You may not have noticed this but the Bible records two kinds of Israelites;
1. Literal, fleshly, Israelites of the offspring of Abraham. These were abandoned as a nation in the same year he began dealing with the Christians. These were the ones who rejected the Messiah (Gr. Christus, Eng. Christ) and conspired to hae him executed by the Romans.
2. A "spiritual" form of Israelite, each of whom received the outpouring of God's holy spirit at Pentecost of 33 C.E. These latter are also referred to as "the Israel of God" at Galatians 6:16. [These are the ones who make up the 144,000 of Revelation 14:1-4 and these, and only these, receive the heavenly calling. Can you imagine God populating His heavenly government (God's kingdom,) with those ones who had killed His Son?] Remember that every verse in the Bible must harmonize with every other verse that comments on the same topic.
The NT, after the death of Jesus, is generally speaking of the second group when it refers to "Israel." Often Jesus' own referrals to Israel when speaking of the future, are discussing this group also.
This second group also fits in perfectly with the prophecy of Jeremiah 31:31, 'a law written on hearts.' Too, compare the 'blessing' for all nations that was to result from Abraham's obedience to God. It was to come from Abe's seed, which could only be the Messiah plus the "holy ones," or "saints" of Daniel 7:13, 14, 18, who receive the government or kingdom from God.