Christians: Please, please, PLEASE can I get ONE straight answer?
Celestial Teapot
2009-01-28 06:16:27 UTC
I asked another question a while ago asking Christians to explain the process of evolution.

I only get answers from atheists cheering me on and Christians insulting me saying that I don't want answers or telling me they aren't monkeys. Both of which are annoying.

So, please. Just one of you summarize the process of evolution. No one is forcing you to answer but if you see this and don't believe evolution please at least attempt to summarize it.
That is WITHOUT posting links, WITHOUT copying and pasting, WITHOUT bible quotes, WITHOUT insulting me personally, and WITHOUT pointing out the supposed flaws in it.

Summarize the process of evolution and natural selection as "evolutionists" see it.

To be fair I won't thumbs down anyone. I will leave your answers up where I can see them (unless you insult me or avoid the question)

27 answers:
2009-01-28 06:19:51 UTC
In biology, evolution is change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. These changes are caused by a combination of three main processes: variation, reproduction, and selection. Genes that are passed on to an organism's offspring produce the inherited traits that are the basis of evolution. These traits vary within populations, with organisms showing heritable differences in their traits. When organisms reproduce, their offspring may have new or altered traits. These new traits arise in two main ways: either from mutations in genes, or from the transfer of genes between populations and between species. In species that reproduce sexually, new combinations of genes are also produced by genetic recombination, which can increase variation between organisms. Evolution occurs when these heritable differences become more common or rare in a population.
2009-01-28 06:58:17 UTC
I teach the Manuscripts, but I am NOT a Scientist, nor am I qualified

to give you answers with regard to the most recent studies about evolution, but I do know Gods Word, and I can tell you this:

I am not sure how we got to where we are today; I do know that whatever the process was that got us here, was created by God.

God created the Science and there is no controversy between the truth

of Gods Word and true Science. For example, The Bible NEVER SAYS THIS EARTH IS ONLY ABOUT 6000 YEARS OLD; quite the opposite is true; the Scriptures tell of three earth ages, one that was,

the second one that is now, and one final one to come.

Not a different Earth, but only a difference in the AGE. This Earth

is eons and eons in age, and so are the souls walking around in the flesh today.

The Scriptures say that back in the prior earth age, was when Satan

rebelled wanting the throne and position of the Christ; and, Satan caused a great war called the Katabole in the Greek Manuscripts.

As a result of that rebellion, God destroyed that age that was, and the earth sat still and void for an untold amount of time, and then God

refreshed and rejuvinated the Earth and made changes to ready it for

this flesh age, and for flesh to inhabit it. Thats when the dinousaurs

died off and land forms changed, etc...

When you read of the account in Genesis, people assume they are

reading the first creation of the Earth; they aren't, not according to

Gods Word; what you are reading is the 8 days that God took to

rejuvinate the earth.

"Evolution" is a term that is so widely used and misused, but what

I think alot of people actually mean is "adaptation". Animals adapted

to their surroundings - for example, they say in a million or so years

we will no longer have a gall bladder, because it is not used.

The same for tonsils. We are not evolving, we are adapting. We no

longer use these organs.

Also, God created the Science that works on auto-pilot; the natural

order of events were put into place by God and work that way; naturally with Science or evolution or whatever the name you want

to give the process.

As a Christian, I celebrate any and all scientific finds, because there

is no controversy between Scripture and Science. They work quite

well together.
Joachim AASR
2009-01-28 06:41:39 UTC
As a person of faith I believe that the study of evolution is good. It is the search for truth. Truth is G_d.

At this point in time much of the theory of evolution is still a lot of theory.

The important part about this is that so many people dedicate themselves to a life time of studying these theories and finding out our common past so that it can be a fact instead of theory.

When that day comes, creationists will have to accept that no one faith is the only true faith.

The bible or whatever holy book they follow will be just a personal choice and there will be no reason for religious wars (or insulting people who differ in opinion).

I am not a scientist so I don't think I could impart anything beyond the basic ideas of evolution. Just like I couldn't really explain in depth how

electricity works. I just know that it does and it's good.

