How do you have faith in Jesus Christ, and a God you don't really know exists?
2007-11-02 19:09:16 UTC
I was baptized Catholic, and have gone to various churches throughout my life. I am torn between the "is there or isn't there". I know it all comes down to faith. But, that's just it. How can you have faith in something not seen with your own eyes, and only read about in books?

I want to have faith. I want to be able to believe that there is a God, but I just don't know how. The love that I see people have for Jesus Christ and God, the undeniable peace that true Christians seem to have - well, I would like to be able to believe. I do believe it is something I am missing out on. When I go to church, I feel as though I am not worthy enough to be there. Because I have that doubt.

I hope that all makes sense. So, my ultimate question is just that- How do you have faith in Jesus Christ, and a God you don't really know exists?
55 answers:
the world is my sea of gumdrops
2007-11-02 19:43:59 UTC
Honestly, if you flip the question around it will give you a good perspective that just might help you out. Think of what's stopping you from having faith. Is it just the world as you've seen it that makes you feel like Jesus might not have been an actual person, that God didn't make this world? Life somtimes seems like it's all just a test of your faith, with temptations to make you feel like you don't believe. But if you put your trust into God, you're going to realize it's not that hard to believe in him. You've got to have a personal relationship with Jesus and just if I only had three words to sum it all up in: FIGHT FOR FAITH. The harder you fight, the stronger you'll be. God wants you to be strong in your faith, and if you look around and see what he's done for you, you can realize even though it's not totally obvious he's right there in front of you, he's still with you all the time. Never feel like you aren't worthy enough for God's love. Actually, though, to tell you the truth, you're not. But I'm not either. None of us are. It's Jesus that makes us worthy because he died for us. Just pray to God that he will give you strength, and when you pray, know that you are actually talking to your Savior, not just reciting big words to yourself to make it sound all fancy. Just talk to God the same way you'd talk to your best friend, because God is my best friend. What's stopping you from believing? Just because you haven't seen him directly, it doesn't mean you never will. I'm praying for you and I hope that I've helped in some way or another. Remember that you have to fight for your faith and that the only thing stopping you is, well, yourself. Once you know God, it's gonna be pretty hard to break the relationship between you and him. God is awesome, and you don't really have to see him to know that. Thanks much.
2007-11-06 13:43:20 UTC
It all makes sense because I was exactly the same as you. Except I stopped going to church for about a decade and lived as wildly as possible. Last summer I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit that left me in no doubt of the reality of God - I wasn't even LOOKING, I was on my way to the pub to meet up with my friends! I wish now that I had been one of those people for whom faith alone is enough but I am very much a 'why' person - I need to know WHY things happen, I always want proof of something and for every question someone answers, I have ten more.

Another important thing is being in the right church. A lot of churches are filled with the Enemy, or at best well-meaning but spiritually dead people. Even after being anointed I still didn't find the right church or the right people. Finally, I think I'm there :-)
2007-11-02 19:53:01 UTC
What a beautiful question. May I say you sure do have faith. And don't worry about feeling worthy, because its not about how we feel, its about what Gods word says. Besides even the Bible tells us "there's nobody living right, not even one". The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. You see true faith is something we just cant see, it is what makes up what we are hoping for. God is drawing you to him, and if you continue to look for him the way you are now, as a little child. Then when your ready, and when He's ready, your going to find him, and its going to be beautiful. You shall know the truth of Gods Love in your life, and that truth must set you free. Keep looking, your probably closer to him at this point than you've ever been before. Agape (Gods Unconditional Love) your soon to be brother in Christ! PS If you really want to know him As Soon As Possible, pray this prayer. LORD I believe your peace is something I am missing out on. Help me with my doubts!" Amen.
2007-11-02 19:42:37 UTC
How is your prayer life? Do you do some meditating every day? It really does not ALL come down to faith, because Faith is an unearned gift. No one is worthy to be in any Church; that is why we go. And we will never be worthy. If only good people went to Church, the Church would be completely empty. EVERYONE in Heaven, are simply repentent sinners. Give God a chance. If you hear His voice today, harden not your heart. Don't give up. Say a prayer now and then to the unknown God.
-:-vInTaGe PaSsIon-:-
2007-11-02 19:20:36 UTC

I'll help you straighten out your thoughts, lol.

Many people think I'm Atheist, and untill yesterday, I though I was too! Because I didn't know how to categorize my beleifs, because there simply wasn't a catagory. But now I realized what it was. I don't beleive that human's, small microdust particles littered accross some random planet in the universe, are capabgle of any "Godly" power. So, I do not beleive Jesus was, God, but I do acknowledge that he was a particularly clever, kind, and intelligent man of his day. And even though many people claim he could walk on water, or bring people back from the dead, as you probably know, seeing is not always beleiving. We can tell because of how people "magically" saw people in half or make them vanish then reappear. But we know they are just tricks. We know they are not real. But years ago when people could not even fathon these ideas of trickery, they though that just because they saw something made it true. And just because millions of people beleive something does not make it true.

So basically, I beleive in: the Power of the Person. The fact that WE, yes YOU and ME have the power to "control" our surroundings. Not magically, but by reasoning and intellect. We should not rely on a "Greater Source" for anything. If we want something, we should get it ourselves!!! No, I am NOT without morals, since I beleive people should love everyone no matter what, and we should be kind and generous. Also notice how people saying religion is better has NO argument and are just taking random quotes from their "holy book". They are also not addressing my questions. This happens a lot! Lol. So, if you want to have a faith, have it in the goodness of people. The fact that people are capable of doing remarkably wonderfull things...if you trully beleive.

