Can you explain evolution to me in simple terms?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Can you explain evolution to me in simple terms?
40 answers:
2010-10-24 22:15:29 UTC
Timelessness becomes an evident equational reality towards speeds of light in the square of the Constant where

F=MA becomes E=MC^2 and C= speed of light

solved for t=time in the denominator as the speed approaches the acceleration across large distances for small photonic masses through dark matter polarities.

Example: C= 299,792,458 metres per second X 299,792,458 metres per second = 89875517873681764 M^2/S^2 = ~8.98 X 10^16 M^2/S^2

~ (3 X 10^8)^2 = 9 X 10^16 M^2/S^2

Because time is expressed as the square in the acceleration measure such as the particular acceleration through the polarities of the magnetic reversal processes of the spliting the H2 atom...

Evolution is what Genesis Prophecy shows us. That God Governs among the changes during times and seasons and between species as they unfold in their variety.
2010-10-24 22:05:35 UTC
2010-10-24 22:05:14 UTC
Darwin had said that life evolved very slowly by small changes from a single-celled organism into all life on earth, including man. The fossil record should show these transitions, but he admitted it doesn’t. One hundred and twenty years ago, he said the record was incomplete, but he felt that more fossils would be discovered in time to fill in the gaps.

“The pattern that we were told to find for the last 120 years does not exist,” declared Niles Eldridge, paleontologist from the American Museum of Natural History in New York. He believes new species arise, not from gradual changes, but in sudden bursts of evolution. The many transitional forms needed for Darwinian evolution never existed—no fossils will ever bridge the gaps.

Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard agrees with Eldridge. At the Chicago meeting he declared: “Certainly the record is poor, but the jerkiness you see is not the result of gaps, it is the consequence of the jerky mode of evolutionary change.” Everett Olson, UCLA paleontologist, said: “I take a dim view of the fossil record as a source of data.” Francisco Ayala, a former major advocate of Darwin’s slow changes, added this comment: “I am now convinced from what the paleontologists say that small changes do not accumulate.”

Science summed up the controversy: “The central question of the Chicago conference was whether the mechanisms underlying microevolution [small changes within the species] can be extrapolated to explain the phenomena of macroevolution [big jumps across species boundaries]. . . . the answer can be given as a clear, No.”

This revised view of evolution is called “punctuated equilibrium,” meaning one species remains for millions of years in the fossil record, suddenly disappears and a new species just as suddenly appears in the record. This, however, is not really a new proposal. Richard Goldschmidt advanced it in the 1930’s, called it the “hopeful monsters” hypothesis, and was much maligned for it then. “Punctuated equilibrium” is a much more impressive designation.

This theory is somewhat of a plus to evolutionists, for it does away with the need to come up with transitional forms. It makes changes happen too fast, the evolutionists contend, for fossils to record the events—but not fast enough for us to see them happening. However, it is also a liability. When creationists pointed to the intricate designs in nature that required a designer, evolutionists enthroned natural selection as the designer. Now the role of natural selection has been eroded, and chance is ensconced in its place—creationists have long held that evolutionists must depend on chance.

With chance in the dominant role guiding evolution, the thorny question of design returns: How can chance accomplish the intricate and amazing designs that are everywhere? The eye, Darwin said, made him shudder. Moreover, it is not just once that such miracles of design by chance have to occur, but they must happen again and again in unrelated species.

Even more than all of this, evolutionists would have us believe that three different times warm-blooded animals developed from cold-blooded reptiles; three times color vision developed independently; five times wings and flight developed in unrelated fish, insects, pterodactyls, birds and mammals.

Could chance repeat these feats over and over again? The mathematics of probability says no!
2010-10-24 22:03:49 UTC
First there was nothing. Then there was matter. over long long periods of time planets and stars formed. Then this planet formed and it 100% sterile and void of all life. Then by pure random accident we had life. Than amazingly that life grew into more advancted life. From there I think you get the picture.
2010-10-24 22:03:15 UTC
Evolution is simple and beautiful. Every species of life can be traced back to single celled organisms floating around on earth's oceans. After abiogenesis, they spread out they found themselves in new environments (both in the water by developing gills etc and land with legs to move from pond to pond and then eventually live land permanently) and with new environments, these organisms found themselves genetically adapting over tons and tons of generations to meet the requirements of their surroundings. Fast forward thousands upon thousans upon thousands of years and primitive man that developed from a cousin we share with chimps in a certain area in Africa began migrating north into Europe then Asia, across the land bridge and into the Americas. As animals spread and developed, life began springing forward similar to a trees branches. You don't realize it but every single leaf can be traced back to a little seed.
2010-10-24 22:02:48 UTC
Human beings started out as pond scum.

