Question to anyone who lives outside of America?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Question to anyone who lives outside of America?
22 answers:
2008-07-03 23:35:21 UTC
A few places do, they're called muslims
2008-07-03 23:47:43 UTC
i feel sad for you, that you think this way

I am Christian & I am proud of it!!

I believe in the Bible & no I am not an Atheist.

no one comes knocking at my door from Church & neither does any one impose themselves on me & mine.

Being born a Christian, I realized its worth only recently!!!
2008-07-03 23:37:58 UTC
I live in Canada.

"Do you have crazy evangelists ranting on every other TV channel?"

Only on the US channels we get. I hardly ever come across anything like that on TV.

"Do you have Bible nuts trying to teach creationism in public schools?"

There are a few wackos here who think it should be taught in school, but it's far less of an issue up here. You never see people calling town meetings or bringing it to court... for the most part, people seem to be okay with evolution being in the classroom, and creationism staying in the church.

"Can you admit your an Atheist without bringing a roomful of guests to a screeching silence?"

Depends on the situation. Some people will get weird about it, others are cool with it.

"Do bible thumpers knock on your doors trying to get you to go to their church?"

Yes, but they're mostly Mormon missionaries from Utah.

"Can you get elected to public office without attending a church?"

Yes. As far as I know, there is no law saying that one must attend church in order to serve in office in the US either... unless you're referring to some kind of "unwritten rule" here, when people won't vote for someone who isn't a Christian.
2016-05-27 11:44:06 UTC
First off in order to travel in America soon we Americans will all need passports. Americans travel millions of miles collectively yearly. This is why the travel industry is a billion dollar corporation in the States. Thankfully we do travel and bring our economy worldwide, hurting now, but still green. We're not self-obsessed, but many cannot afford to go overseas. It's easy to travel country to country in Europe, it's ground and short ferry rides. I have traveled Europe and lived in Turkey for 1-1/2 years myself. We do have so much here as well - greatest country in the world - USA!
2008-07-04 00:26:22 UTC
i am from india..and though i am a Hindu i have had experiences. Like for example, a group of people from your country came to my college under the banner of IEEE and tried to convert us by showing the Bible. Needless to say, they didnt succeed. On TV, it cannot be done. But i have seen Christian priests doing the same thing here. Thank God, in my religion, there is no conversions nor much rules to follow. i am not even required to go to a temple every week or something like tat.
2008-07-03 23:50:39 UTC
1. Do you have crazy evangelists ranting on every other TV channel?

- yes, a lot. (here in the philippines)

2. Do you have Bible nuts trying to teach creationism in public schools?

-yes, from elementary

3. Can you admit your an Atheist without bringing a roomful of guests to a screeching silence?

-i'm not an atheist. you don't have to be in those religions to be saved. if you just believe in your GOD with all your heart then that's it.

3. Do bible thumpers knock on your doors trying to get you to go to their church?

-yes, iglesia ni cristo and mormons (sorry guys!! no hurt feelings pls.)

4. Can you get elected to public office without attending a church?

-maybe, in our case here in the philippines religion plays an important role during elections, because majority of the population here are church goers.
2008-07-03 23:43:31 UTC
every body should be free about his beliefs.

but y r u an atheist?if i were in ur shoes i would study about islam and other religions instead of this.
bigjohn B
2008-07-03 23:37:26 UTC
You can easily believe in evolution, in fact very easily, and still be a Christian.
2008-07-03 23:36:53 UTC
No, only sometimes late at night.

Yes, though not as prominent, but cultural creationism is a small part of my public school course of study in biology for the evolution topic.

Yes, I can, though people still don't understand what Atheist means, or they think we are immoral.

No, I've never seen one at my house.

Not particularly - though it may be possible in some local governments, but definitely not state or federal governments. No prime minister, state minister, or local representative that I know of is "not" of Christian denomination.

This is in Australia.
2008-07-04 02:00:11 UTC
In Australia

crazy evangelists ranting on every other TV channel? No. Some channels run them for an hour or so generally well out of prime time. The Australian Broadcasting Commission runs generally religious programs, this might be a broadcast of a church service, usually a mainstream church, Catholic, Anglican, Methodist etc. One popular radio speaker years ago was a rabbi, another was a Presbyterian minister. At present a Jewish lady interviews all sorts of religious people on one radio show, they might be Buddhist one week and Catholic the next. I heard her talking to a Sikh a few weeks ago.

Bible nuts trying to teach creationism in public schools? No. There have been some moves toward this but the educational curriculum is set on a state, not local basis and is by professional educators who are not elected but appointed by the state governments. When appointed, they maintain their positions through changes of government after elections until they resign or retire. Often university professors and people with training in child education do this.

Can you admit your an Atheist without bringing a roomful of guests to a screeching silence. Yes. Most Australians do not care whether you are Catholic or Calathumpian. Australia had decades of Catholic - Protestant sectarianism and there are still traces of it but our society has generally rejected all religious controversy because of it.

Do bible thumpers knock on your doors trying to get you to go to their church? Only Jehovah's Witnesses and the occasional pair of Mormons. Once a year the Salvation Army come round asking for charitable donations.