But I do know that once mankind has proved exactly the beginnings of the earth and the evolution of all species, that will not disprove the idea of a Supreme Being, it will prove the existence.
2009-01-28 06:28:46 UTC
Oooh good question, made me think! Well I'm a Christian but I believe in evolution. I'm pretty sure evolution is PROVEN and I don't argue with science. Believing in Jesus doesn't mean you can say that facts are true lol right? I think for me, Christianity is just about faith and good works, etc. and I don't take every Bible story as literal. As far as creation goes, I believe God created the Earth and the creatures on it. But I don't think the accepted story of Adam and Eve is exactly how it went down. Maybe a similar story took place some where, at some point in time, and the story was just passed down, and tweaked to make the point of it stronger. Lol who knows, this a question of individual beliefs anyways, so you'll get a million different ideas.
2009-01-28 06:34:51 UTC
I did answer you, and I never insulted you at all...

Large scale evolution as I understand it is the descent of a different species through a common ancestor...Yes?

So where is the common ancestor? I believe it can be the Earth..Created from it...How? That I can't answer for you...Evolution doesn't answer the question either..A common ancestor tells me nothing.

Small scale evolution are genetic changes in a population from one generation to the next...Yes?

I would consider this adaptation more than evidence of evolution...The population isn't "changing" into a different population...They are still the same species...A dog is still a dog no matter what genetic mutations occur...

So, as you see, what you may find to be 'small questions" they are to me important when evolution is being presented as a theory against God's existence, and let's be honest is it used frequently just for that purpose..That to me isn't good science, it's wishful thinking.
2009-01-28 06:32:43 UTC
OK, the straight answer from this Christian is that i do not completely understand the theory of evolution. My last biology class was almost forty years ago. I believe in Old Earth Creationism strictly on faith alone, and for that I make no apology.

I believe that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth, but nowhere does he explain to us when or how. I do not believe that Young Earth Creationism, which is based mostly on the chronology of Bishop Ussher, has any Scriptural foundation.

I tend to stay out of the creation vs. evolution debate, as Old Earth Creationists are not much loved by either side, lol.
2009-01-28 06:35:19 UTC
I am a Christian. You are asking for the situation as a Christian sees it and this is it:

I think the terms are macro and micro.

Evolution is inevitable, for example, buildings and artifacts from centuries ago prooves that people in general use to be quite a bit shorter. this type of evolution is micro.

as for the real beginnings of all things on this planet, all Christians are told, all we know is that God spoke into the empty space, and by His voice sprang up light and dark, water and hard land, vegetation, animals, humans. We are told that God took 6 days to do all that, and then a day to rest, so we according to that it all took under a week. There are theories within the Christian community that says, though, that one day to God was as thousands of years. that things didn't just pop out as we know them, that they progressed slowly.

I don't know. and trees and rock formation doesn't usually matter, usually the issue is humans. Right? In scripture, there aren't too many hard statistics about the forming of most of creation but the forming of humans God was very specific about. God took some dirt and spoke, and there formed a man.... out of dirt. then he put the man to sleep and took his rib out and from the rib he made woman. We are led to believe that humans were endowed with intelligence wit and instinct etc from the very beginning.
Christopher Michael
2009-01-28 06:26:44 UTC
Evolution is the change in a species over time through natural selection, which is the retention of beneficial genetic mutations that help to propagate the creature in which the mutation occurred, which it then passes to it's offspring. Every species on earth today is related through a common ancestor. How that common ancestor came into existence, atheists don't know... but I, as well as every other theist, do.

Your question btw is kind of insulting... maybe that's why you're getting insulted. I'd get insulted if I asked "Atheists, explain the Bible to me."

And evolution is not detrimental to the image of God. God created everything through the process. And it doesn't contradict the Bible. If we view the creation of Adam and Eve as the creation of the first two humans WITH SOULS, it's perfectly compatible, allegorically.