By the way, God doesn't send anyone to an eternity of pain and suffering.

He loves you so much, He lets you choose.
2010-10-24 22:02:22 UTC
Evolution is a myth put forward to decieve people
2010-10-24 21:56:31 UTC
so now you bow to the religion of science and reason?

GOD did it.........



Beat It Upright
2010-10-24 21:55:52 UTC
Basically changes in an entire species over a long period of time.
2010-10-24 21:58:39 UTC
This website explains evolution in very basic terms.

There is far to much to copy and paste, we basically started as cells.

Most people would say that is insane, but they are forgetting it didn't happen over night, it started around 3.5 billion years ago.

It took 10 billion years for Earth itself to become stable enough to hold life.

Evolution is about survival, adapting to live in your surroundings. Earth was not designed for humans, but humans evolved to live here.

We also didn't evolve 1 species at a time (Fish -> Lizard -> ape). Like tadpoles turn into frogs we gained new limbs and body parts over time. (Except in evolutions case it took millions of years, not a month)

If you have any doubts in evolution, send me an email. I had doubts when I first became atheist, but once you look at the evidence and theories it all makes sense.

Edit: Lexi is a beautiful name :) Keep asking questions, because when you stop asking questions you limit yourself to your current knowledge.
Sly Phi AM
2010-10-24 22:29:10 UTC
All you really need to understand are two basic concepts.

1. species

2. niche

A species is a group of organisms who are able to procreate sexually and produce fertile offspring.

A niche is a set of environmental criteria that any given species occupies within an ecosystem. .Niche is quite a complex concept however it should be noted that only one species can occupy one ecological niche for any long period of time.

When a niche occupied by any given species experiences some kind of change within its parameters, that species only has two options:

1. Go exticnt

2. Evolve.

Given that the changes that occur can happen at varying rates from very slow to very fast the following could be said to occur

Fast change - species goes extinct

Slow change - species evolves

Essentially in the slow change case, some of the parameters start to shift (ie a food resource becomes limited or temperature starts to rise etc.) and the animals who's genetic make up enables them to best respond to that change are the ones most likely to be successful in breeding. That superior genetic make up is then promoted over other genetic configurations that don't respond as well - this is called natural selection.

Speciation (the creation of a new species) often happens when a population is divided geographically by some process (ie tectonic plate movement). The niche conditions initially in both groups are similar however over a long period of time the two sets of conditions will start to vary significantly - and there will come a point in time that the group of animals in one location is genetically different enough from the animals in the other location such that (and this is important) if a male from one population mated with a female from the other they COULD NOT produce fertile offspring. Ie: a new species has evolved.

It is important to note that in the above example BOTH populations will probably evolve - this is why the term 'common ancestor' is used - and also why the 'if man evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys?' question is ridiculous.

The other misunderstood term is 'living fossil'. Given that across the milliions of niches across the globe, not all of them change at the same rate - some are very stable and thus there is no real 'selection pressure' forcing that species to change much - without this shift in parameters, a species can remain unchaged for millions of years where in other cases a new species will pop up in tens of thousands.

Hope that helped
2010-10-24 22:20:24 UTC
First of all, you can be a christian and believe in evolution. Catholics do, and many protestants do.

Evolution is proved by "Superbugs". These are germs that have become resistant to commonly used antibiotics. A "parent" germ somehow got a mutation, or change, in its dna that allowed it to resist a certain antibiotic. It passed this onto its 'children'. Because the children were able to survive in the presence of antibiotics, and the other germs weren't, the children rapidly became the predominant population in the presence of that particular antibiotic. This is called survival of the fittest.

So we have two forces at work, 'survival of the fittest' and mutation.

To the best of my scant knowledge, 'Speciation', or one species evolving into another, hasn't been proved. but evolutionary biologists reason that everything started off as one celled organisms (Like bacteria) and got more complex from there, due again to mutation and survival of the fittest. First these one celled creatures formed multi-celled creatures, then there was specialization in the cells. Eventually man came to be, a few billion years later.

