Why would a just and merciful God cause of much suffering?
2007-08-05 01:19:40 UTC
Why would a just and merciful God cause of much suffering?
Nineteen answers:
2007-08-05 02:15:54 UTC
If God is willing, but not able (to prevent evil), he is not omnipotent.

If God is able, but not willing, he is malevolent.

If God is both willing and able, then whence cometh evil ?

If God is neither willing, nor able, then why call him god ?

Sabrina H
2007-08-05 09:19:19 UTC
Suffering is the result of cause and effect. You can't have good without suffering.

Isn't there a famous "law of thermodynamics" that says all things must suffer? It's the nature of reality.

A better question would be: What kind of god would ruin the laws of reality?

Who would want to live in a world where some trickster god plays with the laws of reality and does things that don't make any sense?

We need to suffer. Suffering is life,.

EDIT: A better question might be: Why would an evil God convey such love in the world? Why would an evil God create this wonderful universe and give us such happiness.

I think you're hung up on the idea of "God" as a metaphor and missing the idea that life is beautiful.
2007-08-05 14:55:45 UTC
God does not actually cause the suffering. Suffering is usually man-made.
2007-08-07 16:39:11 UTC
At James 1:13 the Bible tells us "When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone."

God allows the suffering, but he doesn't cause it. Please let me explain.

In order to understand God's permission of suffering, we have to go back to the beginning. God's original purpose was for humans to live in peace on a beautiful paradise earth. (Genesis 1:28) He only gave them one law. (Genesis 2:16,17) “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.” As their creator, he had the right to give them this law.

Satan lied to Eve and told her that if she ate from the tree of knowledge, she would not die and that she would be like God knowing good and bad. So she ate the fruit and gave some to Adam and he ate the fruit. When they did this, they joined in a rebellion against God. They in effect told God they didn't want to follow his law and they wanted to rule themselves.

This challange, whether God had the right to rule or humans could do it themselves, would take time to prove. So God stepped back and has let humans try every form of government. What has been the result? They have all failed, the earth is being ruined and humans have even brought more suffering to other humans. (Ecclesiastes 8:9)

To add to the trouble is Satan. The Bible tells us at 1 John 5:19, "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one" Satan is in control of this world right now, and because of the challange made in Eden, God has allowed it. However, God will not permit this to go on forever.

His original purpose never changed. He still wants humans to live in a paradise earth.

For a more detailed explaination, you can go to the following article:
2007-08-05 08:28:23 UTC
How many times must this question come up? Its MAN that causes suffering in the world NOT GOD!
Debz Baby
2007-08-05 08:34:54 UTC
Most religions have some form of balance in them as do most things in life its just the way of the world.

" I have my beliefs don't you? "

" No there's too much bad sh*t in the world."

" Without suffering there would be no compassion."

" Tell that to those that suffer."

Its part of a film that I can't forget these few of lines they say so much ;)
Fallen Angel
2007-08-05 08:51:43 UTC
He is just and merciful because he gave you and every living soul the choice in life.

Its up to each individual how best you choose to conduct yourself in accordance with his given commandments aiming at man to follow in his own footsteps.

Man chooses much of his own suffering by his own poor judgement creating needless situations consequently that causes many innocent people unnecessary suffering

2007-08-05 08:57:36 UTC
God does not cause suffering. If man got together and asked God to forgive them (collectively) and asked Him to stop the suffering then He would.

Man causes suffering, God hates it , but He gave this planet to us and we are messing it up !
2007-08-05 08:29:20 UTC
What makes you think that it is God who cause all of the suffering in the world???? Suffering,death etc are a direct result of mankind's sinful rebellion against God.Death and sickness are a direct result of the fall of Adam and Eve. Satan is the emissary of death and disease and suffering,not God. One only needs to read the Bible to see that.

