Well I've worn an angel costume and that doesn't make me one.
2008-02-26 15:37:21 UTC
Since his father was born into a Muslim family, why would this be some big shocker to you? He visited Muslim dignitaries, he dressed appropriately for the occasion.
What do you think of Hillary wearing a head covering?
I'm amazed at how much people fear those who are different from themselves.
Obama himself explains that he was not raised Muslim. But you know what? Who cares if he was?!?
Islam is a wonderful religion.
And I'm a little tired of the white Christian guy in the white house thing.
Stupid barriers.
2008-02-26 14:42:49 UTC
Ha ha ha. You are so clever. Looks like a Muslim? Muslim is a religion not an ethnicity. What does a Christian look like? Both Christianity and Islam claim over a billion followers of all different ethnicities. Wears Muslim attire? Yeah, that is the new slur. On a trip to an African nation he wore "muslim attire" out of respect for local customs. Bush, Clinton, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell have all done this.
Do you understand that at the end of the day, you folks are the ones who look bad not Obama? Why can't you engage him on issues of substance? Is this the best you can do?
2008-02-26 14:43:49 UTC
"All that the USA stands for"? How is voting for a person of a different religion than yours throwing away all that the USA stands for, exactly? Last time I checked, there is a little something called "Separation of Church and State" and a system of built in checks and balances in our government. What this means is that if a president or someone else in power is doing something considered unconstitutional, like trying to run the country as a theocracy based on their own personal religious beliefs, there is a system built in to stop them from doing this. If you would pick up a book other than the bible or read the constitution, you would know how this works and would be more likely to use your brain to vote on the real issues, not on some stupid religious affiliation.
2008-02-26 14:59:54 UTC
Saw that article in the times (London) did you actually read it, any of you who are anti Obama?
He was dressed as a Somali elder its a thing politicians (sensitive ones anyway) do when they wish to show respect to another culture.
Our own politicians regularly do this some time ago prince Charles put on a skullcap when visiting a synagogue , Harriet Harman regularly wears a ha-jib if she goes to a mosque. IT DOESN'T MAKE HER A MUSLIM.
And so what if he was? what happened to the land of tolerance and freedom? its in your constitution. One nation under god. It does not say which one.
Stop spreading the hate, open your eyes and see what a great opportunity this is for your nation.
In fact Julia your not really Jon McCain are you, cause I can see your redneck from here. I
2008-02-26 15:28:19 UTC
How in the heck can somebody look like a Muslim??? There are black muslims, white muslims, asian muslims, muslims from India, etc etc etc. How can somebody have the name of a Muslim? I know a muslim with the last name Smith, one with the last name Johnson, and another with the last name Cooper. And what clothing does Barack Obama wear that makes him "dress like a muslim"?
Maria G
2008-02-27 15:42:59 UTC
So what if he was to be a MUSLIM? That would not take away his preparation to become a President, that would not take away his studies, his accomplishments, his initiative to guide this great nation.....Do you even life at the United States? What is it to you if h e is or is not a MUSLIM? At least we know that his IQ is higher than some one that keeps on attacking the MUSLIMS.
freedom fighter
2008-02-26 17:01:33 UTC
does it really matter. his father was muslim but i don't believe he was a practicing one since most muslim men tend to marry muslim women and not christians. he probably wanted to honor his ancestors with his child's name like most people do in this or any other country. not to mention that not all muslims are terrorists. you talk a/b the muslims as if our on govt isn't the biggest terrorist in the history of this country. this is blantant racism and religious persucution all rolled into one. i'm not an obama suporrter but this is just so ridiculous to even me.
Will the shameful photographs of Democrats wearing “race clothing” ever end?
Probably not! Here’s a picture of Hillary wearing the traditional Muslim wife’s “hijab,” which is just one letter away from “jihad.” What terrible opponent is leaking this smear photo on the Internets? The William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library, that’s who! Join us for more shameful pictures of the Clintons in various costumes, after the jump.
2008-02-26 14:41:56 UTC
USA is not about white people taking over the land. USA should be about accepting people as a whole no matter what you are, what you wear, or what religion you are. after all it is a mix-racial country. USA is the land of the free and land of opportunity. Obama seems like a really smart and intelligent guy. the only thing that matters is if he has the ability to take care of our country
and stop putting muslims down, is that all you do? you are one sad individual, spending all this energy on hating.
2008-02-26 14:47:42 UTC
Well, if he is voted in then the citizens of the US have spoken, and they say that they don't think it is significant, duh!
Religious affiliations shouln't effect politics and how can someone "LOOK" like a religion? You are really annoying.
Just because you believe a picture is representative of someone, doesn't mean we all do. Know one believes your avatar is you, so get over it.
2008-02-26 15:34:50 UTC
You look like an idiot, you question like an idiot could it be
that you are?
He has belonged to the same Christian church for the last twenty years, he was dressed in this way, as already stated, as a sign of respect, a word missing from your vocabulary.
2008-02-26 14:47:45 UTC
Did you read the article or did you just feast upon the photo and become enraged?
Obama is not a Muslim.
2008-02-26 15:27:23 UTC
Julia ran out of material in the UK, now she is broadcasting from USA, hahahaha
She is really sick
sulaimaan ibn ya'quub
2008-02-26 14:51:43 UTC
even if obama is a muslim, he can't trash things any worse than the christian men that have been president before him...including the jacka$$ in the white house now! except bill clinton, he was kool' as hell!!!
2008-02-26 14:43:31 UTC
Why do people keep peddling these lies?
Because they hate people of color?
Because the country contains so many simpletons that will believe this?
Because Republicans are desperate to keep emptying our treasury into the pockets of the corporations they are whoring for?
All of the above?
2008-02-26 14:44:07 UTC
No I do not and I am not.THis will be my first time to ever vote for a republican for President. THe last time I wrote in a name, but with the new voting machines, I can't do that, I think. That is my stand and I will stand by it. I can think of at least 57 others that will not vote for him either.( just the ones I've spoken to about it).
Run James Run: SMF
2008-02-26 14:41:22 UTC
If that pic proves Obama is a Muslim then this picture proves John McCain and George Bush have gay sex: