Does the trinity make sense to anybody?
2015-08-11 14:08:32 UTC
If yes, does it actually make sense? Or are you just pretending it does?

I mean the lesson that Jesus is god, the Father is God, the Holy Ghost is God, and these three gods are one god, makes no sense to me.

I know many Christians like to say, these three persons are one God is the politically correct way to say it in there eyes, but that literally no different from how I say it.

How does this make logical sense to anybody?
55 answers:
Rick G
2015-08-11 14:37:34 UTC
No. It is described by the clergy as a "mystery", which means they will tell you "just have faith" and get out of here!

One of your answer that you got, uses the egg (the classic Trinity illustration) as an example of the Trinity. But here is the reality of the egg.

In an egg, the three parts are NOT equal. The yolk is the only part that can become a living being, the white is the FOOD for the life, and the shell, a protection long enough for the living being reach maturity, and IF it does not break will kill the living being.

The other logic failure is this one.

There can only exist one (1) Almighty. Otherwise, the other almighties might have a different goal or purpose and can fight against the others. (that is the classical case of the Greek gods, in which there is constant fights)

One modern example of having TOO many almighties, is the Q on Star Trek. Each of then could reformat the Universe in any way they wished. And if one Q upset the other Q, they had the power to "unmighty" that Q.

Logically then there is only ONE Almighty God, and the Bible has him declaring who he is, and what his purpose is for his creation. His Son, Jesus Christ, never claimed to be equal with him, and always did his Father's will, even when facing an execution as a blasphemer against his Father.
2015-08-17 15:42:06 UTC
The trinity is not a Bible teaching. Some Bibles say that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one (1 John 5:7, KJV) but this was not in the original manuscripts. This was added to support this teaching, which is false. Jehovah is God, Jesus is God's son, and the holy spirit is the active force of God. There is another scripture where Jesus said that he and the Father are one (John 10:30). However, if you read the context, you'll see that what he meant was that they were one in purpose. Definitely, not that they're the same person. I agree with you; it makes no sense to believe in the trinity.
2015-08-13 15:55:11 UTC
A very BIG reason and proves the trinity is not biblical is Jewish belief. IFOLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES AND NEW TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES DO NOT AGREE ON SOMETHING, CHRSITIANS ALWAYS TEACH THAT YOU MUST BE UNDERSTANDING IT WRONG BECAUSE THEY TEACH SCRIPTURE DOESN'T CONTRADICT ITSELF. The fact that Jews do not accept the trinity doctrine is proof that it is a man made understanding of a few of John's writings. It isn't taught anywhere in the gospels. Jesus taught many things but did not and WOULD not have taught that . he would have believed and taught exactly what Jews teach today because he was also a Jew. The scripture from the first commandment known to Jews as the "shema" is spoken every day by Jews"Hear O Israel the Lord your God is One." The trinity doctrine is a 3rd century church of Rome (now catholic) doctrine. The invented it as a way to describe the summation of many years of thinking about Jesus' "divinity": from any of the questions they had at the time 1> was Jesus divine? If he was God's son, was he 50% divine, 75% divine or what? They decided eventually after years of thinking about it that he must be 100% divine and so it started. The taught this and anyone who disagreed and thought otherwise was considered a heretic and cast out of the church. It doesn't matter today if you are part of a church or not. But back THEN it DID! If you were branded a heretic in some places for many years you could also be killed for it. many were. You were cast out, rejected fro society so it affected storekeepers serving you, selling you anything, etc, etc. It was like you had a sickness. Anyone who helped you was cast out too if it was found out. helping a heretic! You didn't want to be accused of that.

