2014-05-12 10:56:47 UTC
Interplanetary Space Travel
Time Travel
Using our Irrelativity drive to jump universes and go to the restaurant at the end of the universe
Shrink things
Live on other planets
But those things are impossible. I mean think of it, if time travel were possible, Hitler would be no more than a footnote in history about a crazy Austrian Corporal who tried a beer haul Putcsh....because someone would have come back and taken him out
And yet our reality is so much more different
We have a junk pile in space that we can't even fly to anymore (we have to hitch a ride with Putin) and we send rc cars to mars.
We can't even get back to the moon
and yet we have all these starry eyed dreamers telling us what is 'Out there"
the imagination of man transcends the natural ability of man......would that be defined as supernatural?
Man is supernatural...he reaches beyond what he can grasp
*And please warn me before you answer with "someday we will...." because I might be drinking coffee and the laughter might make me spew it all over my screen