Good Luck!
2007-11-02 19:21:47 UTC
I've been a Catholic all my life and I get what you're trying to say I've seen others go through similar things. I guess the best advice I can give is to pray when you go to church it doesn't have to be anything complicated even if you're not sure that God exsists it couldn't hurt right? Just pray plainly like you're talking to God face to face ask Him for guidance. Don't think that you're not worthy enough to be there even if you were one of the biggest sinners around God still loves you just as much as He always has and nothing could change that I'm sure He's aware that you're feeling lost and confused and all you need to do is reach out to him and be patient and give it some time. To answer the first part of your question I have faith in the Lord because I just feel that He exsists and reading the bible and praying helps me with that-also all of the miracles that have occured and continue to occur through out the world are some pretty good proof. I realise this has to be a very hard time for you so I promise that I will pray for you! Good luck in your search for the Lord. :)

hope this helps you out.
2007-11-02 20:04:29 UTC
I too was baptized a Catholic. Faith is just that, faith. You don't question it. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is God. However, I don't believe in God anymore. Christianity, Jesus, was just a Roman idea for politics.
2007-11-02 19:26:07 UTC
I have had faith in God since I was a small boy. I have been fortunate, mixed in with the normal tragidies of life, I have experienced many things that only God could have done. I lived thru events that should have killed me. Found at the worst times of my life, that if I turned to God, things did get better. God always answered my prayers. Although sometimes the answer was no. I could not possibly explain all the things, but here is one that means a lot to me: My second son was born with a medical disorder. He was bleeding inside, the doctors could not figure out why or what to do. They came to me and told me flat out, that my son was dying, would not last thru the night, and there was nothing that could be done. I asked for a priest to come in and bless my son. At the same time, I prayed with all my heart to God, to save my precious son. Within moments of the blessing, and my prayer, my son began to look better. Right after that, the doctors decided to move him by air ambulance to another Hospital in Utah. We followed by vehicle. Stopping to call along the way. We were assured that our son was stable. On arriving at the Hospital, we found that not only was our son doing better. Somehow, God placed the only surgeon in the United States who had ever handled a similar case, at that hospital. We found out that our son was only the second child born in the U.S. with that disorder and that we were now in the hands of the surgeon who saved the first boy. To make a long story short, God guided us thru his will to that particular hospital at that exact time. The surgery was a complete success, even though the other doctors still told us he would never live. The surgeon saved our son, God gave him the skills and experience to do so. I saw the changes start at the time of the blessing and the prayer. 21 years later, my son has given us two beautiful grand children and is our "miracle". I could go on, but until you experience your own miracle you will still have doubts. I'll add a little prayer for you to receive your miracle when it is needed the most. Then you will know why I believe.
2007-11-02 20:45:02 UTC
I'm very sorry that you are in doubt. I'll do my best to help you. I was in doubt myself, but it was people that made me have that doubt, because when I figured it out it I realized that He was with me always.

True faith is never blind.

There is God that exists within you. He is the guide and comforter. He is the one that lets you know right from wrong.

The Holy Spirit of God is inside you. Your body is it's temple.

You have doubted it because people make you doubt . Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is known as the eternal sin. It's unforgivable because it's blasphemy makes people distrust God. If no one can deny Jesus the Holy Spirit, neither must we deny the Holy Spirit in ANY of God's children. That would against God's will.

Can you trust that the Holy Spirit is with you always? It's the only part of God you can never doubt. Blasphemy of the Father and the Son are both forgiven. Anyone can distrust the God and Jesus, no problem, easily forgiven. You just have to trust the Holy Spirit.

He reveals the truth
paul p
2007-11-02 19:32:23 UTC
Everyone at one point or another questions what they believe. It's part of who we are as humans and is normal and natural.

I look at your question as 2 separate questions really...

1. How do I have faith in a God you don't really know exists?

I choose (and it is a choice) to believe that God exists. I look at the alternative and find it sad and disappointing. This is a GUT instinctual answer. That's what faith is all about. There are plenty of reasons to believe in him and a million books on scientific proofs on his existence. You can look at the similarities of creation myths from around the world. You can just watch the sun set and marvel at how beautiful this world really is. But, at some point you have to let go and simply accept that there is something out there that we don't understand, and most people refer to it as God. He most likely is not an old bald man with a white beard in a white robe, or Morgan Freeman in a white Suit. We simply don't know what God is like... But for me at least, it's harder to believe that there is no God at all.

2. How do I have faith in Jesus Christ?

I believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah foretold in Jewish tradition. Many Jewish people today still seek a messiah's return. Me personally I look at old testament scriptures, and the overwhelming effects that Jesus has had on this world and have no doubt in my mind that Jesus is the Mesiah who was foretold.

I hope you find this helpful in your quest for the truth and personal peace.
2007-11-03 05:22:08 UTC
It is not Simple faith...

It is also not existence of something else.

It is It.

That U R.

As God knows all that thing we do... we need not have to do prayer at the Church or Temple or Mosque rather convert all our place of existence as place of Worship...

Then all our actions should be as good as prayers (not seeking anything from Him just thank Him for making you better person than many)

U yourself can read Bible (old testament) about Jesus and what exactly he said and did.. and contemplate..

you will get the answer...

