Twist the facts to make it seem as though Muslims are forever called upon to fight Christians and Jews?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Twist the facts to make it seem as though Muslims are forever called upon to fight Christians and Jews?
Eighteen answers:
2009-07-21 17:40:13 UTC

NOTE: All scriptures are taken from “The meaning of the glorious Koran – An explanatory translation by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall”.

Slay the unbelievers Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood (IX:123) “ O ye who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers whom are near you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)”.

When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them (IX:5) “Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is forgiving, Merciful”.

Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax (IX:29) “Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah not the last day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by his messenger, and follow not the religion of truth, until they the tribute readily, being brought low.”

Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (III:85) “And whoso seeketh as religion other that the Surrender (to Allah) it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter.”

The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them (IX:30) “And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the Son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they!”

Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam. (V:33) “The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and his messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land…”.

The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque (IX:28) “O ye who believe. The idolaters are unclean. So let them not come near the inviolable place of worship after this their year…”.

Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies (XXII:19-20) “These twain ( the believers and the disbelievers) are two opponents who content concerning their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them: boiling fluid will be poured down their heads”.

Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them (XLVII:4) “Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens. That (is the ordinance)…”

The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them (VIII:65) “O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there be of you a hundred steadfast they shall overcome two hundred, and if there be of you a hundred steadfast they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (the disbelievers) are folk without intelligence.”

Muslims must not take the infidels as friends (III:28) “Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah…”

Muslims must not take Jews and Christians as friends (V:51) “O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is of them…”

Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an (VIII:12) “When the Lord inspired the angels (saying:) I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.”

Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels (VIII:60) “Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them whom ye know not…”

Kill them wherever you find them (II:191) “And slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the inviolable place of worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.”
2009-07-21 17:27:42 UTC
September 11, 2001 - Terrorists hijack four U.S. commercial airliners taking off from various locations in the United States in a coordinated suicide attack. In separate attacks, two of the airliners crash into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, which catch fire and eventually collapse. A third airliner crashes into the Pentagon in Washington, DC, causing extensive damage. The fourth airliner, also believed to be heading towards Washington, DC, crashes outside Shanksville, PA., killing all 45 people on board. Casualty estimates from New York put the possible death toll close to 5,000, while as many as 200 people may have been lost at the Pentagon crash site.

Oct. 12, 2000 - A terrorist bomb damages the destroyer USS Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39.

Aug. 7, 1998 - Terrorist bombs destroy the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Nairobi, 12 Americans are among the 291 killed, and over 5,000 are wounded, including 6 Americans. In Dar es Salaam, one U.S. citizen is wounded among the 10 killed and 77 injured.

In response, on August 20 the United States attacked targets in Afghanistan and Sudan with over 75 cruise missiles fired from Navy ships in the Arabian and Red seas. About 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from warships in the Arabian Sea. Most struck six separate targets in a camp near Khost, Afghanistan. Simultaneously, about 20 cruise missiles were fired from U.S. ships in the Red Sea striking a factory in Khartoum, Sudan, which was suspected of producing components for making chemical weapons.

June 21, 1998 - Rocket-propelled grenades explode near the U.S. embassy in Beirut.

July 27, 1996 - A pipe bomb explodes during the Olympic games in Atlanta, killing one person and wounding 111.

June 25, 1996 - A bomb aboard a fuel truck explodes outside a U.S. air force installation in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 19 U.S. military personnel are killed in the Khubar Towers housing facility, and 515 are wounded, including 240 Americans.

Nov. 13, 1995 - A car-bomb in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills seven people, five of them American military and civilian advisers for National Guard training. The "Tigers of the Gulf," "Islamist Movement for Change," and "Fighting Advocates of God" claim responsibility.

February 1993 - A bomb in a van explodes in the underground parking garage in New York's World Trade Center, killing six people and wounding 1,042.

Dec. 21, 1988 - A bomb destroys Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. All 259 people aboard the Boeing 747 are killed including 189 Americans, as are 11 people on the ground.

As a result, two Libyan intelligence officers are charged with planting the bomb. They are eventually turned over by the Libyan government and tried. The trial, conducted in the Netherlands under Scottish law, begins in May 2000 and ends in February 2001. Abdelbaset Al Mohmed al-Megrahi is convicted and receives a life sentence. The other defendant, Al-Amin Khalifah Fhimah is acquitted.

