Greek science!"

Furthermore Job 9:9 and Job 26:7 talk about a southern and northern sky. Another scientist who is Professor of Physics at Durham University and an expert on molecular theory of complex fluid flow, has written about that verse in Job, as it relates to the creation account (for he believes God is the creator). First, he quotes the passage: “He it is who stretched out the North over chaos, and suspended the Earth from nothing. He wrapped up the waters in his clouds, but the clouds did not burst under their weight.” [Job 26:7]

Let me quote from his book (below - the second one): “This is clearly another creation story; as much a description of the creative act as it is of the current and resultant structure of the universe. The ‘North’ here is a little puzzling, as it is clearly not simply the geographical direction but is more appropriate to the dynamics of construction of the heavenly fabric itself – perhaps stretched out from south to north. Astonishing suspension is everywhere – clouds hang, freighted with tons of water but without support; the heavenly vault is likewise without a central pillar, and the Earth itself at the centre hangs from nothing at all. Metaphorically we even catch a beautiful sight of the idea of order ‘suspended’ over the sea of chaos. But the beauty once glimpsed is shattered by the terror of it all” as in verse 11.

Context shows that the ‘hanging of the Earth on nothing’ is a parallel with the clouds appearing to hang on nothing, despite their massive weight. It is an awesome contemplation. How could the wealthy businessman who made that observation possibly know that Earth was ‘floating’ in space?

I'm not in the least surprised that atheists deny that the world is flat. I'm no atheist, but I deny it also though I believe utterly in the Bible as the holy and inspired word of God. The Bible does NOT teach a flat-Earth doctrine! Can you not just look up at the sky and observe the shape of the sun, the moon, the planets and the stars? Is even one of them flat? Look at shadows cast on to the Earth at lunar and solar eclipses, and the shape of the corona! See the shadow of the Earth upon the moon - it's always circular, and only a spherical Earth could cast a circular shadow at ALL lunar phases! Stop trying to blame corrupted photography and just engage your brain when you look with your own eyes!
2016-08-30 10:50:33 UTC
Actually, I'm pretty sure the Bible calls the earth round.
2016-08-28 21:02:38 UTC
Some verses like Proverbs 8:27, imply curvature not just on the took that into account i'm sure.
2016-08-29 13:50:07 UTC
Isaiah 40:22 describes the earth as seen from above as being spherical.

"It is he that sitteth upon the GLOBE of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts: he that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in." (Douay-Rheims Bible). Some Bibles say "Circle" or "Sphere".

Asker says: "There is no confusion our heavenly father meant circle or otherwise he would have said "Dur" which is Hebrew for 'Sphere'."

Isaiah himself used the word "dur" in Isaiah. 29:3. We see in this case that it means to encircle, and not a "sphere" at all.

The Hebrews had no separate word for a three-dimensional circle ("sphere") thus the word "chuwg" covered a circle both in its two AND three dimensional sense.

Since this is indeed the shape of our planet seen two dimensionally from above - as the context of the verse indicates, globe/sphere are both acceptable and scientifically accurate.
The Abyss Of Limitless Fears
2016-08-28 23:44:12 UTC
The earth is not flat it is round. I don't know and don't care if it is in your rusty old book but don't try to express your stupidity in Yahoo answers. Also science is not a liar. Religion is.
2016-11-12 17:09:25 UTC
ancient near east people did not have scientific cosmologies, just vague metaphors... the hebrew bible does not say the world is flat...

want a flat earth? read the book of enoch...
2016-08-31 19:33:08 UTC
I really, REALLY hope this is a troll cause if you are a genuine Christian and you genuinely believe this then I'm very concerned that this is really what some ppl believe, if you are Atheist and you're trying to make Christians look stupid then shame on you
Nick Danger
2016-08-28 20:05:08 UTC
The atheists aren't alone, lots of faith heads admit the Bronze Age text has an awful lot of errors and contradictions.
2016-08-29 07:02:01 UTC
you have 1 basic problem

A book supposed to tell the facts, not the facts change to support the book

and the fact is- the world aint flat
2016-08-29 10:57:24 UTC
(Isaiah 40:22) There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He is stretching out the heavens like a fine gauze, And he spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.

