A crucial question for ALL Hindus; ISKCON followers please pay attention. Shirdi Sain Baba was an incarnation?
2007-06-14 06:04:49 UTC
of God but according to certain people he isnt mentioned in the Chaitanya Adi Leela(an ISKCON scripture) or any other shaastra hence they argue that he is not God. Other numerous incarnations(acc to those people) are also not mentioned such as Guru Nanak Dev AND MANY other PROMINENT ONES of kaliyuga in that book.
So those who accept any other incarnations besides those mentioned in that book and Srimadbhagvatam are "cheated ones" and not "seekers of true knowledge"?
(quoted phrases refer to the words used by those people who have argued)
Fifteen answers:
2007-06-14 06:15:34 UTC
He was definitely an incarnation, but why it not mentioned may be because these books were written before His incarnation, i suppose. It really doesn't make a difference to me. I have full faith on Him. :)
2007-06-15 08:52:29 UTC
ok first let's clear some things up. Caitanya Caritamrta was written around 400 years ago, so how could it be an ISKCON scripture? ISKCON was only founded in the late sixties. Anyhow, that's not the main point.

Although all avatars are in Srimad Bhagavatam there are many saktyavesa avataras not listed. Saktyavesa avatar means one who's empowerd by God to do a certain task or preach something.

About Shirdi Sai Baba, well,..... I don't really know alot about him. I decided to do a little research so I could find out a little about him. I read something in wikipedia. According to that info Sai Baba never said he was God. Some disciples however believe he is an incarnation of Dattatreya and Siva, or maybe Kabir, or Maharaj Akkolkot.

According to wikipideia, he taught nondualism, as Adi Sankar has propagated.

You kindly correct me if I am wrong, and also can you explain what he taught? was it nondualism? Since you are a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba, I think you are the best person to ask. Is the wikipedia ok?

Can you elaborate on Sripad Sankaracarya's teachings?

Why did he differ from Madhavacarya, Ramanujacarya, Visnusvami, and Nimbarka?

Please explain to me for I am ignorant.
Heron By The Sea
2007-06-14 17:16:18 UTC
I'm not sure when the Chaitanya Adi Leela was written, but I know that Chaitanya lived well before Shirdi Sai Baba. So I would assume that his work only included those incarnations up until his own time. To know if someone after that is an incarnation, I think we have to look with our hearts and with knowledge about God and His attributes. We should not deny God's presence in these saints. And even if one person does not feel particularly adamant about one saint, they should not deny others' rights to see God in them. God can come to us in many ways, if we are willing to see Him.
2007-06-14 14:10:09 UTC
I can understand the pain you felt , while asking this question .

i also feel great pain when someone ask me to prove Krishna is god.

God has taken many incarnations and all of them are not written in any scripture which includes Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita Scripture.

As an ISKCON devotee i can say, which incarnations are in my knowledge but i can never say that he/she is not an incarnation, just because it is not written in the any scripture of my knowledge.

i have read all the incarnations are not written niether in Srimad Bhagavatam nor in Chaitanya Chairitamrita.

so it is a assignment for you to let us all know that Sridi Sain Baba is an incarnation or not.

Your well wisher

2007-06-14 16:45:59 UTC
Whats the point? Can we curb freedom of speech or thought.

There are always people who are ready to bash others even without any reason. That maddness of this world. Its common to as there are more ignorant, fools rather wise, broad outlook people.

Thing is we should like that rare bird which extract only milk from the mixture of milk and water, and leaves the water alone. So should we must try to pick up and rise up or generate the Good things from the society and leave the bad things. When we start to be that example people will follow may be someday bashers for this kind of things may totally vanish.

Till then we can learn for these ignorant, fools, how not to take things. We cant change the world, we can change only ourselves. Norm of the world is change. Hence flow along with it ,not resist. Almighty watches he who take care each one of us will take care of this too, leave things which we cant control to him.
2007-06-15 06:03:07 UTC
There is absolutely no reincarnation of god in modern times. Anyone claiming, they are fooling the world and the religion. re-incarnation means enacting the god's action/will. To me, there is no such person in this world, nor has the world seen in the last 2000 years.