This is where the problem arises between religion and science. Genesis implies, but doesn't really say, that all the plants, animals, and man were created fully formed in 24 hour days. Evolutionary theory says it probably took billions of years. Anyway, the theory goes on to say that men did NOT come from monkeys, but that both monkeys and man came from a common ape like ancestor.

Personally, I have no problem with evolution, including 'speciation'--the theory I just mentioned that everything came from single celled organisms. Nor do I have a problem with abiogenesis, which states that this first single celled life came from inorganic molecules-- I think water and ammonia combining into amino acids by the electricity of lightning. These amino acids formed proteins, and somehow or other the proteins ended up being cells.

I just think the days in Genesis weren't literal 24 hour days, and that God guides everything, including evolution! So I really don't care whether the 'speciation' part of evolution is correct or not!

Changing the subject, I'm putting a link below to an unusual vision of Hell. Also, a link to a wikipedia evolution article.
Disciple of Truth
2010-10-24 23:00:33 UTC
I find that it takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in God, and that you have quite a few things wrong (God can but will not destroy satan who is also his child, will not send us to an eternity of pain and suffering [try reading the Bible instead of going by what others say], God created physics so why couldn't He change or break them?, and what does E=MC squared have to do with anything), but I am a biologist so here is your answer:

Evolution is the change in species over time. As far as I know everyone excepts microevolution which says that all cats or all species of owls, etc. are related to each other. Darwin was a genius at discovering this as being from natural selection, or the tendency of certain traits to become more common in a population due to the competitiveness of nature 'selecting' them (like white critters becoming more common than brown ones in a snowy region as the darker ones are eaten by predatorsrs more often). Macroevolution, which is what most people really mean when they use the term 'evolution' is the belief that ALL life on earth descends from the first cell (a cell is the smallest unit of life).

According to evolutionists, the 'primordial soup' of chemicals in the ocean happened to come together by chance to create the amino acids and sugars of life, which happened to come together by chance to create the first RNA or DNA (despite the fact that they require vastly different chemical environments to form, or that if even one right-handed amino acid is present in the protein it is worthless but half of naturally occurring amino acids would be right handed ), which somehow managed to duplicate itself even without the other machinery that all cells and viruses use to do so, and that it got enough of just the right mistakes in it to accidentally acquire the blueprints for the machinery (much of which has no purpose to allow for natural selection until all parts just 'happen' to come together). Once that supposedly occurred you would have the first cell.

Now any normal person knows that mistakes make things neutral or worse (as does the Second Law of Thermodynamics and anyone who knows anything about cancer), but evolutionists prefer to believe that some of those mistakes produced new information and new things (I guess they should have just shook up a bunch of screws and stuff instead of planning out the design for the first computer).

I admit my interest in what forms supposedly led to what forms wanes at this point, but due to the above it is generally assumed that life started in the water. If you study the different kingdoms, you'll find that they emphasis certain species in the text books as more primitive in certain characteristics because they lack certain traits like vascular systems, spinal chords, etc. I do know that no one believes we are descended from monkeys, which are considered more like a cousin species that we have no direct ancestor in, but share a farther back ancestor with. The same is said of many hominids (human-like species).

So there you go. I may not agree with it but I must admit that Darwin did a pretty good job of coming up with a solution to the problem of explaining life apart from God which so many atheists had been seeking for many years. Sure it might not work well for anyone familiar with chemistry, physics or math, and might deny a whole lot of evidence to the contrary (like the fossil record, unbiased dating, abiogenesis, the anthropic principal of the earth, solar system, universe, and laws of physics, etc), but it is a heck of a lot more convincing then Lamarckism was.
2010-10-24 22:12:08 UTC
Here is evolution at its most basic.

Every living thing inherits its form as genetic information from its parent or parents (depending on if it was produced by asexual or sexual reproduction).

That genetic inheritance is not perfect. There are errors, of all sorts, called mutations.

Individuals compete in their environments to reproduce and not everyone is equally successful. Part of that variable success is because of the genetic mutations the individuals received along with their inherited genetics. The environment acts as a filter, selecting some variations as more successful at reproducing and reducing the reproductive success of other variations. The most extreme negative selection is early death or failure to develop at all.