Do not go by what others interpretations
Delirious Dessert
2007-11-02 19:17:31 UTC
I'm having the same problem you are. I go to a Catholic school but the more time I spend online the more doubts I have. I guess the definition of faith is trust in something you can't see, so if there were proof it wouldn't really be faith. I always just think that there are something like 2 billion Christians in the world, so they can't all be wrong, can they?
2007-11-02 19:14:10 UTC
Well, that's the point of having faith in God. If you can truly believe without seeing, then that IS true faith. You shouldn't question if God is really real or not because the only way to find the answer is to ask yourself and u will know.

Believe in God.
2007-11-02 19:14:17 UTC
I know God exists because the Universe has been designed with such mathematical precision that there has to be an intelligent creator. Just look at the intricate workings of a human cell. It's truly amazing. My faith in Jesus came years later when I started studying God's Word.
2007-11-02 19:13:07 UTC
The best way to deal with your doubt is to find a church that you really like and you want to become involved in. There is nothing wrong struggling with faith. It is far more common than you may think. Keep exposing yourself to people who are strong in their faith, and study the Bible. Even if you don't end up a believer, you will understand Christianity better, and that's a good thing.
2007-11-02 19:29:44 UTC
When a person is born again the Holy Spirit makes that person's spirit which is dead as far as any communication with God alive. In other words the dead spirit is in total darkness but when the Spirit of God enters there is light and you can see. God becomes a living reality to your spirit, but God must give you HIS FAITH to believe. Your faith will not do. This is why it is called the gift of God. You get the Faith to believe from Him. As far as you being worthy to be inside of a building forget it. It is building, the church consists of the true Christians and everyone in the building is not a true Christian. We as humans are created in His image and that makes us valuable to God. Ask God to give you His Faith to believe and you will see Him with the eyes of your spirit because the light will be on and you will no longer be in darkness.
Junk guy
2007-11-02 20:08:29 UTC
Hi sister..

well.. the concept of God's existance has always been argued.. and those who believe He exists see his beauty in everything and those who dont have some way to argue out of it..

Here's the best explanation i have found..

Man is a complex creation.. and so are animals and plants..

Science has figured out a lot about man, animals etc.. but so many questions still reamail unanswered.

And the to believe that Man just popped out of a monkey or poff.. a big bang jst happened and everything fell into proper place is just very hard to believe.. that all the planets fell into their ortbits and so on.. Something bigger had a role to play..

something supreme.. something that created all things..

A CREATOR.. that created the creation(us and everything around us) with a purpose..

As for jesus's existance.. and the crucification.. and the concept of Trinity..

Im sorry to say.. Trinity makes no sense whatsoever.. that God has a son and no wife or daughter.. and all..

and that Jesus died to wash away our sins.. is also kinda confusing..

We are and will be accountable for our deeds..

God does exist.. But He is only ONE.. no sons no daughters.. no wives..

He is self sufficient.. and we r all dependent on Him..

there is none comparable to Him.. He is the creator..

Ur confusion is something i went thru too.. and so did many pople i know..

U need guidance and I pray that May God guide u too

Nothing has explained me better than the Quran and Islam..

It has a detailed account of Jesus and his purpose too..

Pray in the silence of the night and ask God for Guidance..

cry to ur Lord..

He loves you and will help you..

here r some links to help u in ur path..

and u r always welcome to contact me anytime.

I am only showing u a path with answers Guaranteed..

Its upto u to ponder over what i have said..
2007-11-02 19:49:15 UTC
Almost all religions give a false image about their faith, etc etc. It is not real - people exercise their imagination to believe in a God that does not exist.

The real spiritual teachings - is about praying to your own spirit. To be aware of the spirit within you - to connect with that.

Religion operates on the principle of taking away the power of the individual, for themselves - by using myths (which are largely false) which effectively enslave the believers... sadly this is more true than false.

The majority of the world remain unconvinced - and are non-believers - these far outweight all the believers in every religion. And always have. They are of course the silent majority - who don't attend church, etc etc.

The silent majority have no power - no spokesperson, etc.

They are not interested in power for themselves - however religious insitutitions are --- they are there solely for the control and manipulation of the public, through their false teachings and false myths, etc.. Sad and shocking...
Becca R
2007-11-02 19:17:41 UTC
well, what do you think faith means? i think the whole point is to be able to believe in something without proof. it just gives a little more to life. and it doesn't necessarily mean religion. try spirituality. accept "God" as you understand it/him/her, not just what you were told. i was raised Lutheran - Missouri synod. But i would almost bet money that the "God" i believe in isn't the same "God" my mom believes in. I don't mean that there are hundreds of "Gods" (or, maybe there are,), just that everyone's perception of "God" is likely different. I also believe that questioning your own faith is a healthy part of accepting your own spirituality. Hope that helps. :D
2007-11-02 19:16:42 UTC
Forget about God and Jesus.....Just try to have faith that there is a higher power out there.

Having FAITH in a higher power will give you the peace you need and it is a great first step. You may stay at that first step forever and that is fine.

I am very proud of you for questioning and asking yourself questions about God and religion. This is normal and shows that you are a thinking person. Keep questioning and asking and you will see that your ideas and beliefs will change over time.

Don't worry about "accepting Jesus or ending up in hell." I don't believe in this and I don't think a loving god would require this of anybody.

Maybe you should explore other religions. Look into Judaism, Buddhism.

Good luck on your journey!
2007-11-02 19:52:54 UTC
I have been a follower of Christ for 35 years and I have to have faith everyday. Life has lots of challenges everyday and without Jesus I would not be here today guaranteed. I would have put a gun to my head a long time ago because it has been a very difficult life but I am sure there are those out there who have had it way worse than me.

