Why are Mormons not Christian?
2008-09-11 16:27:23 UTC
Your answers, please. Yes, I asked something similar to this, but it got deleted because, apparently, it 'wasn't a question', when it was. But who am I to question the staff/mods/whatever they're called here?
I have my own opinion, and it may line up with some of you, but do not think this is a question asked out of hate or intolerance. I will listen to any opinion, on either side, even if I don't agree.
My best friend is Mormon, actually, just so you know.

So why do Mormons believe they are a denomination of Christianity? Just "believing" in Jesus doesn't quite cut it for me.
What is your "theory"?
26 answers:
2008-09-11 16:47:02 UTC
Why do Mormons not have just as much of a right to call themselves Christian as you do? What gives you the ultimate authority to call yourself a TRUEChristian(TM), and decide who else gets to be in the club and who doesn't? Do you play golf with God at his country club on the weekends or something?

If you ask any Mormon whether they "ask for his forgiveness, accept Him as their personal savior, and follow His ways", they will most certainly tell you they DO do those things. And from my experience in the Mormon church, I would have to agree with them.

Now, the fact that Jesus is a fictional character anyway and you're ALL delusional is a story for another day.

"Its all Christianity, people! The little stupid differences are nothing next to the big stupid similarities!" -Bart Simpson


Edit: Um, I never said you thought you were the authority on Mormonism. It's perfectly clear that you aren't. I asked you what makes you the authority on who gets to be Christian and who doesn't. And based on what you did say ("I'm afraid it takes more than that to be a true Christian." and "Just 'believing' in Jesus doesn't quite cut it for me."), it would appear that you do, in fact, consider yourself qualified to make that assessment. So, what I am asking you is: what makes you so special? Who died and made you the Voice of God?

"...unfortunately for you. I just don't accept Mormons as 'the only true Christians'..."

And why exactly would that be "unfortunate" for me? I couldn't care less if you want to belong to one crazy cult while trying to tell another crazy cult that they aren't allowed in your super-exclusive crazy christian cult clubhouse. I just find it funny, that's all... you admonishing Mormons for calling themselves "the only true Christians", while essentially doing the exact same thing.

And you know what's even funnier? The inherent humor in a TRUEChristian(TM) pontificating about "logic" and "common sense" and "numerous contradictions". Ha ha. Tell me the part about about the talking snake and the the big boat with all the animals again?

Thanks for the comedy act, dude. I needed that. Say hi to god for me next time you guys get together over a cuppa joe to discuss your membership charter for a religion with over two billion adherents, only a few of whom, apparently, are "doing it right." And if he's not TOO busy nitpicking over which of his followers interpret the Bible correctly, do you think you could see about getting him to do something worthwhile for a change, like taking care of world hunger, or stopping all this hurricane sh*t or something? That'd be awesome.
2008-09-11 18:53:57 UTC
Good thing you've never asked a similar question, huh.

You know it hits a point in which this is nothing more than a statement of opinion rather than a question.

Also, as an LDS member we don't think that we're the "only true Christians" as we've never made an effort to paint others as Non-Christians. Instead we love those who even could be called our enemies; if someone else considers themselves a Christian that very act alone is professing belief in Jesus Christ and thus they are a Christian.

EDIT: I'm amazed at how many people thinkvthey know something about the church and are way off. It's sad really.

I'm also not buying into that guy who "read" the Book of Mormon and didn't see anything toindicate a belief in Jesus Christ, perhaps he missed all of the 3000 refernces to Him; oh well, when there are only approximatly 6 references to the Savior per page it's easy to miss, right?
Yoda's Duck
2008-09-12 11:39:18 UTC
I can see your point- it's agreed with by many other Christians. The thing is that a non-biased source is needed to define the word, "Christian." I think a dictionary does nicely.

In reality, many of your assertions as to why you feel Mormons aren't Christian have been addressed many times in many places by many different people.

You are correct, though- belief/knowledge is not enough, which doesn't negate us as "full" Christians, just the born-again movement. James 2:19- the devils know full well who and what Jesus is-- too bad they don't follow His teachings, eh?

You say, "That's not exactly true, if they don't ask for his forgiveness, accept Him as their personal savior, and follow His ways...." In reality, we do. We accept Jesus as our Savior at baptism. We may not always acknowledge and ask for forgiveness publicly, but we are taught that private is more appropriate (Luke 18:10-14). On a regular basis (daily?) we ask forgiveness for our sins. It's called repentance, and as I heard once, it's like shaving- no matter how well you do it today, you're still going to have to do it again tomorrow.

