Although atheism has been around in formal writing for 2,400 years, the resurgence of the popularity of atheism began with the acceptance and teaching in public schools by the humanist curriculum of millions/billions of years to support the evolution myth. And who is the only group that needs millions/billions of years? Atheist/evolutionists. Ta da, great performance.
It was Charles Lyell, a lawyer-turned-geologist, with his three-volume Principles of Geology (1830–33) who eventually convinced the geological establishment to abandon the biblical Flood in favor of this “principle” he called uniformitarianism. Lyell openly declared that he wanted to remove the influence of Moses (the human author of Genesis) from geology, revealing his motivation was spiritual, not scientific [R.S. Porter, “Charles Lyell and the Principles of the History of Geology,” British Journal for the History of Science, IX, 32 no. 2 (1976): 91–103].
This is where the atheist/evolutionist gets their old age idea, from the unfounded opinion of Lyell, so he could do away with Moses. How many contradictions in circular reasoning is that, let alone unfounded, irrational, illogical, and unsupportable?
This became the foundation for all evolutionary thinking and solid refutation of the Bible for the lazy that don't confirm assumptions, or who have ulterior motive like Lyell to "remove the influence of Moses" and destroy the foundations of the Bible.
The lie of evolution and millions/billions of years became the perfect "excuse", everyone else is doing it, right? Darwin wrote his stupid book called "Origins" but says nothing at all about "origins". How stupid is that; oxymoron. Anyway Darwin and his myths came on the scene about the same time, and the two together cemented a myth, w/o any evidence at all, convenient for the humanist curriculum in schools. Just preach, no facts necessary. What a freaking joke; a bunch of made-up stories from unfounded opinion so atheists can destroy the Bible. Geez, THAT'S your BELIEF? Incredibly bizarre!
You cannot possibly confirm your starting ASSUMPTIONS of evolution because they are made-up stories and you can't validate or confirm a myth with evidence or fact or corroboration of any kind, other than more opinion. So now, you want to talk about WHAT? Wait a minute, you skipped a step, no need to talk about ANYTHING more until you confirm or validate the ASSUMPTIONS OF evolution before we can talk about how something evolved.
Unfortunately for the the lazy wishers and pretenders that form beliefs w/o confirming ANYTHING, this became the perfect "excuse". The irony! Lyell thought highly of Moses; thought literally of him too as a real person to fear. How to discredit Moses? Impossible. Nope, just make Genesis 1-11 and Noah's Flood allegory, insert millions/billions of years, and the deed is done, with no evidence or authority whatsoever; the whole world, every religion, including the Pope, has been hoodwinked by a lie from Lyell, Darwin, and Hume, all around 1850-1860.
Evolution is dead and choking on its lies from within; there is no defending a lie. The atheist deniers are still here though. How else could they become atheist unless they are powerful deniers of reality?
Can we believe what the Bible says?
Seven Evidences for a Young Earth
Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?
Why don't Christian fundamentalist just give and admit that Noah the Ark is just a made up fairytale?
Dating the Bible w Egypt pyramids and Gilgamesh (also ice cores)
Did The Biblical Flood Happen?
Geology of Grand Canyon & Noah's Flood
In what ways do you justify that the Earth is some 6000 years old?
How can the Earth possibly be only thousands of years old?
*Question to YEC Christians about Genesis 1 ?
Is it written that GOD our Heavenly Father completed creation?
Radiometric Dating with a thermal ionization mass spectrometer
How many SCIENTIFIC reasons can you think of to illustrate why Evolution is not a good theory?
Do you believe the great flood actually covered the whole earth?