Perhaps you will have a little more faith after you read my story. I was diagnosed with MS in January 1995 and was confined to a wheelchair and lost most of my vision due to optic nerve issues and had no peripheral vision. I also lost much of the feeling in my face and had zero tendon or other reflexes all over my body. I had a migraine headache that lasted for 46 days and was taking 1500 mg of Lortab every 4 hours just to take the edge off because migraine medication would not work. I could hear everything even people walking around with socks on in our home. I had a wife and two young sons 4 and 6 and originally I was scared to death for them. My dad died young and I know MS can give you a very short life span. I did not want them to be afraid yet I know they were. My youngest son would sit with me in my wheelchair all day except when he needed to eat or use the restroom. He never left my side. It was such a comfort for both of us. It would be so hard at night to hear them pray and I would have to do everything I could to not cry because they would pray every night for Jesus to heal their daddy. It was SO hard! I remember praying one night alone and telling the Lord that if this is what You want from me than it's ok. I accept it and am ready to do whatever you want me to do. In other words I released myself and my family to Him and His will for us. I was working for UPS in management at the time and I went back to work for a few hours a day a few days a week and people could not understand how I could be ok the way things were. My doctors told me that this was the way it would be and I would need to make some modifications at home to the house and drastically alter our lifestyle. Anyway I will get to my point. February 12, 1995 at 1130 AM while I was in church and the message was being given I heard the Lord say to me in my spirit " I am finished and you are healed" Immediately my legs started to twitch and jump. I could not believe my eyes. it was like an out of body experience and I was watching myself from a distance I wrote a note to my wife on the church bulletin and told her and she asked me if I could see. (I could only see very large letters and they were very blurry at best) and our friends son was sitting next to her and had his Bible open to Proverbs 5 and 6 and I could read the tiny print. I wanted to just get up and run but I didn't. At the end of the service the pastor had everyone kneel and we sang "praise the name of Jesus" and I stood up, through my hands in the air and cried like I have never cried before or since. I am a living, walking miracle. The healing was complete. I had zero signs of MS (proven by MRI) and I had ZERO withdrawl issues and never took another Lortab after the moment I was healed. I run 3 miles every other day. I am 41 now and have had and still have excellent health. I have been checked out by my numerous doctors who were completely stunned. My story was featured on our local news here in Central California.

I am here to tell you Jesus Christ is real. He is alive and still performing miracles today.

I am also here to tell you that He has a plan for your life. Keep searching Him out. You WILL find Him because He wants to you to know His love.

Faith is believing in things not seen. God is real. I am proof!
2007-11-02 19:18:46 UTC
The major struggle people have with religion is believing in the unseen. Have you ever seen a billion dollars? No, but you know it exists. Now, I am only 13, so you probably won't trust me on this, but believing is definitely a dominant occurrence in religion. To be forgiven, you must believe. All my blessings you, and I hope you find the answers your looking for.

ps. Ignore the rude comments, it always happens to me.
2007-11-02 19:17:36 UTC
Jesus said to Thomas:

Blessed is he who hasn't seen Me and yet believes.

Hebrews 11:6

Without faith it is impossible to please, but you must believe that He is, and He is a rewarder for those who diligently seek Him.

Diligently can mean relentless. If you are relentless on seeking Him, He will make Himself known.

faith is confidence. Jesus said repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.

repent - turn from any evil ways

confess your sins (or anything against God) to Him. He is faithful and just to forgive you.

Acknowledge Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Ask the Holy Spirit in your heart.

Read the Bible daily.

Ask to be accountable to another mature Christian.
2007-11-02 19:16:19 UTC
every true Christian always has doubts and thats totally normal that you have doubts. you're right it all comes down to faith, and if you really need you should pray and tell god to help you through your time of doubt and help you through this phase. usually when people go through this phase they come out way stronger than before, maybe something else that might help you is going to some fun Christian event, like one that i'm going to is called the revolve tour, you probably wont have enough time to sign up because its next Friday, but if you go to church go to your church pastor and ask him to give you a list of some fun youth activities that they have through your church.

I hope i helped and i hope you find the loop hole! :]
2007-11-06 00:37:50 UTC
I just don't believe

first because I believe the things I can see

and also because I just believe in human beings

god is not part of my life, I don't need him to feel comfortable and I never need him when I am in trouble.

""the undeniable peace that true Christians seem to have""

atheist have also this peace

I believe in me and that's all, if something is wrong ... then you are the only one that can make things change.

that was my point of view
live and let live
2007-11-02 19:15:38 UTC
Have you been to the moon to know that man walked on the moon.Have you been to space to know man has gone to space. How do you believe all this that you read in the news when you have not done it or seen it. The same way the apostles lived with christ during his time on earth and they have written the scriptures and we believe what they have. Do you believe you have great grand parents, but you have not seen them cause they are dead, and your parents tell you about them. Do you believe you had grandparents, but they are dead, and you have not seen them.Please understand the logic.
Phoenix Souvenir
2007-11-02 19:33:09 UTC
I was in a relationship with someone that was, truthfully, much more attractive than I was (I'm sure you've seen a couple like that). She would say she loved and do very loving things, but it was a struggle for me to believe she actually, truely felt for me as much as she said she did. And likewise, my feelings for her were in constant vacillation: was I in love with her looks or her as a person? I later realized, after the relationship ended, that there was no real way to know for sure. All I had to do was believe; and fight the constant internal struggles of my insecurities and the external mores of our society that said "it's impossible for a girl like that to be with a guy like you"; when the truth was, in fact, right in front of my eyes.