You also ask, "How do you explain what i call the "fatal contradictions"? Such as how Mormonism states we can become gods, but the Bible states He is the One true God. Try reading Psalms 82:6 and explain how that doesn't support our teaching. Shocker, I know- being from the Bible and all.

Yes, there are apparent contradictions- even within the Bible itself. Try matching up John 1:1 and John 17... or even Matthew 4:8-10. But that's another debate. I know how I resolve the contradiction in my mind.

I know you have your opinion. But I have my opinion as well. The thing is that you ask anyone in any Christian church which denomination they think is most right. See how many different answers you get. Yes, we claim to be the truth. Who doesn't feel their church is the most correct? Are you going to argue with the Catholics about their claim to being the truth?... or the Lutherans?

I know you feel you're only asking for clarification, but it seems you're being a tad biased about the whole thing.

2 Nephi 31:13- Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I know that if ye shall follow the Son, with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and no deception before God, but with real intent, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father that ye are willing to take upon you the name of Christ, by baptism—yea, by following your Lord and your Savior down into the water, according to his word, behold, then shall ye receive the Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost; and then can ye speak with the tongue of angels, and shout praises unto the Holy One of Israel.

How is that "not Christian"...?? We believe Him (in His claim that He is/was the Savior), and we follow Him. What more do you expect?

Ultimately, I know what I believe and I know that Jesus will stand as my advocate at the Final Judgment. I think He is a better judge than you of who is and isn't Christian.... isn't that the essence of pride- thinking you're smarter than God?
2008-09-14 23:46:14 UTC
The problem here is that you're inventing a definition of "Christian" that isn't a real definition, but rather one that you're using to support your own opinions.

Go to a 3rd party independent source and look up the word "Christian" and then use that to evaluate whether or not Mormons are Christians.

It's worth pointing out that it wasn't too many years ago when people used similar logic to "prove" that african americans were less than human.

You don't agree with LDS theology....that's fine. That doesn't mean they're not Christian.
2008-09-11 16:46:26 UTC
I would love to see where the Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible. More than once I have read both the Bible and the Book of Mormon and haven't found any where yet. I thought I was a christian before I joined the L.D.S. church, but now I know I am. I know I am a born again christian and have been thought the change of heart and the baptismal waters both.
2008-09-11 16:50:59 UTC
Well since Mormons probably more than ANY Other christian denomination accept Jesus as their personal Savior, know that He lived, suffered and died and was resurrected for all of mankind so that we can repent and return and live with God again one day.

We recognize that His atonement for our sins is probably THE most important event to ever take place on the earth. His atonement represents the reason we are here and our hope for eternal life. Understanding its magnitude is probably KEY in our daily lives in a very personal way, above anything else. We love Him, we pray to the Father in His name, our church carries His name, we are baptized in His name, we partake of the emblems of His death each and every Sunday and renew our baptismal covenants to take His name upon us and live to have His spirit always with us. We live our religion every day not just on Sundays like many I know. Trying to be like our Savior is the reason we are here.

We know that we are SAVED only in and through the merits & mercy of Him and Him alone. we try to emulate Him, serve our fellowman, be honest, chaste, moral and respect our bodies, uphold the laws of the land and love our neighbors as ourselves..... HOW pray tell are we NOT CHRISTIAN. Just because others persecute, hate and lies about who we are and what we are does not make it any less of a truth that we are TRULY CHRISTIAN.

And by the way - anyone who has ACTUALLY read the Book of Mormon knows that it IN NO WAY contradicts the bible, It stands firmly and sure as a second witness of Christ and only clarifies some of the foggy biblical notions that man has screwed up over the centuries.
2008-09-11 16:32:11 UTC

This article explains some of the major differences btwn mormons and mainstream christians and how mormons can justify them.

You cant use your own interpretations of the Bible and apply them to mormon theology and say that its not biblically supported because you are starting on such a bias premise to begin with.

You claim its not biblical. Mormons claim it is. You claim the Bible disputes such doctrines, Mormons have a diff interpretation of the Bible that makes it not dispute it in any way.

Why can you go off the basis that all your interpretations of the Bible are the only correct way to define Christianity? Using that logic mormons could turn around and do that to you and call you non Christian (but they dont)\

They only contradict each other because of the way you interpret the Bible. If you ever took a biblical study class thru an LDS perspective they would fit perfectly in sync.

