Do you accept evolution as fact?
2012-06-10 08:18:48 UTC
If you are a proponent of evolution, I would very much like to know something. Have I ever said any of the following things about evolution?

1. Evolution is just a theory
2. If evolution is true, why are there still monkeys?
3. Evolution is evil
4. The Earth is flat, 'cause the Bible says so
5. Science is a tool of the devil
6. Since evolution is not true, then gravity, continental drift, and all the other scientific theories must also be false
7. Evolution is untrue, because the Bible says so.

When have I ever said any of the above things? Look, I know that some people will occasionally ask questions that could be better formulated. I know that not everyone is a Mensa member, or is a Biology major. I know that there are some misconceptions out there about evolution. I know that some individuals may benefit from further reading and investigation. But not everyone who doubts evolution is a "Bible thumper" or some obtuse redneck.

I know what evolution is. I also know how evolution functions. I know that a scientific theory is not the same thing as an ordinary, everyday theory. The Bible does not mention evolution at all. I think that it is possible to support evolution, and also believe in God. Those ideas are compatible, in my view.

If someone denies evolution, or questions it, do you just automatically assume that the individual is an ill-informed ignoramus? If so, why do you do this?
28 answers:
2012-06-10 08:20:20 UTC
Yes i accept evolution.

>>" If someone denies evolution, or questions it, do you just automatically assume that the individual is an ill-informed ignoramus?"

If someone denies evolution because of reasons like--

1. Evolution is just a theory

2. If evolution is true, why are there still monkeys?

3. Evolution is evil

4. The Earth is flat, 'cause the Bible says so

5. Science is a tool of the devil

6. Since evolution is not true, then gravity, continental drift, and all the other scientific theories must also be false

7. Evolution is untrue, because the Bible says so.

i cannot help but think such a person is "ill-informed ignoramus".

I respect questioning, i can't respect people who reject answers because the answer doesn't agree with the opinion they previously had.
Masticina Akicta
2012-06-10 08:26:09 UTC
Hi not a christian nor muslim nor american.. yeah american as religion why not.

Anyhow Evolution as thing that happens yeah.. if you see the evidence for it is hard to deny. It is like a kid with allot of chocolate around the mouth asked if they stole a cookie.

The theory, well that is obviously the way we find out how things work. I accept the theory as the best understand we currently have of the phenomenon called Evolution.

It is not perfect and gets every year the adjustments where needed. But yes the basic scientific theory I understand. It is the details that you really have to study for!

So I don't fully UNDERSTAND the theory but the BASIC theory yeah.. I get it and the evidence is made obvious to me.

Are scientists sometimes wrong..yes actually part of the scientific method is being able to be wrong. The Scientific Process is self repairing as in that any wrong can be righted.. anything that later is shown to be false can be taken out.

The theory of evolution of today is far far far improved then from dawkins days.

The problem with certain religious groups is that they have another meaning for the world "theory" and "evidence"

For them theory means something someone dreamed up.. for a scientist.. a theory is allot more.

And "evidence" .. we are talking about religious people.. that are willing to go as far as saying as "The bible is evidence that god exists" ... I think the meaning of the word evidence means very little to them. Just as much as the constitution does at times...
2012-06-10 09:27:22 UTC
Evolution is a theory I believe. Evolution has nothing to do with the fact that monkeys still exist. They are different forms because monkeys have evolved along with plants and other animals. The Earth is oblong and the Bible was written by people who did not know about science. There is no such being as the devil. Evolution has not been proven not true. Gravity, continental drift etc have nothing to do with it and are true. The Bible says absolutely nothing about evolution. The word had not even been coined at the time the Bible was written
2012-06-10 08:35:37 UTC
Evolution is fact.

Every single branch of science supports it, with not one shred of scientific evidence against it...

not one,




Man, even has made life.!!!!!!!.... about 2 years ago, after 15 years of research, two scientists made cells that went on to divide but which HAD NO PARENTS!!!!!!!! Read about it. Google: The Economist + And Man Created Life. You can as well Youtube a few interviews of them..... Hamilton Smith and Craig Venter.

Anyone who denies evolution simply does not understand even the tiniest bit of it...even at the 5th grade level.

The end of Creationism (or ID) came with the discovery of DNA, proving beyond any doubt, that every living thing on this planet is related to ever other living thing...we are all made of star stuff... and stars died and exploded so that the chemicals needed for life could be formed.