The same is with our faith in God. It's a constant almost endless struggle against our sinful nature that tells us we are and know everything, that we are gods ourselves. And the battle we fight against our society that seeks to strengthen the physical aspects of our being while weakening our spiritual, greater, aspects of our being which is the source of our faith.

Just know that you truly want to believe in God because you know you should, then your faith is right in front of your eyes.(^_^)
2007-11-02 19:18:16 UTC
Find Him in the experiences you go through in life. Find Him in everything you see in life. It doesn't matter if it is good or bad. Imagine yourself alone in a world, with no one around. What would matter to you? I found him through leaving my family for a long time, and being alone in another country as if I was meant to be there. You will find Him as long as you keep searching for Him. Are we really that pathetic that we need Him to send us Jesus, His only Son, to find out? And still.... we can't. I don't mean to offend you, I have troubles too in my life and probably still will. Everyone does.
2007-11-02 19:13:55 UTC
To have faith in Jesus is to believe he is real, not be with doubt. I have faith in Jesus and God because I know they exist and are with me every step of the way.
2007-11-02 19:24:26 UTC
my Savior does not need to be put in front of my eyes to be in my soul. he is the reason for life, for love, for hope. his Word shall be followed and spoken through the Church until Judgement Day. you must believe to have everlasting life with God. FAITH - means that you truly believe without sight alone. we are all God's children and must obey him to be successful in life. this shall be my vocation to the Lord. Amen.
2007-11-02 19:20:44 UTC
U can have faith like this. Imagine someone is blind from birth, okay. so this person is told of colors yet they have never seen the color blue but they are alwayz hear ing of this BLUE. They have 2 choices they can be short visioned and continue being stubborn or they can accept that fact and realise the one who told them of this knows a lil bit more then them...
2007-11-02 19:18:59 UTC
I know that God exist because I have a personal walk

with God,,he live,s in my heart and hid Holy Spirit

tell,s me what right and wrong and heal,s my broken heart

so I can easily believe because I know he,s real.
2007-11-02 19:16:36 UTC
well i dont.

i believe in peace of mind, fear not what others think of you, only what you think of yourself.

i believe in truth, never lie, do not cheat, stealing is intolerable, It is better for people to hate you for who you are, than to be loved for who your not.

knowledge is power, strength is life, and speed is how quickly one can get the things done before life is over

i believe in love.

you can only ruin your own life.

There is no such thing as ruining somone elses day, if somones whole day is ruined, that is just how long it takes them to recover from an incident.

you shouldnt live in fear, that only causes your own trouble, if you fear god you may die in fear.

If there is a god, and he is judging you, he wont judge on what you believe but rather how you live your life, not everyone should be aloud in heavan, only those with true heart and a kind soul.
2007-11-03 07:14:20 UTC
Jesus is not God...

christianity is the biggest hoax in history..

Jesus was just a prophet if at all he existed...

who wanted to see a better world..

all stories were constructed well after his death..
Dirk Johnson
2007-11-02 19:13:06 UTC
How do you have faith you're gonna wake up in the morning? Or do you plan a mock funeral every night? You have faith you're gonna wake up and we have faith God exists. Same principle.
2007-11-02 19:16:56 UTC
just look around you, what god gave us, all the beauty of mtn. and special places, rivers oceans the stars in the sky. and look what happens, when he get's mad. floods, earthquakes,tsumanis,the awful fires in the south, the drought in the so. states. katrina, look around and pay attention, if you believe in god, then you don't question what he dose ever, because there is a reason for every thing
2007-11-02 19:13:49 UTC
I agree with you.. I do...

But the religious wars that have been going on for centuries will not be resolved on Yahoo Answers and few believers will not read your text and admit to themselves that what they believe in is a fraud. It is hard for the human mind to accept that long engraved personal perceptions may be false.

Most people are just too weak mentally to challenge themselves.
2007-11-02 20:31:14 UTC
The True God's Qualities

Just knowing someone's name, of course, does not mean that we know him or her in any depth. The majority of us know the names of leading politicians. Even prominent men and women in other countries may have names that are well-known to us. But simply knowing their names—even how to pronounce them correctly—does not in itself mean that we know these people personally or know what kind of people they are. Similarly, to know the only true God, we need to get to know and admire his qualities.

Though it is true that humans will never be able to see the true God, he has kindly had recorded for us in the Bible many details about his personality. (Exodus 33:20; John 1:18) Certain Hebrew prophets were given inspired visions of Almighty God's heavenly courts. What they describe portrays not only great dignity and awesome majesty and power but also serenity, order, beauty, and pleasantness.—Exodus 24:9-11; Isaiah 6:1; Ezekiel 1:26-28; Daniel 7:9; Revelation 4:1-3.

Jehovah God outlined some of his attractive and appealing qualities to Moses, as recorded at Exodus 34:6, 7: "Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth, preserving loving-kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin." Don't you agree that getting to know about these qualities of God draws us to him and makes us want to know more about him as a person?

While no human will ever be able to see Jehovah God in his resplendent glory, it is recorded that when Jesus Christ was a man on earth, he actually reflected the type of person that Jehovah God, his heavenly Father, is. On one occasion Jesus said: "The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he beholds the Father doing. For whatever things that One does, these things the Son also does in like manner."—John 5:19.

