Im confused. Do we come from Apes or adam and eve. If adam and eve were the first people on earth, then does that mean when there kids had kids they had kids with eachother. that would be like having kids with there brother or sister. ???
37 answers:
2008-04-03 20:23:17 UTC
I come from Australia...
My dad was an ape though...
Urban Aristotle
2008-04-03 20:25:14 UTC
I'd say neither actually.
We don't "come from apes". We share a common ancestor with apes, many years ago. This mean X species spilt and became Y and Z (and W, A, Q, V, etc...)
As for the incest- that doesn't really 'have' to exist in evolution. All early life forms (amoebs and the likes) were asexual. If you are looking for incest, you'll have to go back couple hundred million years. To find incest in the Adam and Eve story, just go back 10,000 or so years.
2008-04-03 20:30:08 UTC
Evolution has been proven wrong so many times its not even funny. Its so ridiculous that the liberal school system passes it off as a reasonable theory.
Anyways, incest was very popular as a means to survival. There are plenty of incest stories in the Bible and throughout history.
If a nuclear attack destroyed everyone on Earth, but a dad and daughter survived, they would have to have kids for the human species to survive. Even if others survived, but they perceived themselves as the last two people on Earth, they would probably have offspring.
The reasons incest is frowned upon is that after years of incest people realized that the immune system got weaker. The first humans, adam and eve, lived hundreds of years, and had a much better body then we do today.
2008-04-03 20:34:02 UTC
I don't know what to tell you. You will have to answer that one on your own really. We each have our beliefs. You might not want to believe what I do and Im confused too. I really don't know if it was by evolution or not. It makes some sense to me, but doesn't answer the whole question for me. Adam and Eve's story doesn't answer it for me either. I can't see 2 people being responsible for all of us. And I really can't believe how Eve was created either. Make up your own mind after you studied all the facts. Thats all I can tell you. Good luck.
2008-04-03 20:29:28 UTC
Before Noah's flood, we were able to procreate with siblings but some ventured in to the line of giants. Satan was cast down to earth along with 1/3rd of the angels in Heaven before Adam & Eve. This is where the other line came from.IMO.
Evolution has always been proven false. Darwinism was never proven. Yes, some things evolve but this is due to climate changes, diets, toxins, chemicals, & their habitats changing. Minor things.
No evolutionist could ever answer my question as to why apes or humans stopped evolving. If they believe we came from apes then why aren't apes still turning into humans?
That's what you get when you don't personally test the theories regarding evolution.
2008-04-03 20:37:40 UTC
WOW! I can't believe how many people on here feel confident enough to matter-of-factly answer a question that no one knows the answer to. IFFF the story in the bible is true, then yes, it would have been incest. I don't see why it would have mattered at the time seeing as there were no genetic flaws to be passed down. That is the sole reason why incest has become taboo. IFFF evolution is true, there are still things that haven't been worked out.
Personally, I believe that not only is it impossible for me to ever find out how the human race began, but most likely, I wouldn't want the answer if I got it. So I continue on with life, not claiming to know... although I am definately leaning toward the scientific explanation because, at least, science will change it's story if it's disproven... unlike religion who's followers will just shun, attack or kill you for challenging their story.
Quentin S
2008-04-03 20:27:55 UTC
Thats a good question. Didnt we evolve. There is proof of that. No proof adam and eve existed though. And if they were first and were created in Gods image then they would be some type of primape if evolution is true. Its all about faith. Confusion is just something we live with. People will always search for answers and always have more qustions after they find those answers. We need confusion in life. That gives us another reason to reach for God and better our relationship with him. He works in mysterious way and only he/she can answer some of our most confusing questions
2008-04-03 20:21:55 UTC
Adam and Eve didn't even need to poop before they ate the forbidden fruit, because everything was perfect. Poop isn't perfect. Therefore their bodies completely changed right after the Lord found out about the fruit eating. So Christians believe in evolution too in a way!
2008-04-03 20:23:58 UTC
We came from Adam and Eve. Not from any apes. The animals, including the apes were created after humans.
2008-04-03 20:23:32 UTC
Adam and Eve were not the first biological humans on the earth.
Neither did we come from apes. God made all species. Due to microevolution, other species came about.
God created your spirit, which is your real self. Do not be deluded by the physical realm.
Steven S
2008-04-03 20:28:04 UTC
I believe that since God is responsible for all that happens, evolution is God's doing, not a different belief as most scientists would have you believe. If we came from or just plain have a closer relation to apes than any other animal, God did it. So you can't have one without the other because God did everything natural you see or don't see.