Again, why is YOUR interpretation more valid than mormons? Why does your interpretation of the Bible trump everyone elses? By what authority do you have to proclaim your way as the only way to interpret the Bible?


you seem very ignorant of mormon beliefs

Mormons believe that Christ is their personal savior and that thru the atonement of Christ we can live with our Heavenly Father again. Mormons study and follow the NT and teachings of Christ. Mormons believe the repentance process is vital to becoming pure and clean so that we can progress further and live with our Heavenly Father.

So everything you claim is the requirements of being Christian, mormons believe and follow.

Oh my gosh people

Mormons do believe that Jesus was the son of God and perfect. Mormons dont believe Joseph Smith was perfect. In fact in many instances he was chastized by God and had to repent in order to move forward with the work of the church.

Get your facts straight if you are going to speak about mormon beliefs!


the Bible straight out says that we can be joint heirs with Christ

You have the right to your conclusions, but you dont have the right to say who is and is not a Christian. You dont have that authority.

To say I am not a Christian is to call into question everything that is central to my faith. The atonement is central to LDS doctrine.

Again, claiming we are wrong based on your interpretations of the Bible proves nothing. I could do the same thing to you.
C K Platypus
2008-09-13 05:52:24 UTC
Here is why I believe they are not Christian...

Who do you have to believe in to get into Heaven aka the "Celestial Kingdom"? The Answer: Joseph Smith

If you believe in Jesus Christ is your savior and repent of your sins etc, you don't get into heaven. If you are a good person who believes in Jesus but are not Mormon, you get into the Mormon 2nd level of the afterlife aka the "Terrestrial Kingdom".
Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA
2008-09-11 16:40:52 UTC
I believe Mormons are Christians.

I also believe if "True Christians" used the time they spent bashing other Christians' beliefs doing charity work, this world would be a much better place.
2008-09-11 16:35:04 UTC
It is called the "Yamster" here.

and we believe Mormons are not "typical" Christians because they believe in three Gods, not a trinity. They also believed one is saved by good works and merit, not by accepting God's grace.

They still believe in Jesus though, so they are technically Christian.

EDIT: To tell the truth, that is all I know. I'm too tired to do any more research, though. My answer came from p.25 in Christianity for Dummies by Richard Wagner (C) 2004
2008-09-11 18:39:51 UTC
There are many reasons but one reason not mentioned so far is that Mormon use Christian terminology but they redefine those terms to mean something totally different from how the Bible uses those terms.

Let me give you an example or two:

The Bible says Jesus is God's only begotten Son of God.

John 3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Mormon teach that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers.

The Bible says that there is one God and He's always been God.

Mormons teach that there are many gods and the god of our planet was once a man who lived on the planet Kolob, or on a planet near the star of Kolob and he was a good mormon with more than one wife and he was promoted to being the god of this planet.

All Mormon men believe that if they have more than once wife and are married in the temple they too may get to be the god of their own planet.

The Bible says that men and women are equal:

Galatians 3:28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Mormons teach that women won't make to heaven unless their husband calls them out of their grave.

Until 1978 Mormons taught that Blacks were 2nd class people and could not join the church.

Mormons teach that marriages performed in the Temple are for time and eternity, yet Jesus taught that marriage is only for this lifetime.

Matthew 22:

23The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,

24Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

25Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:

26Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.

27And last of all the woman died also.

28Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.

29Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

30For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

31But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,

32I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

33And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine.

34But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together.

The same teaching is found in Mark chapter 12 and Luke chapter 20.

I could give examples like this til the cows come home, at least til sunrise.

Mormons deny all the of the cardinal doctrines of Christianity.

Those doctrines they claim to follow, they only follow because they have redefined the terms.

They also deny that Jesus is God. They claim Jesus is the Son of God, but not God Himself. Well the Bible teaches that Jesus is God.

Jesus taught that Jesus is God and the religious leaders in Jesus' day understood that Jesus was making this claim.

In John chapter ten we read, Jesus is speaking:

30 I and the Father are one."

31 Again the Jews picked up stones to stone him, 32but Jesus said to them, "I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?"

33 "We are not stoning you for any of these," replied the Jews, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God."

Brigham Young denied the Virgin Brith and claimed that god and they believe that Adam is the god of this world, had physical sex with Mary resulting in Jesus brith. That's in Journal of Discources, Vol 1, pages 50 and 51.

