I'd like to start reading the Bible, but where do I begin?
2009-08-09 12:47:09 UTC
I want to start reading the Bible to find inspiration and to help me find Jesus and God in these times of crisis, but I have no idea where I should start. I have never read the Bible before. Do I start with Genesis and read through like a novel? Any help will be much appreciated?
71 answers:
2009-08-09 12:59:37 UTC
Most people either start with Genesis or Mathew and read either the old testament or the new testament first. And yes, you can read it like a novel.

What I like to do is use the Our Daily Bread devotionals and follow their "Bible in a Year" plan. That means every year I've read through the bible at least one time completely. The bible makes more sense when you read more of it at one time. If you read about 3 chapters a day, you'll read the entire bible in a year.
2009-08-09 13:57:29 UTC
The Bible is not meant to be read like a "novel". It is not written 'literally', it is written metamorphically. Many people read the Bible literally and that is why so many do not understand it.

There are two main sections in the Bible - the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is written under the 'Old Law', before Jesus Christ came to earth. It explains creation, the emigration of God's people to the Promised Land, the old sacrifices, kings and prophets, specific people who were given tests from God to prove their faith, psalms and proverbs (praise and instruction for daily life), love and courtship in marriage, and many trials and tribulations in regions, cities and towns. There is intensive detail in this Testament and can be confusing to read.

The New Testament is much like a biography, written by different people about the same person. There are four Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These give testament about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ - from his birth to his death, resurrection and ascension to heaven. There are also 'letters' written by Paul (an apostle) explaining circumstances going on at the time he was in jail while his fellow brothers preached the gospel. There are also letters from James, John, Timothy, Peter and Jude. The final book of the Bible is Revelation. It is the most intense and most intriguing book of the entire Bible.

If you are just beginning to read the Bible, and want inspiration, reading Matthew, the first book in the New Testament, is best. This scripture reveals what Jesus teaches and is more detailed about His life than the other gospels.
2009-08-09 12:53:20 UTC
It's best to start in the gospels, read through the New Testament, then return to the Old Testament. As Jesus says, the Old Testament points to him, prophecies about him, and foreshadows him, so you won't really understand the Old Testament without the Old Testament. Then you'll find the Old Testament increasing your understanding of the New Testament, so you'll want to start with the gospels again. I would just start with Matthew and read forward to the end, then return to Genesis 1 and read from there all the way through. Get a good study Bible (ex: ESV Study Bible, John Macarthur Study Bible) and you'll find the notes very helpful in understanding some things that may seem foreign or difficult to you.
2009-08-09 12:52:55 UTC
I would start by reading the Genesis. To get a general idea of how earth was created and it also helps you learn more about God. Then you can continue by reading the section on Moses then next on some other people like Job. Next you can continue on with Jesus. And once you are done with all that then you can continue by reading different section in the Bible that you haven't read yet.
Asher S
2009-08-09 12:55:01 UTC
Yes, start with Genesis.

Don't try reading it like a novel. Set yourself a schedule of daily study. There are a number of sites that have schedules to read the entire Bible in one year. If you can do that, great. If it takes you longer (less time each day, you want to go into more detail on each chapter), that's fine too.

The most important thing is not to give up! It might look impossible at the start, but you will make progress.
2016-04-03 13:27:24 UTC
Genesis is an important book. It is recommended that you read it first. New Christians usually read the Book of John, Romans and Acts first. Then Genesis. So long as you cover the whole Bible in about 1 year, it should be all right.
2009-08-09 13:35:11 UTC

I think the best way to read God's Word is through a Bible reading plan - And as far as I am aware this is the best online resource:

Personally, I began with Genesis, then moved on to the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) then Acts.

You may also enjoy this site to help you experience the Bible in a new way:

Hope that helps you.
2009-08-09 12:55:43 UTC
reading it through like a novel gets really boring really fast. i would recommend finding a bible study group or going to a christian book store and finding a devotion. either way, you will get more out of it then trying to read it like a novel. i would also suggest finding a church. i know that there are a lot of denominations and it can all be really confusing trying to figure out which one you should go to, but you can go to several churches over a period of time until you find one that you like. the people there will help you to learn more and you can always confide in a priest, preacher, pastor, etc. the church is there to help you, and you really do learn a lot from sermons.
2009-08-09 12:55:35 UTC
Start with Genesis so everything else makes sense. Read a few chapters a day and write a reflection or something about each in a journal (make it a prayer journal!). This is what I'm doing! If I have any questions, I just write them in my journal so I can remember them later. I also write down some verses that I like as well <3 Have fun!!
2009-08-09 14:04:34 UTC
First of all, I think you're looking in the right place to find answers to difficult questions. I would start in the book of John - it talks about Jesus' life. the book of Acts would be a good place to go after that. They are both very interesting reads and should be helpful.
2009-08-09 12:54:41 UTC
starting at the beginning will only confuse you.

