Does Atheism really believe this?
2008-12-19 07:28:05 UTC
Mystical nothing in the soup just happened.
Species just happened 250,000 times in plant life.
Species just happened over a million times in animal life.
Ohhhh, by the way, a perfect biosphere to support all this life just happened.
Ohhhh, intellect and memory just happened.
Ohhhh, eyesight and all our senses just happened
Ohhhh, the seed and reproduction just happened
Ohhhh, abundance of water and atmosphere just happened
Oh, guess what? Men and women of the Sciences are going to tell us exactly “how” all this just happened.


For some reason, it seems, that what Atheism wants is not logic, reason, or open minded consideration, but just the opposite, anti-logic, anti-reason, and anti-common sense. Atheism hates something they claim is a fairy tale. It doesn't matter who dreams up this anti-logic and anti-reason, what matters are who or what kind of intelligence believes it.
40 answers:
2008-12-19 08:05:49 UTC
Atheism is built upon only what the eye can see, ear can hear, tong can taste, nose can Small, and fingers can touch. That never evolved into logic are reasoning of Gods truths, so they fantasy and play make-believe to improvise there religious attitude against God. Some even call it science.
2008-12-19 07:37:53 UTC
Your definition of atheism is off.

Nothing "just happens."

There is a set of rules in the whole universe. Stars blow up, they reform, new stars are born, new planets, new potentials for life. It's about balance and attraction. Certain elements are attracted to eachother. Gravity pulls these elements together. Balance weeds out the things that don't mix. Once in a while, the balance is good enough to have life. Think about the different environments on our planet. We've got life on a surface with a temp of about 20 degrees C. But we also have life in the bottom of the ocean in little boiling deposits. So life really can exist in a HUGE range. There can be planets that the surface is similar to the bottom of our ocean. That's nothing like earth, but some life can be there.

And when you look at it, life is just proteins. It's just STUFF. There really isn't anything that magical about it.

You religious fanatics all want to say that someone must be controlling all of this. There is CLEARLY no control. Our planet is going perish someday. It'll make it to the black hole in the center of our galaxy, and that'll be it! The black hole may someday expand and create new stars and planets and life. You really think there's some dude in the sky orchestrating that? Open your eyes! We can very accurately predict these events. If they are so predictable, they could not be at the whim of a God.

The final question is where did all the rules come from. How was it created. Maybe an intelligent being? Maybe not. Who knows? It's not for us to decide. Just because an atheist does not believe that a God created THIS planet and put all his attention on THIS planet, it doesn't mean we don't consider that it had to start somewhere....or maybe not. Check your string theory, dude!
2008-12-19 08:00:30 UTC
No, atheism just believes that there are no Gods.

However, let's deconstruct your argument from incredulity (which is a phallacy; reality doesn't care whether or not you believe it).

There are millions of billions of planets in this universe, and we can suspect just from the measurements we've taken in this solar system alone that they are all different from one another. At least one of them, somewhere, would be practically certain to be capable of supporting life. There's your "perfect biosphere" ..... of course, it's only "perfect" as far as the life it eventually ends up supporting is concerned. It'd be terrible for a different kind of life.

Now, life requires self-replicating molecules. Once you've got a few of them, then they will just go on replicating themselves until something stops them. Put the right chemicals together and you get a self-replicating molecule; we haven't managed that in the laboratory yet, but then, given that we've only been trying in a few laboratories for about 200 years as opposed to billions of years across the entire freaking universe, we've got bl%%dy close.

And that could have been the end of it, right there and then, but for the fact that when these molecules self-replicated, they did so with slight errors. Most of these errors were deadly, many were neutral, but a tiny few were beneficial. And when there are large enough colonies of self-replicators fighting for life, any advantage you can get is a good thing. Because the errors are only slight, features do tend to stick.

Of course, the early life-forms affected their environment just by existing (which is where all the water and the oxygen came from); and mutations that might once have been regarded as neutral or slightly damaging now became advantageous.

Life exists to reproduce, so it was unsurprising that it would develop sophisticated mechanisms for doing so. And in the struggle for life, sense organs helped -- as long as they actually sensed stuff that was around. Such as pressure waves from about 5 Hz to 50 kHz, or electromagnetic waves from about 300 to 1000 nm.

Are you beginning to get the picture yet, or are you just refusing to listen to reality?
2008-12-19 08:19:04 UTC
Yeah! And thunder and lightning too! That just "happens"!?!? Come on...get real you atheists! And tornadoes and volcanoes??? Did you ever see a tornado? It's crazy way that happenned on it's own.

And for that matter how the heck is an egg yellow in the middle??? That's like the perfect color for the middle of an egg to be! You're telling me that was an accident! I'm not buying it either. Like when I'm hungry for breakfast eggs over easy just look perfect!

I don't know, there was this show on PBS about eyesight works and your brain and stuff but I was all like, "Yeah...whatever.", I didn't see how it ended cause Dancing With The Stars came on, but it looked like it was headed towards just saying that stuff just happens. I just say that can't be!
2008-12-19 07:40:40 UTC
Google Atheism if you know how to use it, and educate yourself.