I'll gladly E-mail scanned images of those pages which I downloaded from the BYU web site, to anyone who ask. I need a real E-mail address to do that.
2008-09-11 16:39:52 UTC
Because in their bibles Book of Mormon, Pearl of great price, They categorically Deni that Jesus is The Christ the only begotten son of God.

To be a considered a Christian, one must believe the things I mentioned that they Deni.

Edit 6hours later: Thanks for the hate mail. Mormons do not even know what they supposedly believe.
2008-09-11 16:37:14 UTC
The Mormon faith is a polytheistic faith that ignores the orthodox beliefs taught by Christ and the apostles in regards to the nature of God and man. They cannot see the difference between created beings and God, believing that they can become Gods and be worshipped. We are created to worship God. If you really want to know what heaven is like , go to a Catholic Mass and be present with the whole Church, militant , suffering and triumphant. God bless!

In Christ

Fr. Joseph
space monkey
2008-09-11 16:41:38 UTC
I have gone to the Mormon Church site- one that does have the Book of Mormon online. So I read it.

And indeed, their God is NOT the one I read about in the Bible. It is indeed "another gospel". A different God.

The Mormon God had a father and a mother- he was not without beginning or end. Jesus, to the Mormons, is not God in the Flesh- but just one of their Heavenly Father's sons...

It is indeed very very different.
2008-09-11 16:31:26 UTC
Anyone who believes in Jesus is Christian. You need to learn more about Mormons if you believe they're not christian.

They believe in Christ, that makes them christian, and they are.
Catholic Mythbuster
2008-09-11 16:38:47 UTC
The official name for the Mormon Church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints. They have an altered version of the King James Bible that they use in addition to the Book of Mormon, which is subtitled "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" or something like that. So, what it boils down to is that they believe that writing their own version of the Bible (in which they misquote the passage in which Jesus asks his disciples who they say he is, and Simon Peter says "You are the Christ, and the only son of the living God" and Jesus says "Blessed are you, Simon, some of Jonah" and renames him Peter, and they have it down as Jesus saying "Blessed are you, Simon, son of Peter.") and having their own testament written by a man known for his tall tales is all that it takes to make them a Christian denomination.

And I know about the misquote because my brother-in-law and his family are Mormon and this misquote was read out loud when my husband and I went to our nephew's baptism. Their version of the Bible also says that there are three Heavens, one for the non-Mormons, one for the Mormons who screwed up, and one for the Mormons who lived perfect lives, such as Joseph Smith, whom THEY say sits at God's Right Hand, and that Jesus (who was actually brothers with Lucifer, according to them), is in the lower Heaven with everyone who screwed up.

Which means, I'm guessing, that they don't believe that Jesus is sinless, if they believe that He is not sitting at God's right hand, and that Joseph Smith WAS sinless and perfect....
2008-09-11 16:31:06 UTC
Mormons are Christians.

It is illuminating to the rest of us when we see that Christians will attack everyone, even other Christians. You have shown us just exactly what Christianity is all about.
2008-09-11 16:31:08 UTC
read the correct name for the Mormons, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". please dont get your information from the wrong sources, such as ANTI Mormons.
2008-09-11 16:32:32 UTC
You've answered your own question: they believe they are Christians, following Him as they see fit.

Are you presuming to decree who is and is not Christian? Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, FYI.
Ƒuℜie§ ƑlaMe§§ ☭♨☠♨☭ ☭☠ღღ☠☭
2008-09-11 16:32:19 UTC
Mormons are Christian!.
2008-09-11 18:24:53 UTC
because they're not they just say they are but really they're a cult succeeding way better than most
2008-09-11 16:33:05 UTC
they follow a false doctrine by a false prophet that allows itself to substitute other doctrine under the guise that the Bible has flaws and the book of mormon clears it up, and then they have other writtings that are meant to clear up the book of mormon.

It is all rather self reinforcing and delusional.
2008-09-11 16:34:22 UTC
we say we are christian because we believe in Christ too, just like Christians have a belief in Christ. Anyone can look up our theology at

2015-10-22 11:54:41 UTC
Dear Mormons, you believe that God the Father was a man before becoming God and do not accept the triunity of God, so you are preaching a FALSE GOSPEL. Preachers and believers of False Gospels are on the wide road to eternal torment.

