What is the concept of God in hinduism?
Heart attack.
2010-03-31 08:39:15 UTC
If you ask some comman persons who are hindus that how many God's do they believe in ............Some may say three,some says thirty three,some .........may say a thousand, While some may say thirty three crores i.e.330 milion.
........But if you ask this Question to learned hindu who is well Versed with the hindu Scripture.
..........He will reply that the hindus should actually believe and worship only one God,
Seventeen answers:
scrappy coco
2010-03-31 14:23:56 UTC
Very nice topic,

as lord says,

"Who soever comes to me in what so ever form,I will reach to him",

It seems rediculas to other religion's people why there are so many gods and godesses in hinduism

and why they worship the status,(some of them directly says thous guys are fool actually,and of them have wrong conception that hindu believe god are present in different form).

But is just like climbing through a stairs we can start your worship as your likes but self realization will transit you to a new step which is will nearer to the,god did'nt change his form, but we can reach him with infinite form,

people who worship idols they never pray like,

"Oh,the heap of soil give me the strength",/"Oh,Ston give me power

",But,"oh,lord I am so poor,blind don't even see the road to reach you, so I begg to you ,please show the way to come to you",


Idol ism is not compulsory in the Hinduism,

Hindu strongly believe that only one god(which is absolute,and absolute must not be present in several forms,so Hindu never says that billions of good),but there are infinite way to reach him,(that is reach the truth,believe it or not you can reach him without even believing on him,but hold that absolute nature in yourself)

Hindu says only one thing can explain everything,that is,"I see

God",only lord can break all the doubts,
2016-06-01 05:29:50 UTC
The problem with the Muslims is their short-sightedness. The Qur'an as sharif tells you that Allah said that you shall not ascribe any Partners to Him and nor shall anyone intercede. But yet, you say "La'illaha il'illahu, mohammadur rasool'illah." thus ascribing Mohammad His Partner and, you also believe that Mohammad can intercede. Now, let me answer the real Question - What is the true concept of God in Hinduism? It's "Deivehah nirguna, nirakara." - God[hood/head] is beyond intellectual and physical perception. What does this mean? 1] God is not some Sky Daddy living in Heaven. That is but a stage of your evolution and a Phase in your Life. 2] You, as a human are not an exclusive owner of that stage which is common to all things and all creatures of the World. 3] That this the Absolute which cannot be measured in terms of the Temporal and Relative. Therefore, do not waste your time trying to "see" God, for that is impossible. Live your Life with rationale and wisdom and respect for all the things around you. Understand the fact that all things around you and you, yourself, are but a part of the Eternal and Universal Consciousness that is called the Parama Atma. The Sanathana Dharma, which you call Hinduism, doesn't limit anyone, but, gives them all the Liberty to find their own Path to the Truth. That is why, while the most basic tenets of the Sanathana Dharma are "Deivehah nirguna, nirakara" and "Tat tvam asi" or Thou art that., they permit those cannot understand the complexity of these thoughts to worship [Bhakthi] their own ichcha devas [Gods of Personal Choice] and find their own Path to Salvation. That is why the one who can perceive God in the form of a man with four arms is as free to do so as you who see a wall towards which you bow and pray. Whereas you say - "la illaha il'illahu" - there is no God, but God; you "see" a Muslim God, a Christian God, a Hindu God etc; and belie your empty words. Sanathana Dharma, on the contrary, doesn't speak empty words - it's people live that. The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim is one actually lives and breathes the Truth while the other merely mouths empty words and fools himself in the Superiority of his "Faith". :-) .
2010-04-04 06:46:33 UTC
A normal way for Muslims to debate, is to say things - no proofs, just statements - and then demand proofs for what you say if you disagree. Such proofs are often not easy just there and then, and then he/she “wins” the point seemingly - - - and even if you prove it, he/she just launch new unproven statements for you to disprove. Do not accept this cheap technique - demand proofs for what they say. And remember: There does not exist one single proof of any kind for Muslims or Islam neither in nor before historical times, until after 610 AD (and this includes Jesus and his disciples, all persons in the OT and all historical persons like Ramses II (the pharaoh of Moses) and Alexander the Great (Duh’l Quarnayn in the Quran) in spite of all the Muslim fairy tales about the opposite - not one single. There does not exist one single proof for Muhammad in the Bible, in spite of all Muslim wishful thinking and “explanations”. There does not exist one single proof for Allah, in spite of all the “signs” in the Quran - not one single of them is logically valid as a proof (with the possible exception of some taken from the Bible - but they in case prove Yahweh (the Jewish and Christian god) not Allah), as the statements are all built on nothing, or on other invalid statements any priest in any religion can use free of charge. There does not exist one single proof for the teachings of Muhammad - not one single. Only the words of Muhammad - a man that was very far from being a saint or unable to spin tales or to betrayal according to MUSLIM history books like the in Islam much respected Ibn Ishaq: “Life of the Prophet Mohammad” - f. ex. remember Muhammad’s words: “War is betrayal”. Yes, there even is no real proof even for Muhammad (though it is highly likely he is a historical person).
2010-03-31 23:43:05 UTC
Good question my dear friend.

I pray my guru and god to give me the power to give the correct answer for this question.

My dear friend, I too heard that other religion people saying that in Hindu religion, many gods and goddesses are there. If we observe Islam they have many prophets even Allah is also a prophet not GOD. In Islam they are different casts are there Example:-Sufis, Sunnis, Judas Etc., Almighty is the only one. And about Christians Jesus Christ, he him self told that he is the son of god. i.e., he is a prophet. And Christians are having many sub-casts are there like Example :- Romans , Catholics, Cists, etc., but all the sub casts in Islam and Christians are leading towards peaceful life in society and towards almighty.