Bible says "the circle of the earth".
2016-08-29 09:38:35 UTC
It might be Satan fooling them with round Earth pictures and Earth shadows across the Mood during full or partial eclipses of the Moon. Are you going to believe what someone wrote in the Bible that someone 3,000 years ago said the God voices in his head told him? Or will you believe what you can see in the sky for yourself?
2016-08-29 11:12:32 UTC
"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7)

"Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker, those who are nothing but potsherds among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'The potter has no hands'?" (Isaiah 45:9)
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2016-08-29 08:46:23 UTC
I trust God who says he dwells above the circle of the earth, and only a sphere can look like a circle when viewed from every angle in space.
military supporter
2016-08-30 07:01:49 UTC
Because the Earth is an oblate spheroid. That is a slightly flattened round ball.
Alan H
2016-08-29 12:11:50 UTC
Sorry,not a very good attempt. 1 out of 10
2016-08-29 08:42:47 UTC
Isaiah 40:22 " 22 There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth,And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He is stretching out the heavens like a fine gauze,And he spreads them out like a tent to dwell in"
2016-08-29 01:20:15 UTC
Hogwash. Thousands of years of explorers have proven the earth to be spherical. Including the astronauts.
2016-08-29 00:22:17 UTC
Bebile does not say that earth is flat, Instead It is thinking of uneducated or ignorant inhabitants.
2016-08-28 17:20:44 UTC
Not one scripture says the earth is flat. Stop lying
2016-08-31 17:03:39 UTC
The world is shaped like a block of cheese
2016-08-29 19:47:51 UTC
You must be a special kind of stupid to think the Earth is flat.
2016-08-28 16:38:44 UTC
The earth is not flat, it is round as science proves it be. I do not trust in something I do not believe in. Why on earth would you ask an atheist as to why they do not trust in god?
2016-08-29 07:04:03 UTC
Two Words: Poe Better
2016-08-28 19:28:30 UTC
LOL :D LOL Actually, the Bible DOES say that the world is round ... a neat little scripture that people overlooked until after we discovered that the world was indeed round.

. There are three neat little sayings that i like; "Science is discovering what God did after He did it," and "When scientist get to the end of the road of their studies, they will find Christian waiting for them," and, my favorite, "Big Bang Theory; God spoke and BANG it happened."

T :)
2016-08-29 02:39:08 UTC
Nobody's fallen off, or if they have, nobody has reported it. You could tell people that you are going out to fall off and then if you were not heard of again, some people would believe it. I am trying to help.
2016-08-29 06:48:00 UTC
I really hope this is a joke. I can't even begin to fathom the stupidity in this question. I'm not gonna waste my time answering this...
2016-08-28 17:35:57 UTC
I have to feel sorry for anyone who references Wikipedia as a reliable, scholarly source for information.