EDIT--It's the perceived tone in which you're asking this question that is insulting, not the question itself. And I said 'kind of' insulting.
2016-09-30 01:39:10 UTC
in my opinion, i've got not got a project with evolution. while Darwin wrote the 1st version of The commencing place of the Species, he postulated that God would have breathed existence into basically some species, or in step with possibility basically one. This concept isn't in contradiction with the Bible for my section. The fossils of "early guy" are somewhat subjective. There are merely some, and no finished skeletons. the finished fossil checklist of early guy could greater wholesome onto a single laptop, and the validity of a few are nonetheless hotly debated to on the instant time. i think that guy replaced right into a diverse creation, based on the Genesis account, yet in any different case I see no conflict between my faith and evolution. hence, i could clarify the dinosaurs and climate ameliorations merely as you are able to.
2009-01-28 06:27:32 UTC
I'm not a scientist, but basically it's the process of metamorphic changes that an animal undergoes in order to survive. I'm a Christian, not a scientist, so the answers that you'll get will be subjective and a waste of time.

Edit: I you read further into Genesis, Adam is described as being the beginning of Man-" this is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day they were created."
2009-01-28 06:30:45 UTC
In the beginning there was God, and nothing was before God.

To make the story of Creation and Evolution understandable to men and was made simple. Remember, humans then were little more than mud hut farmers, herders, or bow and arrow hunters.

By the order, of Creation/Evolution, the Universe/earth and its inhabitants were created in Epochs/Eons/ or as our simple minds of anicent times could have comprehended, "Days."

Not 24 hours, not 7 setting suns...that's laughable by any standard, of course. SOOooo..Epochs it is!

We don't know why things were created before men, only the order by which they were/ hence/evolution and Creation aren't in conflict.

the authors of the good Book didn't apparently think we needed to know the why's.
2009-01-28 06:29:43 UTC
Dear I will explain evolution.

suppose man comes from monkey, monkey comes from some other call it as A, A comes from B, that B comes from C, that C comes from D, if you go like this .............. at the end Y comes from Z or from big bang (as some say.) To create that last one Z also some one is needed or to bring that big bang also some element are requires . Where those elements for big bang come. or where the last Z come. it is from God only. So for the starting point some one required that one we are calling as God.
2009-01-28 06:25:59 UTC
Are you asking to explain the theory of evolution or do you want me to try to explain how Christians think the world came into existence?
Nina, BaC
2009-01-28 06:24:19 UTC
Are you talking about evolution or evolution theory?

Your attitude is the key here. You do not have to be smart to believe in the Bible record over human hypothesis

You can love God only to the degree you know Him, and you rather place your faith in evolution theory
2009-01-28 07:39:00 UTC
Straight answers from a xian--good luck!
2009-01-28 06:22:27 UTC
I don't understand the question. You want me to tell you what I believe, as a Christian, about evolution or you want me to summarize what evolutionists believe?
2009-01-28 06:22:03 UTC
To be honest you are NOT going to get one straight answer. Simply because we don't know what happened at the evolution.

Did god send Adam here as a fully evolved human? Or did he send an microorganism that eventually became an ape to an human?

Who knows?

Scientist will say microorganism

Strong Christians will say Fully evolved human

Me? in the bible- It didn't say if Adam was human or not. In this day and have to keep an open mind.
2009-01-28 20:12:14 UTC


2009-01-28 06:20:28 UTC
I hope you believe on science as well as the bible.

Honesty, neither I witnessed Jesus Christ nor read the Bible author's mind.

The concept of God is a philosophy; you create in your mind based on your experience.

You define a single point of an immortal ruler, who monitors you and punish or reward accordingly, where you become more responsible for your actions.

Also, you define the figure ‘Satan’ and his or her ‘attempts’, to justify the course of your regretful actions.

This philosophy serves good as long as you use it for the said expected purpose. If you abuse it to achieve political power or to discriminate others, the consequences will be bad and not defined.

Any political or religious idea that makes you ignorant, greedy and/or hatred must be considered as stupid/ crazy, and avoid acting upon.

Never accept an idea because a higher raking personal said or because it is written in a well respected scripture or because it is a famous saying or even because your closest and loyal friend influenced you. Accept and act upon only based on your correct judgement.

