So how do you Christians thank God?
2008-07-21 19:31:18 UTC
do you thank him like this?

Thank you Jesus for dying and being beaten for me cuss I am a bad person.
Thank you Jesus for this wife that is really a garbage blessing that you use to build your kingdom up. Cuss in heaven it is nothing.
Thank you Jesus for death and all the things it takes.
Thank you Jesus for a NEW life in I even keep my name or is a # placed on me as I join the other flock of NEW lifes?
Thank you Jesus for my mom and dad, which are nothing in heaven but a #.
Thank you Jesus for my brother and sisters which again are nothing when I die.
Thank you Jesus for my work, which in the end will go to a less foolish man then me and I am sure he will run it to the ground.
Thank you Jesus for my house, which will fall some day, garbage really.

HOW DO YOU THANK a God that gives you garbage?

How the heck do you thank God for this WORLD?

I say thank you for nothing and all that you give me is garbage.

do not say I am not thankful please.
37 answers:
2008-07-21 19:37:57 UTC
i thanked god for everything...

even if it is bad. because it help me to learn a lot and to accept things that is not favor in me.
Cross Crafter
2008-07-21 19:38:03 UTC
May the Lord our God, have mercy on you and the spirit of the Lord decend upon you and open your heart to see the truth and the light.

The Lord has blessed you, you are to blind to see it. Stop thinking of yourself and put others first and then you will realize all the truly wonderful blessings out lord has bestowed upon you.

Consider yourself a sinner, worse than everyone, this creates in you a humble heart.

repeat this prayer,

Lord, Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

say this prayer as many times a day as you can.

I am an unworthy sinner that prays for you.

Love in Christ

your brother
2008-07-21 19:39:25 UTC
I thank God for giving my love and happy memories. They will never fade. They are definitely NOT garbage. Thank you God for the great family you have blessed me with. Yes, we may cause each other pain, but we have given each other love that by far outweighs it. As for them being nothing but a number in Heaven, that would not be eternal happiness for me if it was so, so therefore it would NOT be Heaven.
2008-07-21 19:35:30 UTC
God gave you life. That's a miracle and a blessing. You should be thankful that you even live in a house. So stop complaining. MILLIONS of people had WORSE problems than you. For example, the Jews, Catholics, non-white people, etc in the Holocaust. They had to live horrible lives. But you know what? They STILL had faith in God. They set a good example for people like YOU. Look at yourself. Do you have any birth defects? Are you handicap? There must be SOMETHING good in your life. Do you have an education from school? Many kids don't get a chance to go to school! So be happy with what you DO have. Don't focus on the things you don't.
2008-07-21 19:47:14 UTC
I think you are in need of prayer bad. My God does not give me garbage HE supplies my needs i am very taken care of and i thank him every day I think you should be truly thankful you have air in your lungs don't you... You are just venting for some attention you must lack at home I will pray for your bitterness to be removed And I pray the God has mercy on your soul.
2008-07-21 19:43:03 UTC
no, you don't trash the things that God has given. you have to realize you COULD be living out there on the streets, or you or someone in your family could be deathly ill....etc. you THANK him for the things you do have because if it wasn't for him, we'd have nothing. we WOULD be living out there on the streets, and we would have to dig in garbage cans for a scrap of food. so even if that house you live in isn't a palace, you should be thankful you have a roof over your head. there is always someone worse off than you, so be thankful for what you do have. God has been VERY good to my family and me, and I thank him every day. sure we have bad times, but it's through those bad times your faith is tested and you should remember God is always there, and through those good times as well.
Lonny ♥
2008-07-21 20:30:20 UTC
I'll tell you one thing:

I'll never thank God for creating pr*cks like you.

And don't talk mess about my use of profane language even though I'm Christian.

If you're going to post an insulting question like that, then you should be prepared for people to insult you back.

Jesus HAD to take abuse from those who did not believe . . . I DON'T!!!

And by the way, I have atheist friends who would never insult my beliefs in such a rude manner as you have.

Stop trashing Christians, dude. It makes you look like an a$$.
Rallie Florencio C
2008-07-21 21:17:23 UTC
Congratulations! You have found the right prayers.

Jesus happens to be holding the key to "Hades". and not heaven... Book of Revelations.

If anyone is said to be holding the key to the gate, surely he is given the key to open and close the door.

Thank him all the way. It is a sign you will be good friends forever.
2008-07-21 21:14:42 UTC
It is easier for most of us

to simply blame God whenever

things go wrong in our lives...

instead of looking to ourselves

and taking responsibility for

our own actions and decisions.

And isn't it funny how the devil

always seems to escape blame?