Try doing topic studies like the fruits of the spirit, overcoming your old self, going through trials, the crowns of the believers and things like that. Read John 1, Romans 6 through 8, James and just keep reading.
2009-08-09 12:53:17 UTC
well the old testament represents a more wrathful God, and some of the early chapters such as leviticus become monotonous. i would definitely suggest one of the gospels such as matthew, mark, luke, or john. these books read more like a story and each one tells the story of the acutal life of jesus. often the new testament has more applicable life lessons. i would suggest going to a christian book store and getting a devotional. this type of book will give you a verse to read then a passage about how to apply it to your life. :)

i wish you luck in your endeaver with reading the Bible!

-God Bless
2009-08-09 13:17:07 UTC
read page 1 chapter 1 genesis start from the begginning to understand everything even if it starts to get boring keep reading beacuase it will get interesting and teaches an important message.
2009-08-09 12:55:28 UTC
The place to start when you read the Bible, is to start from Matthew, it is the gospels of the Bible are the easiest part to read.

Because they Jesus's life story!

Then from there, you can pick books that interest you.

All the best with your reading, and I hope this helps.
2009-08-09 12:53:37 UTC
page 1
2009-08-09 12:52:25 UTC
If you are looking for inspiration, look for the book of James. We are doing a study on it at church, and it's been explained as how to "walk the walk" of faith. Also, I find Psalms very inspirational. I'm a fan of poetry, and they were originally constructed as songs.

I pray that you find the strength that you need! May God be with you during your trials and protect you and help you grow from them. God bless!
2009-08-09 12:53:19 UTC
The first page, But the Bible isn't exactly a book of Science, just a bunch of story's written by people that lived 2000 years ago.
2009-08-09 12:52:50 UTC
You cant find inspiration from an ancient book. You will have to find that through yourself. Don't choose the easy way out like others do, look where it gets them. Telling people there going to hell for not agreeing with them and believing faults truths.
2009-08-09 12:53:30 UTC
if you want to find god in these times of crisis the bible is a bad place to start. remember the bible was written by political settlers who wanted control over people. back then they found people were nieve enough to believe in an angry god.
Richard L
2009-08-09 12:54:07 UTC
start reading anywhere , it does not matter where you start , go thru the pages and find something you like , this will keep you interested much more than starting at the beginning, and listen to some tv evangilest they really entertain with there interpretations. good stuff.

but don't send them money they have more than enough money ok.
2009-08-09 12:52:41 UTC
start anywhere it dont matter if your looking for help advice or a message look at pshalms the end days revelations and the begining genesis or birth of jesus start of new testament hope helps
2009-08-09 12:51:02 UTC
Depends... the Old testament is somewhat boring for some people, if you would like... just read the new testament, and revelation. But really don't get hugely into religion, the bible is a good thing for one to read, but the church just makes up things that are silly, and absurd.
2009-08-09 12:51:46 UTC
It is always good to read the Bible. God speaks to us through our senses. Randomly open the Book and let it choose for you.
2009-08-09 12:51:26 UTC
You won't find Jesus in the pages of a book. Remove the veil from your eyes, and Look inside Yourself. You are made of God. You don't have to look for him in external objects or places.
2009-08-09 12:54:39 UTC
At the beginning?

It's not bad for a few chapters; gory, misogynistic, full of plagues and people getting burnt to death for sacraficing the wrong thing...but all the lists of whoever begat whoever gets on your nerves.

And don't forget they often leave out the warning at the beginning: this book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real events and people is purely coincidence.
ஜ☂☆☆ ☂Twin ☂ ☆☆☂ஜ
2009-08-09 12:51:12 UTC
Start at Genissis as that is a bout how the world began.

You dont read like a novel you just read any story you want as they will all having differnat manings.

