2008-11-12 01:42:03 UTC
I can pray for you. Or anyone you ask me too. But you have to promise me this in return. As i pray as you see things get better . You have to help me as well. After you see my prayer working for you. You have to first write a testimony to my prayer here
and then donate to my cause. There is so much i want to do for this world but i have no money. I can help you only if you promise to help me help others by donating to me. How much? Your heart will tell you. Listen to your heart or your blessing from me will be reversed. Not by my doing. This is how it works. Do not try to fool me and your heart. If you post a response for prayer, you are agreeing to these terms. Tell me a little about you and about what you need prayer for. I reserve the right to turn down any prayer request i choose. If you are true to your heart and know you will donate to me if i can help you. You will see signs of blessing as soon as you decide to post a remark. Yes even before you turn your pc on to post what you need prayer for.
Do not change your mind. I cant stop a reversed prayer. I know this sounds crazy but that is what faith is. I am not a scam artist. If you believe this is a scam then simply don't post....
But if you need prayer and feel this will work then you have nothing to loose. What i am offering has been done by others. I am not the first to have this ability. It is now all up to you .