All the rest is details and examples.

Fish are our very early ancestors, since they are the line that developed backbones, so all species with backbones evolved from fish origins. Some early apes were ancestors to modern chimps, bonobos, orangutans, gorillas and us, but those ancestral species are all are long extinct.

Running through Virginia, down to eastern Tennessee is a line of sandstone that was an ancient beach along the Iapetus ocean that predates the Atlantic ocean, about 550 million years ago. Back then, all land was essentially barren rock. There were no insects, to shellfish, no fish, no complex plants. The most complicated sea life, then, were sponges and worms, along with bacteria and algae. So all that rock contains no obvious fossils except the tunnels some worms made as they lived their lives in the shallows near shore. This sandstone now has been pushed up along the western side of the Blue Ridge and is a reminder for me of how far evolution has come in that half billion years or so. I wonder if those burrow producing worms lead to the worm branch that developed a notochord, that developed into a spine that lead to all the fishes and everything with a backbone, today.



John Popelish
2010-10-24 22:02:30 UTC
Firstly, biogenesis, the beginning of life and Evolution are two separate but related subjects.

Secondly, Evolution is a complex subject and I'm not qualified, nor do I have the time and space here to discuss it in detail, however, here are some basics.

1) ALL life on this planet is interconnected and had a common ancestor.

2) Taking 1) above, that means we started from the most basic creatures.

3) Evolution is basically small changes over time, where survival selects the most useful features.

4) DNA proves out the above points to a degree of certainty close to 100%

IF you want to understand Evolution, it's worth looking at DNA rather than fossils.

Have fun, it's a great subject.
2010-10-24 22:13:56 UTC
Evolution doesn't directly address the origin of life, it addresses the diversity of life. Abiogenesis addresses the origin of life, and life likely started off as self-polymerizing nucleotides in phospholipid bubbles. That means non-biological fats (which do can occur) and RNA-like molecules with non-biological origin (which have also been shown to be possible) coming together and forming the first life. In that environment, the RNA would make copies of itself and the fat bubbles would split, the first reproduction. The bubbles would consume other fat and monomers, and the ones that did better would reproduce faster. Certain strings of the polymers gave their bubbles advantages, and there you have the start of evolution. So the first life was much simpler than the single-celled organisms that exist today.

Billions of years later, evolution has acted on the various populations of organisms that descended from that first life, and you have populations of monkeys and a population of humans, and we share a (now extinct) common primate ancestor. And primates and living species of fish share a common (and extinct for much longer) ancestor that you'd probably consider a fish, if it were alive today. Other species are our evolutionary cousins, but some of them are much more distant cousins. All the living species of monkeys are relatively close cousins, all the species of living fish are distant cousins, and all the species of living single-celled organisms are extremely distant cousins.

While our common ancestor with living fish would also be considered a fish, we are as closely related to that fish as salmon is, even if salmon superficially looks more like it.
2010-10-24 22:13:43 UTC
Watch this video clip, Dr Kent Hovind explains it very well:

Basically evolutionists believe that there is no God who made everything, and everything was made a few million, some even say billions of years ago, they say everything formed as a result of the Big Bang, which is only a theory, and a theory is something that cannot be proven scientifically. The Big Bang is where nothing explodes to make everything and over millions/ billions of years the rocks that came from that explosion turned to soup and from the soup came the first life forms which eventually evolved in to humans. Lol.

Abiogenesis is tanother theory (also not proven scientifically), that says every living thing you see evolved from organic molecules, that came from the Big Bang, but it cannot explain where these organic molecules first came from and nor can Abiogenesis explain how everything in this world is so perfectly designed, because it's believers also claim there is no God or higher intelligence that designed everything so perfect. Lol.

Yep, you will enjoy this video above, check it out.
2010-10-24 22:13:34 UTC
In essence there are no differences between creation and evolution. They are one in the same. Its just that the narrow-minded believers of each don't understand the language of the other. These 2 schools of thought are looking at the same statue from different perspectives, and neither has the whole image in view. What one calls creation the other calls mutation or natural selection. The creationists don't understand that time and space are relative, and that creation is not finite. Creation is continuous and ongoing. The believers of evolution (as well as most atheists) have a completely wrong image of G-d in their mind. As the Torah (Old Testament) says, "G-D is EVERYTHING." If G-d is truly everything (including every equation, every principle of science, every atom, and all forms of energy), then G-d is the cause of every mutation in every gene that leads an advantages trait.