2008-04-03 20:22:09 UTC
How about we came from apes named Adam and Eve?
But yes, if you believe in the theory of Adam and Eve, we would all be inbred.
2008-04-03 20:24:05 UTC
I believe we evolved from apes. I believe that it took years to develop our characteristics. I seriously cannot understand how people can believe that we just popped out of nowhere from a speck of dust. The origin of species or evolution makes more sense than some story Jesus and all the saints made to convert people so that they could remain superior. Seriously it is all about politics and control.
2008-04-03 20:26:28 UTC
The story of Adam and Eve is simply that, a story. A morality tale. Not true. Don't get concerned about the morality of incest. Never happened.
As for apes, the human evolved from a common ancestor, very ape-like BUT, before all that, our ancestors were fish and before that, they were bacteria ...
Sick Puppy
2008-04-03 20:24:34 UTC
A&E may have been one of the first homo sapien sapiens. The ancient ancestors of men and apes came way before them. Yours is a good question, though, but yes the Sick Puppy gave it some thought.
The Princess
2008-04-03 20:23:24 UTC
This is something that confuses many people. On the sixth day of creation, God created man, all races were put into creation at that time. On the seventh day, He rested. Then he made Adam because He needed someone to tend the garden. And the rest is history.
Bobby Jim
2008-04-03 20:23:53 UTC
Adam & Eve are our ancestors.
Though it's distasteful toi think about, incest was not prohibited at the time.
Genesis 5:4 tells us that they had many sons and daughters. With lifespans of hundred of years, and multiple generations alive at the same time, it would be more likely that cousins married cousins.
Brandie S
2008-04-03 20:22:59 UTC
definately not apes there is a lot of scientific information that states chimpanzees and apes are close reletives but not direct so and adam and eve that is a myth isnt it? who knows if god exists
Duchess of Cookieshire
2008-04-03 20:21:44 UTC
We come from apes--we ARE apes.
Adam and Eve on the other hand, were just a couple in a story.
2008-04-03 20:21:24 UTC
Adam and Eve is a story, as real as Harry Potter.
Midnight Train
2008-04-03 20:27:37 UTC
Just God made create human to adam and ever was first place. that was long time ago more than thousand- hundred year ago. before you and our live to future is now. history bible tell us everything real told so.
2008-04-03 20:23:26 UTC
As I watch my employees work I would say Apes for sure.
Have you been to Wal-Mart it's definitely Apes.
2008-04-03 20:21:37 UTC
Neither. Apes and humans shared a common ancestor many years ago.
Robyn M
2008-04-03 20:24:33 UTC
Honestly, Adam and Eve. It's true because God helped. There is proof that God is there because the creation and how complex science and the world is, that there is no way there would be no input without any help.
2008-04-03 20:22:05 UTC
Humans *ARE* apes. You can clearly see exactly where chromosomes that are separate in other apes fused in humans.
The adam and eve story is one of hundreds of creation myths, all proven wrong by science.
Here, these sites should provide great starting points:
Kain Fuery
2008-04-03 20:24:36 UTC
Apes are our common ancestor.
Incest was not needed at all.
2008-04-03 20:26:23 UTC
Adam and Eve..
2008-04-03 20:22:12 UTC
Evolution is fact.
Many intelligent Christians have found a way to reconcile the two.
2008-04-03 20:21:17 UTC
Adam and Eve.
but dont forget, even if evolution was true, there still had to be incest in the line up.
2008-04-03 20:21:00 UTC
I think when God created Adam and Eve, he also created other humans.
But that's just me.
We'll all find out in the end.
Matthew P (SL)
2008-04-03 20:22:19 UTC
You got it. Sisters for wives... or wives for sisters... hmm
2008-04-03 20:21:26 UTC
Adam and Eve - we were created by God.
the shiz
2008-04-03 20:20:59 UTC
If you think about it. All it would take is a alien race not too much smarter then us to alter DNA.
then take the apes sperm and eggs. alter the genes so it develops a smarter brain.
then, impregnate 1000's of female monkeys
2008-04-03 20:24:59 UTC
ask how does it end
2008-04-03 20:23:11 UTC
there was no incest back then...humans came up with that
2008-04-03 20:21:47 UTC
we come from god silly. we are all gods children so yes we are all related.
2008-04-03 20:21:05 UTC
neither, thou art too ignorant. yes if you consider the bible correct, they were incests.
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