He's responsible for the existence of evil and hell, also don't forget that he's responsible for good and heaven.
He made evil and good, and he gave you free will to choose and the strength to fight. So, he knows everything but he's not responsible of our actions because we have the power to change.
So, he knew that Satan will rebel and do evil, that why he created hell & heaven before the creation of satan him self;
Please notice that "satan" means "iblis" in this quote:
[Allah] said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you to?" He [Iblis] replied, "I am better than him. You created me from fire and You created him from clay."
He [Allah] said, "Descend from Heaven. It is not for you to be arrogant in it. So get out! You are one of the abased."
He [Iblis] said, "Grant me a reprieve until the day they are raised up."
He [Allah] said, "You are one of the reprieved."
He [Iblis] said, "By Your misguidance of me, I will lie in ambush for them on your straight path."
[Iblis said,] "Then I will come at them, from in front of them and behind them, from their right and from their left. You will not find most of them thankful."
He [Allah] said, "Get out of it, reviled and driven out. As for those of them who follow you, I will fill up Hell with every one of you." (Surat al-A`raf, 11-18).
You can see that Allah said that he will fill up hell to Iblis without telling him what does "hell" means. Hence, Allah created the hell and the heaven before the rebelion of Satan.
I don't know about Christianity or what would christians say, I'm talking about Islam here.