Jehovah's Witnesses, How Do You View Other Churches That Teach Your Doctrines?
Question It All
2008-07-23 01:15:01 UTC
The Jehovah's Witnesses claim to have "The Truth" because they do the following:

Preach The Kingdom, Avoid Pagan Holidays, Proclaim Jehovah as God's name, Reject the Trinity Doctrine, Avoid Politics and Wars, and reject the Immortality of the soul and a fiery Hell.

If the Watchtower is THE ONE True Religion because of these teachings, how do you view the many other churches that teach these exact same doctrines that you claim make yours the TRUE religion?

What do you think this says about your claim to be "The Truth"?

Other churches that teach the exact same doctrine as the Watchtower:

House of Yahweh
Assemblies of Yahweh
Assemblies of the Called Out Ones of Ya
Assembly of YHWH Hoshua

Please only mature responses. No ad hominem attacks. No hateful, judgemental, or accusing comments. Simple and biblical responses are appreciated.
Fifteen answers:
Heather B
2008-07-23 11:08:47 UTC
Considering I have not heard of any of those religions, I would have to assume that they are not as organized or greatly spread worldwide as JW's are.

Matt.24:14: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."

How can Jehovah's visible organization be identified?

1. It truly exalts Jehovah as the only true God, Magnifying his name.

2.It fully recognizes the vital role of Jesus in Jehovah's purpose- as the vindicator of Jehovah's sovereignty, the Chief Agent of life, the head of the Christian congregation, the ruling Messianic King.

3. It adheres closely to God's inspired Word, basing all it's teaching and standards of conduct on the Bible.

4. It keeps separate from the world

5. It maintains a high level of moral cleanness among it's members, because Jehovah himself is holy.

6. It devotes its principal efforts to doing the work that the Bible foretold for our day, namely, the preaching or the good news of God's Kingdom in all the world for a witness.

7. despite human inperfections, its members cultivate and produce the fruits of God's spirit- love-, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self control- doing so to such a degree that it sets them apart from the world in general.
2008-07-23 09:09:14 UTC
The simple answer is that JW's Teach that only they have the right religion. All others will be destroyed at Armageddon. As far as other churches teaching the same things, for the most part they are ignorant that they exist.

Here is where it gets sticky. A JW will say no other religion teaches exactly what we do; because we teach we are the only true religion. Only we follow our Governing Body and 'Faithful Slave'. This is of course a true statement.

Other churches don't teach that JW's are the only true religion, they teach that they themselves are the only true religion. So for instance WWCofG for years taught things much like the Witnesses, they followed Herbert Armstrong. He was 'their' Governing Body and Faithful Slave.

Mormons and many other similar cultish religions do the same thing. They are think they are the only ones saved. The other thing to note is that the answer given to this question on their official website varies quite a bit from what they publish in their periodical the Watchtower. The website offers a rather political answer that only God can judge people. Whereas say the 'Revelation Book' (Revelation it's Grand Climax at Hand Printed by WTBTS) is very straight forward about what is going to happen to 'Babylon the Great' the 'World Empire of FALSE Religion'.
2008-07-24 06:18:49 UTC
I think there is no way these other religions can come close to keeping up with our truthful teachings.....we change them so fast I can't keep up! The pingpong "generation of 1914" teaching is understood by probably less than 1 percent of JW's, and unlike big changes that come every 40 years or so, the constant bouncing of this teaching occurred in just 10-12 years....just too noticable. Thus the mass exodus from JW, and I bet opening up recruiting of more Anointed did not help either! I may indeed be anointed and will eat the bread and drink the wine from now on just in case. I wonder if these other religions put emphasis on 1914 and re-opened heaven? If so they should prepare to change, as JW's now have little if any reason to use the date 1914 as there is no link to that date and armageddon anymore. It really is no big deal to change this date (again), as most JW's do not even know that we claimed for over 50 years Jesus arrived invisibly in 1864.....I sooo wish all JW's were required to read the Proclaimers Book....and I am amazed they ever printed it.
2008-07-23 01:40:03 UTC
I am a JW. I believe that being a true Christian and God's follower does not only involves having bible-based doctrine. It also involves applyng biblical standards, doing our best to follow the way of Christ. (1 John 5:3, 1 Peter 2:21-22)