I suppose the Creation in 6 days, where Light was made on the 2nd day and sun, moon and stars on the 4th days only, (The latter creates light),

all those people & animals on an ark, all those water, creating woman out of a rib, man surviving in a fish, changing water into wine, the story of the bread and 7 fish, rising from the dead, (and so I can carry) on makes much more sense to you, and can be explained fully!
The Curmudgeon
2008-12-19 07:36:24 UTC
You're right. I guess it does make more sense that some magical guy in the clouds created all of this.

Of course Noah built an ark. I don't understand though how he was able to get polar bears and kola bears to his ark since they weren't native to his area. And how did he store food for all of those animals? How did only six people feed all of those animals and clean their poop...every day?

If Job was God's most loyal servant, then what hope do any of us have?

Why doesn't God heal amputees?

If God has some kind of master plan then what good is it to pray and ask things of him?

Why are there so many starving Christian children in Ethiopia?

Three of the ten commandments are all about worshiping God and the only unforgivable sin is to not love God. Kind egotistical in my opinion.

But you go on thinking God is the only way....
2008-12-19 07:34:11 UTC
You doesn't do well for your point to mock the group of people you are addressing. Anyone, Atheist or not, will tell you science does not answer all questions about Earth's existence and the mechanics of evolution. Science is based on logic. You need to look at the actual research instead of what your pastor has told you. The theory is all about cause and effect. One thing led to another thing.

Creationism is not scientific. It is not provable. You cannot use the scientific method to prove any of it.

You sound pretty arrogant about your faith and that is not very Christian-like.
Me, Too
2008-12-19 07:42:24 UTC
I am not an Atheist, but I can tell you that your garbled description of their beliefs is wrong. Despite the fact that I believe in God, I also believe in Scientific fact...and the fact is, the world is older than some Christians believe by billions and billions of years.

Hadron's Collider, which will be in use soon, will tell us more about how matter is formed. Each year, our knowledge of the Universe grows. Nothing "just happened." The universe is balanced, methodical and predictable, while at the same time spontaneous and constantly changing. As the millions of years passed by, small organisms grew and changed and continued to adjust to the environment around them....yes, we crawled from the ooze to progress to what we are today, God's creatures, constantly changing but sharing the spark that is life.

I don't believe Atheists "hate." They simply don't believe. We are a nation of Freedom. Let's allow each other to choose our beliefs. Let's learn from each other and keep this gift of Life one that is completely worthwhile.
Roman Issac
2008-12-19 07:35:14 UTC
Let the dead bury their own. You have no power to convince mans intellect so why do you create derision. You just push them away from the faith because of your spiritual pride. Its better for us to be an atheist then to do damage to the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. Stop attacking, and start worshiping and actually living it. Equip the saints, walk in the fruit of the Holy Ghost. Worship the Lord with Fear and Trembling. Be filled with Patience, Meekness, Temperance, Joy, Peace...
2008-12-19 10:51:55 UTC
Just as laughable that a mystical sky faerie just pop itself into existence and them said a few words to create everything else... at least there are logical conclusions ot be drawn from empirical data that is available for scientists to make their "Guesses" from, and not just postulations made by greedy, power hungry goat herding misogynists who were semi-skilled at mind manipulation and only half-literate not to mention anti-intellectual.
Caps Lock (TRS_BC)
2008-12-19 07:44:19 UTC
Do you realize your claims are inconsistent? Claiming that something "just happened" and being prepared to explain how it happened are 2 opposite things.

Reality is, you shut your eyes and ears not to hear the explanation for fear that it would make more sense than your ancient myths. You prefer to imagine whatever claims on our part that you can refute.

You are pathetic.
2008-12-19 07:42:21 UTC
Please don't equate atheism and evolution. I'm a Christian and I believe in evolution. And please stop– you're embarrassing us. Learn something about evolution before you discredit it. Millions of species didn't just "happen" independent of one another– they derived from common ones. And I believe in mentioning all the things that "just happen to be perfect" for us, you are referring to "anthropic principle". The point is, life ended up in one of a possible infinite forms and evolved based on existing conditions. Say methane, for example, were the most abundant substance on Earth. Life may have evolved to use it instead of water. Then you'd say– "notice how we just happened to have enough methane to sustain life".
2008-12-19 07:34:27 UTC
Evolution is a fact. I'm a Deist/Pantheist with a B.A. in Anthropology. I just destroyed your argument because I'm not an atheist.

