What do you think of Scientology, and what do you think of people who believe in it ?
2008-08-15 19:36:17 UTC

Well i think its a cult, who needs to be stopped
Seventeen answers:
2008-08-15 19:47:46 UTC
Not much and really dumb.

Its a business, founded to make money and some accountant suggested that the founder would make more money if he did not have to pay taxes, so they called it a religion instead of a business.
Theta Works
2008-08-16 15:20:38 UTC
It works. It helps people. Scientologists are the most trustworthy and honest people I've ever met in my 37 years as a Scientologist.

Scientology helps the able become more able. We don't accept the insane or criminals or those who have made public attacks on Scientology. We help those who want help.

Because you have "bought" the propaganda, it must have satisfied some confirmation bias you already had or you're just a troll trying to make a statement in the form of a "question".

"What Is A Troll?

The term derives from "trolling", a style of fishing which involves trailing bait through a likely spot hoping for a bite. The troll posts a question that is intended to upset, disrupt or simply insult the group.

Usually, it will fail, as the troll rarely bothers to match the tone or style of the group, and usually its ignorance shows.

Why do trolls do it?

I believe that most trolls are sad people, living their lonely lives vicariously through those they see as strong and successful.

Disrupting a stable newsgroup gives the illusion of power, just as for a few, stalking a strong person allows them to think they are strong, too.

For trolls, any response is 'recognition'; they are unable to distinguish between irritation and admiration; their ego grows directly in proportion to the response, regardless of the form or content of that response.

Trolls, rather surprisingly, dispute this, claiming that it's a game or joke; this merely confirms the diagnosis; how sad do you have to be to find such mind-numbingly trivial timewasting to be funny?

Remember that trolls are cowards; they'll usually post just enough to get an argument going, then sit back and count the responses (Yes, that's what they do!).

How can troll posts be recognised?

No Imagination - Most are frighteningly obvious; sexist comments on nurses' groups, blasphemy on religious groups .. I kid you not.

Pedantic in the Extreme - Many trolls' preparation is so thorough, that while they waste time, they appear so ludicrous from the start that they elicit sympathetic mail - the danger is that once the group takes sides, the damage is done.

False Identity - Because they are cowards, trolls virtually never write over their own name, and often reveal their trolliness (and lack of imagination) in the chosen ID. As so many folk these days use false ID, this is not a strong indicator on its own!

Crossposting - Any post that is crossposted to several groups should be viewed as suspicious, particularly if unrelated or of opposing perspective. Why would someone do that?

Off-topic posting - Often genuine errors, but, if from an 'outsider' they deserve matter-of-fact response; if genuine, a brief apposite response is simply netiquette; if it's a troll post, you have denied it its reward.

Repetition of a question or statement is either a troll - or a pedant; either way, treatment as a troll is effective.

Missing The Point - Trolls rarely answer a direct question - they cannot, if asked to justify their twaddle - so they develop a fine line in missing the point.

Thick or Sad - Trolls are usually sad, lonely folk, with few social skills; they rarely make what most people would consider intelligent conversation. However, they frequently have an obsession with their IQ and feel the need to tell everyone. This is so frequent, that it is diagnostic! Somewhere on the web there must be an Intelligence Test for Trolls - rigged to always say "above 150"

Who is at risk?

Any newsgroup, bulletin board, forum or chatroom can attract trolls, but they don't have the brains to attack nuclear physicists, and they are drawn to the quick response where sex, religion and race are found; so politics is easy prey.

When Should You Be Concerned?

Usually, not, though fractured funny bones and occasional waves of nausea have been reported.

When a troll becomes persistent and personal, you may need to consider the possibility that it has fermented into an Internet Stalker - equally pathetic, if not more so - but sometimes requiring weedkiller.

Trolls - if they had brains, they just might be dangerous!"
Christin K
2008-08-16 02:51:24 UTC
Well, it's totally made up by L. Ron Hubbard. But then, a lot of "religions" are made up. Most pagans I know make up their own, blending mythology and theology from several cultures. Satanism is completely invented as well. Being made up doesn't make a religion bad--but it ought to be taken into consideration that perhaps the person who made it up had their own agenda at the time. Hubbard, for instance, said once that if you 'really wanted to make a killing, (meaning be successful--not murder) then you should start your own religion. Robert A. Heinlein was also responsible for making up a religion that is actually practiced: the Church of All Worlds (CAW) which is the "religion" he invented for his book "Stranger in a Strange Land."