I really can't compare those organization you have cited. I don't have any idea how they run. I do not know the atmosphere within their church. Granting they have such beliefs (you cited above) which are the same to us, my questions are... what consist their congregation? Are you sure that we have the same view regarding Christ? his role and position in Jehovah's purpose? How do they view the faithful and discrete slaves? What is their view of paradise earth? These are just some biblical truths and facts relevant in a Christian congregation.

I am personally happy because those people teach the same beliefs we have, for we believe that what we teach are based on the bible. But i sincerely believe we are not exactly the same in every aspect. What i have cited is just some examples that we might have difference. I think you need to learn/know alot about JWs aside from our teachings. I hope you can talk to a JW personally and ask them how are we organized. They have lot to tell.

We don't view ourselves superior to any people of different religion. Afterall we are all sinners. But we are happy and proud to walk in the name of our God (Micah 4:5).
Tim Kilgore
2008-07-23 17:50:55 UTC
This is in regards to aprince8's answer; the reasons given were:

1. It truly exalts Jehovah as the only true God, Magnifying his name.

That would be great if it were true, Jehovah is actually a mistranslation of God's real name.

2.It fully recognizes the vital role of Jesus in Jehovah's purpose- as the vindicator of Jehovah's sovereignty, the

Chief Agent of life, the head of the Christian congregation, the ruling Messianic King.

Many religions believe Christ's importance in the Christian religion, some more so than JWs.

3. It adheres closely to God's inspired Word, basing all it's teaching and standards of conduct on the Bible.

Not as closely as you might think, unless you can show me a scripture where it states it is OK to accept blood fractions. Also can you show me one Christian religion who doesn't justify it's teachings by their interpretation of the bible?

4. It keeps separate from the world

Really, I work with JWs. They can't be that seperate. Wouldn't the Amish be applying this scripture more so than the JWs are?

5. It maintains a high level of moral cleanness among it's members, because Jehovah himself is holy.

Do you have actual statistics to show that JWs are more moral than the rest of the world. Every religion says they are more moral than the rest of the world, fundementalist christians, mormons, muslims. If you have actual statistics to back this up I'd like to see them.

6. It devotes its principal efforts to doing the work that the Bible foretold for our day, namely, the preaching or the good news of God's Kingdom in all the world for a witness.

Yet the bible also says in James that if you only preach and do not give to charity your work is worthless. So preaching is important but so is charity, so what charitable organizations are run primarily by JWs? Also the bible says "SOME" as preachers, not all.

7. despite human inperfections, its members cultivate and produce the fruits of God's spirit- love-, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self control- doing so to such a degree that it sets them apart from the world in general.

The scripture says "By your fruits you will know them" but it also says "a fine tree can not produce worthless fruit neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit". The "Despite human imperfections" is the excuse to say there are bad in the organization. However Jesus said "a fine tree CAN NOT produce worthless fruit", so it would seem JWs are producing worthless fruit here. Don't believe me, there's a JW on the 15 most wanted list on America's Most Wanted. Or just go to and you'll see a plethora of "worthless fruit".
2008-07-24 05:31:54 UTC
Wisdom said: It is true that other false doctrines and false religious leaders are trying to "change" their teachings to somewhat fit ours, but they are still not preaching the "whole truth" because they still participate in wars, political matters, etc., and are not Jehovah's Witnesses...."

Actually, the Seventh Day Adventists have been around longer than what the WTS has. Charles Russell got most of his teachings and beliefs from THEM, not the other way around.

