You say you have proof of god's existence? Ok. What is it?
Atheism is Clarity
2009-01-08 14:09:32 UTC
I have read many a comment similar to the following on this site: "Your question assumes there is no proof of God. Just because you deny the proof doesn't make it not proof."

Okay, for those who say they have proof, I'd liek to hear it. Just please be aware I am NOT disputing faith in this question. I am just directing it those few who seriously say they have PROOF.

Okay, so if I may, before you reveal it, I'd like to set 3 rules.

1) Argument from incredulity is fallacious. For example, saying "Look at the world around you. It's too "perfect." It had to be created, therefore, there's obviously a God." This is a logical fallacy. Just because you cannot fathom any other explanation does not mean there isn't one. All you are really saying is "I don't know and I am inserting "god." There are MANY other possible explanations. Some more plausible than others. So please refrain from using this as "proof." I will not accept it.

2) These also are not valid and will not be accepted as "proof."
-You can't prove there's not a god!
-Without god, people have no reason to be moral.

The first one is silly and the scond one is just incorrect.

And finally:

3) For people who believe in the "one true god....." whatever proof you do have, ask yourself, could that same proof not be stated by someone else who believes in a different god? If so, how can it be valid for you and not them? Which your logic, their god must exist as well. For example, if you say "God speaks to me" and this is your proof, fine. However, if someone who believes in one of the 3799 other propsed gods says that as well, would that not be proof that their god also exists? So it's either proof for both gods or not proof at all. There's no logical way it can be proof for one god but not the other.

So, to sum up, does anyone have any REAL proof for god? If so, if you believe in one god, is it truly just proof for your god only? Or must it work for everyone else as well.

P.S Please keep in mind this is for people who say they actually have proof, not for those who say it's based on faith. I am not arguing that. And lastly, there is no need to insult me, please keep it civil as I have.
29 answers:
Free your mind
2009-01-08 18:34:41 UTC
I have read through the answers posted and it seems that most did not read through the question. You provided an excellent template for someone to formulate an honest and real answer and it seems you are getting nothing beyond the usual. Completely ignoring your very well though out criteria and preemptive discrediting of tired arguments, the theists have posted completely off point and/or outdated responses, either from ignorance or indifference.

It's too bad because you really make an excellent model for some real answers, and your third point is very original and insightful.
Who's got my back?
2009-01-08 14:41:56 UTC
1) Is not a fallacious argument. The proof is "rational" proof as opposed to "empirical" proof. The argument is whether it is more logical to infer a personal beginning or an impersonal beginning for the universe. If impersonal then a power or force created it all in a cosmic accident toward naturalistic interpretation. This is the least logical inference especially for lack of scientific data. A more logical inference would be a personal beginning by an intelligence based upon the complexity of designed systems and cycles and principles discoverable in the laws of nature. Defining this Intelligence should lead most to believe in an Infinite-Personal-Creator or a Conscience with creative power and personality. This would exclude most mystical religions and make them illogical choices to believe. Personally, I think that the God who is there is properly defined in the Bible and I find it a logical deduction to conclude this based on a personal beginning and that the characteristics of this personality would be the same as the ones described of God in the Bible.

Rational proofs are many that infer intelligent design as the more logical deduction over accidental evolution tending to naturalism. So logical inferences can only validate faith and not prove that God exists. But no one should be ignorant of these types of proofs.

2)The moral argument is not silly. If there is "objective" morality then that means there are absolute right and wrong. That is, it is wrong or right, whether or not we believe it. For instance, the holocaust was wrong whether or not Hitler was successful or the Inquisition was wrong whether or not the Church was successful.