So we can deduce from this that Jesus' kindness, compassion, mildness, and warmth as well as his strong love for righteousness and hatred of wickedness are all qualities that Jesus observed in his Father, Jehovah God, while Jesus was with him in the heavenly courts before becoming a man on earth. Thus, when we truly come to know with understanding the full meaning of the name Jehovah, we surely have every reason to love and bless that sacred name, to praise and exalt it, and to trust in it.

Getting to know the only true God in this way is really a never-ending process, as is brought out clearly in the rendering of John 17:3 in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Here the correct tense of the verb "to know" helps greatly, for the present continuous tense is used rather than the simple present tense. Hence, we read: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." Yes, continuing to take in knowledge of the only true God, Jehovah, and of his Son, Jesus Christ, is a process that should never end.

Does God Exist?

Some Scientists Answer

PHYSICS professor Ulrich J. Becker, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stated when commenting on the existence of God: "How can I exist without a creator? I am not aware of any compelling answer ever given."

Did this contradict his scientific views? The professor's thought-provoking answer was, "If you discovered how one wheel in the 'clock' turns—you may speculate how the rest move, but you are not entitled to call this scientific and better leave alone the question of who wound up the spring."

Contrary to the opinion of some, many respected men of science do not rule out the idea of there being a God—a Great Mastermind behind the creation of the universe and man.

Consider two more examples on this point. When mathematics professor John E. Fornaess, of Princeton University, was asked for his thoughts on the existence of God, he replied: "I believe that there is a God and that God brings structure to the universe on all levels from elementary particles to living beings to superclusters of galaxies."

Physics professor Henry Margenau, of Yale University, said that he was convinced that the laws of nature were created by God, adding: "God created the universe out of nothing in an act which also brought time into existence." He then noted that in the book The Mystery of Life's Origin, three scientists explain that a Creator is a plausible explanation for life's origin. Supporting this view, astronomer Fred Hoyle has stated that believing the first cell originated by chance is like believing that a tornado ripping through a junkyard full of Boeing 747 airplane parts dismembered and in disarray could produce a 747.

To these answers can be added the words of the Bible writer Paul: "[God's] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship."—Romans 1:20.

"If you discovered how one wheel in the 'clock' turns—you may speculate how the rest move, but you . . . better leave alone the question of who wound up the spring"
Fish <><
2007-11-02 19:13:30 UTC
I know God exists because I put my trust in Him and let Him guide me. I can know His will and know what He wants me to do.
2007-11-02 19:12:55 UTC
You are this close " " to having the faith that you want. Simply ask God and He will give it to you.
2007-11-02 19:12:06 UTC
The church teaches blind faith. The Bible teaches accurate knowledge to build faith on.
Holy Holly
2007-11-02 19:13:11 UTC
I don't think someone can tell you how to accept something as truth in your life. Something would just have to open your eyes, like seeing a pig fly.
2007-11-02 19:20:13 UTC
They take a chance in believing in something supernatural as being real and you can also do the same.

But please do not engage in "crusades" to spread your ideas and belief.
2007-11-02 19:12:14 UTC
Search for God. Search with all your heart.
2007-11-02 19:11:44 UTC
Why do you question someone's faith? I believe He's real.
2007-11-02 19:24:10 UTC
thats why its called FAITH.

you dont have actual proof. its whether or not you believe it
2007-11-02 19:11:29 UTC
2007-11-02 19:12:07 UTC
Ask yourself, "I don't see the wind, but I know there is wind." Put that into the terminology of your topic. "I don't see God, but I know that he is there watching over me."
2007-11-02 19:11:33 UTC
Called guts and dignity and.. uh... religion.
2007-11-02 19:13:48 UTC



2007-11-02 19:14:36 UTC
omGOD woman

Just spend the rest of your crummy life wondering about this and that and when I see you in hell, your question, will be answered.
2007-11-02 19:16:45 UTC
Vedanta -A style of living

Vedanta is the concluding portion of the Vedas. Vedanta is the essence of the

Vedas. The Upanishads are rightly called the Vedanta. The goal of the man is the

realization of Supreme .Self realization alone can dispel ignorance and bestow

immortality, eternal bliss, and ever lasting peace. Knowledge of Supreme alone

can remove all sorrows, delusion, and pain.

Vedanta upholds the reality of the indivisible, immanent and transcendent

spirit. It does not exclude matter. It does not exclude anything .The oneness of

all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. It has kept Indian society

alive for the last several thousand of years.

Vedanta is the only bold philosophy which dares call man god, not merely the

son of god, or his servant. It proclaims with emphasis that you are the

immortal, All pervading Atman, the universal soul, or Supreme Brahman in essence

in reality,. Boldness is the keynotes of Vedanta. The message of Vedanta is

fearlessness, Soul force and unity of consciousness.

Vedanta does not ask for converts or proselytes, but a deeper reassessment of

the divine- human equation, a return to the fundamental question of every being:

“what am I really? What is my real self?” Vedanta proclaims: “Man, in essence,

is identical with the supreme Being”.

Vedanta denotes one’s identity with the best of humanity. According to

Vedanta, there is no stranger in this world

Every one is related to one another in the kinship of the spirit. In Vedanta ,

there is no mine and for me; but ours and for us; and ultimately, His Or for Him

.If the Vedanta philosophy is rightly understood and acted up to, then it will

obliterate all evils that emanates from factional and racial prejudices.