Basically my message is that don't take science or organized religion as absolute because neither of them have the whole picture.
2010-10-24 22:09:48 UTC
Our DNA is comprised of a string of about 3 billion proteins all linked together. That is the basic blueprint of who we are, this blueprint is contained in every cell in our body. From parent to child, the DNA attempts to copy itself in the new organism, but sometimes the individual proteins make a sort of typo in the reprinting process. This is what's known as an allele. These alleles are what cause minor variations from parent to child, and from one sibling to another (one may have blonde hair while the other has brown hair).

Sometimes these genetic mutations which cause variation, make one child more likely to survive to adulthood and reproduce than their siblings (for example: an animal with a stronger sense of smell is able to detect predators from farther away, thus avoiding being eaten, then their sibling becomes prey). This is what is known as "Natural Selection" or survival of the fittest. Whichever offspring was fortunate enough to survive, gets to determine what the next generation will be like.

After many generations and many genetic mutations occur, eventually you see a species that is entirely different from its ancestors. Since variations are only miniscule from one generation to the next, it takes many generations, even thousands of years in some cases, to see significant changes in the evolutionary process.

If you enjoy reading, I would suggest this as a place to start:
2010-10-24 22:08:09 UTC
Evolution is the theory that through natural selection, different species evolved. Natural selection is the idea that a mutation can occur in DNA that can be beneficial for survival making the offspring of the mutated more likely to survive which would lead to more animals with this same mutation to be born and pass it down to more generations. For example: a frog may have been born with a mutation that gave it poison skin therefore making in less susceptible to being eaten, therefore it can make offspring that also have the same mutation making them a larger and stronger species. Or, an ancestor of the human species may have been born with a mutation that gave them the ability to make tools which would make the animal better at hunting. Therefore any offspring that carry the same mutation will also be good hunters making that group more likely to survive and reproduce. No one knows how we started but it is speculated that we started off as single celled organisms and slowly grew in complexity over millions and millions of years.
2010-10-24 22:04:10 UTC
Very briefly, Darwin argued that those species that adapt to changing in the environment survive to pass on their genes to the next generation. The two things that makes evolution so difficult to grasp is 1) its complexity, and 2) the time spans involved, but the link I provided is been very helpful.

Also, it is hardly the bogeyman that some Christians have made of it; it is simply a scientific explanation of how biology works.
Old Timer Too
2010-10-24 22:05:09 UTC
Evolution isn't about starting, but about change. It explains why we think change takes place and how it takes place.

As to how we _started_ evolving, I don't think it is a case of _starting_ to evolve. Change is always with us, whether we like it or not. We adapt to our environment and if that environment changes, then, over time and through numerous generations, we change to become comfortable with that environment. My ancestors has always lived in sea-level (or close to sea-level) environments and as such, I am most comfortable living in a near sea-level environment (less than 1,000 ft above sea level). I wouldn't live very easily in Nepal, for instance, even though I'm used to really cold winters (I live in the Midwest, near Chicago). If I were to move to Nepal, have children there, then their bodies would start to adapt.

If you study much about mankind and its environment, then you know that even though they have a lot of body fat, the Eskimo people are quite happy in the far northern climates. Likewise, people from high altitudes thrive in thinner atmospheres (like those who live in the Himalayas.

I think change has always been with us, mostly to help us (and other species) adapt. That is one of the factors in evolution -- environment -- but not the only factor.

Add: As to how we started before all this change -- how we, as a species came into existence, that's where there are some significant holes in the theory. There does not seem to be any clear cut point in time when we became "modern man" as opposed to a homo sapien (ancestor) who appeared some 300 - 350,000 years ago.

But there seems to be some universal advancement from before modern man to modern man (and I'm talking about leaving some kind of record). The earliest inventories (which suggests regular commerce) first appear somewhere around 8 to 10 thousand years ago. Before that, there are cave paintings, yes, and they _may_ have been our fore bearers, but no evidence for regular commerce. What changed that? I don't think anyone has the answer to that one, only that something took place.
2010-10-24 22:00:47 UTC
It's not so simple to explain. But we most likely started as single-celled organisms which gradually evolved into what we are today. You have to understand that the earth is billions of years old, not a few thousand like Christians would have you believe. Evolution was a very slow process and isn't cell>fish>monkey>human. It's a lot of small changes over a huge period of time.
2010-10-25 11:50:00 UTC
"pain & suffering in this world"

God's perfect will (plan).