Part of the moral argument that people are indignant about is that most don't believe they can force their morality on another. Even Atheists are guilty of this because they believe moral values like "tolerance" and "open-mindedness" should be enforced. Most conclude that if morals are absolute then there is something transcendent and inherent to humans so that we instinctively know what is good or bad because there is a Moral Creators presence in the universe and we are aware of it.
2009-01-08 14:56:50 UTC
I do not believe there is a god as taught in the bible..there were many called gods..The all unconditional loving creator, first cause, the source, that that cannot be named nor seen, the uncreated mass in which all creation evolved, that without form, beyond knowing and without call this energy a god would be an insult to that that is, was and always be and without beginning nor end .As far a proof, can't really prove anything, but all that exist had to have come from some source...It didn't just pop up like a jack in the box...
2016-10-21 11:35:26 UTC
confident there info that God exists? confident there is an endless volume of info. yet first look at your watch did that come from not something? next take your watch all aside and placed it in a plastic bag and shake it till the watch is back mutually back. in case you shake it long sufficient then perhaps you will understand that there is a God. Now for all you technological expertise varieties. My job relies upon upon evolution being fake and the existence of God being actual. have you ever not heard of the 2nd regulation of thermodynamics? Does it not state that usable capability is irretrievably lost, disorganization, randomness and chaos develop. My job is maintenance each and every thing is going down hill only as quickly because it relatively is synthetic. for this reason there ought to be a commencing factor. there is mostly a larger reason for any result. issues do not strengthen or evolve into extra complicated issues they get much less complicated or only plan die. i know that and not making use of a exterior capability source (nutrients and water) i visit die. So in my job with out the of help areas and sophisticated artwork kit falls aside wears out and so on. look what happens to a sparkling domicile in case you do not shelter it. perhaps yours is evolving right into a fort. residences might desire to have a dressmaker and a builder. each and every the place i glance is info of a God. What baffles me is what are you finding at. thank you. it is in all probability not ideal yet then what may well be to you.
2009-01-08 14:29:52 UTC
I don't think no one can absolutely prove his existence in a tangible way, such as, " he is!" That's not happening.

Of course, I would like a shot at this as to why I believe there is a supreme being. Let me explain below:

Let's look at the concept of creationism and Darwinism. First, a hypothetical example. Supposedly you have a gigantic bowl. You then throw in it, lumber, glass, wiring, concrete, etc. In other words, everything you need to make a nice house. You then spin and shake this bowl. You also hit it with lightning, heat, cold, and radiation. You do this for millions of years. Do you think you'll have a fully functional home after all this? Most likely you'll respond, "impossible!" In the end, you'll need one ingredient....intelligent design. Something has to put together this items in an intelligent fashion to make a house.

Now that's just a simple house. Think about something far more complex, such as life itself. Still think it's an accident?

Now, also imagine life without a Supreme being. This would mean that we can do whatever we want without fear of divine conse
St. Bernadette (formerly Catholic Teen)
2009-01-08 14:27:29 UTC
Well some people say the universe came to be by two particles colliding and the big bang happened, etc etc etc.

So were did those two particles that collided in the first place come from? (Hint: God.)

Conscience, tells us basically if we did something wrong by instinct.

Without God, who set out basic human needs rights and morals, there would be no basic rights, needs or morals. The world would be total chaos with no right or wrong to lead us.

The Bible is infallible. There are thousands of prophesies that have come true, the whole Bible is linked through many books that were written over hundreds of years by different authors and it all still makes sense. How could that happen without divine interference?

Miracles that cannot be explained by scientists or any one. Miraculous healings of the blind, deaf, paralyzed, all which were incurable healings. Go to a search engine and type in miracles you should get countless more.

Lots of people have tried to get Christians to disprove God and haven't suceeded after years of trying.

Of course you can feel Gods presence, ONLY when you really accept Him into your heart and allow his presence.

People who don't believe (or say they do but really they don't) will not feel Gods presence with them. Its something you can only experience with allowing God into your heart.
Donna <><
2009-01-08 14:30:55 UTC
I believe in the Bible and what it says as truth. I do not have any proof that God is real, but I have the faith to believe that He did what He said He did, and I choose to believe it. We are responsible for our own decisions about this. If we don't search for the answers then we won't find them. I believe you have to question whatever you believe to see how it stacks up. But if there is something that seems wrong about it then you need to go on to find the truth. God has given us the ability for freedom to choose what we believe.

