2011-10-27 11:35:18 UTC
-Just look at the human brain, for example. How do bundles of neurons firing at each other create consciousness?
-There is a type of parasitic(sorry for bad spelling) worm that needs to hatch from eggs inside of a cow, then be eaten by a human in order to complete its lifecycle. Then, the feces from the human containing the worm eggs need to be eaten by another cow for more worms to be born. How in the world would natural selection explain something so ridiculously convoluted?
-There is also a type of flower that needs to be pollinated by wasps in order to reproduce, and it attracts wasps by appearing to be a female wasp in heat, so that the male wasps carrying the pollen land on it. The flower excretes a chemical attractor to appear to be a female wasp and everything. Are flowers able to think and come up tricks like that? Because, what are the chances of something like that happening through random chance?
-Go on Youtube and look up "mimic octopus".
I'm only 15, please don't hate on me.