Do you think that belief in Evolution is and act of Faith ?
2016-01-28 19:09:44 UTC
Do you think that belief in Evolution is and act of Faith ?
49 answers:
Ernest S
2016-01-28 19:12:03 UTC
No, it is a rejection of God.
2016-01-30 00:30:31 UTC
If belief in evolution is faith, then everything is faith. I have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow. I have faith that I'll click submit after answering this question.

Evolution is based on whatever proof we can find, and it keeps CHANGING. That's what's so humble about science - it's not a set set of rules, that you're supposed to believe, by the power of faith alone. It's a constant search for truth, rather than stubborn belief despite a lack of proof.
2016-01-29 16:06:38 UTC
Yes. It is placing faith in science, where as religion places faith in God. For some Christians, there is no conflict between the two. They believe in God, but also believe that animals and people adapt to an ever changing environment, and have been doing so since the first living things existed (evolution).
2016-01-28 20:00:52 UTC
Evolution is NOT an act of faith. "Faith" is what we call belief without evidence. If you had evidence, you wouldn't need faith.

Evolution by Natural Selection is indeed a scientific theory, that explains the observed fact of evolution--the observation that populations of organisms change over time--eventually becoming new species, and that all life can be traced back to a common ancestor.

Evolution is testable, observable, and could be falsified, if it were indeed false. Yet it has withstood every scientific test--and there are so many people who would love to disprove it, but none have been able to. What could disprove it? The DNA. Finding a fossil of a rabbit in the Jurassic layer among fossils of the dinosaurs. Many things.

Evidence for evolution is found in

1) The fossil record

2) Laboratory experiments

3) Morphology of physiological structures

4) The DNA

Each of these is overwhelmingly weighted in favor of Natural Selection.

Evidence against evolution? Nothing.

Do we understand EVERYTHING about evolution? No of course not. There are few, if any scientific theories for which we understand everything. But in my opinion, Natural Selection is on firmer ground than is Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

The only alternative offered for Evolution by Natural Selection is the pseudoscience "Intelligent Design", which is really just Creationism, religion really, disguised with a very thin coating of scientific-sounding words and mumbo-jumbo. In fact, those who champion ID have yet to formulate a single scientific hypothesis, or perform a single scientific experiment.

So it is ID/Creationism that must rely on faith--and that makes sense given that it's really religion, not science. Evolution does not require any faith--it has evidence, lots and lots and lots of it.
Question With Boldness, Speak Without Fear
2016-01-29 06:04:38 UTC
Evolution is a scientific theory. People may believe the theory is correct based on evidence they think supports that theory. But in my opinion evolution at its roots requires just as much if not more faith than believe in an intelligent designer. By this I mean;

If you believe in an intelligent designer you believe (briefly) that the universe and everything in it developed over time, with a starting point with a creator.

If you believe in NO intelligent designer and that everything is natural evolution, you believe (briefly) that the universe and everything in it developed over time, with a starting point with (insert origin theory of choice here)

God had to exist eternally and come from nothing to create the universe. But so did the two rocks that smashed together, the particles that collided to create a big bang, or the pile of goo that assembled into cells and eventually became human. REGARDLESS of your theory of how the universe began, SOMETHING had to come from nothing. Something had to always be there. Something had to start the process that you can't see touch or find any definite 100% proof of. And that is faith.
2016-01-28 19:43:19 UTC
To Donut Tim:

"Quite simple". That is the problem; let's not discuss the flaws of the theory, let's just gloss over it at a high level and everything will look peachy. There is counter-evidence to evolution all over the place; all you have to do is look for it. If you have already convinced yourself their is no God and that evolution is your god, you are going to be a good little parrot and repeat what you hear in school and in the media. The fact that it takes so long for dis-proven pieces of evolution to disappear from textbooks goes to show that some people strongly desire to hold onto evolution.

Do you think a transitional being with a half-wing, half-fin would prove "fitter" than either the fish that could actually swim or the bird that could actually fly? Unless, maybe in your story its predator was too busy laughing at it and it got away.

