Just out of curiousity, please tell me why religious people are the way they are...?
2007-09-04 07:43:23 UTC
Don't get me wrong I have attended many different churchs that preached many different religions and I've decided I'm just not that into it. I never agree with everything ONE religion says. Why is it people constantly try to push not only a religion on others but THEIR religion? Why do some people feel that one must be part of a religion? Why are there soooo many emails out there that get passed on from one person to another that relates to religion?

And the major question, if you knew one of your friends were not all that religious or into religion would you send religious emails to them?
58 answers:
2007-09-04 07:52:26 UTC
I don't understand this either.

What religion you choose to follow (if any) should ultimately be your choice. You shouldn't be judged either by whether or not you choose to follow a religion, or judged for what religion you do to choose to follow. Judging others isn't the religious thing to do, yet it's funny how so many religious people can be so judgemental of others that don't believe the same things as them.

And to answer your major question... No, I would not send religious emails to someone that I know isn't that religious. Force isn't a way to make someone religious, or a way to get them to appreciate religion. When someone is ready to except a religion in their life, they will know. They don't need others to tell them when and what kind.
2007-09-04 07:55:57 UTC
If you have to learn some thing from a person you will always see for all that is positive in that person, but, If you want to learn what is right and what is wrong than you will have to consider what one religion believes to be wrong in the same manner you will have to study all the religious books on the globe,which is time consuming,

Instead do every thing that is acceptable by the society and try to be in the good books of the people.

As far as the other question is concerned if this is the rule to send emails than it is a rule whether you like it of not.

You can lead a simple life or a luxurious one that depends on what is your level of thinking and how you take it.
2007-09-04 07:49:10 UTC
I have NEVER sent "religious" emails. And as far as religion goes... I wouldn't be in the religion I am, if I did not believe it to be the true church. BUT at the same time, I am not going to push my beliefs on others. If someone wants to ask a question, I will answer. It is then up to that individual to make up their own mind.
2007-09-04 07:55:14 UTC
I think that your perception of religious people is because you possibly had someone in your life that pushed their religion on you against your will.

I would not try to force anyone to accept my religion. Instead I would try to live by example. And have people accept me for who I am. A person that trys to live his life as Christ would. By loving others and inviting them to share in the love that he has for everyone.

God is love. If we all would love one another then there would be no reason for haters in this world.

I got in trouble here at work for sending religious emails. So I stopped doing it. I was not told until more than 6 months later at my yearly review. So it was an issue but not one that called for severe consequences. I decided after that happened to just send religious emails to people that share the same beliefs as myself. And not to send emails that could be a source of controversy or conflict.
Andy Roberts
2007-09-04 07:57:18 UTC
That's the way religion is supposed to be.

However, the pushing part is wrong. Or maybe you're just perceiving it that way.

Religion is about spreading the message. It is up to the hearers to make a choice. That's the way God is otherwise He could have appeared in the sky and thundered His message like He did when He spoke the Ten Commandments ending all the controversies we have to deal with. I'm sure He hasn't lost His ability to speak but what He has revealed is enough for people to base their decisions on.
2 Happily Married Americans
2007-09-04 08:04:30 UTC
I agree with you on the fact its hard to accept that only ONE religion is right, and I too seem to be of the mindset that a religion or church isn't necessary to me to be a good Christian.

On the other hand, many people find great peace of mind and soul by being part of a congregation, a religion. They feel it is more comforting to be surrounded by like minded individuals who share in their joys and hopes. The "fellow feeling" of a church, sharing each others joys and sorrows of life, is very important to many people, and this is part of why they join or belong to a religion.

Instead of thinking that friends who are members of a church are "pushing off" their religion on others, think of this. Most likely, they are very happy and secure in their beliefs, and they want the same for you. They want you to feel the same peace of mind in this life and be ready to join them in the next life. They are not sending you emails because they wish you bad things, they are trying to "save" you, help you, invite you to join in their group.

I have friends in many different religions...mostly Christian, but many denominations. I accept their good wishes, their literature, and some of their invitations to events. I understand that they are being sincere in their wishes. I ask them questions on what they find their solace and peace in, and what they believe.