Almighty God was, is and will always be triune (one God in three persons, not three gods). God is comprised of the Father, the Son (Lord Jesus) and the Holy Spirit, each serving a function. There is only one God (Isa 43:10-11; 44:6,8; 45:21-22; 46:9; John 17:3; 1 John 5:20-21). The Father is God (1 Peter 1:2; Philippians 2:11), the Lord Jesus Christ is God (Matthew 1:23; John 1:1; 20:28; Hebrews 1:8; Hebrews 13:8; Revelation 1:7-8; 2 Peter 1:1; Titus 2:13) and the Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4; Acts 28:25-27; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 3:17).

Since Christianity began there were always souls on the earth who belonged to Christ and had worshiped and fellowshipped together. THERE WAS NEVER A NEED FOR ANY PARTICULAR BUILDING OR FOR RESTORATION. The Church has always been a spiritual body of souls belonging to Lord Jesus Christ who is the head of that body (Colossians 1:18; Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 4:15-16). It's good to worship and fellowship with believers and help and edify one another in love. Church is not made of earthly material.

Mormons, you hold in your temples rituals largely borrowed from Free Masonry, trust in "blessed" clothing for protection, believe the lie that women should not be allowed any position of authority in the Church and embrace the false doctrine of Christians being required to tithe.

On Tithing: God Does Not Command Us to Give 10% or Any Fixed % of Our Salary or Property





The Book of Mormon says the Church began in 147 BC, (Mosiah 18:17)


Alma 46:13-16 supposedly written in 73 BC refers to Nephites as Christians


Joseph Smith is head of Mormon church because Mormons trust in Smith’s false doctrines (D&C 28:2-6)


LDS teach only they have authority to baptize, ordain, etc - have two-part system of priesthood - Melchizedek and Aaronic


According to Mormon teachings, baptism into LDS Church is how persons are born again


The Book of Mormon says "He shall be born of Mary at Jerusalem" (Alma 7:10)


The Book of Mormon says there were 3 days of darkness at crucifixion (Hel 14:20-27)


Mormon doctrines teach that God has flesh and bones like man: (D&C 130:22)


Mormon doctrines teach that everyone pre-existed - we all exist eternally


LDS doctrines claim the ability to bear children in Heaven and the must of having a Temple Marriage


LDS believe God, as a resurrected, physical man, is literal Father of Jesus - same manner in which men are conceived on earth


BOOK OF MORMON: Native Americans wrote many official records (Hel 3:13), scrolls (Mor 5:23) and other writings (Mor 9:2; 2 Nephi 9:18)

SCIENTIFIC AND HISTORICAL FACT: Native Americans never wrote books but used simple pictures to communicate

BOOK OF MORMON: Native Americans are descended from Jews

SCIENTIFIC AND HISTORICAL FACT: Being "mongoloid", they are descended from East Asia

BOOK OF MORMON: God cursed Native Americans with dark skin. Anyone who marries a Native American shall get dark skin too (2 Nephi 5:21-23; Jacob 3:3-9; Mormon 5:15-17; Alma 3:6-10)

SCIENTIFIC AND HISTORICAL FACT: If this were true, there would be no part Native Americans, only full-blooded Native Americans. The statement is genetically false

BOOK OF MORMON: When Native Americans accept Mormon teachings they will become, "white and delightsome people" (2 Nephi 30:5-7; 3 Nephi2:15)

SCIENTIFIC AND HISTORICAL FACT: This is white supremacist racism and implies a correlation between skin colour and righteousness (at one time, Mormons wouldn't baptize Negroes)

BOOK OF MORMON: Horses, cows, oxen & asses were all native to North America (1 Nephi18:25)

SCIENTIFIC AND HISTORICAL FACT: Horses, cows, oxen & asses were all introduced to North America by European settlers

6 Reasons the Mormon Church’s structure is not like the early Christian church

1. There were more than 12 Apostles in the early church

2. Once a foundation is built, it no longer needs to be rebuilt

3. The LDS Church’s organizational structure is backward when it places Prophets over Apostles. God set Apostles to be first in the Church OVER Prophets

4. The position of “Seventy” did not exist in the early church

5. The office of “Priests” did not exist in the early church

6. Deacons were not 12 year old boys in the early church

In the Mormon Church there are symbols and temple rituals borrowed largely from Freemasonry. This is because the founder, Joseph Smith was a Freemason (this is common knowledge). His doctrines therefore cannot be trusted.

Testimonies from ex-Mormons Bishops and others who left the Church founded by Joseph Smith for true Christianity:


Because mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not negate the believer’s justified status.
2008-09-11 16:35:54 UTC
mormons are on the wrong track
weeble wobble
2008-09-11 16:32:49 UTC
because they wear masonic magic underpants

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.