If you need to know how the universe began, and no god again needed, read A Universe from Nothing...Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing, by Lawrence Krauss. Don't bother if your knowledge of any physics is non-existent.

You really don't need this book to understand evolution. The two books below will prove that to you in an unimpeachable manor.

If you can mix your religion with science, and it works for you, hey, fine. No one has any problem with that.... But no gods are necessary to have evolution be true.

You may wish to read a few easy books, usually used either in hs or jr. college.....

1. Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyle, Ph. D. prof of evolutionary biology, U of Chicago.

2. The Greatest Show on Earth, by Richard Dawkins.

And, maybe to prove to you just what you are dealing with regarding a kind and good god, try

God's Problem, by Bart Ehrman.

This one will really have you thinking, whether your are religious, believe in god, or anything on either side of that.
2012-06-10 08:26:36 UTC
Yes I do.

There is no basis for doubting evolution, when it is a repeatedly observed fact. So yes, anyone who questions it is an ill-informed ignoramus.

I also don't see how it is possible to believe in one of the mainstream deities, and also accept evolution. All the religions claim that a god created humanity. This is a direct contradiction to the known process of evolution.
2012-06-10 08:27:42 UTC
Evolution is clearly true. If you don't recognise that, it seems odd to me. I usually think that people who reject evolution in favour of creationism that i known are not well-informed in the biological sciences or are in denial. I just don't understand why anyone else wouldn't recognise that it's clearly true. I'm Christian, in the sense that i have repented of my sins and committed myself to our fully human and fully Divine saviour Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for me and rose again on the third day. I mention that because i want to indicate that i am not an atheist or biassed against Scripture. Nevertheless, none of that is an obstacle to accepting the evident fact of evolution and an Earth which is billions of years old.
2012-06-10 08:31:54 UTC
>Have I ever said any of the following things about evolution?

I don't know. Have you?

>If someone denies evolution, or questions it, do you just automatically assume that the individual is an ill-informed ignoramus?

Pretty much. It's a case-by-case evaluation, of course, but most of the time, yes.

>If so, why do you do this?

Experience. I can't think of a single case of someone questioning evolution who didn't have some major misconceptions about it.
2012-06-10 08:25:40 UTC
In the American vernacular, "theory" often means "imperfect fact"--part of a hierarchy of confidence running downhill from fact to theory to hypothesis to guess. Thus the power of the creationist argument: evolution is "only" a theory and intense debate now rages about many aspects of the theory. If evolution is worse than a fact, and scientists can't even make up their minds about the theory, then what confidence can we have in it? Indeed, President Reagan echoed this argument before an evangelical group in Dallas when he said (in what I devoutly hope was campaign rhetoric): "Well, it is a theory. It is a scientific theory only, and it has in recent years been challenged in the world of science--that is, not believed in the scientific community to be as infallible as it once was."

Well evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty. Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts don't go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. Einstein's theory of gravitation replaced Newton's in this century, but apples didn't suspend themselves in midair, pending the outcome. And humans evolved from ape-like ancestors whether they did so by Darwin's proposed mechanism or by some other yet to be discovered.

Moreover, "fact" doesn't mean "absolute certainty"; there ain't no such animal in an exciting and complex world. The final proofs of logic and mathematics flow deductively from stated premises and achieve certainty only because they are not about the empirical world. Evolutionists make no claim for perpetual truth, though creationists often do (and then attack us falsely for a style of argument that they themselves favor). In science "fact" can only mean "confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional consent." I suppose that apples might start to rise tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time in physics classrooms.

Evolutionists have been very clear about this distinction of fact and theory from the very beginning, if only because we have always acknowledged how far we are from completely understanding the mechanisms (theory) by which evolution (fact) occurred. Darwin continually emphasized the difference between his two great and separate accomplishments: establishing the fact of evolution, and proposing a theory--natural selection--to explain the mechanism of evolution.

- Stephen J. Gould, " Evolution as Fact and Theory"; Discover, May 1981
2012-06-10 08:32:36 UTC
If someone denies evolution, I absolutely assume that he or she doesn't know how it functions. They think they do, but so far everyone I have come across ends up saying "why are there still monkeys?" or "where is the crocoduck?"

If someone questions evolution, I call him a biology student. Easy.