So, that said, what I think about Scientology is that it's pretty much worthless as a faith. It's okay to believe whatever you want, but don't tell other people that they're crazy, or that they have a problem, because they don't believe what you do....and unfortunately, a lot of Scientologists do exactly that--but then, so do a lot of other people who believe in other religions.

It isn't, in my opinion, a religion at all. Still, if it makes you happy, then it works as a belief system. I think it's downright silly myself, but I'm not Tom Cruise--and THAT makes me VERY happy. (So maybe I should start the "religion of not being Tom Cruise?")

I'm pretty tolerant. There's a lot of room for alternative ways of thinking and beliefs, and nothing anyone else believes cuts into my happiness. So I say, let 'em alone and I hope to NotCruise they leave ME alone.
Affinity Warrior
2008-08-16 06:21:32 UTC
Answer from a Scientologist.

I have seen that video and is just propaganda.

For example Lisa McPherson died of a pulmonary embolism caused by a car accident. You can read the facts in Wikipedia.

Pulmonary embolism is the #1 cause of unexpected deaths in U.S. hospitals.

Flag is the Mecca of Scientology and is visited by over 15,000 Scientologist annually. So a couple have drown in the beach, a one died of a heart attack in the shower and got burned with the hot water big deal.

About the kid that killed his mom because "he was negated medication", this is bull. Thousands have been killed and have killed them selves while under the influence of medication. What about that guy just kill dozens in a college campus? Is almost daily news that someone in medication kills someone? So in my opinion Scientology avoidance of Psych meds saves lives. That Perkins kid is just an exception. There is always an exception.

That video is really about religious hatred and bigotry and is reminiscent of Nazi propaganda to marginalize the Jews.

The theme, the eerie music....soo creepy.

You know I can make a similar video of any religion. About all the people that have mysteriously died going to Mecca or the Vatican.

Now that I watch your video why don't you watch a pro Scientology video at and give me your input.

Scientology is a movement for good. Scientologists are involved in all kinds of community improvement programs. The “drug free marshals” promote a drug free life style: The Scientology volunteer minister have helped in every mayor disaster area in the last 5 years: The New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project has helped over 800 9/11 rescue workers to live healthier lives: The way to happiness foundation promotes integrity, ethics and morals. Narconon is the biggest drug rehabilitation network word wide and runs the biggest drug rehabilitation center in the U.S. Criminon work with government agencies to rehabilitate inmates. Applied Scholastics promotes the use of smart study and educational techniques on a failed national educational systems.

Have a good day :-)
2008-08-16 02:41:33 UTC
Scientology was invented by the late, not-so-great science fiction writer, L. Ron Hubbard. It's basically a silly scam that got out of hand. But, what are you going to do to stop it? It's not illegal for people to believe in Scientology.
2008-08-16 02:46:11 UTC
Nice try "salvation blah blah..." but there's no such thing as Fundie Atheism.

I'm kind of on the fence about scientology. One one hand, I totally believe in their ultimate goal which is "a civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights." but on the other hand, I think they're totally insane. It would be nice to think we could live in a world where we define our own way of life and live peacefully, but I don't think any religion can get us there, and certainly not one where you have to be a millionaire to join or accept that you're possessed by an alien.
2008-08-16 02:45:37 UTC
I think it's a cult, and the best way to stop cults is with the truth.
10 minutes late
2008-08-16 02:48:21 UTC
Watch out! The evil master Xenu is coming to get you non-believers! ;)

If backyard Jethro conjured it up and didn't charge for membership, I'd give it more credibility than a published science fiction writer who said religion is a big money maker.
2008-08-16 02:51:22 UTC
your listening to the music to make this determination.a lot of christian people come to the same demize.just because they go to a legitament hospital or syce ward does not mean its not in there crowd.nobody held a gun to there head to join. if you are uncomfordable with other religions.wipe them off the planet.aint that the christian way?
2008-08-16 02:40:54 UTC
Cult but at least they show more intelligence than the Fundie Atheists that hang out in here`
Jade c
2008-08-16 02:41:57 UTC
OMG! you are right, Tom Cruse seems to be brian washed or something! It's scary!
TriciaG28 (Bean na h-Éireann)
2008-08-16 02:40:47 UTC
I agree.

