Atheists, If schools are only suppose to teach fact then why do the teach Evolution and the BIG Bang?
2013-03-28 16:01:19 UTC
If evolution is fact then why are there "gaps" in the fossil record?
If evolution is fact then why do polystrate fossils exist?
If evolution is fact then how come there are no evolutionary explanations for: consciousness, hominid intelligence, instincts, emotions, metamorphosis, photosynthesis, homosexuality, music, language, religion, morality, and altruism ?
if evolution is a fact then where's the empirical evidence for abiogensis aka. chemical evolution?
If the big bang is a fact then where's the empirical evidence for a universe from nothing?
32 answers:
2013-03-28 16:03:24 UTC
I agree 100% on what you're saying. Good job to point out the obvious errors in the Big Bang Theory. I salute you!!
2013-03-28 16:14:50 UTC
"Atheists, If schools are only suppose to teach fact then why do the teach Evolution and the BIG Bang?"

You forgot cell theory. Why do all the christians forget cell theory? Are you against kids being taught theories or only theories that contradict religion?

"If evolution is fact then why are there "gaps" in the fossil record?"

Because the conditions have to be perfect for skeleton to fossilize? Because we haven't discovered every fossil on earth yet?

"If evolution is fact then how come there are no evolutionary explanations for: consciousness, hominid intelligence, instincts, emotions, metamorphosis, photosynthesis, homosexuality, music, language, religion, morality, and altruism ?"

One, you've already said evolution is theory, not fact. Two, evolution has already explained all those things. Don't blame us because your science teacher did nothing but pick your nose. In fact evolution is the only current explanation that actually explains all those things.

"if evolution is a fact then where's the empirical evidence for abiogensis aka. chemical evolution?"

Noone said evolution is a fact. Educate yourself and try again.

"If the big bang is a fact then where's the empirical evidence for a universe from nothing?"

Again, you really need to learn what a theory is. We would never be able to get empirical evidence about that. Also, if you believe the universe is too complex to come from nothing, then that would mean a creator complex enough to create the universe would be too complex not to require a creator itself. Therefore, you are the one claiming something (a god) comes from nothing.
2013-03-28 16:07:42 UTC
If evolution is fact then why are there "gaps" in the fossil record?

- If there weren't gaps then that would be highly suspicious.

If evolution is fact then how come there are no evolutionary explanations for: consciousness, hominid intelligence, instincts, emotions, metamorphosis, photosynthesis, homosexuality, music, language, religion, morality, and altruism ?

- We can't explain everything yet. But that doesn't mean you stick God in for an answer. Thousands of years ago we wouldn't be able to explain the things we know know. Maybe it will take thousands of years to answer these questions.

- If the big bang is a fact then where's the empirical evidence for a universe from nothing?

Watch a Universe From Nothing by Lawrence Krauss on YouTube - Which is the closest answer we have.

EDIT: @jasin - It is NOT a movie. It's an educational lecture on the origin on the universe. I personally would not be able to explain it to you like a renowned physicist like Lawrence Krauss can... unlike you that talks before you know what you're talking about. Deflecting my butt. You're an idiot.
2013-03-28 16:15:34 UTC
Yes, they are facts.

Of course there are gaps in the fossil record. Fossilisation is an rare process. Fortunately we have more than enough info in fossils and genetics.

Why do trees getting buried quickly disprove evolution?

There is evolutionary explanation for intelligence, instincts, emotion, homosexuality, language, religion, morality and altruism. Start by reading 'The evolutionary origins of morality' by Leonard Katz or just google each of those terms after evolution of... Metamorphosis? be more specific - that means big changes. Photosynthesis is a process and not an organism. Organisms evolve.

Evolution is a different theory to abiogenesis. The two are not related.

Theists say a universe came from nothing - God spoke it into existence. An excellent book to answer your question is called Why there is Something rather than Nothing by Krauss.
2013-03-28 16:10:47 UTC
1. Given the improbability of fossils being formed at all, there are surprising few gaps. There is NOTHING in the fossil record that doesn't fit perfectly into evolution. Fossils are nearly impossible to form, there SHOULD be gaps.

2. There are no polystrate fossils that violate evolution. Some animals/plants change very little over many years and do occur at more than one stratum, however, NO FOSSIL OCCURS IN A STRATUM IN WHICH IT DID NOT LIVE.

3.There are.

4. It's been demonstrated as plausible and possible in the lab.

5. Science has never claimed the universe came from nothing. It is religion that postulates the universe was pulled from nothing by a god or gods.

Classrooms teach science, fact. Just because YOU don't like the facts doesn't make them not the facts. Get over it.
2013-03-28 16:06:53 UTC
The 'gaps' that are there are caused by the fact that we haven't dug up every inch of dirt on the planet yet. And even if there were gaps, it wouldn't invalidate evolution being a thing that happens simply due to the fact that it's been tested before.