So the belief in the trinity was FORCED on people. Not just ordinary people. If you were a priest, which was a powerful person in those days, and many did things for you, treated you very well, etc, if YOU disagreed and taught something different you lost your fancy position. They did this already to those at the First Council or Nicea. They were forced to attend the council, state their views, the group came to as much of an agreement as they could and those who thought different were excommunicated. That means they lost their priesthood and position and were no longer a part of the church, cast out, not to be traded with or talked with. These churchmen ALSO hated the jews and killed many and knew this belief would make the split between Jew and what were now known as Christians even greater all while they made Jesus, a Jew, into their God, while hating the Jewish people jesus came from. real hypocritical, isn't it? The Catholic church created the anti semitic beliefs active in the world today although the pope in the Council of 1965 decreed that no longer was the catholic church to support any actions against jews in the death of Jesus, blame the jews for it or hold any hostility towards the jews any longer. This is one great thing that church did.
Scarborough Fair
2015-08-11 14:38:49 UTC
Yes, it makes sense. The core of the concept is Jesus. Those who believe Jesus is God, believe in the Trinity, but most churches don't use the word Trinity often. Most rarely ever use it. Most churches talk Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, but they seldom use the word Trinity. Usually when you see it brought up here, it's by Jehovah's Witnesses who obsess on it because they teach that Jesus is just an angel and not God. They probably prefer to put down the Trinity than to talk about Jesus not being God.
2015-08-11 14:12:16 UTC
I'm no longer a Christian but yes, the concept of the trinity still does make sense to me.

They teach these are the 3 different ways god interacts with the heavenly and earthly kingdoms: god the father in the spiritual realm, god the son in the flesh on earth, and god the spirit in our hearts. The three make up the "god head".

Even though I'm an atheist today I don't see what's so difficult about the trinity concept. My cognizant dissonance occurs with the rest of the crazy story.
2015-08-11 14:12:32 UTC
Matthew, Mark, and Luke don't advocate a Trinity. Neither does Paul. But the much later gospel of John seems to do so, only in part. Could you imagine being a Christian in the 1st century from AD 30 until AD 90, living 60 years and having no idea that Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life", or "I and my father are one".

John reflects a Christian view of the late 1st century, while Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the writings of Paul reflect the Christian view from earlier. And the earliest views show no signs of a trinity at all.
Not Applicable
2015-08-13 18:02:44 UTC
The trinity was read back into Christianity and became part of Christian orthodoxy after the Council at Nicaea. Before that, there were many views of God, Jesus and other aspects of what he taught, but those who disagreed were declared heretics and many were persecuted and/or killed by the leaders of the Church often through the power of the state. I think the whole trinity idea is actually a proto-Kabbalistic idea which was later refined within Judaism. The Kabbalah teaches that God, or divinity, manifests at the highest levels beyond human understanding, but "descends" into other planes of existence all the way down to physical universe as we know it. Consequently, aspects of God is present in all of creation to varying degrees including humanity. With that in mind, when you read quotes from one of the Gospels (especially John) where Rabbi Jesus says something about being one with God, he is recognizing that divinity within himself and wants others to do so as well. Granted, this would have been anathema to most of the Judaism of his day, but later Jews in Europe in the middle ages took up the Kabbalah as part of understanding the Torah. Not all Jews, of course, have embraced Kabbalahism. It is possible that some early Christians, in an effort to understand the divinity of Jesus and the presence of God in all the world, developed a short-hand reference of God as the Great Creator, God as the Son of Man or highest form of awakened humanity, and God as the Holy Spirit, the God-force which animates the Universe and causes change in harmony with this Higher Order. Unfortunately, the Church leaders seized on the tool and made it a dogma. So now, divinity is ONLY in God as Creator, Jesus is the ONLY Son and the Holy Spirit is ONLY limited to what Church leaders say it is. If you can get the populace to accept that, it goes a long way towards being able to control their actions and anyone who disagrees, must be a heretic in league with the devil. A sad outcome, but those are my thoughts.
The Duke
2015-08-17 11:22:09 UTC
I kinda get the Trinity, but not fully. I can grasp God the Father and God the Son (Jesus) easily enough. God the Holy Spirit is a little harder for me personally. Not the idea of the Holy Spirit or that God can be three, just the concept of the Holy Spirit and how they interrelate. That said, I fully accept and believe in the Trinity.

2015-08-13 09:46:16 UTC
It only makes sense if you blindly follow. Many are held hostage to the doctrine because corrupt men used threats of hell and separation from God.

Anyone that does true study of the Bible can see it not Biblical. The Bible alone shows God was never triune.

No matter how many eggs, clovers, water, Augustines or Polycarps are used, the Bible as final authority shows the Trinity is not from God.