Hope this will be an indirect answer to your question.
Darth Garcia
2009-01-28 06:20:34 UTC
I would love to, but a full explanation would take several pages and since you don't want links that will do it, I can't help you.
2009-01-28 06:20:07 UTC
Definition: Organic evolution is the theory that the first living organism developed from lifeless matter. Then, as it reproduced, it is said, it changed into different kinds of living things, ultimately producing all forms of plant and animal life that have ever existed on this earth. All of this is said to have been accomplished without the supernatural intervention of a Creator. Some persons endeavor to blend belief in God with evolution, saying that God created by means of evolution, that he brought into existence the first primitive life forms and that then higher life forms, including man, were produced by means of evolution. Not a Bible teaching.

Is evolution really scientific?

The “scientific method” is as follows: Observe what happens; based on those observations, form a theory as to what may be true; test the theory by further observations and by experiments; and watch to see if the predictions based on the theory are fulfilled. Is this the method followed by those who believe in and teach evolution?

Astronomer Robert Jastrow says: “To their chagrin [scientists] have no clear-cut answer, because chemists have never succeeded in reproducing nature’s experiments on the creation of life out of nonliving matter. Scientists do not know how that happened.”—The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe (New York, 1981), p. 19.

Evolutionist Loren Eiseley acknowledged: “After having chided the theologian for his reliance on myth and miracle, science found itself in the unenviable position of having to create a mythology of its own: namely, the assumption that what, after long effort, could not be proved to take place today had, in truth, taken place in the primeval past.”—The Immense Journey (New York, 1957), p. 199.

According to New Scientist: “An increasing number of scientists, most particularly a growing number of evolutionists . . . argue that Darwinian evolutionary theory is no genuine scientific theory at all. . . . Many of the critics have the highest intellectual credentials.”—June 25, 1981, p. 828.

Physicist H. S. Lipson said: “The only acceptable explanation is creation. I know that this is anathema to physicists, as indeed it is to me, but we must not reject a theory that we do not like if the experimental evidence supports it.” (Italics added.)—Physics Bulletin, 1980, Vol. 31, p. 138.

Are those who advocate evolution in agreement? How do these facts make you feel about what they teach?

The introduction to the centennial edition of Darwin’s Origin of Species (London, 1956) says: “As we know, there is a great divergence of opinion among biologists, not only about the causes of evolution but even about the actual process. This divergence exists because the evidence is unsatisfactory and does not permit any certain conclusion. It is therefore right and proper to draw the attention of the non-scientific public to the disagreements about evolution.”—By W. R. Thompson, then director of the Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, Ottawa, Canada.

“A century after Darwin’s death, we still have not the slightest demonstrable or even plausible idea of how evolution really took place—and in recent years this has led to an extraordinary series of battles over the whole question. . . . A state of almost open war exists among the evolutionists themselves, with every kind of [evolutionary] sect urging some new modification.”—C. Booker (London Times writer), The Star, (Johannesburg), April 20, 1982, p. 19.

The scientific magazine Discover said: “Evolution . . . is not only under attack by fundamentalist Christians, but is also being questioned by reputable scientists. Among paleontologists, scientists who study the fossil record, there is growing dissent.”—October 1980, p. 88.

What view does the fossil record support?

Darwin acknowledged: “If numerous species . . . have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution.” (The Origin of Species, New York, 1902, Part Two, p. 83) Does the evidence indicate that “numerous species” came into existence at the same time, or does it point to gradual development, as evolution holds?
2009-01-28 06:21:02 UTC
The was a big bang.

Then sea

Then land

Then light

Then dark

Then plants/vegetation

Then fish

Then animals

Then adam and eve.

Thats the process of evolution I believe.
2009-01-28 06:21:44 UTC

read the above link in detail
2009-01-28 06:21:24 UTC
2009-01-28 06:19:18 UTC
As long as you ask both Catholics and Christians, you are going to get 2 different answers. Catholics believe in evolution. Christians don't.
2009-01-28 06:19:38 UTC
All I know is we all came from an organism long long long ago. The idea of having a "god" is just stupid.
2009-01-28 06:19:10 UTC
we are not doing your science homework for you kid!

Dont worry kid i know plenty about evolution and have known for a while. just because i dont share that info with you does not mean that i do not know all about sure is fun rattleing your cage though....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.