Since you have gone to many churches, I am guessing that you, too, are searching for something. The people you have met are just trying to help you find it.

As far as emails, the great thing about them is you can delete them and have no obligation to even respond to "chain" letters, etc. If it really bothers you, change your email address, and only give it out to a small group of people you want to hear from. Personally,I don't send on religious or political email stuff to people at all, unless they specifically ask me about something and I do some research and am sending that.

Just try to be gracious in your behavior. There is so much to learn from the different religions. If you want to, read those emails. If not, delete them. Its your choice.
2007-09-04 07:50:34 UTC
Well, since "because god is real" doesn't even come close to answering your question, I though I'd give it a try despite the fact that I'm not religious.

I imagine the reason is because they believe that religion makes them happy and so they think perhaps that it's the only way anyone can be happy. Also, they believe they are right and you are wrong if you don't believe. Besides many religions teach that unbelievers will go to hell, so they believe they are saving you from that. And finally, they have a sense of tribalism and they want their "tribe" to be the biggest, strongest one.
2007-09-04 07:50:33 UTC
Well first of all, religious people are taught to spread the word. Some of them just don't realize that they can be offensive with their "You're a sinner and I'm holier than thou"

attitude. I am a Christian and I believe as long as you are a part of any denomination then that's a good thing. I believe everyone should have a spiritual life of some kind - as long as you have one. But if your friend is offending you with her emails then I would just talk to her about it. If she's really your friend she will understand. Just try to be nice about it because it's probably part of her belief to lead others to God and if she loves you, then that's why she is doing it. She's trying to plant the seed in your heart because she cares about you - so that's a good thing!!! But it can make you feel like the religious freind thinks you are bad or something - I know - I've been there. Good luck!
2007-09-04 07:50:11 UTC
When people are brought up to be religious and go to church, synagogue, temple, or anything, as a weekly thing; then they're going to believe that their religion is the only one out there that's right. It's the human knowledge.

But, there are very religious people out there who create these religious e-mails and send them to everyone out there they know, religious or not. Then, eventually all of the e-mails are going to be going to everyone since it's being forwarded and forwarded.

When I recieve a religious e-mail, I read it, but I don't really send it forward. If I do send it forward, then of course I wouldn't send it to a person who is an athiest or just doesn't have a religion.
2007-09-04 08:10:44 UTC
There once was a street preacher proclaiming God and an old man approached him and asked, "How do I know that your way is the only way to heaven? What if there is another way?" The street preacher replied," There are two roads. One says, 'Be good and try really hard. Do penance, knock on doors, chant all day. Maybe you can get there.' This is what all religions say." The other road says, "No one is good enough. Give up. It's waste to try. Surrender all. " This is the only fair way." The old man says, "How is that fair?!" The preacher said, "Because it is tolerant of all. We all aren't good enough, so we all have equal access to God."
2007-09-04 07:51:08 UTC
OK, the "major question" first: no, I do not send emails about my beliefs unless people ask me questions.

I think the main reason people evangelize -- that is, tell you about their religion -- is that it is a commandment of their faith. "Go, therefore, and preach to all nations . . ." is in the Bible.

The other reason is that if they can convince other people that their way is the right way, it reinforces it for them. Or to put it in the negative, if nobody believes them, they may start to doubt themselves.

As to why they are so sure their way is the right way, it is because the Bible says there is only one way. So whichever one you are taught, you have to believe it is that only one right way. Funny thing is, they are ALL going around saying that, and they can't all be right, since they do contradict one another, sometimes on important points, sometimes on things we might not understand why it matters.
2007-09-04 08:10:11 UTC
I can not answer for others, but for myself, I am trying to mold my personality after that of Jesus Christ. I know that I sometimes fall far short of this. From reading the gospels it is evident that, while Jesus never refrained from preaching, you never got the feeling that he was "pushing" his faith on anyone. He was discerning, tactful and knew how to reach peoples hearts so that they wanted to follow him. That is why I do not often send overtly religious e-mails to persons whom I know would not welcome them, however, those who know me well know that if they ask my advice about just about anything, I will very likely refer them tho the Bible. The same will happen if we get involved in a discussion about world conditions or situations that relate to Bible prophesy or that the Bible offers a solution for.