Polystrate fossils exist because of sediment and other material. How does that even have anything to do with evolution?

There actually are evolutionary explanations for almost all of those things listed. And even if there weren't, it doesn't invalidate evolution.

For your last two questions, well, I'm no astrophysicist. But, it apparently has ties to quantum mechanics, so you can study that a bit to learn how the universe could come from nothing.

So, there ya go. And even if all of your claims were without error, there is one MASSIVE fallacy you have here called 'God of the Gaps' which is substituting gaps in our knowledge with 'God' which is counter productive.

2013-03-28 16:34:06 UTC
Gaps exist because totality of knowledge does not yet exist.

They don't.

There are, just because you do not know or understand them does not mean it isn't unexplained.

Read up on it, there is a great deal.

There isn't since there was energy not "nothing".

- Arizona State University physicist Lawrence Krauss said in reference to the BIG Bang, "we live in a universe that has all the characteristics of being created from nothing," see

Yes, see, it is an "opinion" nothing more.

- Carl Sagan said the BIG Bang is, "modern scientific creation myth". see:

Yes, see another opinion.
2013-03-28 16:13:13 UTC
Too bad for you that you don't understand:

Schools teach more than facts. They teach methods, reasoning, writing, and more.


Evolutionary theory. Even going back to Darwin he saw the evolutionary advantages of many of the things you list. Others have been addressed since.

Evolution and abiogenesis are two seperated things.

The evidence for the big bang is clear and gets more accurate all the time.

Your ignorance does not invalidate science.
2013-03-28 16:05:53 UTC
Too many questions being spewed. However, The Big Bang does not hold the proposition that the universe emerged from nothing. It demonstrates the cosmological evolution of the universe after its initial expansion from a singularity. The Big Bang is supported by extensive evidence for example Csomic microwave background radioation, expansion of the universe , red shift.
2013-03-28 16:06:58 UTC
Oh much wrong with this, where to start...

Schools are supposed to teach science. Science tells us that evolution is a fact as well as a theory. Science also tells us that the big bang is a theory. It's not a fact.

Evolution is a fact because it has been observed to be true by scientists that alleles change from generation to generation. This IS the very definition of evolution. Evolutionary theory refers to HOW this change takes place, not WHETHER it does.
2013-03-28 16:07:38 UTC
Didn't I answer this already?

Evidence for evolution:

DNA sequencing, Endogenous retroviruses, similarities between all lineages of DNA/RNA/amino acids & the lipid bilayer, Pseudogenes, genome & gene duplication, horizontal gene transfer, Cat endogenous retroviruses, Chromosome 2 in humans, Cytochrome c, Human endogenous retroviruses, Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup, Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup, Atavisms, Evolutionary developmental biology & embryonic development, Homologous structures and divergent (adaptive) evolution, Nested hierarchies and classification, Fossil Record, Continental distribution, Island biogeography, Antibiotic & pesticide resistance, E. coli long-term evolution experiment, Lactose intolerance in humans, Nylon-eating bacteria, PCB tolerance, Peppered moth, Radiotrophic fungus, Urban wildlife. Vestigial structures in embryonic development including: Hind structures in whales, Insect mouthparts, Other arthropod appendages, Pelvic structure of dinosaurs, Pentadactyl limb, Recurrent laryngeal nerve in giraffes, Route of the vas deferens. Observed speciation including: Blackcap, Drosophila melanogaster, Hawthorn fly, London Underground mosquito, Madeira House Mouse, Mollies, Thale cress

Evidence for the big bang:

Large-scale homogeneity, Hubble diagram, Abundances of light elements, Existence of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Fluctuations in the CMBR, Large-scale structure of the universe, Age of stars, Evolution of galaxies, Time dilation in supernova brightness curves, Tolman tests, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Consistency

Evidence for a creator:

None, it’s faith.

"If evolution is fact then why are there "gaps" in the fossil record?" -- Because fossills are hard to find. When was the last one you found?

"If evolution is fact then why do polystrate fossils exist?" -- Why wouldn't they?

"If evolution is fact then how come there are no evolutionary explanations for: consciousness, hominid intelligence, instincts, emotions, metamorphosis, photosynthesis, homosexuality, music, language, religion, morality, and altruism?" -- There is, you need to read more.

"if evolution is a fact then where's the empirical evidence for abiogensis aka. chemical evolution?" -- Abiogenesis is not a the same subject as evolution.

"If the big bang is a fact then where's the empirical evidence for a universe from nothing?" -- The big bang doesn't claim that. It has no explanation for the origin of the singularity. It's still a mystery of science.

With the exception of the origin of the singularity, and the means of abiogenesis, there are answers to all your questions if you're genuine about researching them. When it comes to abiogenesis, we find that 3 billion years ago there were stromatolites, and before that: nothing. So abiogenesis must have occurred, we just don't know how. The Miller-Urey experiment proved that inorganic material can form organic material (RNA), but we haven't figured out how organic material becomes life (DNA). As for the singularity, the big bang cuts us off from the gathering of data, so until we find a better way to research we're left in the dark.