We need to pray for those 2.4 billion that are ensnared by the Trinity and they try to find the God of Jesus and true Christians.
2015-08-11 14:42:20 UTC
Actually, I've been seeing them differently for a little while now, as I see verses in the Bible which definitely point out that there is Jehovah, (the Father), Jesus (the only Begotten Son), and Holy Spirit (the Spirit of God) and these three are "ONE IN PURPOSE, just a the "Class of '51" (song made famous by the Statler Brothers) was ONE CLASS (even though it had many members, all co-equal and were of one purpose, to graduate). Some churches recognize this, too, now.
2015-08-14 10:48:05 UTC
Advise You look online for " Triune gods in paganism" as well as the "History of the trinity" for information.The answers You have received up to now are mostly personal opinions with a few scripture verses tossed in to make Their views look educated. This is where I generally look first before asking a question or answering a question .In the case of Your question there is just so much information to absorb that I found it better to send You directly to the source rather than making it look as if I had given You the answers..
2015-08-11 14:56:45 UTC
Truly study it out, and yes, the Trinity, or "the Godhead" as scripture says, makes sense.

Think of you, a simple-enough human being. Okay?

NOW, think of a being that is so far above what you are that He exists outside of Time itself. He has only the limitations that He chooses to place upon Himself and His actions.

So really, it doesn't have to make sense to you, any more than it needed to make sense to Job that the Earth "hangs on nothing in space" instead of resting on the back of a giant turtle or a group of elephants in a circle.

Trying to make God like you is sort of like that.

We are now, thousands of years later, quite okay with the idea of Earth floating in space, but in the ancient world, that would have made no sense to most of the planet's people.

Trying to think of God in terms of being a simple human is like trying to make it so that Earth cannot be held in place without a giant turtle.

It's silly, when you think about it.

Job took God at His word, and now, much later, we understand.

We can take God at His word about the Godhead as being a partial description of His nature, and later on, we may well be able to fully understand.

Jesus always directed people toward God the Father. That is not confusing at all.
2015-08-12 00:28:27 UTC
It made perfect sense to me when I was first born again because the churches taught it the way they interpret it, but as I found more verse that are conveniently overlooked, I realized Jesus cannot be hisviwn father without time travel, reading john 8:42 and 17:15-22 opened myveyes to a plausible different interpretation , many believe in the three in one scenario, some even use the three parts of an egg as an example, but I iknow being one with Jesus his disciples make make 12 or 14 in one, and besides an agg has 4 parts
2015-08-13 10:02:18 UTC
The trinity does not make sense because it is not true and it is not a Bible teaching. Matthew 3:16-17 says: After being baptized Jesus immediately came up from the water and look the heavens were opened up, and he saw God's spirit descending like a dove and coming upon him, Look, Also, a voice from the heavens said: This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. This scripture show God was not referring to Himself when He said this my Son. This scripture also show Jesus was here on earth, Jehovah's voice coming from heaven and God sending His holy spirit or active force down on Jesus. This and other scripture does not support the trinity teaching.
2015-08-12 19:26:24 UTC
The "Trinity" is three different entities. God the Father, Jesus the Son, and The Holy Spirit. At that time if a group of people all agreed on something it was common to refer to them being as one.
2015-08-11 14:10:59 UTC
In Christianity, 1+1+1=1. It never made sense to me, even when I was a religious 12 year old. So I was just pretending that it was making sense.
2015-08-12 11:02:28 UTC

Scriptures that PROVE the TRINITY

Mark 9:7; Luke 3:22; Luke 9:35; Matthew 17:5

1Jo 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word,(Jesus) and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

The word one means one in unity as well as one in number. It means unity in 1 John 5:7as it does in John 17:21-23 and yet these three persons, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost are spoken of as one each and individuality in Scripture. There is one God the Father, one Lord Jesus Christ and one Holy Ghost.

Example: The Son can be blasphemed with forgiveness possible; but if the Spirit be blasphemed no forgiveness is possible. This proves two distinct persons. Matthew 12:31-32; Mark 3:29-30; Luke 12:10.

The Holy Ghost came not to speak of or glory Himself but to speak of and glorify Jesus.

Jesus claimed even after the resurrection that He was not a spirit being so He could not be the Father or the Holy Spirit who are spirit beings. Luke 24:29; John 4:24; 14:16-17;

Luk 9:34 While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud.

Luk 9:35 And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.

Luk 9:36 And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone. And they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen.
2015-08-11 14:49:32 UTC
Yes, it does make very good sense.

