2009-04-02 15:37:29 UTC
The Church of Satan is a Cabal of like-minded individuals and is not a place of worship. Satanists ritualize in our own homes. We have ritual chambers, which are total environments designed to enhance emotions during rituals. Satanic magic is the projection of ones will through the use of symbols. The symbols help us magnify and focus our will in order to achieve a desired outcome. This in turn serves to help us focus upon our goals in the real world. Our rituals are psychodramas designed to help us do this. Satanists believe that the only true power of magic comes from within, a force of will. Satanists refer to this power as The Black Flame. There is no spiritual realm in Satanism.
To us Satan is an archetype, a symbol representative as the opposition to all religions and movements who have attempted to stifle mans carnal instincts. Satan is what is best in man. He represents the creative and destructive force in nature. The one who questions all things; the original rebel. "Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better more often worse than those that walk on all fours".
As far as good and evil are concerned Satanists champion the idea that there are no objective forces of good or evil in the universe. Good and evil are purely subjective human terms. Good is what we like and evil is what we don't like. Animals and small children are regarded as sacred and close to nature by the Satanist and are never to be harmed. The debunked stories perpetrated by Christian fanatics of human sacrifice are lies made up by fundamentalists and the Church in order to create a scapegoat.
Militant Atheist/Satanist