When I read your question I decided to e-mail it to some in my address book and ask them if they felt I "pushed" my religion on them. I'll come back when I get some answers.
connie p
2007-09-04 07:52:16 UTC
Alot of people are religious because they need to be, they need to have something to either blame for their hardships or to give then hope for the future. Alot of them push it on others for 2 main reasons, 1 is because they are told to, they are told they need to spread their religion ,preach it to others and save people "from hell" or they are not true christians, mormans...ect.... another reason is they don't think that other people can live a happy life with out their religion. Its something that gives them such a large part of their life they look at it as people that don't believe what they do are missing this big thing, so they much not have any hope of future.
2007-09-04 07:49:48 UTC
People are convinced they are right. They, and they alone, are the most important person in the universe, and have all the answers, or at least know where to find them.

Ego-centrism is popular in religion. That's why so many people find their god(s) agreeing with them.

If one of my friends were not religious, I would not send them religious emails. Even if my friend WAS religious, I wouldn't because religious emails are tacky.
2007-09-10 18:22:44 UTC
I have never met with so many prejudice people than here on R&S. So ALL "religious" people are the same? We all shove our beliefs on you, and clog up your inbox with inspirational emails?

Sorry. You are wrong. Christians, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists, Buddists, Jews, etc. are all unique individuals who see life differently. We all have independent thoughts, and express our views differently. We are all flawed, and all beautiful in our own ways.

It sounds like you are only seeing what you want to see. If you choose to catorgorize us as the same, you're really missing out.
2007-09-04 07:50:57 UTC
I feel the same way as you. Most people join a religion to feel apart of something or to feel superior to others. The same reasons people join gangs. At least that has been my experience. Most extremely religious people are the biggest hypocrites.

I do not send out religious emails. I just delete them. Even if these emails were true and "God" is going to punish me for not sending an email. I don't really want to know "him" anyway. ;)
2007-09-04 07:50:17 UTC
I don't really know

yet I suspect fear and guilt mostly

A little celebrating of their religion once in awhile if they think they have found some rapture or whatever that is working for them, whatever religion, is perfecty acceptable to me.

The third time they try laying guilt trips on me or something, or trying to convert me after I say no 3 times, is unacceptable.
2007-09-04 07:50:12 UTC
No, I would probably not send religious emails to a friend who was not into that religion. However, I might send some positive thoughts (ie prayers) their way.
t n
2007-09-04 07:58:28 UTC
People like to think they are better than others because they believe that their faith is so great and that they know everything. Others simply won't except that others have their own beliefs or choose not to believe at all. In my opinion these are just very narrow minded people who are afraid of change Maybe its a power trip forcing their religion upon others. They want everyone else to be and think like them They fear the unknown I personally dont agree with pushing your beliefs on people who don't want it which why I myself am not so into my christian faith anymore I mean if you have to force people to listen to you and think your supieror that obivously goes against the religion itself and you have much bigger problems
A Light to Burn All the Empiresā™„
2007-09-04 07:49:31 UTC
It makes me sad that many Christians are getting a bad name because of the way some of them act. I don't try to push my beliefs on someone, I would rather just have a conversation with someone and ask what they believe and then tell them what I believe. If you choose to be a Christian, then that's great, but if you choose not to, then I'm not going to look down on someone just because they don't believe the way I do.
2007-09-04 07:50:22 UTC
About the emails, I wouldn't take it personally. People just send out mass emails, your name is just on their list. I have asked friends to stop this, some have, some haven't. When people belong to a congregation, they feel like they are apart of something, a bigger family. I have a friend that is religious and she has said this many times. She goes to church because she feels she belongs there. Some of us ( like you and me) just don't get that feeling : - )
2007-09-11 06:29:00 UTC
Religious beleive their religion is the best way for humans, and being out of it makes people suffer, for this they try to help people.
Lori E
2007-09-04 07:51:52 UTC
Don't let other peoples religious persuasions upset you. If you feel they are shoving a particular belief onto you, be polite and say you're not interested and don't wish to have a discussion about it. If you get emails that annoy you, delete them. You have the choice of believing what you want They just want to share their beliefs with you because it makes them happy and they think you will be happier too.
2007-09-04 07:58:24 UTC
one of the most interesting places i went to a few years back was the women's globe they were of many religions i will never forget them, we had Baptist catholic Protestant and one of the group might shock you a witch and here is a puzzle for you, what is and does nsew mean to you, to the globe not north south east west but news which to us was news of the bible we had news every day 7-24 even in several states we even did some of the bible readings on the phone, i wish i could find that group again.
Blue Oyster Kel
2007-09-04 07:49:04 UTC
I never "push " my religion on people...everyone has their own path to follow......but I do agree that there are many who do started with those Crusades in the middle ages, and just keeps going today. (Personally, I don't fully trust a religion that tells me I must believe a certain way or die in the name of that god!!)
2007-09-04 07:56:37 UTC
One thing I am TRYING to get people to do is: dont say "why are religious people..." try saysing "why are some/most religious people..."... It's less offensive to people that ARE but are not like that.