How about the fact that scientists in a lab cannot create a living cell from organic chemicals, but somehow without any kind of intelligence a blob of all the right stuff came together and formed a cell. On the "simple" side a student being indoctrinated might think, sure that makes sense, that a "simple" cell could form this way (just add lightning). If you tell the student though that the "simple" cell is more complex than the computers engineers are designing/building today, maybe they'd actually think twice.
2016-01-28 19:13:49 UTC
"Do you think that belief in Evolution is and act of Faith ?"

No. It doesn't take faith to understand science and math and hard evidence in nature.

It takes more than just faith to believe Bullsiht stories like Dirt-Man and Rib-Woman-Afterthought. It takes faith AND ignorance.
2016-01-29 03:23:34 UTC
No, of course I do not think that belief in evolution is an act of faith. My belief in evolution is based on evidence.
2016-01-28 20:31:47 UTC
Evolution is not an act of faith.

It is a fact of science.
2016-01-28 19:13:46 UTC
Do you believe is air?

Is breathing air an act of faith?

Facts need no belief,
2016-01-28 20:44:41 UTC
Do you think that belief in Evolution is and act of Faith ?

~~~ Not at all!

One can see the evidence right before one's OPEN eyes!

That cannot happen to the 'belief-addled'!
2016-01-29 06:03:28 UTC
NO NOT THE BIBLES FAITH! This is identified with trust based on evidence as stated:

(Hebrews 11:1, 2) “11 Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. 2 For by means of it, the men of ancient times had witness borne to them.”

SCIENCES THAT FOLLOW THIS type of faith or trust are as follows:

*** g93 4/8 p. 8 Science—Mankind’s Ongoing Search for Truth ***

Box/Pictures on page 8]


ANTHROPOLOGY is the study of humans as viewed from biological, social, and cultural standpoints.

ASTRONOMY is the study of stars, planets, and other natural objects in space.

BIOLOGY is the study of how living things work and the classification of plants and animals.

BOTANY, one of the two main branches of biology, is the study of plant life.

CHEMISTRY is the study of the properties and composition of substances and the way they react with one another.

MATHEMATICS is the study of numbers, quantities, shapes, and relationships.

PHYSICS is the study of forces and qualities such as light, sound, pressure, and gravity.

PSYCHOLOGY is the study of the human mind and the reasons for human behavior.

ZOOLOGY, the second main branch of biology, is the study of animal life.

They harmonize with each other unlike evolution & creationisn
2016-01-28 19:50:17 UTC
Evolution and evolutionary theory are not matters of truth, so they cannot be matters of faith. Evolution and evolutionary theory are hypotheses, mental models for categorizing our knowledge and making predictions about outcomes. They are not matters of truth; it doesn't matter whether they're true.

No one "believes in" evolution or evolutionary theory. It doesn't matter whether evolution is true. The models work. They bring an enormous mountain of observations into a cohesive explanatory framework, and they make useful predictions that have had enormous positive impacts on human life. Who cares whether it's true? We could be brains in vats for all we know; evolutionary theory works.

It's not something to be "believed in". When Newton's theory of gravity was shown to be incorrect, no one despaired about it, no one clung tenaciously to Newton's "truth" or asked "Do you think that belief in Newtonian gravity is an act of faith?" In fact, we had a huge party, because we had found something new about the universe.

You religious people are welcome to your truth. I prefer honesty.
2016-01-29 04:32:10 UTC
Evolution is a proven scientific fact. Creationists are ignorant idiots.
2016-01-29 12:05:40 UTC
I'd say its opening your mind to the possibility that Gods universe is bigger and more complex then the bible says. my opinion it tales a lot of faith to accept the evolution and still believe in god as the almighty creator....i do but I was hard for a bit...
2016-01-28 19:14:13 UTC
No, it has been proven despite millions of people desperate to disprove it. It's not act of faith; it's reality.
2016-01-28 19:24:04 UTC
There is strong evidence for some Evolution like a particular group of snails that I read about. But it requires a lot of faith to believe the family trees and especially the timelines that are often presented as if they were facts. Firstly, in college I learned a bit about carbon dating and any dates that were based on it are very suspect.
2016-01-31 02:03:54 UTC

Faith = Believing something with no proof.