Of course, it's possible to think of it in nonsensical ways--just as it's possible to think it's nonsense that photons can be described as both waves and particles. Words are always imprecise enough that there are ways to misunderstand them.

If you want to understand the Trinity, I can recommend two courses of study:

(1) the description in the fifth-century Athanasian Creed:

(2) the discussion by analogy in Dorothy Sayers' "The Mind of the Maker"

If, instead, you don't wish to understand it at all, just think of it as nonsense--well, then you've already got your wish, so you don't need my help.
2015-08-11 14:32:19 UTC
No. There is only ONE God/Allah who's reign encompasses everything. It is illogical for God to have a son, for this is the characteristic of the mortals.

Quoting from the Noble Quran:

"Say: He is Allah, the One and Only" (112:1)

"They say: "(Allah) Most Gracious has begotten a son!" Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous! At it the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin, that they should invoke a son for (Allah) Most Gracious. For it is not consonant with the majesty of (Allah) Most Gracious that He should beget a son. Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to (Allah) Most Gracious as a servant." (19:88-93)
2015-08-17 22:42:18 UTC
Here's what "makes sense." The Vatican invented that idea hundreds of years ago to appeal to people's sense of the mystical. Three persons in one God. Catchy phrase, eh? Other than that, no, it does not make any sense at all. Because Jesus isn't God and never claimed that He was. He only said that He was united to God ("I and my Father are one") and He said that the Father could be seen in Himself: When someone said, "Lord, show us the Father," Jesus said, "When you see me, you see the Father," which meant, not that He Himself was the Father (God) but that God was the One animating Him, the One Who worked through Him. It did NOT mean that Jesus was God. As for the so-called "holy ghost," that is a reference to the activating power of the Divine. It is not a separate entity, although Michelangelo painted the holy ghost as a young man in his painting in the Sistine Chapel ...
2015-08-16 14:01:11 UTC
Not all denominations believe in the trinity.Some believe the three are one in spirit as all Christians should be.The best thing to do is study the scriptures for your self then you can decide for your self.Many Christians believe what their denominations teaches them and never question any of the doctrine they are being thought.I say study the word.Ask the Holy Spirit to help you
2015-08-12 04:23:36 UTC
Yes, the Holy Trinity is truly one God in Three Persons. It requires an act of faith. Blessed are those who believe though do not see. For skeptics, I challenge you to look more deeply into stigmata, weeping statues and the miracles occurirng presently in Medjugorje.
2015-08-12 03:55:33 UTC
Does the Trinity Make sense to anybody ?

May I start with the basics Christianity has for centuries tried to HIJACK long accepted definitions of words and also in the process "INVENTED" words that in Their Minds successfully describe a "Concept" they present .... Let us examine the accepted definition of the word Three that means if one counted object and a person starts with "1" adds another item that = "2" then adds another Item it = "3" I will say with great assurance that all the population of the world accept the term "3" to be a specific amount

which now brings us to the word Trinity also represents the word Three . Let us now examine the word "MONO" as in Monotheism The Belief that there is ONLY ONE god If one consults the dictionary I noticed when you look up God it says In Monotheism and Christianity God is the Creator and ruler of the universe and Source of all Moral Authority .. so Christianity is NOT Monotheism , by mere definition but Polytheism to rationalize this to not be a Polytheist Christian do this "TRANSFORMATION" concept that their god has a special power to change his Form in three separate form but return back to one form all at the same time

. OK if your god can "change" his form so that adds to ones "Hocus Pocus concept of to get to the Jesus We believe in God in the Jesus FORM but when we need to JUSTIFY a belief as in the virgin birth We switch back to the "holy Spirit " because we can not have Mary have sex with a human form , then it would not be virgin so it was some spirit spark form or if we want to use a rule of "Yahweh " to present something , like giving the commandments the OT suddenly god is back to Yahweh , but we want to keep the Jesus at the same time .because that is what makes us Christians and NOT Jews so we need 3 god but call it One because we need the trinity for the birth to spark it and Yahweh to be the father so Jesus can have a connection to be proclaimed Divine and a god

someone keeps shuffling the deck to rationalize

That is also how they rationalize how they can not describe or define god because god can change its form . Ok if your god switches its form , then how do you know what it is ? and if He can switch form , why not ask him to go to a form the people could see or measure and it would end the debate and ALL people would be believers Is that not Gods goal if he loves us ? Here is the Christians problem they believe Jesus is god in human form but it did not result in ALL people accepting that this human form Was Yahweh resulting in Christians they say god loves us which one in which form certainly not the OT one so which one is in control and making the rules Or is it Conditional Love ? Oh that love that is you must go through all these trials on earth first to PROVE you love me by obedience and then I will show you my love Only if you are worthy