April 1986 - An explosion damages a TWA flight as it prepares to land in Athens, Greece. Four people are killed when they are sucked out of the aircraft.

April 5, 1986 - A bomb destroys the LaBelle discotheque in West Berlin. The disco was known to be frequented by U.S. servicemen. The attack kills one American and one German woman and wounds 150, including 44 Americans

In response, on April 15 the United States retaliated in an operation dubbed "El Dorado Canyon." Approximately 100 aircraft were launched in direct support of the raid. It was an attack against military targets involving land-based bombers from Great Britain together with carrier-based air strikes from ships in the Gulf of Sidra.

On Nov. 13, 2001 a German court convicted four people for the bombing. Verena Chanaa, a German national, was found guilty of murder and sentenced to 14 years in prison for selecting the site of the attack and placing the bomb. Yassir Chraidi, a Palestinian working at the Libyan Embassy and suspected of being the main organizer of the attack, was convicted of multiple counts of attempted murder and sentenced to 14 years. Two other embassy employees, Musbah Abdulghasem Eter, a Libyan, and Ali Chanaa, a Lebanese-born German and Verena Chanaa's former husband, were both convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 12 years. Libya has refused to extradite five other suspects sought by German police, including members of the Libyan secret service.

December 18, 1985 - Simultaneous suicide attacks are carried out against U.S. and Israeli check-in desks at Rome and Vienna international airports. 20 people are killed in the two attacks, including four terrorists.

November 24, 1985 - Hijackers aboard an Egyptair flight kill one American. Egyptian commandos later storm the aircraft on the isle of Malta, and 60 people are killed.

October 7, 1985 - Palestinian terrorists hijack the cruise liner Achille Lauro (in response to the Israeli attack on PLO headquarters in Tunisia) Leon Klinghoffer, an elderly, wheelchair-bound American, is killed and thrown overboard.

August 8, 1985 - A car bomb at a U.S. military base in Frankfurt, Germany kills two and injures 20. A U.S. soldier murdered for his identity papers is found a day after the explosion.

June 19, 1985 - In San Salvador, El Salvador, 13 people are killed in a machine gun attack at an outdoor café, including four U.S. Marines and two American businessmen.

June 14, 1985 - TWA flight 847 is hijacked over the Mediterranean, the start of a two-week hostage ordeal. The hijackers, linked to Hezbollah, demand the release of prisoners being held in Kuwait as well as the release of 700 Shiite Muslim prisoners being held in Israeli and Lebanese prisons. U.S. Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem is killed and 39 passengers are held hostage when the demands were not met. The passengers are eventually released in Damascus after being held in various locations in Beirut.

April 12, 1985 - A bomb explodes in a restaurant near a U.S. air base in Madrid, Spain, killing 18, all Spaniards, and wounding 82, including 15 Americans.

November 1984 - A bomb attack on the U.S. embassy in Bogota, Colombia kills a passer-by. The attack was preceded by death threats against U.S. officials by drug traffickers.

September 20, 1984 - A truck bomb explodes outside the U.S. Embassy annex in Aukar, northeast of Beirut. The ambassador is injured and 24 people killed, two of whom were U.S. military personnel.

March 16, 1984 - CIA Beirut station chief William Buckley is kidnaped by militant Islamic extremists in Lebanon. He is said to have died after prolonged torture. His body was found on December 27, 1991 in southern Beirut, nearly eight years after his abduction.

December 12, 1983 - Shiite extremists bombed the French and U.S. Embassies in Kuwait, killing 6 and injuring over 80 people. The suspects were thought to be members of Al Dawa , a group supported by Iran and known for operating against Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

October 23, 1983 - A suicide car bomb attack against the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut kills 241 servicemen. A simultaneous attack on a French base kills 58 paratroopers.

In response, President Ronald Reagan ordered the battleship USS New Jersey, stationed off the coast of Lebanon, to shell the hills near Beirut.

April 18, 1983 - A suicide car bombing against the U.S. embassy in Beirut kills 63, including 17 Americans.

November 4, 1979 - Fundamentalist Islamic students took 52 Americans hostage at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, Iran.

In Christ

Fr. Joseph
2009-07-21 16:47:41 UTC
I am sure the Spaniards who lived under 800 golden years of oppression have a very different perspective.
2009-07-21 16:52:46 UTC
It is the law of allah that ALL muslims must obey absolutely and without exception... over any of man's laws... no true muslim may deny this.... ALL muslims must avow that there is only one allah, one law of allah, one islam... it is the law of allah that islam is to dominate the world... and, that ALL who do not submit to islam are to be killed.... that is the law of allah and no muslim may deny that....

that makes ALL muslims the enemies of ALL the rest of the human population of the earth who will never submit to islam... which includes ALL True Christians and ALL True Jews...