Can you get elected to public office without attending a church? Yes. Many members of parliament may be Christians but not all of them. The present Prime Minister is an Anglican and a fairly regular church-goer, I think the previous one might have been Methodist and I doubt the one before that was religious at all, though he may have been Roman Catholic originally.

It does no harm to a politician's career to turn up at a church in his electorate every now and then.

Edit - Almost half the Australian population are nominally Roman Catholic, almost as many of the rest are nominally Anglicans. If they have any religious knowledge, evangelists have trouble with them.

You know of course than Ken Ham is Australian, comes from a very small group once based in Brisbane, the Creation Science Foundation, (CSF) which was affiliated with ICR. The adventures of the CSF are partially recounted in "Telling Lies For God" by Prof. Ian Plimer. A good deal of the money raised by the CSF in Australia may have gone into a certain creation museum, but the CSF's accounting was so dodgy nobody is likely to know the facts.
2008-07-04 01:08:50 UTC
I live in Canada and we have The 100 Huntley Show, and a few American ones piped in on the specialty channels.

I also live in a small rural town in the central interior of British Columbia. It is a rancher/reserve town - and we do have our share of rednecks and overtly religious types - okay, extremists!

My husband is a lasped Evangilical /Formerly alter boy in an Irish-Catholic family and I am a wiccan. We try our best to keep a friendly but private life.

And with any small town, you always have a few religious nuts, who knock on doors, hand out pamphlets, etc when we are at home or shopping. But the worst part!

We have Stockwell Day, an avowed Ultra Christian as our Member of Parliament and a Conservative - whose party led by Stephen Harper is now in charge of things in Canada.

Yeh, you just have to learn to adapt up here, but not lose our own integrity.
2008-07-03 23:38:15 UTC
Crazy evangelists----oh yeah! I saw a video of him asking 24 million donation from his members and told the members if they don't have money, take their stuff to the pawnshop.

Bible nuts-----yes, in public schools but I wouldn't consider them nuts. Just fanatic.

Not an Atheist. A believer.

Bible thumpers----yah but me and sister hide.

Elected?----yes but being affiliated with a church is a vote factor.
2008-07-04 00:06:59 UTC
1. They aren't as ''Crazy'' as Americans supposedly are no.

2. No.

3.You must be exaggerating in that part, but Yes you can.

4.JW Every Now and then but they usually just leave a copy of the Watchtower, Talk about what's it about and then leave. It isn't really that incredibly annoying.

5.There is nothing in the constitution or departmental Laws against it. It may came in smear campaigns though like many smear campaigns they are usually forgotten after the race is over.
2008-07-03 23:44:49 UTC
well i live in mexico for a long while, and yes to all

evangelist have their own cable channel

school teachers are very religious but they teach evolution, thank god for that...

you can admit your an athiest but no one like to talk about religion, politics, or soccer... its prohibited

and there are mormons and jehovas witnesses all over the wolrd knocking on every ones doors

you can be a candidate if you dont attend church but they dont ever get elected...

back in the 1920's mexico went through a civil war called "La Guerra de los Cristeros" which translates more or less to "the War of The Cristerians", the government tried to abolish all religion from the power they had over laws and over all life of civilians. Although the war had succes the avarage ignorant kept on being sheep of the controlling catholisism
2008-07-03 23:48:59 UTC
Not really, unless you look for it.

Yes, but far less than in America I'd say- and pepper spray works on them fine.

Yes, unless its 'Christian Rock party night'

Yes, but saying you worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster and offering pasta with poison ivy you'd made to show your devotion usually has them look elsewhere.


Based on where I am right now. America's much worse off- actually the religious 'problem' in America is second only to Muslim countries!
2008-07-03 23:38:15 UTC
(1) no

(2) no

(3) yes

(4) yes, jehovah's witness

(5) Not sure but I think so yes

I live in Aussie =] and I went to a non-denomonational school. (not affiliated with any religion)
2008-07-03 23:35:14 UTC
Do you live in the bible belt? Not all America is like that.
2008-07-03 23:36:36 UTC

I go to a Catholic school, even though I'm not Catholic,



Probably not.
The Golden Buffalo
2008-07-03 23:35:48 UTC
1. no

2. very rarely, i think they snuck it into a reading book though

3. yes

4. no

5. yes
Artillery Squirrel
2008-07-03 23:36:56 UTC
no, i live in the bible belt, and it can get very much like that...
2008-07-03 23:35:23 UTC
exaggerate much ?

