Ask her to give the original references to the "emerging evidence". Who did the research, where was it published, and when?
A proper bibliography looks something like this:
Bloggs, J. et al., Journal of Biological Research, (May 2011) Volume 27, No. 5 pp 634 - 643.
Unless she can give you something like that then she is talking through her hat. It is as simple as that.
In the meantime these are typical creationist lies which you can find refuted here and there.
There is evidence of a global flood - virtually every fundamentalist. No sign of it in Australia, for instance. Flood in the past several thousand years have been where floods usually happen, near rivers and on low-lying country.
The Grand Canyon was formed by a great rush of water after the flood - Ken Ham, Andrew Snelling and others. Utter tosh. Fast flowing water does not form meanders. Slow flowing water does. This is first year geology and may by now be taught in high schools. Simple to demonstrate experimentally.
Lie - Charles Darwin recanted from his theory of evolution just before he died - Lady Hope, sometime in the late 1800s and interminably repeated ever since. This has the distinction of being the oldest creationist lie. Refuted by one of Darwin's daughters in the 1920s and Lady Hope was in North America when Darwin died.
The modern Wadjak skulls were found nearby and at about the same level as the Java man fossils. - Duane Gish, 1979. It has been repeated from time to time ever since. it works if you are utterly ignorant of the fact that the Solo River where the Java man remains were found is about 105 miles from the Wadjak cave in a hill by a marble quarry.
Lie - The Piltdown fraud was intended to "prove evolution" - Just about every fundamentalist. Fact - As far as can be told, Charles Dawson faked the finds to get into an antiquarian society, as he had been faking other antiquities for years. They did not accept him.
The Piltdown fraud fooled all scientists - Fact - Not Marcellin Boule, Ales Hrdlicka, Gerrit Miller or Ernest Lenoir. By 1927 even an English scientist, Grafton Elliot Smith, who had originally been fooled wrote that the jaw might have been from a chimpanzee.
Lie - Lord Solly Zuckerman studied the "Lucy" fossils for more than a dozen years - Duane Gish, 1982. Fact - The fossil was only found in 1974. Eight years is not more than a dozen, and it's doubtful that Lord Zuckerman ever saw the fossil, as he had mostly retired from science. Though Gish was corrected, he continued to repeat that little fib for some years.
"I am not a liar." - Duane Gish. There are multiple examples of his deliberate and persistent lying, including about the bombardier beetle, "Lucy" and "Java man".
Lie - All or most fossils were laid down in a global flood - Andrew Snelling, Ken Ham and others. Fact - Fossils are found over thousands of feet of different layers of sediments, the smallest are at the bottom. If they had all formed at the same time, the sediments would be much the same and the largest fossils, like dinosaur bones, would have sunk fastest and been at the bottom.
Claims about polystrate trees fossils. These claims carefully ignore the fact that where these occur the tree bases are often at different levels.
The decay rates of radioactive isotopes are variable and so radiometric dating is false - assorted fundamentalists. Some isotopes have slightly variable decay rates. None of them are in the decay chain from isotopes of uranium or thorium to isotopes of lead or carbon 14.
Carbon 14 and marine animals and plants. It has been known for 50 years why it does not work on marine organisms and is dubious on river or lake animals or plants. Therefore it is not used by scientists on these items.
Potassium-argon dating. The Institute for Creation Research tried a scientific fraud with dacite rocks from recent Mt. Saint Helen's eruptions and had them dated, giving much greater dates than over the past 30 years. However in 1969 the man who did most to develop the potassium - argon method warned that it was not suitable for rocks less than 5,000 years old.
Lie - Carbon 14 in coal and diamonds means carbon dating does not work. Fact - Some rocks are mildly radioactive and can convert traces of nitrogen in coal and diamonds to carbon-14 in exactly the same way as it is converted in the upper atmosphere.
Faked calculations of the probability of forming enzymes or other proteins - Henry Morris, about 1970. They might look convincing to anyone who doesn't know anything about proteins but it won't fool those who do. Same applies to DNA and RNA sequences.
There has been a rapid deceleration of the velocity of light over the past several thousand years, it was infinite at one time - Barry Setterfield and others, 1980s. Checked by mathematicians in the early 1980s and found to have several errors, all of which lead to the result wanted by Setterfield. Funny, that.
Lie - There are human and dinosaur footprints beside each other in the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas - Carl Baugh and other liars. Ham and Co correctly state that these are frauds but continue to promote the idea of humans and dinosaurs living at the same time. Is Baugh a commercial rival?
Lie - I have a Phd - Kent Hovind. Fact - His "thesis" would have been rejected by an high school teacher, let alone a PhD supervisor.
Lie - The modern coelacanth is the same as the fossil one. Fact - All modern coelacanths are different anatomically from the fossil.
Lie - The Miller - Urey experiment did not produce life. Fact - It was not expected to do that. It established that some chemical compounds essential to life could be formed from basic chemical with an electric spark.
Lie - The second law of thermodynamics prevents evolution - various fundamentalists, carefully omitting the fact that the second law applies only to energy in closed systems.
Lie -The "Nebraska tooth" was believed by scientists to be from a human ancestor but came from a pig. Fact - One scientist believed it might have been, soon after, another scientist correctly identified it as a tooth of an extinct cavy, which was a rodent, not a pig. Publicity in the 1920s in "The Illustrated London News", which was never a scientific publication.
The Chinese archaeoraptor fossil. Found and damaged by a Chinese farmer, "repaired" by him with parts of another fossil, illegally sold to an agent for fossil collectors, publicised by non-experts in the National Geographic as genuine but dismissed as a composite by the first real expert who saw it. The National Geographic is usually reliable but it is not a scientific publication.