I will NEVER SUBMIT to islam
2009-07-21 16:48:53 UTC
So when did they decide to become suicide bombers and terrorists?
2009-07-21 16:48:06 UTC
They castrate their women...that's enough for me. Everything else goes out the window at that point.
2009-07-21 16:47:16 UTC
Maybe because they believe that killing people from other religions is good and is rewarded? Or maybe because leaving their religion is punishable by death.
2009-07-21 16:48:16 UTC
depending on the muslim in question, no twisting need be applied much of the time. even the 'peaceful' muslims very often don't renounce the violence...
sylvia c
2009-07-21 16:57:38 UTC
they are very chauvanistic toward women. Why is the woman always to blame, when a man can also look with lust on a woman.. Also heard they dont discipline their children
2009-07-25 14:23:58 UTC
Do you think this is not violent? I salm has carried out 13594 attacks after the 9/11 itself.

2009.07.13 (Multan, Pakistan) - Seven children and three women are among twelve killed when a cleric's explosives go off earlier than expected where they are being stored at his Qur'an school.

2009.07.13 (Kabul, Afghanistan) - Taliban bombers send four local police to Allah.

2009.07.13 (Rostov-on-Don, Dagestan) - Islamists open up on a convoy of local troops at point blank range, killing at least two.

2009.07.12 (Lahore, Pakistan) - A 23-year old woman is shot to death by her cousin over unapproved sexual relations.

2009.07.12 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Four people are killed when Islamists place bombs at four Christian churches.

2009.07.12 (Kirkuk, Iraq) - A Christian man is pulled from his car and murdered in front of his daughter.

1. Muslims kidnapping and murdering Jewish athletes at the 1972 Olympics.

2. The taking of the US Embassy in Iran in 1979.

3. The US . Marine barracks in Beirut being blown up by Muslims in 1983.

4. Muslims hi-jacking the Achille Lauro cruise ship and murdering a 70 year old wheelchair bound American in 1985.

5. Muslims hijacking TWA flight 847 and murdering a US Navy diver in 1985.

6. The bombing of Pan Am flight 103 by Muslims in 1988.

7. The 1996 bombing of a US Air Force barracks in Saudi Arabia.

8. Muslims bombing the World Trade Center in 1993.

9. Muslims bombing the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

10. The 2000 bombing of the battleship USS Cole in Yemen.

11. Muslims hijacking and crashing airliners into the World Trade Center and Pentagon on Sept 11, 2001.

12. The kidnapping, murder, decapitation, and dismemberment of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

13. The hundreds of churches that are destroyed and thousands of Christians who are killed each year by Muslims around the world.

14. The fact that there are more revolutions, assassinations, and terrorism in Muslim countries then in all the rest of the world combined.

15. The fact that one half of the worlds terrorists organizations are Muslim.

16. The two million people killed in Sudan since the Muslims in the north declared Jihad against the Christians in the south.

17. The 100,000 casualties of Algeria’s brutal civil war between Islamic guerrillas and government forces.

18. Muslim mobs in 1991 killing 300 Christians in Nigeria over German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s preaching of the gospel in the city of Kano.

19. Shanti Nagar, the only majority Christian town in Pakistan, being attacked by 30,000 Muslims over the discovery of a torn Koran in a nearby mosque.

20. The fact that all but two of the worlds current conflicts involve Muslim governments and or communities.

21. The fact that all but one of the worlds remaining military regimes are in Muslim countries.

22. The fact that Muslim countries are the worlds largest arms purchasers.

23. Iraq’s production of enough VX nerve gas to kill every human being on the face of the earth.

24. The 80 revolutions in the Islamic world from 1948 to 1973, 30 of them successful , and 22 of them involving the murder of heads of state.

25. Muslims assassinating Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981 over his signing a peace treaty with Isreal.

26. Muslims murdering and mutilating 58 tourists in Egypt in 1997.

27. Mumbai bombings 6/12/1992, 11/7, 26/11, Gujarat bombings. Killing of children in Beslan. Bombings in Indonnesia (recent)

With all these above facts & more only an idiot will state that islam has never killed innocents. The fact remains that islam has caused BLOODSHED from it's very onset.