Please give the biblical reference for your interesting notion that the Bible is a science book. It quotes Jesus as saying He is the vine. Do you think He is green and leafy?
2016-08-31 09:26:32 UTC
Why would anyone accept the word of a book supposedly written by a god they don't believe in??? your question answers itself
2016-08-29 09:47:08 UTC
Because we've moved on and learned a LOT more since that book was written.
2016-08-31 15:15:19 UTC
2016-08-30 10:37:36 UTC
Another trolling question by a cowardly anonymous poster. If you are so certain of this position of yours why do you feel compelled to hide behind anonymity?
2016-08-30 15:28:20 UTC
It is simply just because there is no proof that the holy bible is true.
2016-08-29 23:53:45 UTC
no need to "believe" in anything, take a plane and you will see with your own eyes that the Earth is not flat
2016-08-29 07:09:36 UTC
Those crazy stupid atheists, everyone knows it's turtles all the way down.
2016-08-29 00:09:56 UTC
Its because the holy bible is a fairy tale
2016-08-28 16:45:49 UTC
You're an imbecile.
Brigalow Bloke
2016-08-29 05:12:07 UTC
Just another reason to see that some of the Bible is utter crap.
2016-08-28 18:30:29 UTC
Are you walking a flat or walking around? I rest my case!
Paul Preston
2016-08-28 21:15:25 UTC
Okay where in the Bible says that?
2016-08-29 15:51:00 UTC
I believe Dr.Neil Degrasse Tyson may have an answer.
2016-08-28 16:46:53 UTC
Nice troll.
2016-08-28 18:35:42 UTC
The Bible does not say that.
2016-08-28 19:47:05 UTC
Stop trolling
2016-08-30 08:56:43 UTC
lol. You're a ******* troll. the Earth is round moron. get your head out of a fictional characters ***.
2016-08-30 12:21:36 UTC
You know,we have more evidence for a spherical Earth
2016-08-28 19:09:14 UTC
NASAs billion dollar budget = billion dollar CGI budget
2016-08-28 16:47:14 UTC
my guess is the majority of people at the time of the bible writing were more educated than you ..
2016-08-30 03:23:22 UTC
That argument is one of the more sensible i have heard a Christian propose
2016-08-30 05:06:10 UTC
Nice trolling!
2016-08-30 12:19:08 UTC
Nice job , your question shows how silly and juvenile the bible is LOL.
2016-08-29 02:57:56 UTC
Yeah, I trust more in actual evidence than a fairy tale.
2016-08-28 16:39:45 UTC
atheists believe in evolution
2016-08-29 02:36:04 UTC
Those dang satellite photos. Yeah, them photos created by Satan.
2016-08-29 23:59:57 UTC
They're retards.
2016-08-28 22:53:13 UTC
You're so funny anti-christian ww.
2016-08-30 11:00:07 UTC
the way my mom explained it.... NEVER argue with a fool, as onlookers can't tell the difference.
2016-08-28 21:27:54 UTC
Because it is harder to deny that which can be observed than to deny that which cannot.
2016-08-28 22:56:36 UTC
I think you may be reading the wrong kind of books.
2016-08-28 19:31:51 UTC
Don't you know liars will have their tongues cut out?
2016-08-28 17:18:54 UTC
There is now a level Zero (troll).
2016-08-29 21:40:31 UTC
Obvious troll is obvious.
sandy d
2016-08-29 05:40:52 UTC
2016-08-29 13:47:45 UTC
Because they don't believe in god you troll
2016-08-29 02:28:52 UTC
Prove it
2016-08-28 22:19:01 UTC
And they ask me why I want to gorge my eyes out... so I font have to be retarded crap like this
2016-08-29 09:24:42 UTC
nobody cares what they do and some saw it that way maybe but that belief is not required for being saved...duh>
2016-08-28 16:41:27 UTC
As hilarious as this is, I smell a troll.
2016-08-28 17:30:43 UTC
The wold is FLAT anything else is communist propaganda.
2016-08-31 00:13:50 UTC
bigotry and closed minded hatred of anyone who tries to think for themselves.
2016-08-30 09:34:50 UTC
Because satan has blinded them to the truth.
2016-08-29 20:28:39 UTC
They would have to be ignorant of science to believe this.
2016-08-29 08:16:10 UTC
Trolling much.
2016-08-29 01:46:35 UTC
God didn't die for me so he Is a liar
2016-08-31 09:00:42 UTC
from one side a sphere is a circle.
Jimmy C
2016-08-29 19:31:12 UTC
Satan is really good with photoshop. I enjoyed your question.
2016-08-29 01:15:05 UTC
They are adamant and rigid in their stand.
2016-08-29 09:04:21 UTC
Most say it is square and stationary .
2016-08-29 11:46:30 UTC
In god brother... We must kill these scientific atheists and their LIES
2016-08-28 23:13:59 UTC
Joseph McJosephton
2016-08-29 10:57:42 UTC
2016-08-29 18:51:52 UTC
it's true
2016-08-29 15:49:58 UTC
2016-08-30 04:23:02 UTC
Oh yeah right, troller! (sarcasm)
2016-08-29 10:32:14 UTC
because SCIENCE has proved that to be utter crap
2016-08-29 02:18:09 UTC
2016-08-29 06:37:37 UTC
Because they are demon possessed.
2016-08-29 03:13:24 UTC
I do hope u r trolling otherwise I see no hope for you....
2016-08-29 16:55:17 UTC
I trust...........NO ONE....haha😁
2016-08-29 00:38:29 UTC
nice trolling. or.. are you serious? :-(
2016-08-28 16:48:22 UTC
2016-08-29 17:41:14 UTC
they are dumb
2016-08-31 15:28:11 UTC
2016-08-30 12:20:06 UTC
2016-08-29 00:30:08 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.