But I also have strong feelings on Christianity's, Islam, Judism etc hold on people too.
2008-08-16 02:42:06 UTC
Crazy people.

And I'm not sure I've ever even seen one of them on here, that speaks volumes.

A thumbs down, does that mean there is on here??
Little Red Hen 2.0
2008-08-16 02:57:13 UTC
Tom. Cruise. Need I say more?
Valєηtiηa ☆
2008-08-16 02:39:53 UTC
Crazy and crazy.
ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2008-08-16 11:50:06 UTC
Scientology happens to be a very dangerous, manipulative, scamming, brainwashing cult. That's not JUST what I think but also what is demonstrably true. There are multitudes of people who have suffered tragic experiences during their involvement with Scientology. Read about them here:

Here are more "bad experiences" with the cult including an illegal plot to infiltrate the government, brainwashing techniques, mind control camps, attacks on critics, and DEATHS caused by Scientology doctrine and members:

● Operation Snow White – Under this official program, Scientology operatives committed infiltration, wiretapping, & theft of documents in government offices. This program constituted the single largest infiltration of the United States government in history. Among the 11 prominent Scientologists convicted of this conspiracy was Mary Sue Hubbard, the wife of Scientology’s “prophet”.

● Operation Freakout - Their campaign of sabotage & intimidation against Paulette Cooper, the writer who published her research & findings on several cults, including Scientology. Scientology’s official plan: to frame Paulette for “bomb threats”, ruin her career & reputation & get her either incarcerated or locked up in psychiatric confinement.

The official plan:

Her book:

More info:

● Fair Game - the Scientology policy detailing how the organization may confront & handle critics & perceived enemies. Here is a direct quote: "Enemies may be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.” Though they claim this policy is no longer in effect, Scientology still goes to great lengths to bully all known critics, opponents, “enemies”, etc, often through malicious litigation & character assassination, even going so far as to falsely accuse them of crimes.

● Physical & psychological punishment - Scientologists who "break the rules" while members of the "Sea Org" must subject themselves to the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF), which includes regimes of harsh physical punishment, forced self-confessions, social isolation, hard labor and intensive ideological indoctrination.'sRehabilitationProjectForce.htm

● Brainwashing & mind control - Scientology exerts control over its members by means of typical cult tactics, including but not limited to controlling information about internal doctrine & criticism of the organization, severely restricting social contact outside the cult (including the practice of “disconnecting” from family, friends & ex-members who question the credibility & trustworthiness of the cult & are therefore considered “suppressive persons” by Scientology), creating an “us against them” mentality by villainizing a specific out-group (for Scientology, it’s psychiatrists), & claiming all those outside the cult are dangerously unenlightened.

● Tax Fraud - One of the only reasons they enjoy "tax exempt status" on religious ground in the United States is because they bullied the IRS into a "deal" through extremely aggressive barratry (which is the offense of persistently instigating groundless lawsuits) against said government agency and its officials, and arranged to drop all 2,500 frivolous lawsuits only when an "agreement" was reached. In addition, Scientology's lawyers hired private investigators to dig up any "dirt" on IRS agents which was then used to blackmail or publicly smear all "vulnerable" agents.

● Violent Kidnapping - Lisa McPherson was a Scientologist, was involved in a car accident & resultantly became mentally unstable. She was kidnapped from the hospital by agents of Scientology, held against her will, refused proper psychiatric treatment & allowed to STARVE TO DEATH.


News Coverage:


● Tragic Murder - A CBS “48 Hours” special on Jeremy Perkins, the mentally disturbed son of Scientologist parents who, because of the Scientology doctrine of opposing psychiatry, refused to put him on the anti-psychotic drugs that would have stabilized him & prevented him from killing his own mother.


CBS article:

2008-08-16 03:16:42 UTC
decievers and deceived!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.