Regarding the *Crusades*. Muslims love talking about the Crusades… and Christians love apologizing for them. To hear both parties tell the story, one would believe that Muslims were just peacefully minding their own business in lands that were legitimately Muslim when Christian armies decided to wage holy war and "kill millions.”

The Truth:

Every part of this myth is a lie. By the rules that Muslims claim for themselves, the Crusades were perfectly justified, and the excesses (though beneath Christian standards) pale in comparison with the historical treatment of conquered populations at the hands of Muslims.

Here are some quick facts…

The first Crusade began in 1095… 460 years after the first Christian city was overrun by Muslim armies, 457 years after Jerusalem was conquered by Muslim armies, 453 years after Egypt was taken by Muslim armies, 443 after Muslims first plundered Italy, 427 years after Muslim armies first laid siege to the Christian capital of Constantinople, 380 years after Spain was conquered by Muslim armies, 363 years after France was first attacked by Muslim armies, 249 years after Rome itself was sacked by a Muslim army, and only after centuries of church burnings, killings, enslavement and forced conversions of Christians.

By the time the Crusades finally began, Muslim armies had conquered two-thirds of the Christian world.

Europe had been harassed by Muslims since the first few years following Muhammad’s death. As early as 652, Muhammad’s followers launched raids on the island of Sicily, waging a full-scale occupation 200 years later that lasted almost a century and was punctuated by massacres, such as that at the town of Castrogiovanni, in which 8,000 Christians were put to death. In 1084, ten years before the first crusade, Muslims staged another devastating Sicilian raid, burning churches in Reggio, enslaving monks and raping an abbey of nuns before carrying them into captivity.

Not only were Christians losing their lives in their own lands to the Muslim advance but pilgrims to the Holy Land from other parts of Europe were being harassed, kidnapped, molested, forcibly converted to Islam and occasionally murdered. (Compare this to Islam’s justification for slaughter on the basis of Muslims being denied access to the Meccan pilgrimage in Muhammad’s time).

The Crusaders only invaded lands that were Christian. They did not attack Saudi Arabia (other than a half-hearted expedition by a minor figure) or sack Mecca as the Muslims had done (and continued doing) to Italy and Constantinople. Unlike Jihad, the Crusades were never justified on the basis of New Testament teachings. This is why they are an anomaly, the brief interruption of centuries of relentless Jihad against Christianity that began long before the Crusades and continued well after they were over in fact JIHAD is going on TILL THIS DAY.

Also what were you Muslims doing in Spain, the reason is you wanted to GRAB it like you did to Constantinople, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Palestine Moroco etc.

About the Golden age of Islam. You are right it was a golden age for Muslims but an age of persecution for Christians. Till this day you people are bombing Churchs, killing muslims if they convert to Christianity.

Do you except us to believe that Islam is not barbaric ? All that I can say is that you are either twisting facts or living in denial. Muslims are good at both.
2009-07-21 16:54:06 UTC
The Muslim golden age is behind us. That was a time when Muslims were confident they had th emost advanced culture on the planet, the finest medicine, the most advanced science and mathematics, all true. But then they sat on their haunches letting their sultans and caliphs grow fat and rich off the sweat of the people, and let the west develop better everything, creating a large middle class when the Islamic countries had only rulers and peasants and showed no ability to advance the welfare of common people because of it's pervasive corruption. SO the west came and conquered you and proved Allah had not made you master of the world and the world was not necessarily all becoming Muslim. And now Islam has a massive inferiority compex it works out via barbarism, mob violence, mass murder. You know your history. Mohamed wasn't gone five minutes before all of Islam was at war with itself in a massive power struggle.

