the only reason that nowadays hindus have become so loose in their approach to understand god in the name of
secularism is because we have stopped following scriptures .everyone wants to give his own concocted idea to
understand the nature of god .but that is not possible ,we should adhere by scriptures especially which are in the
mode of goodness .rather than going with vox populi ,its better to consult the scriptures . scriptures clearly
mentions all the incarnations of god that has came in the past ,but also it mentions those incarnations that are
going to come .like srimad bhagavatam written 5000 years ago mentions about appearance of lord buddha who
came 2500 years ago ,lord kalki who will come 427000 years from now .it also mentions about lord caitanya who
came 500 years ago .apart from those direct incarnations of lord ,some other demigods incarnations are also
mentioned like madhvacharya ,nimbarka ,visnu swami ,ramunaja in garga samhita ,padma purana ,and some
other scriptures .even chanakya is predicted in bhagavat purana . so scriptures can predict who will come in the
future . as far as other great acharyas that have come ,there is no necessity to take them as direct descents of
lord ,and definitely not equating them with avatars like lord rama and krishna ,but we can respect them as our
guru and spiritual master is as good as god .ofcourse they may have certain supernatural powers ,but that can
be obtained through asthanga yoga ,attaining the eight siddhis .but that miracles should not be the cause of
assuming any one as lord himself . and as far as kali yuga is concerned ,yuga dharma being hari nama
sankirtana ,that avatar which personally teaches this ,should be accepted as direct manifestation of supreme
lord .and as per scriptural evidences ,it is seen that lord caitany manifests all this in his pastimes .even lord
buddha is taken to be saktya avesha avatar which comes under jiva tattva , and as far as lord kalki is concerned
,he is not exactly avatar which comes in kali yuga ,he comes in conjunction of kali yuga and satya yuga .so in
that sense only lord caitanya can be taken as complete purna avatara ,instead the source of all other avatars
for this age of kali yuga . so if someone preaches that philosphy ,he should be taken as a very dear representative
of lord caitanya who is krishna himself .