1) Do Jehovah's Witnesses really have time to "Love your Neighbor"?
What you think "loving your neighbor" is to only help them materially. You think it is okay to throw some money at the issue and then ignore them spiritually.
2) Do Jehovah's Witnesses really "love" their neighbors as Jesus encourages Christians to do?
Yes we do. We spend time with them to help them become Christians.
3) Is it loving to only speak of their beliefs, and ignore the simpler things of this "agape" love that Jesus demonstrated?
I think you did not understand what it meant to be a Christian was when you were one.
4) If you are at 4 or 5 meetings a week, 4 different color markers for your studies, in service 10, 20, or more hours a week, what kind of "Love" are you giving those around you?
That a sign of being organized. But if you went to all the meetings, participated, went out in service, spent time preparing for your studies, spent time with your family, spent time with your friends and went to work, I think you are giving your time and energy freely. The most precious thing we have is time.
I think what you are getting at is you do not think we should spend all this time doing as Jesus commanded. How selfish of you Joseph.
5) If a brother asks for help with his lawn, due to infirmities setting in, and the young ones in the congregation just don't "have the time" to assist, or if your neighbor next door is suffering c.o.p.d. as a cigarette smoker, and can't water their plants, or get the trash out, are they there for them?
Sure. But you know, if I know my brothers or sisters are having issues, I would offer to help them. I know many in our congregation that helps those who have difficulties physically with thing they need. You claim is false and shows that you were not a very good Christian.
As for my neighbors in my community... I am friends with them. I know they do not need my help. I have heard experiences where a brother went out in service would take off his jacket to help somebody older cut wood or help pull weeds. They would vacuum a floor for an older person. I think that these people are taking advantage of their generosity.
6) When they do have a short vacation time, are they able to really relax, or are they encouraged to "talk with everyone you meet about the Kingdom, and be sure to add extra tracts and magazines in your supplies?
We are Christians. That is what we are commanded from the Bible to do... look for those looking for Jesus.... for a better way of life.
7) How can they really learn what unselfish love is, if they don't have time to practice it?
Although our lives are filled, we do so at every opportunity to practice it to develop our live for mankind. You are wrong in thinking unselfish love means giving money or material things to people.
8) If they believe that they are truly "moderate in all things" are they fooling themselves?
Joseph, Was Jesus moderate in all things. Even when he sat down to drink some water at a well, he preached to a lady about the kingdom. Jesus did not rest. What you are asking us is evil. You are asking us to slow down to enjoy life in a world that is not of Jehovah's mind. This system of things belongs to Satan. He is the one who inspired it. I know you no longer believe that. You are happy to serve this world's master.
9) Will they defend their ability to love others in this question with more venom, or will they take an unbiased look at themselves, disregarding the orders for the "slave"?
I evaluate myself on a regular basis. It is easy to take the spirit of this world as your own. I want to have God's spirit directed me. The brothers are there to take the lead. I think that could have been your issue. You have the spirit of rebellion in you sonny. You do not want people helping you keep on the path of righteousness. You want to direct your own step.
10) Do you have time to "Love " all of us? If we don't listen to your message, can you still love us, or are we as dead meat on the ground to you?
If you do not listen to the message of the Bible, we move on and check on you at a later time. We hope that you will listen to the message of the Bible at another time. That is why we have return visits. In know of people who have been called on for decades and did not accept the message. The conversations about those people are truly one of concern. Not only spiritually, but physically.
11) Do you have time to love, even yourselves?
Like I said before, you are being evil in asking us to slow down. The kingdom message will be preached with you or without you. You cannot stop it. You cannot slow it down. Jehovah will not let you or anybody else stop this message. His purpose will be completed... if it has not been completed then it is just about done.