Instead of using "I don't know" as an excuse to invoke god, why not help find the answers. IF god exists, then he created a very scientific world, and there are likely scientific answers since there's been scientific answers to EVERYTHING we've ever studied.


Just because Krauss is a physicist, doesn't make him right. He cites vacuum fluctuations as the source of the singularity. But that idea is flawed. The more energy there is in a vacuum fluctuation, the shorter it can exist for. For a fluctuation with as much energy as the singularity, we would need it to have net energy of zero. Since matter is positive energy, we need negative energy which can only come from a gravitational field. A gravitational field cannot exist without the universe. He's wrong. Which is why it's just a book and not accepted scientific merit. The science community is not in agreement with his ideas. It's a mystery we continue to try to find the answer to. 200 years ago we didn't even have light bulbs ... the origin of the singularity and the means of abiogenesis might take a while to crack.
2013-03-28 16:03:28 UTC
Look up the definition of 'theory' next time.

'Abiogensis' and evolution - Fail

'If the big bang is a fact then where's the empirical evidence for a universe from nothing?'

So you're asking for evidence of nothing? You don't think at all, do you?

*Did you actually think this was a well thought out question? It has more holes than creationism itself.
Pirate AM™
2013-03-28 16:06:18 UTC
Perhaps you would be better served by actually studying Evolution from an objective viewpoint rather than ignorantly spewing what passes as creationist "wisdom".

The same goes for the big bang.

(Hint: if you follow my advice, you should see and understand the empirical evidence for both, I did this and it is why I'm no longer a creationist.)
2013-03-28 16:04:28 UTC
Evolution is supported by more evidence than for instance the theory of gravity. The Big bang is also supported by massive amounts of evidence. Not liking it or not understanding it will not change that. Neither will repeatedly asking the same question.
Anne Arkey
2013-03-28 16:05:29 UTC
It took humanity 12,000 years or so before Pythagoras came up with the notion the earth was round, not flat. At some time in the future, every one of your questions will be answered by science, not god. Until then, god is simply easy answers to hard questions.
2013-03-28 16:07:10 UTC
Because they are facts. Deal with it.

BTW, in between copying and pasting your little talking points from creationist web sites, you might want to pause and do some research to see if what they are saying is actually valid before you repeat it. You are less likely to embarrass yourself that way. Your rant is an incoherent mess.
2013-03-28 16:54:30 UTC
There is a website, '''' where there are hundreds of creationist claims and answers to them. The claims and answers are in the index to creationist claims section. There is also a book form of that called the counter-creationism handbook. I recommend you visit that site and look at that section or look in that book.
Frank Woods
2013-03-28 16:04:35 UTC
An article has recently been released I don't remember where but it said that scientists found the "god particle" backing up the big bang theory search it up.
2013-03-28 16:06:13 UTC
Jasin, you’re an idiot. If creationism is FACT, where isn’t there any evidence? If you’re so curious then open a book that wasn’t written 2,000 years ago. That’s all I am going to respond to your ridiculous question.
2013-03-28 16:05:15 UTC
Ugh, this question is exactly why we need to teach science to children. There is so much wrong with this series of questions that my head is spinning. I really wish you could take a course in biology or Earth science so that you could see how stupid these questions are.
2013-03-28 16:07:29 UTC
Not surprising that dishonest person is also religious one.

If you were to be honest you would seek an answer for each of your questions, that don't really relate to atheism it self; in correct places.
2013-03-28 16:03:13 UTC
In fact there's a lot of evidence but ain't going to do your homework
2013-03-28 16:02:48 UTC
They're supported by scientific facts.

Try for evolution
2013-03-28 16:05:36 UTC
Oh you're my favorite type of person/troll. I just love how you casually mistake fact with theory to cause a ruckus.
2013-03-28 16:11:37 UTC
great question.

the atheist claim scientific proof. but to be proof it must be repeatable and observable. no one in this or any other country has ever made or observed something from nothing and never repeated it..... you might want to look up scientific before putting foot in mouth.
2013-03-28 16:05:37 UTC
What has this got to do with Atheists?

I take it you do not know what an Atheist is............simply the lack of belief in god or gods......that's it nothing else..
2013-03-28 16:03:39 UTC
they have a lot more evidence that holybooks who are only to be taken at faith value.
2013-03-28 16:02:43 UTC
Say hi to your god of the gaps next time you see it
2013-03-28 16:03:28 UTC
If religion is fact where is your god?
2013-03-28 16:03:03 UTC
Do you even go to school :|
2013-03-28 16:09:48 UTC
You went full retard, never go full retard.
2013-03-28 16:03:42 UTC
i dont believe in athiesm...and thats part of the reason.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.