Now ask this question in the Anthropology section.
2008-12-19 07:34:28 UTC
You know, many Atheists believe that people have the right to choose what they want to believe in, I being one of them. I say, to each his own, if you wish to force what You think onto others then whatever, no one cares dude.
Dendronbat Crocoduck
2008-12-19 07:33:19 UTC
No, that oversimplification is foolish. Read some current research on abiogenesis. It has plausible scenarios backed by testable, reproducible research. Start with Tyson's Origins or Hazen's Gen-e-sis, both easy reading for laypeople.
2008-12-19 07:32:26 UTC
I do believe God created life and the universe, but I want to point out that all your points on the implausibility of evolution prove nothing except that you really don't have a clue as to what the theory of evolution is.
Vincent K, Atheati Mad Scientist
2008-12-19 07:32:46 UTC
Nope, that's not atheism. It's a moronic strawman attempt at making up nonsense and trying to claim we said it. I guess honesty isn't high on your list of priorities.

By the way; you've wilfully broken the 9th commandment with this post. Better start repenting, or your own rules say you'll be in hell.

By the way, 'laughable'? It ain't us that's getting laughed at when you post drivel like this.
2008-12-19 07:30:30 UTC
Atheism simply believes there is no god - try looking up the definition of "atheist".

While you're educating yourself about what "atheist" actually means you could try finding out what Abiogenesis and Evolution really say about the origin of life and speciation rather than just mindlessly repeating some moronic religionist nonsense that I won't even begin to dignify with a factual reply.
2008-12-19 07:35:27 UTC
Are you NUTS??? There is a scientific explanation for creation and I think you will find that is what most atheists believe to have happened. They certainly don't think it is just there. That would be very stupid.
2008-12-19 07:33:27 UTC
Soooo you want to tinkle on science that has verifiable evidence, after putting forth an idea of your own with ZERO evidence.


Have you been watching VenomFangX videos on Youtube again? You DO realize he's a laughing stock...
2008-12-19 07:30:35 UTC
Retard, you don't understand causality at the big bang.

Edit: you don't follow all the scientific evidence all the way to one second after the big bang, and then throw it all out right when you get there in favor of your anthropomorphic gawd.

Edit2: Atheism hates the marriage of your retard religion to the state. Why? because your retard desire for ultimate power has caused your religion to torture people in order to prop up your retard selves. NO MORE.

Edit3: You don't understand abiogenesis and the fact that the young earth was ideal for it, and you don't understand the Anthropic Principle, which is why you abuse it whenever you see fit. Why? Once again, because you are RETARDED. I know it makes little sense to tell a retard they are retarded, but it makes me feel better.
2008-12-19 07:35:20 UTC
Look up the word Atheist....

But it does not matter anyway cause you said i need to take my avatar down before you would even listen to what i have to say... :)
2008-12-19 07:31:43 UTC
No, atheism does not require any of those beliefs. But, really, those are all just silly exaggerations made up by creationists to try to insult rational people, so I assume you're not actually looking for real answers anyway.

Merry Christmas.
2008-12-19 07:32:42 UTC
Absence of any evidence to support the supernatural, atheists look to facts and educated theories to explain the unexplainable.

The truth is, no one can tell you definitively how life was created. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?
Apathetically Yours, VM
2008-12-19 07:33:58 UTC
Wrong on so many levels. Do you even know what the actual definition of atheist is? Probably not.

2008-12-19 07:31:06 UTC
Atheism is the rejection of belief in Gods. What you're talking about is evolution, try asking this in the science category.
2008-12-19 07:31:14 UTC
Why should I bother answering when you've already done so for yourself? Your mind is made up, so I won't confuse you with the facts.

Merry Christmas.

EDIT: When you cut and paste, as you've obviously done, you are obliged to cite your source. "Thou shalt not steal" is one of the commandments you claim to obey, yet haven't.
2008-12-19 07:33:31 UTC
Atheism is the absence of belief in gods. That is all it is.
2008-12-19 07:32:35 UTC
dude one athieism doesnt belive in god two it means everything can be explained with science 3 it means that u believe in multiple possibilitys
2008-12-19 07:33:18 UTC
....I feel stating that evolution is something that "Just Happened" sounds more of an explanation out of your religion than mine (Atheism).
2008-12-19 07:31:10 UTC
Atheists are not scientists. The truth is that no one really knows the truth and those that say they do have an ulterior motive.
2008-12-19 07:32:58 UTC
Your lack of intelligence is showing and your head is up your azz.
2008-12-19 07:33:07 UTC
Obvious Troll is obvious.

2008-12-19 07:32:01 UTC
As opposed to "badda boom badda bing, eyyyyy Goddidit!"

And no your assumptions are inaccurate.
Super Atheist
2008-12-19 07:38:22 UTC
Aww - don't feel bad.

*Lots* of people are stupid.
2008-12-19 07:31:17 UTC
I'm agnostic and I believe the whole "Jesus" story ,,, is just stupid
2008-12-19 07:31:09 UTC
Scare many crows with that straw-man?
Stand for God
2008-12-19 07:31:52 UTC
2008-12-19 07:35:07 UTC
That isn't what I believe but thanks for trying.
2008-12-19 07:32:12 UTC
They believe that because they can't bring themselves to admit there are things greater in the universe than themselves.

You can't be angry at God and not believe in Him at the same time.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.