The books eg.Mattew are who have written it
2009-08-09 12:51:10 UTC
A lot of christians believe you should start in the new testiment, and read all of that then go to the old.

but personally I'd start with page one, so you understand god & everything about him and what he has done and stuff, so you'll understand who the bible is referring to later, and understand what/why things are happening.
2009-08-09 12:51:54 UTC
Start with the Gospel of John, then Romans, and then Hebrews. If you are earnestly looking for knowledge of God's Word, He will lead you into what to read next.
2009-08-09 12:54:09 UTC
John... and then the other 3.. Read first the new will
Fly With Me
2009-08-09 12:52:11 UTC
just start at the beginning. props to you for wanting to read the Bible!
2009-08-09 14:34:41 UTC
i would cherry pick the best bits, i started reading it untill i got to the bit where moses is going on and on about the the curtains and the curtain rings and the wood ect ect for the ark of the covenant.

boring boring boring
2009-08-09 14:26:29 UTC
start at matthew to learn about the life of Jesus.
Elizabeth B
2009-08-09 12:52:12 UTC
Genesis and Matthew's
2009-08-09 12:50:58 UTC
Read it like any other book, bookmark pages or passages that you think may be helpful later on or ones that you would like just to reflect on over and over again.
2009-08-10 12:23:56 UTC
2009-08-09 12:51:50 UTC
I'd start in John and read through that. Then when yur done hit me up and i'll help where to go next.
2009-08-09 12:53:10 UTC
Read it all man, even if it takes you along time.

i started with King james bible
2009-08-10 05:35:27 UTC
You can start with "the bible according to spike milligan"
2009-08-09 12:51:47 UTC
Um yeah, I guess you should start in Genesis
2009-08-09 12:49:59 UTC
Begin by reading the first page and so on.
2009-08-09 12:53:04 UTC
it is better to start reading Arabian nights stories.

they are more interesting than the stories told in the bible.
2009-08-09 12:51:22 UTC
Psalms is a great way to start; it's uplifting, then reads Galations. It's about faith.

2009-08-09 12:50:56 UTC
Begin at the beginning, like most things.
2009-08-09 12:50:33 UTC
start at the beginning like a normal book
2009-08-09 12:50:11 UTC
I would suggest starting with the Gospels, specifically with John. Then, perhaps Romans.
2009-08-09 12:50:53 UTC
yeah you should start in genesis since its the first one
2009-08-09 12:50:50 UTC
Start at genesis... that is what i did... it was very interesting
2009-08-09 12:50:36 UTC
Simply start at the begining, I mean thats what beginings are for right?
2009-08-09 12:51:04 UTC
why not start at the beginning?
2009-08-09 12:50:30 UTC
Would you start reading anything in the middle?
2009-08-09 12:53:50 UTC bout at the beginning? like you would with any other book. great question btw...
2009-08-09 12:50:18 UTC
The first page might be a good start?
2009-08-09 12:51:27 UTC
first page(: thats how you start all the other books!
Brazilian* Fire
2009-08-09 12:50:15 UTC
Page uno
2009-08-09 12:49:52 UTC
Genesis, chapter 1?

Or is that too obvious?

I would suggest simply reading it. Don't look for study guides or books to "help" you interpret the bible. Just read it for yourself and above all "Question EVERYTHING"
2009-08-09 12:53:05 UTC
page one of 100000000000
Live Your Life
2009-08-09 12:49:59 UTC
in the beginning
Steven D
2009-08-09 12:50:57 UTC
Yes. It can be tough to follow but there's a lot in there.
2009-08-09 12:49:54 UTC
Yes read it from the start to understand it completely.
In Defense of ☭Marxism
2009-08-09 12:50:16 UTC
Read Harry Potter, it's way better.
2009-08-09 12:50:22 UTC
i would either start from the start or just pick bits and pieces now and then
2009-08-09 12:49:58 UTC
2 Kings 2:23-24

And... the rest of my profile.
2009-08-09 12:50:02 UTC
well first you'll not want to read about all the violence, racism, sexism, etc. so, that'll leave you....1 page?
lucy b
2009-08-09 12:49:44 UTC
page 1 babe xx
2009-08-09 12:50:31 UTC
first page always

answer mine plz
Moh S
2009-08-09 12:50:29 UTC
Well you should read the Quran :)
2009-08-09 12:50:26 UTC
there are much more interesting ficton books available :)
2009-08-09 12:50:12 UTC
remove your common sense first
2009-08-09 12:50:45 UTC
page one...
2009-08-09 12:50:27 UTC
at the begining d*u*m*b*a*s*s
2009-08-09 12:49:57 UTC
I dunno just pick up a book and start reading

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