You try to question any of the Christian assumptions and you get the holy tirade of idealism shoved down your throat. Christians claim that "Heaven" is eternal, perfect, and permanent. Gosh, that sounds good but is it any more real than fairy land? Is Santa Clause real? I cannot listen to Christian beliefs without being offended completely. They insist that I believe in pure fantasy, mythology and imaginary perfection and insist that I surrender to this fantasy and give all my life and money and everything to it. If I don't I am condemned to hell where I will burn forever in suffering... So what if a man named Jesus might have said that he is the one and only way to the perfect palace in the sky. What better sales pitch is there than that??? You can have heaven or hell. Which is it??? Eternal suffering or eternal bliss??? And there's only one way to the bliss and a perfect great ultimately wonderful awesome amazing stupendous future and that is to be a Christian... The alternative is burning and suffering and endless horror...
When presented in this way, and you actually believe this is the way it really is, what choice is there but to be a Christian? Somewhere every Christian got sold on this idea and there's countless Christian sales people selling more and more people on this thing. And it is loaded and loaded with more and more pitches that try to convince people of the "truth". So, when someone says "Jesus said "I am the way truth and the life, no one comes to the father, but by me"" what can I say? Here is what I have to say to those who relish in the idea of being saved and living forever in the eternal bliss of heaven while the rest of humanity is going to suffer the rest of eternity suffering in hell:
1. As far as I am concerned it is just hearsay. There is absolutely no way of knowing if Jesus actually said that.
2. Even if Jesus actually said it I don't think that it is true. It sounds too much like the ultimate sales pitch of all time and I don't go for it.
3. I don't have any way of knowing if there is a Father, God or a heaven. It may all be imaginary. Human beings have an amazing ability to imagine things. Most people with such far fetched beliefs are labled insane.
4. It sounds pretty metaphoric. The New testament is full of Jesus' parables and metaphors. Maybe he just means that you need to listen to wise people when they talk or you won't know anything.
5. I can really see how this could have been mistranslated and changed through time to help with the Christian leader's conversions. Boy-oh-boy, Christians do like to throw this quote at you again and again and again and again and again to try to convert you.
6. Christianity has a lot of good values but show me one religion that doesn't. They are all meant to lead people to greater good and to God. I don't think that Christians are the only one's to be given a key to heaven. I actually see many fallacies with many Christians. The Mafia is made up of Catholics. There is no reason for me to believe that Christ is the only way to heaven or God (if there is such a place or ultimate higher power).
7. I don't believe in anyone who would let someone kill him to show that he is right. It is pretty insane to insist that you are the way and the truth and the only way to God to the point where people would kill you for it and then you let them kill you after torturing you. I have seen more crazy people that are doing no different following in Jesus' footsteps to force others in this belief... There are those who have even gone to the extent of killing others not to mention all the believers who let their own life end by being marters like Jesus was. People have to be more flexible and stop demanding that they are right...
8. People hear these detrimental words and proclaim anyone who doesn't believe them as a hieratic and a blasphemer. The whole idea of blasphemy because you don't believe what someone says disgusts me. All of the Christian guilt inducing, fear inspiring, hate producing, better than thou thinking, Hippocratic judgementalism, I could go on and on... The separatist society that Christianity has produced by this single line from the New Testament believing that Christians are heaven-bound and everyone else is going to hell is disturbing. Christianity has created a huge rift in humanity. Perhaps as much if not more than Islam. I don't condone this religion which proclaims to be the only way no mater what good it has brought to the world.
9. Don't force me into your beliefs with this idea that it is the only way out of hell into heaven. It stops here with me... I have no intention of propagating this monster of an idealism.