Roberto: none of america is like that
2008-07-04 14:44:54 UTC
Those who believe in Evolution are behind the times. Despite strong pressure to accept evolutionism, many intelligent and experienced scientists either openly or secretly dismiss Evolution as highly unlikely or impossible. Scientists who utterly reject Evolution may be one of our fastest-growing controversial minorities… Many of the scientists supporting this position hold impressive credentials in science. The ascendancy of Evolution in science, in both Britain and America, has been waning for several decades as its grip has weakened in successive areas: geology; paleontology; embryology; comparative anatomy. Now even geneticists are beginning to have doubts. It is only in mainstream molecular biology and zoology that Darwinism retains serious enthusiastic supporters. As growing numbers of scientists begin to drift away from neo-Darwinist ideas, the revision of Darwinism at the public level is long overdue, and is a process that has already started. One hundred and fifty Ph.D. scientists and 300 other scientists with masters degrees in science or engineering are members of the Korea Association of Creation Research. The President of KACR is the distinguished scientist and Professor Young-Gil Kim of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Ph.D. in Materials Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute / highly distinguished / inventor of various important high-tech alloys. (Note: The following list is very incomplete. Inclusion of any person on this list is in no way an endorsement, nor does it necessarily indicate anything about their religious beliefs.)

Gerald E. Aardsma (physicist and radiocarbon dating)

Louis Agassiz (helped develop the study of glacial geology and of ichthyology)

Alexander Arndt (analytical chemist)

Steven A. Austin (geologist and coal formation expert)

Charles Babbage (helped develop science of computers / developed actuarial tables and the calculating machine)

Francis Bacon (developed the Scientific Method)

Thomas G. Barnes (physicist)

Robert Boyle (helped develop sciences of chemistry and gas dynamics)

Wernher von Braun (pioneer of rocketry and space exploration)

David Brewster (helped develop science of optical mineralogy)

Arthur V. Chadwick (geologist)

Melvin Alonzo Cook (physical chemist, Nobel Prize nominee)

Georges Cuvier (helped develop sciences of comparative anatomy and vertebrate paleontology)

Humphry Davy (helped develop science of thermokinetics)

Donald B. DeYoung (physicist, specializing in solid-state, nuclear science and astronomy)

Henri Fabre (helped develop science of insect entomology)

Michael Faraday (helped develop science of electromagnetics / developed the Field Theory / invented the electric generator)

Danny R. Faulkner (astronomer)

Ambrose Fleming (helped develop science of electronics / invented thermionic valve)

Robert V. Gentry (physicist and chemist)

Duane T. Gish (biochemist)

John Grebe (chemist)

Joseph Henry (invented the electric motor and the galvanometer / discovered self-induction)

William Herschel (helped develop science of galactic astronomy / discovered double stars / developed the Global Star Catalog)

George F. Howe (botanist)

D. Russell Humphreys (award-winning physicist)

James P. Joule (developed reversible thermodynamics)

Johann Kepler (helped develop science of physical astronomy / developed the Ephemeris Tables)

John W. Klotz (geneticist and biologist)

Leonid Korochkin (geneticist)

Lane P. Lester (geneticist and biologist)

Carolus Linnaeus (helped develop sciences of taxonomy and systematic biology / developed the Classification System)

Joseph Lister (helped develop science of antiseptic surgery)

Frank L. Marsh (biologist)

Matthew Maury (helped develop science of oceanography/hydrography)

James Clerk Maxwell (helped develop the science of electrodynamics)

Gregor Mendel (founded the modern science of genetics)

Samuel F. B. Morse (invented the telegraph)

Isaac Newton (helped develop science of dynamics and the discipline of calculus / father of the Law of Gravity / invented the reflecting telescope)

Gary E. Parker (biologist and paleontologist) [more info]

Blaise Pascal (helped develop science of hydrostatics / invented the barometer)

Louis Pasteur (helped develop science of bacteriology / discovered the Law of Biogenesis / invented fermentation control / developed vaccinations and immunizations)

William Ramsay (helped develop the science of isotopic chemistry / discovered inert gases)

John Ray (helped develop science of biology and natural science)

Lord Rayleigh (helped develop science of dimensional analysis)

Bernhard Riemann (helped develop non-Euclidean geometry)

James Simpson (helped develop the field of gynecology / developed the use of chloroform)

Nicholas Steno (helped develop the science of stratigraphy)

George Stokes (helped develop science of fluid mechanics)

Charles B. Thaxton (chemist)

William Thompson (Lord Kelvin) (helped develop sciences of thermodynamics and energetics / invented the Absolute Temperature Scale / developed the Trans-Atlantic Cable)

Larry Vardiman (astrophysicist and geophysicist)

Leonardo da Vinci (helped develop science of hydraulics)

Rudolf Virchow (helped develop science of pathology)

A.J. (Monty) White (chemist)

A.E. Wilder-Smith (chemist and pharmacology expert)

John Woodward (helped develop the science of paleontology)

A more thorough list of current (and past) Creationist scientists is not provided for two reasons: (1) A complete list would be extremely lengthy, and (2) Some scientists would rather not have their name made public due to justified fear of job discrimination and persecution in today's atmosphere of limited academic freedom in Evolutionist-controlled institutions.

In light of this new evidence favoring Creationism, how can so many people, who are clearly behind the times, advocate that intelligent people be fired for professing an informed opinion and explanation of the world? How can so many rude people say that Creationists are "stupid" or "not educated"? I would guess that any Creationist on the list above is more intelligent, informed and well educated than those who flatly criticize them.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.