Welshy: Hell was created for Satan and his angels,as the Bible clearly states. But those who reject God willingly follow Satan to their eternal destination.
Tabbyfur aka patchy puss
2007-08-05 08:27:34 UTC
The same question keeps being asked time and time again and you'll get the same answers time and time again. It's the same as asking what came first - the chicken or the egg. Nobody knows. You'll get your devout believers telling what they have been taught. Not what they know and seen with their own eyes but what they have been taught. You'll also get people who don't believe telling you what they think or what they guess it is.

Not one person walking on this earth can give you the correct answer as nobody knows that answer. You'll have to make your own mind up.
2007-08-05 08:51:13 UTC
I don't believe God causes suffering any more than he "takes" people, through death. But I do believe that there are certain immutable universal "laws", like free will. If God created us with free will, which I believe He did, then He will not break that immutable law. Evil is in this world because there are evil forces afoot and there are people who succumb to their influences and therefore do evil things. God doesn't make people sick, or kill them, or do any harm to them. But if a person uses his or her free will to do evil to another, God also doesn't interfere because He would be breaking His own law. I think it probably breaks God's heart to see so many of us mortals doing evil things to each other.

People get sick for many reasons, including an inferior, toxic, non-nutritious food supply perpetuated on us by greedy individuals who don't care if people get sick. Foods that contain chemicals and growth hormones can't be good for us. The tobacco industry and the liquor industry contribute to people's illnesses, too. The polluted air we breathe and the polluted water we drink must also be included. It's more accurate to blame G.W. Bush for making us sick by rolling back all the environmental protections put in place by previous administrations than to blame God. God didn't give us dirty air or tainted food and water. People caused that through their own free will.

People suffer because there are greedy, selfish people in this world who have been seduced by evil, period. I firmly believe that.

I also believe God when He says that "vengeance is mine, I will repay". Sometimes it seems that such bad things happen to good people, while good things seem to happen to bad people. I like to think that eventually God will repay them, too, but I think there's another universal, immutable law at work here, and that's the law about negative attracting negative and positive attracting positive. Bad people can have positive thoughts and good people can have negative thoughts. Like attracts like.

An evil person can think positively about attracting money and/or opportunity and become rich. A good person can do the same. Likewise a good person can become so mired down in everyday struggles such as poverty and illness that they can't manage a positive thought, so they worry, and they become afraid of what the future will bring. Unfortunately, like Job, what they greatly fear is usually what comes upon them. This mindset can happen to bad people, too, and maybe that's why so many of them end up in jail or in the morgue, I don't know.

Sometimes there just doesn't seem like there's much justice in this world, and I think it's easier to blame God than yourself or another person. Sometimes, though, I think things just happen and there really isn't anyone to blame. I think that's when people blame God the most. But I don't think God deserves to be blamed, because these immutable laws of His are meant to work FOR us, not against us. Perhaps we just need to remember how they work?

That's my theory, anyway.
2007-08-05 08:24:25 UTC
SICKNESS SHOULD NEVER HAVE EXISTED. God created us to live forever in perfect health. It was a spirit creature, Satan, who caused sickness, pain, and death to afflict the human family when he led our first parents, Adam and Eve, into sin.—GENESIS 3:1-5, 17-19; ROMANS 5:12.
2007-08-07 19:58:08 UTC
If such a thing as a god existed that would be a good question.
2007-08-05 08:27:35 UTC
God doesnt. evil ppl in the world does.
2007-08-05 08:22:16 UTC
I would suggest reading the article "Is God Less Glorious Because He Ordained that Evil Be?" available at
2007-08-05 08:22:22 UTC
why is there a hell at all if god is so merciful????
2007-08-05 08:22:59 UTC
He gave the people their warnings, many warnings...they did not heed them...they had to face the consequences.
2007-08-05 08:49:04 UTC
Faith:The Way to Happiness


During their lives, people have a variety of targets and plans they would like to fulfill. Although apparently different at first glance, these targets coincide at a basic level. At the basic level people wish to lead their lives in happiness and tranquility by obtaining as many advantages as they can; the happiness and comfort they enjoy being proportionate to the size of the advantages they obtain. In this sense, everyone aims to reach this common goal, following different paths and using different methods, and expending throughout their lives a great deal of effort in pursuit of this purpose. However, achieving everything they want and reaching targets still do not change the end result: a melancholy life filled with unhappiness and the troubles it brings with it... except for the true believers, who seek Allah's approval and are aware that their true abode is in the Hereafter.