"....You cannot mix what is false with what is truth and then call it "preaching the same as the witnesses" for this is not from God and not logical. There can and is only one truth...."

You're absolutely right. Therefore, how do you explain the Organization's continual changing of the meaning "this generation" and enforcing it on 6.5 million Witnesses? For decades, they taught that "this generation" was referring to the generation of 1914. When it became obvious that they had in fact, been teaching a false doctrine, they changed it in November 1995 to mean 'those that see Christ's presence but fail to mend their ways' and earlier this year, they changed it yet again by claiming it's referring to the 'annointed class from 33 CE right on down to today.

How long before they discard THIS understanding? What would have happened to anyone who questioned the official doctrine before 1995? They would have been disfellowshipped for "apostasy" because they could not, in good conscience, accept a doctrine that was a false teaching.

Of course, the average Witness isn't supposed to dwell on matters like this. No matter how many times the "slave" gets "new light" and continuously change their minds, everyone is supposed to accept it fully, even if it makes absolutely no sense.

How is this "making sure of all things"? How is this reading "the scriptures daily" to "make sure these things are so?

HeatherB said: "...Considering I have not heard of any of those religions, I would have to assume that they are not as organized or greatly spread worldwide as JW's are...."

You've never heard of the Christadelphians? If not, you should look them up on the internet. You'd be surprised at how similar it is to the Witnesses.

As for these other religions not being "organized" or "greatly spread worldwide as JW's are", you really should research this a bit more. Wikipedia gives an excellent time line of Christian Missionaries starting with Jesus, right on down to our day. It's listed at the end.

Despite what you read in the Watchtower, there are many other Christian religions that have sent out missionaries to spread the gospel throughout the world. This is not something privy to Jehovah's Witnesses.

How can Jehovah's visible organization be identified?

1. It truly exalts Jehovah as the only true God, Magnifying his name.

Unfortunately, "Jehovah" is an incorrect translation of the original Tetragrammaton. You may not be aware of this but in the preface of your “Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures,” on page 23, it says: “While inclining to view the pronunciation ‘YHVH’ as the more correct way, we have retained the form of ‘Jehovah’ because of the people’s familiarity."

In other words, the Society is allowing their "tradition" to promote an incorrect pronounciation of God's name.

2. It fully recognizes the vital role of Jesus in Jehovah's purpose- as the vindicator of Jehovah's sovereignty, the Chief Agent of life, the head of the Christian congregation, the ruling Messianic King.

I don't think you'll find this "recognition" as being something only Jehovah's Witnesses believe. I'm pretty sure every Christian religion "recognizes" Jesus' role as King.

3. It adheres closely to God's inspired Word, basing all it's teaching and standards of conduct on the Bible.

Unfortunately, this isn't exactly true. Can you please point me to a scripture that says all Witnesses must turn in a field service report each month? Or that a brother can't wear a beard if he would like a responsible position in the congregation? Where does it say that Jesus would return "invisibly" in 1914? Did the first century congregation have a Legal Department?

4. It keeps separate from the world

Only to a certain degree. And there are other religions that keep a far greater seperation from the world than what the Witnesses do. Take a close look at the Amish: They keep seperate, they don't fight in wars, they don't get involved in politics. They do all this to a far greater extend than what the Organization does.

5. It maintains a high level of moral cleanness among it's members, because Jehovah himself is holy.

Surely you're not suggesting that every other Christian religion does not have a "high level or moral cleanness" amongst their followers. I know first hand that this simply isn't so. Do you have any references (besides the WTS's own publications), that shows they have a higher standard of morals compared to other religions?

6. It devotes its principal efforts to doing the work that the Bible foretold for our day, namely, the preaching or the good news of God's Kingdom in all the world for a witness.

Unfortunately, this message that they've been spreading for decades, has failed to materialize anything they've predicted. For years, the Society's message was that the generation of 1914 would see both the "beginning of the pangs of distress" as well as The End. This has since been discarded as a false teaching. So it really makes no difference that you preach, if WHAT you preach, isn't true.