Vedanta is no creed, no ceremony or form of worship. It is the science of right

living. It is not the sole monopoly of the Indians or the recluses. It is for


Vedanta has no quarrel with any religion whatsoever. It preaches universal

principles .Vedanta encloses within its sphere all the religions of the world

and is strong enough to make them all useful and enduring. Vedanta never

interferes with forms .It concern itself solely with the life of religions. The

Christian need not renounce his Christianity, The Buddhist may stick to his

Noble eight fold path, The Mohammedan may stick to his Koran and yet all these

may follow the Vedanta and realize in practice all its high ideals and truths.

Their love to their respective prophets and Bibles will become more sober, more

enlightened, and more enduring. Religious animosity will vanish and the world

will move. Religious animosity will vanish and the world will move on to its

great end without any friction, with greater dignity and more goodwill among its


Vedanta means no slavery. It gives freedom to all. It never condemns any man

as beyond hope, never looks upon anyone as accused, but takes all mankind its

fold. Vedanta is extremely catholic and liberal in its outlook. Vedanta can

offer to the modern society a common faith, a common body of principles, and

common moral principles. It is highly scientific in outlook and has a real

appeal to men and women today.

It is Vedanta alone that can eradicate totally human sufferings and can bring

ever lasting peace and happiness. Even a little understanding and a little

practice of Vedanta can raise a man to magnanimous heights of Brahman hood or

God- consciousness and remove all sorts of fears, worries and anxieties of this

mundane life.

What is present in smallest of the smallest (in atoms), and what is present in biggest of the biggest ,(in the universe) and the as life principle in the living things, it is from the beginning and now and for ever, apart from this nothing exists. Upanishad gives definition like this. One can see pure science in this explanation: the revolution of electrons and spinning of the nuclei in atoms, the rotation and revolution of earth, the solar system, the galaxy and so on are all guided from within the system and this force which gives energy and guidance for their movement is known as supreme(Brahman) . It is the same energy manifested as (jeevathma ) bio chemical energy in living being which controls the heart, lungs, the liver, the blood circulation, the sensory organs, the functional organs, etc. in animals.

It is said that there are two states of Supreme (Brahman)

The extreme active state in observation known as saguna and inactive state in observation as nirguna supreme the two states are complimentary and never contradictory. In an atom ,the electrons are revolving at a fantastic speed /velocity but the materials which are composed by this atoms are seen in nirguna (without rotating or spinning). The earth rotates and revolves at a high speed (saguna state) but people living in this globe earth do not feel the speed(nirguna state in observation) . Our heart/liver/ lungs/ each and every tissue functions/work for 24 hrs (in saguna state), but the body does not feel that (particularly when sleeping) such a series of biochemical processes are going on inside(nirguna state)

Worship means understanding of this ultimate so that human being can behave or follow virtues in tune with this law of the universe

But this principle to be remembered always that is called prayer.

Because the same omnipotent ,omnipresent is only exiting in nature , Aham Brahma asmi- ( I am that divine power) thath thwam asi ( You are also the same divine power). It is also as life force hence ayam athma brahma ( this life force/energy is Brahman) and it is manifested as the inherent intrinsic consciousness and awareness, hence Prajanam Brahma ( that glorious knowledge is Bhahman)

They should act what they have to do in their own position in this world without any reward or result

As we learn the laws that govern our welfare are identical with cosmic law, we rebel no longer and the chief cause our turbulence is removed.. The trained mathematician does not try to work out his problem contrary to the rules of the mathematics; a chemist in his experiments does not petulantly disobey the laws of chemistry. No true scientist puts himself in rivalry with the universe, nor does he defy it; he cooperates with it. If we will make the universe our ally and confirm to its larger law, instead of living and acting and acting in obedience to the lesser law of our individual will, the whole universe will sustain us under attack and we shall develop a habit of serenity which cannot be broken
2007-11-02 19:16:32 UTC
This should be your ultimate answer;
BOB Barkers
2007-11-02 19:11:49 UTC
Just flip a coin
2007-11-02 19:21:34 UTC
I understand where you are coming from. It's hard to believe in something you can't see.

*** w61 7/15 pp. 421-423 Faith in Faith-Is That Your Faith? ***

Faith in Faith-Is That Your Faith?

Faith is important, but faith in what? In itself, or in God and his Word the Bible?

HAVE you ever heard the statement or perhaps made it yourself: "What a man believes is not important just so long as he believes"? If so, did you know that that is the very teaching of certain leading Oriental religions? Yes, they hold that doctrine or teaching is not important but that religion of itself, any religion, is a good thing.

Commenting on this current trend, a feature writer in the American monthly Cosmopolitan once stated: "We have evolved a strange sort of religious utterance, what sociologist Will Herberg calls 'faith in faith.'" Then calling attention to the ones that testified on the radio program "This I Believe," and in the book by the same name, he goes on to observe that "few if any say what they believe, but everyone is heartily in favor of believing. The closest they get to a concrete statement is reflected by such remarks as 'I believe in people, in sheer unadulterated humanity.' Others make statements like 'I take heart in the promising fact that the world contains food supplies sufficient for the entire population.' Others affirm their devotion to . . . 'The Great Whatever,' otherwise referred to as that Power, that Presence, that Supreme Being, that Life Force, that Great Artist, whom some call Nature and some call Inspiration and some call God."