He's supposed to be the bad guy,

and yet nobody ever blames him for

Amber Marie
2008-07-21 19:36:45 UTC
Though my views are also twisted and I put no faith in humans, there are many things to be thankful for. The beauty of the earth (the fact that you're alive). A nice day...time to relax. just have to look for it...
2008-07-21 19:43:20 UTC
I pray that the negativity clouding your thoughts leaves you and is replaced by positivity and gratitude.

I am a Christian, but please know that Christians aren't the only people who practice gratitude... Jews, Muslims and Buddhists are some just to name a few.

Life really isn't as bad as you think it is. I really hope you realize it sooner than later.
2008-07-21 19:36:19 UTC
your telling me there is nothing in this world that puts a smile on your face. i have had some bad times in my life and with out God i would not have made it through. but God gave me friends that made me laugh when i was having the worst days of my life. anything that makes you laugh God made it that way.
2008-07-21 19:40:51 UTC
He has given you life my friend.

God does not wish for us to put faith on earthly things where moths will ruin, theives with steal, and rust will break? Christ came and spoke of Heavenly things, sharing, loving, have to admit, fresh sunshine, fresh rain, laughing, loving.....are all wonderful things....

Did you know that God loves you?
2008-07-21 19:39:19 UTC

Verily, We showed him(HUMAN) the way, whether he be grateful or UNGRATEFUL.

( سورة الإنسان , Al-Insan, Chapter #76, Verse #3)

Truly man is, to his Lord, UNGRATEFUL;

( سورة العاديات , Al-Adiyat, Chapter #100, Verse #6



Chapter.. 55

verse Ar Rehman The beneficent

19 He has let loosed the two seas (the salt water and the sweet) meeting together.

20 Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress.

21 Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

22 Out of them both come out pearl and coral.

23 Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

24 And His are the ships going and coming in the seas, like mountains.

25 Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

26 Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish.

27 And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honour will abide forever.

28 Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

2008-07-21 19:45:40 UTC
boy i can thank him for lots of reasons i cn go on and on and on! life

2.death that will give us enternal life family job

7.waking up in the morning

9.this country

10.the creation

if you think all he gives you is garbage than why not kill yourself,if your life is garbage, the crimes and violent in this world is people! PEOPLE MAKE GARBAGE B.C THEY LOVE SINNING!!! God wants you to not be like the world, so he gives us scripture of how to live and for you to start loving yourself!!
2008-07-21 19:42:46 UTC
I say, "Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul; Thank you, Lord, for making me whole. Thank you, Lord, for giving to me thy great salvation so rich and free.

Then, just praise him for who he is, the creator of all good things. Thank him for chastening us because although it is not joyous it will bring an everlasting fruit of reward. {Heb. twelve:eleven}. Praising God should come continually {Heb. thirteen:fifteen}.

Then ask him to change the things that need changing starting with yourself. Thank him that you have the privilege of speaking to him through Jesus our Savior.
2008-07-21 19:35:54 UTC
Nope, that's not at all how I thank him. I thank him for the blessing I have and ask him to help me understand what I think is "garbage"
2008-07-21 19:36:18 UTC
um.. u seem angry.

well one blessing is that u have a computer. another that u can express ur anger on ur computer without hurting someone

if you think u have garbage u should take a trip to a third world country. i think you could learn a lot.
2008-07-21 19:36:01 UTC
Let's face it you don't believe in anything so you get just what you deserve. God does NOT do all these horrible things to a human being.....Man does it to himself.

God helps those that help themselves. Not greedy people that expect god to do it all for them.

BTW are you an Atheist?
2008-07-21 19:35:41 UTC
try reading your bible to find out why things are so bad in this world. Its not Jesus or God's fault that things go wrong. the bible explains it all.
2008-07-21 19:52:37 UTC
You have yet to learn that life is good dispite it's problems. God never promised us life everlasting on earth...he never said we would not have pain or troubles. He just promised us that life is what it is and he will be there at the end to give us peace!

If God took care of everything here on earth...what would be the purpose of living? To all be the all be stepford people? No one would be one would have experiences that no one else had...everyone would live forever and everyone would be happy. Idealistic...but not REALISTIC!

Life is are not the only one with problems I had a miserable childhood..abused and left .....but my blessing and God's grace gave me four wonderful grandparents that loved me and helped me and raised me and let me know how special I was. My parents didn't want me...but they did. I was truely blessed and loved.

I married a wonderful man..and then had children. When my children were 11 and the twins were 7 they were in a car accident and one twin was in a coma for 10 weeks and we were told he would never wake up. He did and although he is paralyzed he owns his own home and drives and is a wonderful human being. I was blessed again with his life and the love of a child and was allowed to live my life knowing him.

