No True Catholic Traditional priest would allow Freemasonic/pagan symbols in his chapel. His vestments, chasuble, and alb, must be identified with traditional Christian chi-rho letters or the Crucifix of Christ.
Freemasonry was just being tried out on the people in the 1960's. They were duped into thinking it was the "ecumenical" thing to do. By 1970 almost all the True Catholics had left this false church and its papal freemasonry symbols. With valid priests, Mass and sacraments were administered in small private chapels, or hotels, banks, and the "back of the police station." There was good reason to get away from the Conciliar Church by that time!
These new monstrances and vestments reproduce Freemasonic symbols, obelisks, etc., replicated in their writings and speeches. They are the symbols of Satan, and of the Counterfeit Church about which I have been writing on yahoo. Gerry Matatics writes about it on his website.
A "sea change" took place in 1958 with the election of the first false pope. The whole world was against Roncalli, even those who did not know he was a Freemason. Membership is forbidden. . A pope is excommunicated by automatic speciallisimo modo, (self accused by the doctrine).
Those who knew didn't speak up. A "new control" was being created. If they could last through one generation, and get to our children, then we would be out of the way and their "freemason" would work. A lot of brainwashing was needed, hence Opus Dei and Cursillo took charge. In spite of the newbies here and everywhere who deny it now, remember, they weren't there at the time! Yves Marsaudon, a bishop at Vatican 2 brags about his freemasonry.
You are talking about "catholics" using the Catholic name. It means nothing. It is no longer the Catholic Church. It is the Counterfeit Robber Church, the one rich with masonic symbolism.
I guarantee no traditional Catholic priest would use any of these symbols, not on the vessels or chasubles, or even be in the same room with JPII, let along with his satanic monstrance and host!
There is more, but the "catholics" are going to give the opposition and the Catholic here a good going over. "catholics" are daily brainwashed still, surrounded now by EWTN, by the "community" of ecumenism which ties the knot of obedience now to "the pope" rather than to the doctrine, and by "one of their own" on FOX NEWS, defending the scandals and crimes, and reinforcing any strays from taking off.
True Catholicism survives --its valid priests and members knew their doctrine. They dared to call the Counterfeit Church Treasonous. The plan was to create a generation gap of teaching the catechism. Let the old one disappear, teach vague beliefs, after 20 years publish the replacement. It works. Writers who support the True Catechism had no podium before the internet, so the names are not known to the "catholics" under 50: Patrick Henry Omlor, Hutton Gibson, Gerry Matatics, Fr. Dr. Coomaraswamy, Fr. Malachi Martin, Bill Strojie, Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt, Paul McCabe, Fr. Egregyi, John Daly, John Lane, Fr. James Wathen, Fr. Cekada, Fr. Sanborn, Mary Ball Martinez, Br. R. Ibryani, Bshp. Lefebvre, and Paul Fisher, etc. Each has done battle and been brutally treated by the Conciliarist Counterfeits.
All of them ask, Why Are You Not Catholic?
For those who never knew true Catholic Doctrine, it is about time you did, in spite of the daily brainwash you are going to get when your "priest" is confronted by you and calls us the “heretics.” Then you say, “No, Father, a heretic is one who denies doctrine; which doctrine do traditionalist Catholics deny?” He can’t name one. If he tries to lead you into the obedience discussion tell him vatican 2 popes and council must obey previous popes. If he tries to say traditional priests are not valid, you say, "Father, the men were ordained under the rite of Trent by a valid Trent bishop; they are valid." Welcome to the True Catholic Church of Christ.