People shove things down your throat cause they think its the right thing. and they are wrong to do that.

I am a christain....very brod generalization actually.

I am Methodist to be exact. Because I am open minded., not trying to shove it down your throat. But I would reccomend methodist to people that want to go to church, but go to a church thats okay with anything people.
2007-09-04 07:47:58 UTC
Fear, the need to be a part of an exclusive group, and no I would not send emails (even though I am not religious) as I feel spirituality is someone's individual choice.
Angel Unaware
2007-09-04 07:52:01 UTC
True christianity in my opinion would be not to judge others by religion. I would not send religious e-mails to anyone who does not express an interest. I am a beleiver in god, not religion.
2007-09-04 07:52:06 UTC
Are you saying that people should not feel free to share things in their life that are important to them.

Just telling you about a religion isn't necessarily "pushing it down your throat". You always have the freedom to reject it - if you're uncomfortable with free speech, then maybe you need to get a backbone.
2007-09-04 07:49:42 UTC
religion is the number one priority in many peoples lives. and a lot of the people who have other priorities higher than religion want terribly badly to feel like religion is there number one priority.

a lot of people try to convert others because they feel that it's their job to do so. and others do it because they genuinely want more people to go to heaven with them. what they don't understand is that many people can work religion out on their own and can feel spiritual and close to God in other ways.

they're just doing what they think is right.
2007-09-04 07:49:01 UTC
Because people feel that there is only 1 right answer to the meaning and creation of life, so they feel it is there duty to preach and 'promote the gospil'. The truth is: there is almost always more than 1 solution to any problem.




Lizzie Gal
2007-09-04 08:05:45 UTC
Honestly I think everyone should choose their own religion. If someone didn't want me to talk about my religion, I wouldn't. Just as long as they don't affend me.
kerian negenmann
2007-09-04 07:50:33 UTC
By Odin, let's go for a beer. At least in my religion we are allowed to have fun and we don't try to converse :) I swear, no pressure and no religious talk :)
2007-09-04 07:48:48 UTC
some people can't come up with their own "strength" as it were, personally I agree with you, I don't need somebody to preach to me that I am "loved" to make me feel good....or to tell me that to be a good person, I have to follow some arbitrary set of 'rules'...some people just need to be "led" that's why they need the church to tell them what to do. i personally am not offended when I get religious emails, but do not pass them on becauase I don't know how others feel about them, and also because they don't convey my thoughts and beliefs
2007-09-04 07:51:35 UTC
It's the same phenomena that causes people to shove baby pictures in your face. They are excited about how beautiful junior is, and they can't imagine why you wouldn't be.