God's Word says if you seek you shall find, if you ask it shall be given unto you, and knock and the door shall be open unto you. This to me says that if you truly want to know what God is and diligently seek Him you will find Him.
2009-01-08 14:17:00 UTC
Proof is confined to logic, mathematics and phenomenology. A proof of God would be like the ontological proof. I wouldn't claim there's proof of God's existence in any way. However, there are people who say that part of God's action in their lives is to enable them to know that there is a God, so it would add to what can be known. It is possible to know that mental events exist, and in fact impossible to doubt that they do. God's existence would have to be like that for that to be true.
2009-01-08 14:30:39 UTC
i like how you ask this question and a lot answered well but a lot just asked you how is he not real thats why im agnostic i lean more to the god side but still agnostic because the answer is unknowable i was atheist but then figured that there is no proof god is not real
2009-01-08 14:28:40 UTC
my PERSONAL opinion of this (im sorry but i refuse to prove something that cannot be proven, i need to see it believe it)

BUT, this is just for you and i want to give my opinion:

I think that it does not matter WHICH god you choose, as long as there is one that you favor. if a higher power really is with you (which i like to think of it as my guardian angel) you will know it.

have you ever at the last minute decided not to do something?

and then something bad happened?

or something good happend and you get pissed only to find out that sometime later you get a better oppurtunity that you would never have gotten if you had takin the first one? (that might not make sense, im typing it as i think it)

but anyway, some would refer to this as:

your conscience

or maybe your heart telling you what to do.

we feel guilt for a reason.

for what reason would we need to feel guilt unless someone (something) wanted to teach us humility??

why would we need to know it.

im not sayin that i believe in god or anything else..

its just kinda odd that we would be programed that way.

you know?
2009-01-08 14:19:56 UTC
though this against the "rules" i must challenge you with respect on the proof that the universe was created by chance. to me it is very much more logical to assume that a creation was created by a creator rather then the random gathering of matter and space. proof is something solved with common sense. i assume gravity is real because i see things fall, i assume god is real cause i see a fine tuned living world. and i refuse to phantom the idea that this world was created by dead matter. their has to have been a very first prime mover and i logically assume it is god rather then empty matter
2009-01-08 14:17:29 UTC
It's not so much proof that I have as it is a deep faith that this world is too complex and incredible to have merely been a fluke or an accident of nature.

I agree that there really isnt a proof a god exists but there hasnt been any substantial proof he isnt real either (i realize this is part of your argument but its a valid point). So basically religous people kind of win either way- if God is real (my belief) we go to heaven. And if not than we have spent our lives trying to do good in the world.
2009-01-08 14:33:48 UTC
Theists just seem incapable of following simple rules or rationality.
2009-01-08 14:39:42 UTC
id love to believe theres a God but so many awfull things have happened in my life im torn as to what to believe.
2009-01-08 14:17:33 UTC
Scientists actually did find proof of the flood and of a boat during the biblical era.

But being Christian means having faith in God and not having to see him in order to believe him.
2009-01-08 14:15:02 UTC
You know its called FAITH for a reason. The holy spirit has touched my life but you can't see that, so I suppose there is no proof until you start believing yourself. If you do then you'll understand.

But I don't think there should be proof, at least, not Scientific proof. The people who say they have good proof that's not personal feelings, are most likely lying or stretching the truth.

Have a nice day! :)