Ok who holds the deck of cards so I can be the purest and best person ever and pray day and night and you can just decide OOPS it wasn't enough who decided Yahweh Jesus or Spirit I still have never found any one to answer why a God would NEED to make Humans and Why would he . I think For a CONCEPT of gods to be maintained It needs humans . History shows as soon as humans give up the concept or interest no action of or claim of action of the god is ever made again
2015-08-16 08:39:45 UTC
2015-08-11 14:19:15 UTC
If you bake a cake that has egg whites in it, and someone says, "I'm allergic to egg. Is there egg in this cake?", your answer would have to be "Yes."

Egg whites are egg. Egg whites are 100% egg. Egg whites are not part egg and part something else. But, egg whites are not the whole egg!

A whole egg is egg whites, a yolk, and a shell. Each of these parts have a different role, but they are all part of the egg and they are all egg. There are three parts, but together they make only one whole egg.

If we can see that three parts make one whole egg, why can't we see that three parts make the wholeness of the One God?

"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." (1 John 5:7)
2015-08-12 10:03:06 UTC
IF IN FACT people want to make it politically correct --that indeed is what Jesus rejected as he FLED ANY connection with politics:

(John 6:14, 15) “14 Hence when the men saw the signs he performed, they began to say: “This is for a certainty the prophet that was to come into the world.” 15 Therefore Jesus, knowing they were about to come and seize him to make him king, WITHDREW AGAIN (my caps ) into the mountain all alone.”

REJECTION OF ANY POLITCAL activity is how he firmly stood at his non-politics to Satan as stated:

(Matthew 4:8-10) “8 Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” 10 Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’””

THE 4 min. audio / article in view of Christ's neutral stand --is presented:

"Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Maintain Political Neutrality?[

THE TRINITY teaching was well established with the false teaching by Constantine of the 3rd century -The

*** g 1/11 pp. 7-8 Will Religion Ever Be a Force for Peace? ***

Eventually the original concepts of Christianity became contaminated by the divisive forces of philosophy, tradition, and nationalism. The previously mentioned historical review of the role religion plays in armed conflicts states: “[Roman Emperor] Constantine’s conversion led to the militarization of the Christian movement—no longer guided by the compassionate teachings of Christ, but rather spearheaded by the Emperor’s goals of political and geographical conquest. Christians, including the Emperor were compelled to find religious justifications for war.” A counterfeit version of Christianity was born.!

*** w98 3/15 p. 30 Constantine the Great—A Champion of Christianity?

As apostate Christianity came into favor with the political government, it became more and more a part of this world, of this secular system, and drifted away from the teachings of Jesus Christ. (John 15:19; 17:14, 16; Revelation 17:1, 2) As a result, there was a fusion of “Christianity” with false doctrines and practices—the Trinity, immortality of the soul, hellfire, purgatory, prayers for the dead, use of rosaries, icons, images, and the like.—Compare 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.

From Constantine, the church also inherited the tendency to be authoritarian. Scholars Henderson and Buck say: “The simplicity of the Gospel was corrupted, pompous rites and ceremonies were introduced, worldly honours and emoluments were conferred on the teachers of Christianity, and the Kingdom of Christ in good measure converted into a kingdom of this world.”

Olive Garden
2015-08-11 17:51:10 UTC
Yes, it make VERY Sense to the 2.4billion Christians believers ofONE God, with 3 divine nature.

READ St Augustine on God the Holy Trinity, why Jesus is VERY GOD; Bk 1, C 6
2015-08-12 00:18:36 UTC
when i started my own bible study, i was stumped at this juncture - trinity. It baffled me. It is a v hard topic to u/stand unless you've covered the bible from cover to cover and u/stand things deeper. I prayed and researched the bible. My conclusion : the Holy Trinity is a fact.