In present day life a large number of people complain because they have been totally unable to achieve true peace and because despite their efforts and their attempts at happiness, they are not happy at all. The reason why people end up in such a predicament is because they try to find happiness in the wrong places and with the wrong people. For some, happiness is the material wealth they obtain, being able to spend their money as they like, buy whatever they want and consume more and more each day. For people like this, consumption, experiencing every beauty and pleasure, is the greatest source of happiness in their lives. Such desires are like a bottomless well-they never come to an end. Because of their desires people emerge who are never satisfied with anything they obtain, who always want more and better and who believe that they will be able to live happier lives if they acquire more things, and better things. However, these efforts only gain them a temporary happiness.

The Qur'an states:

On the Day when those who disbelieved are exposed to the Fire: "You dissipated the good things you had in your worldly life and enjoyed yourself in it. So today you are being repaid with the punishment of humiliation for being arrogant in the Earth without any right and for being deviators." (Surat al-Ahqaf: 20)

In this verse Allah tells us that false happiness such as this which has been gained in the life of this world with greed and ingratitude, will become endless misery in the Hereafter.

For some, happiness is being known and admired, someone whose favor or company is sought by everyone. Such people want to be admired and imitated in everything they do. They are happy so long as they succeed in this, and manage to ingratiate themselves with others and remain the center of attention.

For others, happiness is escape even for a short time from the troublesome and monotonous life they lead and its problems. In order to be happy, they have to make a string of changes to their lives. They have to be unusual, dress differently, lead a "fringe" existence and try everything that is different. Or they have to see and explore different places and get to know new people. People such as these derive great pleasure from being regarded as different and enjoy the attention they attract as a result of this. They believe that by acting in this way they will make their lives more colorful and protect themselves against the unhappiness they feel. To sum up, for people of this kind happiness means "change" or "being different."

However, the happiness achieved by all these people is false and fleeting. It only exists in the moment and when the moment is over the happiness they feel passes with it and the person again returns to his troubled and monotonous life. Nothing has changed; the person has been comforted only for a short time. Since these people do not know the secret of happiness, the end they come to, whether a day, a month or a year later, is invariably the same. We are told of the situation of such people who, during their lives, forget Allah and the Hereafter and live entirely according to their own desires and passions:

Their likeness is that of people who light a fire, and then when it has lit up all around them, Allah removes their light and leaves them in darkness, unable to see. (Surat al-Baqara: 17)

Allah tells us that people who distance themselves from His guidance, He "… leaves them in darkness, unable to see." People who do not submit to the commands of Allah Who created them and live forgetful of our Lord will, because of this, find themselves frustrated by Allah at every turn in their efforts to achieve happiness. Our Prophet (saws) has pointed out that gains in this world are temporary and that true gain means directing oneself towards the Hereafter:

"People! The world is a good given in advance. Both the good and evil takes its share from it. The Hereafter is, on the other hand, a devoted promise. There, the Malik, Who has power over all things, rules. The just always prevails and the unjust vanishes. People! Be the sons of the Hereafter, avoid being the servants of this world. The son is subject to his mother. (In other words, if you become a son of this world, you will deserve to be ruined like the world) Have fear in Allah while engaging in your deeds. Be aware that your deeds will encounter you. And again you will definitely meet Allah. Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it." (Ahmad Diya'al-Din al-Kamushkhanawi, Ramuz al-Ahadith, vol.1, 184/4)

In this book we will explain what the source of true happiness is and where and under what conditions it is possible to be truly happy and at peace in the light of the verses of the Qur'an.

However, let us first briefly examine the reasons why people who live in denial of the truths revealed by Allah in the Qur'an, who we will refer to as "the society of the ignorant," are continually troubled and unhappy.
2007-08-05 08:23:14 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.