7. despite human inperfections, its members cultivate and produce the fruits of God's spirit- love-, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self control- doing so to such a degree that it sets them apart from the world in general.

Once again, do you have any evidence that other religions do not also cultivate the fruitage of the Spirit? You say that "despite human imperfections", the Witnesses are superior to other relgious groups. By what standard to you judge them? Is it not by their own "human imperfections"?

For years, the WTS condemned the Catholic Church for harbouring pedophiles amongst the priests. When it was reported by the media, it was taken as gospel truth. Yet when it was exposed by the media that the WTS itself had been harbouring pedophiles, suddenly the media was being 'run by Satan' and 'apostates'.

What you should really be asking yourself is: Why, if the WTS is not guilty of harbouring pedophiles, did they settle a lawsuit late last year with 16 of the victims? This was admitted on their website, which I've included at the end here.
2008-07-23 01:27:20 UTC
It is true that other false doctrines and false religious leaders are trying to "change" their teachings to somewhat fit ours, but they are still not preaching the "whole truth" because they still participate in wars, political matters, etc., and are not Jehovah's Witnesses.

Why do they need to teach our doctrine as you state? Why do they not just get baptised and come to our kingdom halls to gather in true worship with Jehovah God's faithful servants?

Why are they branching off and trying to mix our truth with their false nature? It just doesn't mix.

Soon, Christendom (the whole of false Christianity), and "Babylon the Great Harlot" (the whole of false religions) will be destroyed and Satan will no longer have this very powerful misleading tool to deceive and mislead so many --- to destruction.

You cannot mix what is false with what is truth and then call it "preaching the same as the witnesses" for this is not from God and not logical. There can and is only one truth.

May you pray for Jehovah God's holy spirit to help guide your mental thinking and renewing of your mind --- to accept truth and no substitutions.

Thank you.
2008-07-23 01:40:05 UTC
Rather than going into a in depth discussion, let me ask you this. Who are the locust in the Book of Revelation?


You said:

I would really prefer to have my question answered and not be diverted onto another tangent. If I have a question about the locusts of the Book of revelation I will post one.


The locust deals with the Jehovah's Witnesses and more importantly, the preaching work. This is relevant to the discussion thats why I brought that up. If you don't under stand this prophecy, then you won't understand what I would begin to tell you next.
2008-07-23 12:37:14 UTC
Wisdom, you stated:

"they are still not preaching the 'whole truth' because they still participate in wars, political matters, etc., and are not Jehovah's Witnesses."

I don't quite understand this as I had a JW tell me that JWs were allowed to vote now; the WTS belongs/belonged to the UN for years as an NGO; and a former WTS president Rutherford supported Hitler. Sounds like they are politically active to me.
2016-05-27 13:21:39 UTC
Everything that the Bible's Gospel accounts of Jesus life show that he taught, we believe! Find out what those things are the Gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John.
2008-07-23 11:24:31 UTC
Think about this if they taught the same things that we teach from any and every bible then why are they another religion, so obviously they are not the truth. And we don't get our beliefs from the watchtower we get them from the bible.
Manic Mamma
2008-07-23 01:28:59 UTC
honest question to your question: were these religions formed before or AFTER the JW's? i remember hearing someone also saying that the seventh day adventists did the same thing, apparently it was formed by an ex-JW. it's just a spin-off, don't you think? kind of how "joey" was a spin-off from "friends"? same premise, but nobody really watched it.
Rachel R
2008-07-23 04:42:53 UTC
my answer is short, simple and sweet: Jehovah's backing. don't have it, not the true religion. .
2008-07-23 13:24:37 UTC
wikipedia... as a source?


talk about "dumbing down"
2008-07-23 01:21:31 UTC
any one that rejects the deity of the Son of God will go to eternal damnation...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.