Opposite of faith = believing in something that is observed and therefore undeniable.
2016-01-29 09:08:35 UTC
No it is an act of belief.
2016-01-29 00:04:18 UTC
belief in the Evolution is Pagan Worship from the Prince of Darkness.
2016-01-28 19:10:52 UTC
No. That is a stupid and ridiculous thing to say since it isn't even a belief. It is a Fact
2016-01-28 19:23:23 UTC
So, you're trying to drag evolution down to the level of a faith-based belief?

I think that reveals a lot about yourself. Deep down, you know faith is a terrible reason to believe in something. You know your religion has no basis in reality. You probably don't even truly believe in your god, if you could be honest with yourself for one moment.
2016-01-28 20:17:48 UTC
yes its a act of faith
2016-01-29 09:50:18 UTC
An act of trust.
Donut Tim
2016-01-28 19:15:23 UTC

Biological evolution is quite simple:

1) Living things replicate.

2) Sometimes mutations occur in living things.

3) A mutated living thing either continues to replicate or it does not. (This is called “natural selection”.)

No "faith" is required. If you can show that those things are in error, post your findings and you will become world famous.
2016-01-28 23:09:00 UTC
I believe in faith believe in God
2016-01-30 23:02:17 UTC
when i was taught evolution in school, i never bought into it then nor ever will.

to me, those who believe in evolution are morons w no logical mental process.

so as humans WHAT are we evolving into ? no answer, but of course, morons.
2016-01-28 19:35:31 UTC
Of course not. Knowing facts is possible. Things are not just what we imagine or believe them to be.

How science produces new knowledge is known if you care to learn it.
2016-01-28 19:47:11 UTC
yes, belief in evolution is based solely on faith

it's sort of a religion that Atheists adhere strongly to.

If evolution via natural selection through random mutation could occur the fossil evidence would be rampant with ''mistakes'' and ''trial and errors’’.
Dogstar Ascendant
2016-01-28 19:11:41 UTC
Why, do you believe faith to be a bad thing?
2016-01-28 19:31:41 UTC
Why would it be? It's something you personally can observe occurring, and is observed occurring daily in thousands of locations around the world.
2016-01-29 02:41:21 UTC
evolution is a reality in itself.
2016-01-28 21:31:27 UTC
obvisouly any scientist with any matter of importance would awkoledge it is a theory and thorw the possibility of it being false input in but most atheist scientists are to aragant for this
2016-01-29 08:50:49 UTC
Belief what you want
2016-01-30 07:38:31 UTC
It is a fact of natur,like part of our world.
2016-01-29 10:54:50 UTC
evolution is how we got here, facts
2016-01-29 13:11:53 UTC
Depends on where you put your faith.
2016-01-28 19:20:29 UTC
If you think believing your mother gestated you is a theory... You can test that one in many less ways than evolution and it is still evidently true.
2016-01-28 19:10:47 UTC
No, because there is strong evidence for it, and has been observed in microorganisms.
2016-01-30 23:39:47 UTC
believing in evolution is just ..ignorant...basically
2016-01-28 19:14:46 UTC
No, it is an acceptance of reality.
2016-01-28 19:17:10 UTC

Fossils disprove evolution

One of the most powerful pieces of evidence against evolution is the fossil record. If evolution occurred by slow, minute changes in living creatures, there would be thousands of times more transitional forms of these creatures in the fossil beds than complete forms. Since the billions of fossils that have been found are all complete forms, the obvious conclusion is: Evolution never occurred! Though evolutionists have stated that there are many transitional forms, this is simply not true. What evolutionists claim to be transitional forms all have fully functional parts. A true transitional form would have non-functioning parts or appendages, such as the nub of a leg or wing.

Where are the trillions of fossils of such true transitional forms? Critics often say that creationism is simply religion, whereas evolutionism is based on science. The Bible states in Genesis I that all creatures reproduce “after their kind” (no change to another kind, i.e., no transitional forms). So the complete absence of transitional forms in the fossil record supports creationism. Is this scientific evidence for creationism, or isn’t it?
2016-01-29 06:53:03 UTC
No its a slap in the face to God
2016-01-28 19:53:35 UTC
No, it is based on creduality.
2016-01-29 21:04:52 UTC
yes we beleive
2016-01-28 22:27:27 UTC
NO, but it easily could be.
2016-01-28 19:39:39 UTC
2016-01-30 10:04:06 UTC
no, because its a fact!!
2016-01-29 19:47:32 UTC

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