NO-many dont carefully read the Bible-Ppl CONFUSE TRUTH-offends many/HATE. Right OT/NT diff/connect=verses in WHOLE Bible context NOT a verse/passage=DONT add/omit things-1Cor 4:6-ways SEEM right but its end=death=Mt 7:21-23.
40+yrs I studied whole Bible-parts many times. JESUS founded Christianity(why it exists-I Cor 3:11)NOT Peter/Oc/Cc. JESUS taught Peter full truth 2 HELP head churches(shared keys with legit Apostles[Jesus=Door{Jn 10:1,9}=perfect=final sacrifice]).
With/4 Jesus 12Apostles started with Israel(ROCK is Jesus NOT Peter[human=sinner]{1Cor 10:4-Bible NEVER changes usage/Peter imitates but wasnt/replacing Jesus like Cc portrays popes[+throne infallible claim]as-Jesus/Peter NEVER SAT ON EARTHLY throne-HUGE HINT).
All 12 Apostles+Paul killed/died IN 1rst Cent-Christianity was illegal@the time/Bible shows corruption already in original churches(yes-Judas had 2 b replaced so orig 12 church foundation Pillars remains intact 2 hold 2 Scripture)-u can b Apostolic{fatherly}if u hv true teaching(ie Paul)but NEVER replace orig Apostle.
Most orig disciples were killed/died/forced 2 hide by Romans/others=NO CONNECT btwn Jesus' orig followers/Oc/Cc=orig church was wiped out-isolated true believer pockets were weak-easier 4 wolves 2 use Christian label 4 hid agendas(esp b/c most were illiterate@the time-Cc claims didnt give out Bibles 4 1000+yrs b/c ppl couldnt read-why didnt Cc teach ppl 2 read?-Cc made it illegal 4"common"ppl 2 hv Bibles).
B assured neither Jesus/Apostles authorized Oc/Cc Apostolic succession[final 12 werent 2 b replaced=God's Bible fixed order]-next gen added more corruption 4 core Cc beliefs/Constantine's support+more Pagan/OT practices 313-325 AD. By 390 AD Cc again tied 2 Roman State-Augustine(against Jesus' teaching-in 1054 Oc/RCc split).
A church/u cant know Jesus w/o real Bible directions-skipped by Cc(Cc DIDNT WRITE any of NT[not Cc text]-Apostles wrote NT in 1rst cent=NT preserved the truth 4 all[purpose 4 being written]not Cc-God(doesnt depend on man)let Cc prod Bible despite wrong teachings[privilege not a right]like He had Romans fulfill prophecy w/o knowing it[&again now].
God/Jesus always knew(declared end from start)what'd b written in NT/OT-full truth's complete within its pages(NT explains OT/OT proves NT truth=2 witnesses). Cc possession wasnt until 4th cent(after M Luther many Prot's/others kept Cc's wrong format/some Cc wrong teaching/fatal errors). 2 main lies r(cancels all Oc/Cc claims-most rnt Biblical[see below]=false gospel/real revisionist Cc history):
1~CC claims 2 b 1rst(oldest)/only true church. Apostles never named their church"catholic(universal isnt God's never changing message)"/never practiced Cc rituals-there's a 240+yr gap btwn Apostle's church/start of organized Cc=never part of/true 1rst Church-labels/titles/names, history/# of members/amnt of time it existed/claims about them[ie persecution]r meaningless-whats practiced makes it whole truth or a lie. Calling a dog god doesnt make it God. U can name anything anything-ie Jesus/Biblical prophets werent muslims as Izscam claims.
2~Peter was never a Cc/Oc pope/bishop/patriarch(ministry 2 Jews/Paul 2 Gentiles-died 240+yrs b4 Cc)/no Apostles were Cc members(not in Bible=no apostolic succession). Pope claim is Cc invention. Peter wouldnt call himself pope/b Cc member b/c calling 1self"Holy"Father+false Cc teachings(no"human"priesthood/rituals after Jesus)r abominations. Even devil knows Jesus is God's Son so b wise-dont trust church"authority"ahead of Bible. Saying ur Christian/believe Jesus doesnt make it true=Mt 7:21-23/RECITING creeds/words=USELESS.
Bible severely warns dont trust humans/u, clergy/churches/scholars, scientists/TV-Jer 10:2-5,23/Is 2:22/Job 12:11/Prv 14:12/Acts 17:11. Carefully think over what I say-Dont just believe/dismiss what I write-can save u 4rm getting in2 god[generic]less religions=poisoned tree/fruit.
God outsmarted us-Only the Bible cant b properly known w/o going 2 Jesus(Jn 14:6/5:39/II Cor 3:14/Is 29:11-12~Jewish ppl cant unveil OT w/o Jesus=all gentiles cant=why many interps exist/called fiction-why church history is so important).
=Why religion&spirit of doesnt=the truth-most r built on ideas/gods man likes/cant teach much on God-CANT ALL B RIGHT(only 1 Bible-why many interps? 2Pet 1:19-21)-cant teach what u don't know. Who knows more about a house-the Builder/ppl moving in later?
God wont bypass truth. If u do=no Heaven. God hates us b/c of sin but sent His Son 2 die 4 ur sins-Eternal hope is only in Jesus(wasnt talking out 2nor1000s of sides of His mouth=no confusion)/His Bible. In history only Jesus said He's the only way 2 God(Jn 14:6/Acts 4:12)-fully true or its a lie=no God-knows all or not God. If Jesus lied He's 1 more false teacher 2 ignore. All true believers r already (S)saints-S&s=same.