So while I agree with your critique of Christendom, Islam is no better and indeed in this age far worse. But Christianity had a seven century head start. Perhaps by 2700 Islam really will be a religion of peace, even though, like Christianity, still be based in primitive beliefs that only an idiot would still believe.
2009-07-21 16:49:25 UTC
No, they are a great people, but as a Christian, I believe Jesus was not just a great prophet but the son of God and the savior of all man. And in this free country, it's hard for some to understand that the Islam religion is also the law. I don't believe that all Muslims are violent of evil, on contrary, I thing they are an intelligent race of people who strive for peace. In all honesty, the fact that believing in Jesus as Allah's son is punishable by death makes me believe in Islam falsehood further because even Muslims believe that God is merciful and loving. God gave man a free will so who are we to take that away?
2009-07-21 16:50:00 UTC
It's the same way with Catholics. ONE person, who called himself Catholic, does something wrong and then EVERY Catholic hears about it. I was always told that killing Catholics was PART of the Muslim religious. So it's not true? How could it be? Can a human being actually LIVE like that?
2009-07-21 16:55:12 UTC
I have never heard any Jew or Christian say what you claim to be true. My friend just recently converted to Muslim and he says that it was one of the worst mistakes he has ever made, and he was very happy about wanting to convert in the beginning. That is why I am a weak Agnostic and not a hypocrite like every (EVERY) single person in any religion. Peace.
2009-07-23 02:40:11 UTC
u r right sister

Islam and non-Muslims ( Infidels

What Does Islam Say about Terrorism?…

The reason why jihaad is prescribed


to know who is the terrorist

Most of the bloody genocides were by Christians in the name of Jesus if U know anything about history

Here U R SOME of those genocides

1-The Crusade attacks on the Islamic country.

They killed anyone they saw in Jerusalem even if he was old ,weak ,woman ,child and they killed more than 23 millions !!!

2-The Inquisition in Spain ,after forcing Muslims to convert to Christianity ,they said their souls R not pure anymore ,they must be killed !!!


3-in 782 Carl Sharlman cut the heads of 4500 man because refusing to become Christians,

4-1234 the church killed 11000 man,woman,kid because of not paying taxes'

5-1n 1456 they killed 80000 Turkish

6-In 16 and 17 century in Ireland as an ex.

7-In June 1096 in Turkey they killed about 160000 Turkish , they also cut women's stomachs WITH SWORDS

8-In 1099 in Jerusalem they killed 60000 Muslims

9-Iskalon in Dec. 1099 they killed 200000 in the name of Jesus!!!

10- After discovering America ,Do U know what they did? ,how many they killed? One of the most horrible genocides ever happened.

After discovering Australia too

11- SEARCH PHOTOS about Guantanamo & Abu Gharib at least !!!!

U R talking about peace in Christianity like U have never read the Bible!!!!! Shame on U ,read it even 4 one time , bloody orders to kill men ,women ,even children with no mercy , U just don hear about that through the media

2009-07-21 17:14:42 UTC
I agree with you, their were religious wars until about 1600s However, in modern times (last 300 years) it has been Islam that has, and continues its conquest of the world.

Islam violent?? Where are you getting your news? As we speak, innocent people are getting shot, beat, raped, stoned, hanged, maimed, etc. for protesting in Iran.

First of all Islam HATEs HATEs HATEs democracy. Here is why:

Democracy is based on the right to choose your religion, [and

that] is against the rule of God."

-- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qa'ida's "prince of terror"

Here is what happens to virgins in Islamic countries:

Check out their good works in France (look at map):

Here is what some world leaders have said about Islam and the Koran:

"So long as there is this book (the Koran) there will be no peace in the world" Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

The precept of the Koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force (Blunt, 29:274).

-- John Quincy Adams (1767-1848)

"Several muslim countries along the North African coast had

established the tradition of plundering the ships of European and American merchants in the western Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic, capturing the crews and then demanding ransom from the respective governments for their release. In a joint message to their superiors in Congress, Adams and Jefferson described the audacity of these terrorist attacks, pirates leaping onto defenseless ships with daggers clenched in their teeth. They had asked the ambassador from Tripoli, Adams and Jefferson explained, on what grounds these outrageous acts of unbridled savagery could be justified: "The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of the prophet, that it was written in their koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their [islams] authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners...."

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

I have seen videos of a stadium full of people in Iran, where they have public beheadings!!!! (Will not post link but you can find it.) I have seen them cut off fingers, arms, legs, heads!!!

And what about honor killings? Suicide bombers? And there have been no terror attacks from islamists right? Islam is not violent. That is rich.
2009-07-21 16:50:27 UTC
I feel the exact way you do!!!! And I too have always wondered why. I'm muslim myself and I sometimes can't believe what comes out of my classmates and friends mouths about Muslims at school. I think it's because they believe everything they see on TV and read in the papers and that's all they know. I wish they would know better.....
2009-07-21 16:50:39 UTC
The Jews and Muslims were on good terms until Hitler spread his Nazi ideology of hate to the Middle East.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.