God is a triune Godhead.

witness :

1 water, blood, Spirit

2 Mr 2:7 Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only? < Christ FORGIVES and heals >

God the Father - is in heaven

God the Son - a part of God takes on human flesh

God the Holy Spirit - the SPIRIT of God.

these are one and the same ... trinity

God is omnipresent -- ie. can be everywhere simultaneously, even in the flesh on earth.

In the OT, we see an angry God. In NT, we see a loving God who came for ONE purpose, to save. Man is made in the image of God and so we have all these different facets of emotions ranging from love to anger to hate ...

enjoy this education
Dr. D
2015-08-11 15:12:23 UTC
So you only believe in the logical.

Is it logical that the entire universe could be contained in a single point? (BIg Bang)

Is it logical that a particle could pass through an impenetrable barrier? (Quantum Tunnelling)

Is it logical that a light photon could be a wave and a particle at the same time? (double slit experiment)

Is it logical that affecting one particle would affect another on the opposite side of the universe? (quantum nonlocality)

Is it logical that a particle is everywhere until it is observed? (quantum theory)

Is it logical that you can know a particle's position or momentum but not both? (Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle)

Is it logical that a particle can be in multiple places at the same time? (quantum physics)

If creation is a reflection of the creator, then isn't it logical that the very nature of God is beyond our limited understanding? All the Trinity doctrine tells us is that God's nature is beyond our understanding.
2015-08-11 14:11:21 UTC
Does the complex nature of an infinite God make sense to the narrow and limited understanding available to the human mind

One would think Not

this is GOD we are talking about......He is not going to make sense to lil ol you

Logic has only one is dependant on the most illogical being in the universe to wield it
2015-08-11 16:49:44 UTC
No. Jesus in the gospel accounts was often praying to his Father in the heavens illustrating how close he felt to him he called him before his disciples "Abba" or Pappa. Thus indicating the type of relationship he shared with his Father, a very close one. If Jesus and his Father are one being then who was Jesus praying to? The Trinity seems illogical.
2015-08-12 10:06:00 UTC
No. It's one of the many ideologies adapted from the pagan by the church in order to appease the pagans and get them to join the church. 1+1+1 doesn't equal three and Christians need to be real with themselves and admit they are worshipping three separate entities.
2015-08-17 05:35:26 UTC
It makes sense if Gods name is Sybille.

It also makes sense in the Constantinian view that Jesus, Apollo and Mithras are one and the same god.
2015-08-11 15:11:50 UTC
I can tell you that we meet people every day on our JW ministry who go to trinitarian churches yet have absolutely NO idea that they are supposed to believe Jesus is God almighty. They are gobsmacked when we tell them that and shake their heads in disbelief. We leave telling them to ask their pastor/vicar/priest.

Ive even met pastors/vicars on ministry who say they dont understand the trinity because its a mystery of God. What a cop out! God tells us the learned are blind and my goodness, thats true in many cases. They just accept traditional pagan doctrines without any research.

Those who dont accept tradition are those who researched and found the truth with the Bible and JWs

I cannot believe people are still quoting the spurious lie of the "these three are one" add on! Please people, this is often now omitted from Bible translations or a footnote added to state it was NOT in the Greek scriptures. It was added on centuries later to try to convince people of the trinity lie doctrine.
2015-08-11 14:16:00 UTC
Yes it makes sense.
2015-08-11 15:02:50 UTC
No, not to anyone who can think logically and has common sense.. not to mention the trinity was "introduced" as a belief in 325AD.

God says:

"..They are the ones who examine all scriptures, then follow the best. These are the ones whom GOD has guided; these are the ones who possess intelligence." 39:18

Islam is truth :)
2015-08-11 17:38:17 UTC
Perfect sense. Stop thinking like a besotted-by-human-opinion human and allow God to show you what HE thinks. Ask HIM to explain it to you, and you will never be confused again. I grew up in a non-trinity cult. When I left, I asked God to show me which perspective was true, or even if neither were true---I wanted to know for sure, and to stop the confusion.

He did, without human interference, and now no one can ever talk me out of what I KNOW to be real. It's so simple a child can understand it! God is... God. He can do anything He sees fit. God is the best Person to go to in order to know Him. Not humans who think they can "explain" who God is to you.
2015-08-12 05:57:06 UTC
I personally do not expect a God that great and powerful to be someone who makes complete sense to my mortal mind. He created the universe and He created microscopic organisms. Who can completely know Him this side of heaven?
2015-08-12 14:24:41 UTC
Doesn't matter if it "makes sense" it matters if it is true and it is NOT according to God's word the Bible.