If you're not interested. You're not interested. I would count myself as religious, but no I've never spammed anyone with religious e-mails--never would.
2007-09-04 07:50:40 UTC
The final question, yes I would, it is up to them if they wish to read it or delete it. Some religions believe in pushing themselves on others, while some show their beliefs in their everyday actions. To me it is more important to show through you actions than to try to convert someone, it is part of free will.
2007-09-04 07:50:52 UTC
People follow religion for the same reasons people follow footbal its because they want to feel like part of someting it gives them there place in life .
sweet girl
2007-09-04 07:48:35 UTC
Its not like you have to read them...people are like that because thats something they strongly believe in, its no different than you feeling strongly about people NOT doing it, Im sure they have the best intentions, but sometimes they dont realize they are offending some or annoying some people.
2007-09-04 07:49:00 UTC
The charitable side of me would suggest that those who are into their religion are merely trying to share with you the happiness and contentment they find from their religion.

The skeptic in me would suggest that they need to indoctrinate others into their beliefs to somehow add weight to their own confidence in their faith.

Either way, if those people respect you they will respect your right to be non-religious.
2007-09-09 23:45:58 UTC
Well it seems I am.

Tell me this, if you are so against religion why are you on the religious section?

I smell a lie.
2007-09-04 07:47:30 UTC
Not all religions seek to convert people to their point of view. Sounds as if you are describing evangelical Christians or followers of one of the branches of Islam.
2007-09-04 07:49:59 UTC
All things that even smell like 'religion', seems the same to an unbeliever. Rightfully so, as all religions try to mimic Christianity, although a perversion of the truth.

How is an unbeliever to know the difference? They cannot, when all require the same senses to discern with.

It's not until one is visited by the Holy Spirit, does one discern the truth of Jesus.

I do not blame you for your feelings.
Tina W
2007-09-04 07:49:38 UTC
The reason they do so is because they obviously care about you and want to save your soul. Really, even if you do not agree, whether than be annoyed you should be honored that they care enough about you to try. That's not saying you have to agree, because in this great nation we have freedom of religion, but try instead of looking at it as bothersome, try to understand they are only showing love for you.
Pamela V
2007-09-04 07:48:12 UTC
You have free will. You don't have to be a part of any Religion or Church. You can make your own choice, just like I did. Just like today You choose to come to this site to ask your question, no one forced you. That was your free will to do so.
2007-09-04 07:50:25 UTC
The ONLY way that I would ever send a religious tract to a "friend" is if, in reality, they were My ENEMY!
john t
2007-09-04 07:48:15 UTC
Stop looking for religion and look to a relationship with God

He will never let u down inspite of yourself
2007-09-04 07:49:08 UTC
Mostly because many feel unworthy and are not secure in their own faith. And thus to feel worthy seek out others to prove themselves to others.
Steve C
2007-09-04 07:49:00 UTC
Because religion is like an opiate for the masses, and most of its believers are closer to drug pushers than enlightened people.
2007-09-04 07:47:37 UTC
Peer pressure. People do what others do. They prefer to follow blindly rather than go their own way.

No, I never forward religious emails to anyone. I delete them as soon as I get them.
2007-09-04 07:48:06 UTC
religious people are the way they are because they are scared of hell and think they are suppose to do all these things to get into heaven.
2007-09-04 07:48:56 UTC
Because a lot of people have that emotional need, and many of them are immature.

Religious belief is an emotion.

It's all imaginary, but for them it's real.
2007-09-04 07:48:06 UTC
because its in the bible to 'spread the word of the lord'

i dont believe in god either, but theyre just doing their 'job' you dont have to listen, i don't.
Zebra Princess
2007-09-04 07:55:46 UTC
Because they are brainwashed
2007-09-04 07:48:51 UTC
because we as christians love God and its our duty to spread the word and tell and teach everyone about what God has done for all of us
2007-09-04 07:47:58 UTC
Because, like Bush, they all feel that they were ordained by God to "know" the truth.
2007-09-04 07:47:18 UTC
The fear of hell is scary. That's why.

I'm still scared of hell. I wouldn't want anybody else to go there.

Religion is hope for many. Even myself.
2007-09-04 07:49:43 UTC
You're right. I would be a much better person if I kept my mouth shut and watched you go to hell.
the shiz
2007-09-04 07:46:26 UTC
because God is real. "wide is the gate to Hell"...Jesus Christ

people don't want to see people go to hell.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.