There has been prophets, who are basically propaganda people, just like mohammed the prophet and Jesus the christ. Anyone claiming re-incarnation of god, should be dealt separately.

Many people have divine powers due to their meditation and other religious texts. These people can heal ailing people, even save people from death. It is called sainthood. These sainthoods are not re-incarnation. For heaven sake, donot make people with some extra-ordinary powers are reincarnated people.
2007-06-14 14:21:33 UTC
Sorry i do not know much about Shirdi Sai baba, just I have heard his cant really comment

But I wish to ask if you believe He is incarnation of God...why do you need proof of others' acceptance?

Now I believe Krishna is god, purna avtar, Mahayogi.... and even if the whole world dont accept this.. i will not care.

Books do not show truth... our own experience is the biggest proof.

Arguments never lead us to the Truth...rather they take us away from the truth....Acceptance of all is the key and is my mantra too.

(Hope I did not offend anyone...if yes please forgive me)
Divya Jyoti
2007-06-15 07:56:46 UTC
Why you force others to accept your views ?

Every disciple of every guru says, his guru is incarnation of God

No scripture of hinduism tells about any such incarnation. After Krishna only Kalki will come.

A girl of 16 and boy of 20 will accept your forced views not a matured person
2007-06-14 14:59:54 UTC
What I think:

Shirdi Sai Baba had complete blessings of God
2007-06-14 16:36:13 UTC
It is the greatness of Hinduism that it encompasses all, even atheists.

Everyone is acting according to his own interpretation since they are allowed to come to their own conclusion.

They will move to the next level with more knowledge and experience.
2014-06-28 10:39:29 UTC
the only reason that nowadays hindus have become so loose in their approach to understand god in the name of

secularism is because we have stopped following scriptures .everyone wants to give his own concocted idea to

understand the nature of god .but that is not possible ,we should adhere by scriptures especially which are in the

mode of goodness .rather than going with vox populi ,its better to consult the scriptures . scriptures clearly

mentions all the incarnations of god that has came in the past ,but also it mentions those incarnations that are

going to come .like srimad bhagavatam written 5000 years ago mentions about appearance of lord buddha who

came 2500 years ago ,lord kalki who will come 427000 years from now .it also mentions about lord caitanya who

came 500 years ago .apart from those direct incarnations of lord ,some other demigods incarnations are also

mentioned like madhvacharya ,nimbarka ,visnu swami ,ramunaja in garga samhita ,padma purana ,and some

other scriptures .even chanakya is predicted in bhagavat purana . so scriptures can predict who will come in the

future . as far as other great acharyas that have come ,there is no necessity to take them as direct descents of

lord ,and definitely not equating them with avatars like lord rama and krishna ,but we can respect them as our

guru and spiritual master is as good as god .ofcourse they may have certain supernatural powers ,but that can

be obtained through asthanga yoga ,attaining the eight siddhis .but that miracles should not be the cause of

assuming any one as lord himself . and as far as kali yuga is concerned ,yuga dharma being hari nama

sankirtana ,that avatar which personally teaches this ,should be accepted as direct manifestation of supreme

lord .and as per scriptural evidences ,it is seen that lord caitany manifests all this in his pastimes .even lord

buddha is taken to be saktya avesha avatar which comes under jiva tattva , and as far as lord kalki is concerned

,he is not exactly avatar which comes in kali yuga ,he comes in conjunction of kali yuga and satya yuga .so in

that sense only lord caitanya can be taken as complete purna avatara ,instead the source of all other avatars

for this age of kali yuga . so if someone preaches that philosphy ,he should be taken as a very dear representative

of lord caitanya who is krishna himself .
Vijay D
2007-06-15 07:20:07 UTC
If you don't mind, these kinds of questions should not be put to us.

But if you do that, we should preferably not reply.

And I forgot to add, I am also an incarnation of my soul.
2007-06-14 18:10:21 UTC
ISKCON people I never understood. they are fanatic like Christians
2007-06-14 13:15:05 UTC
hmm.. if i were you.... i would be more interested in what God means to me..... rather than all that you mentioned .... :)
2007-06-14 14:39:56 UTC
i don't know what iskcon is but.........shirdi sai baba is shirdi sai baba........thats all i can say..............and i know that my answer sucks :(

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