But faith in faith is no faith! Faith can no more rest in or upon faith than we can walk upon our feet or a tub can rest upon its own bottom if there is nothing else beneath them. Faith in faith is merely a matter of feeling, a habit, an emotional state. It is a close cousin to credulity and superstition. Neither faith in faith nor credulity nor superstition depends upon the existence of facts or the exercise of reason. But genuine faith does. That is why the apostle Paul stated that knowledge must precede faith: "However, how will they call upon him in whom they have not put faith? How, in turn, will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard? . . . So faith follows the report. In turn, the report is through the word about Christ."-Rom. 10:14, 17.


Thus we take our very first step of faith when we take note of the facts of the infinite universe, its design and order, its power and beauty and then reason upon this evidence. Doing so, we come to the inescapable conclusion that God's "invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are understood by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable" in their denial of the existence of the Creator, Jehovah God.-Rom. 1:20.

But God does not expect us to rest our faith solely in what his visible creation, called "Nature," reveals regarding him. Nature cannot tell us why we are here or what our destiny will be. Neither can it enlighten us as to God's name or regarding his justice, mercy and love. Knowledge regarding these may be said to be even more essential to our faith, and therefore God provided us with a written Book, the Bible. To be pleasing to God we must believe not only that he exists but also that he "becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him." We earnestly seek God when we study his Word and try to bring our lives in line with its righteous principles.-Heb. 11:6.

In the New World Translation of the Bible the very first reference to faith shows that Abraham exercised faith. In what? In faith? No, but faith in God, in what God promised to do for Abraham. God promised, and Abraham acted on that promise. Why? Because he had knowledge; he knew that God was dependable and possessed the means for making good his promises, even to the raising of Isaac from the dead if need be. That was faith, and for it Abraham was called "the father of all those having faith," as well as being given the promise that "by means of your seed all nations of the earth will certainly bless themselves."-Gen. 15:6; Heb. 11:17-19; Rom. 4:11; Gen. 22:18.

So also with us. We must have knowledge as a basis for our faith. Would we think of paying out money in exchange for a check made out by a stranger wholly unknown and even unseen by us? Of course not! We would require some information about him before we would put our faith in him to the extent of cashing his check. Even so we cannot truly exercise faith in Jehovah God unless we "know" him.

A study of God's Word not only gives us a sound basis for faith in him and in his promises but it also weans us away from putting faith in feeble, imperfect man. As the psalmist counsels: "Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs." Why not? Because "his spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground, in that day his thoughts do perish." Likewise it is folly to put faith in material goods. Not only do riches 'make wings for themselves and fly away like an eagle,' but in the day of God's fury, so near at hand, such "valuable things will be of no benefit." However, those who put their faith in God and in his Son-King, Jesus Christ, "will by no means come to disappointment."-Ps. 146:3, 4; Prov. 23:4, 5; 11:4; 1 Pet. 2:6.

Regarding faith Paul tells us that it is "the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." Note that faith is not reflexive, not faith in faith, but that it goes out, to persons and things. It is convinced of things even though they are unseen; either because the object of one's faith is spirit and therefore invisible, or because the things in which one has faith still lie in the future. We might therefore say that faith extends vertically, into the heavens, where it sees Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and the myriads of other spirit creatures in the heavens; and that it extends horizontally, backward to the beginning of creation and forward to the fulfillment of God's promises in the far-distant future; namely, the complete vindication of God's name and the full realization of his purposes regarding the earth and man. And faith itself, says the apostle Paul, is the evident demonstration of these things.-Heb. 11:1.


God's Word gives us sound basis for our faith by revealing to us God's name, Jehovah, and what his cardinal qualities or attributes are: power, wisdom, justice and love. And not only does his Word tell us that God has these qualities, but it tells us of his dealings with his creatures wherein he continually demonstrated these attributes so that we may have full confidence in him.-Ps. 62:11; 89:14; Prov. 2:6; 1 John 4:8.

Showing that we must also have faith in God's Son, Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." And again, "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."-John 3:16; 17:3.

And since faith is also "the assured expectation of things hoped for," it follows that we must also have knowledge of what are the things we may and should hope for. Again, God's Word provides us with the needed knowledge. It assures us that paradisaic conditions will be restored to this earth, and that on a world-wide scale, and that this restoration work can be expected to begin within the present generation. Then no one will "do any harm or cause any ruin . . . because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea." All mankind will be united in the worship of the one true God, Jehovah. Then also God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more." Then truly all things will be made new.-Isa. 11:9; Rev. 21:4, 5.

Yes, we have not only God's book of nature to tell us about God but his written Word, the Bible, so that we may have a solid basis for our faith, as did the Bereans of old, who carefully examined the Scriptures daily to see whether the things brought to them in the name of Christianity were indeed supported by God's Word or not. That is why the apostle Paul wrote Timothy: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." Obviously, in this Scriptural testimony there is no room for a religion of mere feeling or for a faith based on the mental attitude of faith.-Acts 17:11; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17.


The folly of a faith based on faith is to be clearly seen in Christendom and this is especially true of the United States: never so much profession of religion and yet never so little evidence of Christianity in the lives of the people.

Would you have a real live faith that is built on a solid foundation and that will help you to bring forth the fruits that will win you God's approval and blessing? Then take in knowledge of God's Word, study it with the aids that God has providentially made available. Act upon that knowledge as did the wise man who built his house upon a rock-mass. Bring your life in line with God's righteous requirements. Associate with those who are of this same frame of mind, and then, as you have opportunity, tell others about the things you have learned. Doing so, you will prove that you have a live faith; and, remember, "he that does the will of God remains forever."-1 John 2:17.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.