false dilemna - most christians for example are A) religious AND B) accept evolution.
the talkorigins website might help.
"what are the chances of something like that happening through random chance?"
it's called natural SELECTION.
the process of chance happenings being SELECTED for by nature, is, overall, NOT a chance process.
even after seeing it on a regular basis, I still marvel at how much intellectual dishonesty the evolution deniers are forced to employ to seem to be able to refute such a blatantly undeniable fact like evolution.
one poster has already listed some of the most compelling evidence for evolution.
more importantly though, if evolution were false, it would be EASY to falsify, yet for some reason, the evolution deniers have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to refute it, just fallacious arguments that rely on you not understanding what evolution is in the first place.
do some research for yourself, you will come to realize how foolish and absurd the evolution deniers look, to those who appreciate why evolution is a completely undeniable fact.
I find it handy to put evolution into the form of a logical argument with 2 premises.
premise 1) nothing that copies itself, does so perfectly every time, errors WILL ocur.
premise 2" any errors that make one lineage more likely to reproduce itself in it's given environment than the others, will likely become the norm in that environment.
conclusion - even from the simplest possible self replicating matter, given enough time, a complex and diverse ecosystem of self reproducing things will come into being, all shaped locally by their environment eg climate, resources, threats, etc.
this is undeniably applicable to life on earth, and precisely what all the evidence supports.
whilst I personally don't care what you or others believe, I do care that you might be interested in what is true, and be led astray by people who feel you shouldn't believe it.
so here's my offer.
you find absolutely ANY refusal, rebuttal, denial or falsification being pedaled by the evolution deniers, and I will demonstrate the lies and ignorance within them.
this username at yahoo dot com.
remember, the "truth" is not a propaganda war, even though people here will treat your "beliefs" like one.