He spent 10 years in a hospital and eventually lost a leg....still we are blessed...again he was close to death and only through God's grace and wonderful doctors he is still alive. Even Kevin has a good outlook on life and knows he is blessed and does not sit and have a pity party that his life is not like anyone else's. Kevin is a wonderful human being...kind and generous and loving and someone I am very proud of. He is happy! Despite it all....he is happy!

I got cancer...lymphangiomyomia...very rare cancer..very few live with this. Again God gave me the courage and chance at life and let me catch this in time before it hit my lungs. I lost a kidney and reproductive organs ..part of my stomach and the bottom part of one lung...but I am alive 11 years later and Thank God for everyday that I can love and see my family and play with my grandbabies.

I had a granddaughter 19 months old die when an entertainment center fell on her and crushed her head. Even though it was another extremely painful time in my life..we were blessed to have their parents stay with us so we could help them through the grief and see them grow and 2 years later now they have a home of their own...are happy and have a new baby. I have another grandson.! Not that it replaces Lily...we still talk to her and miss her and grieve her...but Kashe Michael is giving everyone a second chance and he is so special. God gave us that because Krista was not supposed to be able to get pregnant. To us it was another miracle.

I could go on and on about things that are good in life. With pain you get such joy and happiness if you look for it. There are two sides to life .....and you have to choose which side you want to live in. you can dwell on pity and think you are chosen to live a hell on earth or you can choose to know that each new day you are alive is a gift from God. It is a gift to see butterflies and rainbows and rain and even tomatoes growing see a new life born and someone overcome obstacles that are beyond what you think are possible to live with.

Once when Kevin was in the hospital there was a man who had four children. His wife left him with the children because she couldn't face having four children with Muscular Dystrophy. This man...God Bless him thought he was the luckiest man in the world to be blessed with these children...even he watched each of them die and he as left alone. HE took care of them by himself and buried them all. We are still friends with him and you know what? He is married now with three beautiful healthy children who he appreciates and loves more than life itself. he knows the value of life everyday. It is people like this that are angels on earth and make you realize that no matter what you are going through...someone else has it worse. You THANK GOD for your life because it is YOUR life.

I feel sorry for people that can't find joy in life even though it kicks you in the gut sometimes. but you have the love of family...of friends...of children...far beyond what we really think we deserve.

If you don't find joy in those and realize what a great God we intercede and make those painful times better than without him....there is nothing anyone can say to make you change your mind. You are a negative person and you choose to be that way. It is your choice...just like it is your choice to be honest...or to brush your teeth or not...or to go to work or not.....each choice you make defines you.

You will never be happy with anyone or yourself until you find the silver lining in things. Even if you got hurt....each day is a new day to change things. you don't have to remain stagnant and unhappy. It is YOUR choice to be unhappy and live in darkness!

2008-07-21 19:38:38 UTC
Wow! How many times do you have to kick the dog before it bites you? With your attitude, God will not hear you. Doesn't mean He won't be very sad though.
2008-07-21 19:36:04 UTC
so... chill out. there is no god, take more responsibility for your life and try to find something to work towards on your own. no higher power gave you anything, you earned every good and bad thing that happend.
See Dee
2008-07-21 19:35:02 UTC
Wow dude....some serious resentment is going on in your life. I feel bad for you and your unhappiness. You're obviously very miserable and confused.
2008-07-21 19:33:18 UTC
God does not give me garbage. Why are you so angry at him?

And to answer your question I simply say thank you.
2008-07-21 19:35:05 UTC
Well you have a computer that your on,

you live in a house dont you,

you have a family and friends.
Gwen H
2008-07-21 19:36:09 UTC
Going to church and singing praise songs.
© ♥ , |$$| - вrees’
2008-07-21 19:34:41 UTC
No you thank him for what he has done for youu.and you pray read the bible did you knw that?
2008-07-21 19:35:19 UTC
Kudos Kudos! A star for you. I ask this everyday, and yet no one seems able to give a good answer. Maybe it's because "the magical man in the sky" doesn't exist.

Lydia H
2008-07-21 19:34:24 UTC
begin with "dear lord" and end with "amen

other-wise shorter term pray
2008-07-21 19:34:29 UTC
you have issues that you should look into. did your parents beat you as a child?
2008-07-21 19:33:46 UTC
I do not thank god or jesus because I do not believe in them.
2008-07-21 19:33:34 UTC
hes everywhere so by saying it
2 days after my B day :)
2008-07-21 19:34:36 UTC

Don't forget, I have to thank him for the car that some child worker in east Bangladesh made...
2008-07-21 19:33:27 UTC
By not killing Pagans.
Persian Melon
2008-07-21 19:34:55 UTC
with prayer and
2008-07-21 19:33:02 UTC
you pray duh

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.