In all religions of the world the maximum number of people are missing the right preaches form wise people. The religions are formed to survive humanity in different areas with different kinds of beliefs about god to reach god. All the religions are the different paths to reach god. But still because of not having or not developing proper educare they are producing such type of haste and insulting talk about holy religions.

Not only Hinduism but all the human religions living on the earth are following the GURU siddhanta.

From the ancient days of human formation, human is a student to nature and he is learning every thing from nature. Human is the student of nature. Jesus Christ is the GURU for Christians and Allah is the GURU for Muslims. And for Hindus DATTATREYA or GURUDATTA is the GURU for all humanity.

But RELIGION is just like climbing through a stairs we can start your worship as your likes but self realization will transit you to a new step which is will nearer to the god. so, god did'nt change his form, but we can reach him with infinite form

And about Hindu gods.

Almighty god is only one. He is shapeless, he spread him self to all the universe and kept his god powers in Shakti. Shakti created 2 sons Shiva and Vishnu. And she distributed her god powers to them both.

Lord Shiva Rules the world with the help of Lord Vishnu. Lord Shiva is called the destroyer

Lord Vishnu is the decision maker. Lord Vishnu makes decision about life and happenings about the beings on the earth.

Then Vishnu created Brahma they both give him the duty of creation.

At a certain occasion the three GODS Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva merged their shapes in the form of DATTATREYA. And he is called as GURU his is having the power of god again.

He is the form of GOD, preacher every thing. Even the forms of Vishnu, Shiva are also served the culture GURU.

My conclusion is the culture of HINDUISM is Serving GURU. The one and only guru.

He is called as GURUDATTA or DATTATREYA.

ADIPRASHAKTI is the guru for LORD SHIVA --> Vishnu--> Bramha --> etc., its continuing
Mathuraiyar Mannan
2010-04-01 01:56:11 UTC
Muslims don't have a clue about God but Hindus know precisely
2010-03-31 12:01:27 UTC
We accept all the divinities and other powerful nature as gods.

Question to you: If Allah is one, there are 1000 prophets to praise Him. Then, are these prophets higher in level than the billion followers? If 72 virgins, the angels, stay in heaven, are they more powerful than the believers. How do you account for these many Allah's assistants who are more powerful than the simple believers?
2010-04-01 02:30:44 UTC
Brahman is the one and only eternal God. Brahman has many forms / parts... like Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, etc.
Vijay D
2010-03-31 10:01:41 UTC
Aanando brahmeti vyajanaat- Happiness means God (I call Him Krishn). And the definition of happiness is one which is of infinite measure and eternal. That can only be Krishn and that is God.
2010-03-31 08:44:18 UTC
i am a hindu and i believe if there is a god ,it is only one god.

in fact in gita bhagwaan krishna has clearly told arjun that every known and unknown thing in the universe is result of him only and are mere small part of lord krishna's divine miracle ,so i think hindu's also believe in one god ,they might pray to many god and goddesses but they are mere part and form of one supreme lord.
2010-03-31 10:06:50 UTC
Hinduism is atheistic at the core. There is no personified God. There is only an Awareness, an I am that I am, that just IS.
2010-03-31 11:21:04 UTC
It induces a friendly deed to all , its aim to expel good thoughts some more books of epics like "thiruvasagam" attracts the reader by its lingual tricks.....
2010-03-31 09:10:13 UTC
hinduism has only one god that is vishnu....of whom u have pic as ur ur avatar...

the trinity concept is that vishnu give rise to bhrma n shiva and together they created care n destroy life...

now quesn is wat is this 330 million gods n goddesss???

well in Hinduism as the time pass there were partial or complete avartars of god vishnu ,shiva and bharma these avatars make up these 330 million gods n goddesses

eg hanuman is 11 partial avatar of shiva

now quesn is some god are not there avatar like durga laxmi ganeshna??

no its not hinduism as it to protect humans and kill demons all 3 god had to unity there power this lead to birth of durga...laxmi was born from right arm of vishnu so she and rest are parital avatar of vishnu and ganesha nad rest are children of shiva..

another fact...there is only 1 vishnu or god

but there a\re thousands of shiva in this universe

and there are millions of brahma in universe..

all the rest god n goddess live n die like normal humans i.e. they have life span after wich they have to tk birth as human and come on earth and one of the human becomes these god or godess called as INDRAA



who is shiva???

shiva is MOST MOST MOST DEAR DEVOTEE OF GOD VISHNU and SHIVA KNOWS MAXIMUM ABOUT WHO IS GOD....that is why shiva is worshiped and so even vishnu worship him

who is bharma??

bharma is partial avatar of god vishnu make to create this world he is credited with all the creation in this universe

who is INDRA???

indra and rest 330 million god n goddess are son n daughters of great rishi and yogi who is blessed by trinity with special powers ...they include all those person on this earth who do good deeds and shall become future god when present god life span indra will be asyadhama one from mahabharat

i hope u now have better understanding of hinduism
2010-03-31 15:53:33 UTC
There is one Almighty, all others are His manifestations.
Bro Simeon
2010-03-31 08:47:35 UTC
They are idol worshipers, no God outside Jesus Christ, (I'm the way the truth and the life) these are the words of Jesus Christ.
2010-03-31 13:35:32 UTC
Don't really know.. but it doesn't make sense.
2010-03-31 08:40:25 UTC
sacred cows
2010-03-31 08:44:14 UTC
I might as well, cuz its ALREADY HAPPENED NOW!!!!

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