Ok did my answer get downed jut because I said I believed...thats not fair
2009-01-08 14:18:25 UTC
There are lots of theologists/scientists who have searched back in the Jesus' time and found all the gospels and so on. I recommend you to download some national geographic stuff about Jesus and his life. It will clear your mind.
2009-01-08 14:17:21 UTC
Well for one, the great flood doubted by modern science has much truth to it. Every culture in the world has a "Legend of a Great Flood" and also about "A massive Boat". Look up to watch his videos about creationist science. It seems man did walk on earth with dinosaurs. Why do we have thousands of legends of Dragons unless they were real? Why do stories of dragons and descriptions hold up to dinos like the Brachiosaur, the Stegosaurus and others. may fascinate you, unless you would prefer not to look at another option, as you seem to have said about others.
2009-01-08 14:15:25 UTC
To the moron who stated 'creation' as proof: Proove we were created.
2009-01-08 14:15:31 UTC
God! here we go again...oh wait...what in thee hell I'm saying...I'm Atheist...God...I'm losing it...but these long *** statements not questions over and over again will do...
2009-01-08 14:23:55 UTC
Even if you were shown proof, you'd just think you were hallucinating. So why bother? :-P
2009-01-08 14:13:53 UTC
There is none, and those who say they have proof have lying tongues.
2009-01-08 14:15:24 UTC
This is a translation for begining of "sura isra in quran" jews have to read it well, it is a warning from Allah to them

2. And We gave Musa (Moses) the Scripture and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel (saying): "Take not other than Me as (your) Wakil (Protector, Lord, or Disposer of your affairs, etc).

3. "O offspring of those whom We carried (in the ship) with Nuh (Noah)! Verily, he was a grateful slave."

4. And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture, that indeed you would do mischief on the earth twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant!

5. So, when the promise came for the first of the two, We sent against you slaves of Ours given to terrible warfare. They entered the very innermost parts of your homes. And it was a promise (completely) fulfilled.

6. Then We gave you once again, a return of victory over them. And We helped you with wealth and children and made you more numerous in man power.

7. (And We said): "If you do good, you do good for your ownselves, and if you do evil (you do it) against yourselves." Then, when the second promise came to pass, (We permitted your enemies) to make your faces sorrowful and to enter the mosque (of Jerusalem) as they had entered it before, and to destroy with utter destruction all that fell in their hands.

8. [And We said in the Taurat (Torah)]: "It may be that your Lord may show mercy unto you, but if you return (to sins), We shall return (to Our Punishment). And We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers
Take it from Toby
2009-01-08 14:14:51 UTC
rainbows and miracles and puppy farts....God is the only answer....that is proof.
2009-01-08 14:13:50 UTC
As a Deist/Pantheist myself, here is all the evidence I can show you....
Silas (Echo Company)
2009-01-08 14:14:23 UTC
I dont have proof but I believe anyways... So stop harassing christians and leave us alone we dont want to hear your opinions and I dont think you want to hear ours your question is just mean...
2009-01-08 14:14:46 UTC
ok, i've got a question for you all - have you ever burned yourself on the stove? a curling iron? lemme guess - it hurt, no one can deny that. hmm, have you ever been cooked in a sotve? lemme guess - no, BUT if you did - it would hurt. you cant deny that. now lets see - have you ever been thrown into a lake of Fire? lemme gues - no. not yet. but you will. BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO! you can go to heaven, you can stil have that life. you dont have to suffer endlessly!!

ok. so lemme gues - you probably believe that our world was created by a "big bang" or bacteria. "it;s been proven by scientists" right? WRONG. scientists have proven soooooooo long ago that "ALL LIFE COMES FROM OTHER LIFE" so, how then, can you explain how earth got here? from a rock out in sapce? well where did that rock come from? a bigger rock? and where did THAT come from?

and how about evolution? we evolved from a monkey right? well where did that monkey come from? another creature? and wehre did THAT come from? keep going back and leee guess your next brilliant thought - AHA! BACTERIA! yes, even bacteria is life. so where did that bacteria come from? it had to come from somewhere? so where? im asking a simple question - where did the first thing that EVER WAS come from? cant think of anything can you?

i KNOW it seems hard to believe. but its just like the wind - you dont see it, you cant touch it or smell it, tasteit, or feel it. but you can see and feel its EFFECTS. i always wonder how people can watch a sunrise and still refuse to believe in God. the proof is right in front of you!

and i dont care that i answered "incorrectly" im just trying to help you all! and my question for you is - whats your proof that there isnt a God?
2009-01-08 14:12:29 UTC

2009-01-08 14:13:57 UTC
from miracles..some things don't just happen coincidentally...

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