Historians and theologians KNOW the trinity doctrine was a 4th century invention of pagan raised men - Constantine for one.

Jesus said that it means our "everlasting life" to "come to know YOU (the one to whom he was praying) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ."

Jesus never mentioned that he was God or equal to God. He was praying to GOD and he referred to the one he prayed to as "THE ONLY TRUE GOD" so he cannot BE God. No mention of "holy spirit"here either. (JOhn 17:3) Why? Because "holy spirit" is NOT A GOD it is God's active force the his power in action that he uses to: perform miracles, create, strengthen etc.
Marie K
2015-08-11 14:36:27 UTC
water, ice, steam all H2O but all different

God can manifest in different forms

I think of Jesus like Ice, he was separated from the great God for a time

Holy Spirit is like Steam, permeates and changes

God the Father is the Water, the basis of all the forms
Morgan Godfrey
2015-08-12 02:38:37 UTC
I'm a mormon, and we believe they are three separate beings, so it makes no sense to me. When Jesus is baptized by John all three appear separately. God's light and voice proclaim Jeasus is his son, the holy ghost descends as a dove, and Jesus is well... getting baptized. While they are one in purpose, one in their desires for us, they are separate.
2015-08-11 14:33:18 UTC
Consider the source. It was dreamed up by man 1500 years ago.
2015-08-12 04:34:26 UTC
No and that is because it is not true! Jesus is not God and never will be.

Those who believe in the trinity, get confused themselves and so resort to: God is a mystery and not for us to comprehend!
2015-08-12 05:53:28 UTC
It doesn't. Joh 17:1 Jesus spoke these things, and raising his eyes to heaven, he said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your son so that your son may glorify you, just as you have given him authority over all flesh, so that he may give everlasting life to all those whom you have given to him. 3 This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. 4 I have glorified you on the earth, having finished the work you have given me to do. 5 So now, Father, glorify me at your side with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was.
2015-08-11 14:25:25 UTC
It makes sense to me you see similar things when we try to describe any energy we do not understand.

search for goodness and string theory
2015-08-18 10:14:21 UTC
No, in my secular mind, it doesn't make sense. Of course not. But that's where "faith" comes in - I may not understand, but I believe and my belief sustains me. My experiences thru life have allowed me to feel closer to my Triune God everyday. .......PEACE.....
2015-08-11 19:43:08 UTC
The trinity is rubbish.
do you recall...
2015-08-11 15:45:46 UTC
Doesn't make sense to me, the bible clearly teaches that Jesus is NOT God. If he were, it would be like saying that God asked himself to go to earth to save mankind. Then God agreed with himself and volunteered himself to himself to offer himself. Then God impregnated a woman as himself, with himself. God prayed to himself and glorified himself repeatedly. God strengthened himself and talked to himself. Finally, God forsook himself and sacrificed himself to prove his loyalty to himself. While dead, God resurrected himself so he could exalt himself above himself. Then God sat at his own right hand and waited until he placed enemies as a footstool. Finally with Satan's forces defeated, God would turn his kingdom over to himself, that all things would become everything to himself.

Doesn't make sense right?
2015-08-12 15:53:57 UTC
Think about it like this...all three components make up the intellectual being of the creator. take yourself for example. your brain, your voice, your skin. They all have different roles but all three components make up who you are! The true form of the trinity is the creator (god) his words (the son) and light which is his countenance, his brightness, his skin. church is teaching this wrong!
2015-08-11 14:49:28 UTC
Sure. It is a concept, not a number. They are one in character, purpose, spirit, etc. Not a number one.
2015-08-11 14:40:47 UTC
God means ruler, so three are one ruler. Like a president and vice-president.
2015-08-12 17:38:35 UTC
A couple billion actually
2015-08-11 18:59:18 UTC
hi there

it makes as much sense as quantum entanglement.

regardless, scripture says what it says. 3 persons are identified as god. scripture is adamant there is only 1 god. we believe god at his word.
2015-08-11 14:14:42 UTC
yes, and no i'm not pretending as that is the very basis of my theology.
2015-08-11 19:05:21 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.