I don't know you and I'm not around to know if you've said those things or not. I frankly don't care.
Jim Gatz
2012-06-10 08:28:57 UTC
Because evolution certainly did happen, every respected biologist, paleontologist, and geologist agrees on this. The Entire Roman Catholic church and Anglican church does believe in evolution and they are the two biggest churches in the world. Evolution is a theory, just like gravity and phtotsynthesis
2012-06-10 08:24:58 UTC
Yes, because it is a fact, and because I've directly observed it.

I really don't care what you personally have or haven't said about it. You seem, with most of your questions, to be inordinately preoccupied with how other people see you -- sorry to burst your bubble, but as long as you're not harming us, most of us really don't care what you think or don't think, believe or don't believe, say or don't say.

"If someone denies evolution..."

Anyone who denies (not questions) evolution is indeed ill-informed. Because it is an observed fact. To deny observed facts requires either intentional ignorance or intentional dishonesty.

2012-06-10 08:30:31 UTC
Of course I accept evolution.

Why would you hide your activity and then ask us if you have ever said something? Why would you hide your activity at all? What, exactly are you afraid of?

While evolution is compatible with the myths in the Holy Bible, the God described in those myths is not compatible with reality.
2012-06-10 08:27:20 UTC
Evolution is a fact. Its been demonstrated and proven several times over.
2012-06-10 08:26:30 UTC
Yes, I do assume they're ignorant because they are. It's no different than people who think the Earth is flat or think that Earth is the center of the universe. Most people have no time to help grown adults who believe such non-sense. Trying to educate those people is like talking to a brick wall.
2012-06-10 08:29:30 UTC
No, I do not accept evolution as fact; neither am I an ill-informed ignoramus.
2012-06-10 08:23:12 UTC
I don't assume that the individual is an ignoramus, but I do assume they are ill-informed. They could easily look up refutations of creationist propaganda by actual geologists and biologists if they so choose.

If they are informed, such as Johnathan Wells who has a Ph.D in Biology, and still support ID, I assume they are lying, indoctrinated, or insane.
2012-06-10 08:23:01 UTC
People who deny evolution typically do so out of religious reasons, although not always, and usually have no education in that area.

Just remain open to the possibility you could be wrong and remain teachable.
who goes there?
2012-06-10 08:40:15 UTC
yeah, well I'm a bible thumping' obtuse redneck that has never seen a 'sack of bricks' and proud to be an american where at least I know I'm free!
Andymcj78 - Atheist
2012-06-10 08:21:38 UTC
It is a fact. If you doubt that you can't be aware of the evidence showing it to be true. The weight of evidence is such that to deny evolution occurs would be perverse.
Robert Abuse
2012-06-10 08:29:35 UTC
Yes and no idea to the rest of your question.

Why should I know what you have said, have you lost your memory?
Mr. Bluelight
2012-06-10 08:27:49 UTC
2012-06-10 08:23:02 UTC
1. so is gravity

2. common ancestor

3. no it isn't

4. now i know you are trolling

5. whatever

6. ok i see what you are doing

7. bye
2012-06-10 08:22:46 UTC
Is Evolution Compatible With THE BIBLE?

The apostle Paul told educated Greeks: “God . . . made out of one man every nation of men”

When addressing well-educated religious leaders, he said: “Did you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female?” (Matthew 19:3-5) Jesus then quoted the words about Adam and Eve recorded at Genesis 2:24.

Evolution presents modern man as an improving animal. The Bible presents modern man as the degenerating descendant of a perfect man

Can You Believe in Both Evolution and Christianity?

Why Evolution Attracts People

Evidence-Based Faith in the Creator

The amazing design of living things fills us with awe at the wisdom of our Maker
2012-06-10 08:21:32 UTC
It's a fact due to overwhelming evidence. Denying it is the same as denying gravity.
Xephia Starr
2012-06-10 08:34:03 UTC
Personally I dont believe in it.

But I respect it if people do.

Each to his own
2012-06-10 08:29:42 UTC
Anyone who denies evolution is stupid.
Punch The SUN!
2012-06-10 08:23:29 UTC
we need tools that can be used in our lives.. what happen if we only live by the-holy book...

"ow.. thee throw ye rock, satan begone ah~...."
2012-06-10 08:21:19 UTC
wtf, how am I or anybody else on here supposed to know what you have or have not said?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.