"a "god" being so silent"

God hides His face in the sight of disobedience to overlook (#6; ) unbelief.

"praying does NOT help"

Prayer is only a attempt to change God's mind about something. It is not a means of meeting your needs. God already knows what you need (; ).

"a god who can not destroy satan"

Satan is essential to God's plan. Destroying him wouldn't be punishment. It would be a privilege. Satan fears the lake of fire as does all demons.

"dinosaur fossils"

The dinosaurs died in a extinction event before the Flood. Both events took place millions of years ago.
2010-10-24 22:00:02 UTC
"How did we start off? "

that would be abiogenesis, I can link you to a simple vid, but I need to know how much chemistry you can handle, since it's all chemistry, here it is anyway

"What did we start of as? (eg, fish, monkeys, ect)"

single celled organisms living in the sea, and slowly evolving into multi-celled organisms, growing tails and gills, fish, then amphebians who crawled out of the water to be the first lizards, and so on. See this simplified vid
2010-10-24 23:04:50 UTC
read Millers experiment:

Evolution occurs because energy is being pumped into the system

In our case , by the Sun

In simple terms , its like cooking, you put the pot on burner & after some time the dish is ready
2010-10-24 22:01:50 UTC
Biological and genetic evidence suggests all living things evolved from single-celled organisms. But the cells of eukaryotes (such as ourselves) are complicated and themselves show some evidence of being evolved from composite organisms that had several different kinds of ancestors.
2010-10-24 21:58:04 UTC
Simply put, evolution means change. Evolution is a complex theory that takes vast knowledge of science to be able to appropriately comprehend. It cannot be explained in an appropriate manner in "simple terms."
2010-10-24 22:01:28 UTC
People/animals breed with others which have traits that they admire . . . most of the time things based on the survival. Sometimes these traits are mutations (good ones). The ones with the bad mutations usually don't breed, or die out from not being able to survive from the mutation.

Otherwise, good mutants live on to breed; Bad mutants die of starvation.
Dreamstuff Entity
2010-10-24 22:00:31 UTC
Life started as single cells.

In a nutshell, life mutates - offspring carry their parents' genes plus mutations. beneficial mutations propagate. mutation + natural selection = evolution.

Here, these sites should provide great starting points:
2010-10-24 21:56:24 UTC
"How did we start off?"

Evolution doesn't deal with the beginning of life. That is a separate topic called abiogenesis.

"What did we start of as? (eg, fish, monkeys, ect)" here:
2010-10-24 22:00:47 UTC
We started off as embryos in our mother's womb. Before that nothing can really be proven, that's why we have so many different religions and scientific viewpoints. Don't start your search with evolution, it's just a waste of time. Instead research the theory of knowledge itself from both western and eastern points of view.
Invisible spiritman
2010-10-24 22:02:57 UTC
In their own Simple words ! yeah...

Check this out:
2010-10-24 21:59:01 UTC
You are an animal evolved from the cousin of the Chimpanzee. There, lesson over.
2010-10-24 22:18:23 UTC
Know it you love.

Begsus D
2010-10-24 22:05:38 UTC
He would send you to Hell because you DON'T BELIEVE IN HIM.

He's not going to give someone an everlasting life

of happnness, if they sided with the Devil while on earth.

How can you even think that

we were one animal and just changed into others.

God did it.

Life up your hands in praise.

Matter of fact, I will be praying for all of you tonight,

I would hate for you not to come to my party in heaven.


God bless.
2010-10-24 21:57:40 UTC
Look it up. You will find amazing answers. I am glad to see your mind has opened but maybe a God does exist?
2010-10-24 22:00:43 UTC
Yes, if it were so, why did we stop at such a stupid level of evolution? Is this the best the big bang can do?
2010-10-24 21:57:21 UTC
Atheists: Do you have all-knowledge?
2010-10-24 21:55:57 UTC
No, and that is why so many people are creationists.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.