Can you help me with these questions I have about Christianity?
2011-07-17 15:11:22 UTC
I am a 15 year old girl, I was born into a non religious family. My mum is Christian but not religious and my dad is catholic and also not religious. I want to become a Christian but I have some questions.

I have a habit of saying 'Oh my God' all the time, I am trying to stop so is it ok if I say 'oh my gosh' instead because I'm not referring to God? Can I also be a Christian with out going to church but promising I will go when I'm older? And can I have nothing against homosexuals? And my last question is, how do I pray to God properly to tell him I am going to be a Christian, and when is the best time to pray?
25 answers:
Big Al
2011-07-17 15:28:55 UTC
Oh my gosh is fine. You don't have to go to church but it is a good idea to help your faith in God grow and to have a better understanding of how to live like a Christian. Don't make a promise to God that you will go to church when you are older because you don't actually know if you will. Read the bible though. I suggest starting with John and work your way through Matthew mark and Luke to get an understanding of Jesus and His love. People get the wrong idea about Christians and how we view homosexuals. Real Christians do not hate them it is just not what God wants for His children. When you pray just say whatever comes to your mind and ask for forgiveness for your past. You can pray anytime you want. Try your best to live like Jesus and you will be fine.
2011-07-17 22:16:53 UTC
"is it ok if I say 'oh my gosh' "

-That is definitely better than saying "Oh my God," which I guess you have rightly determined is taking the Lord's name in vain.

"Can I also be a Christian with out going to church but promising I will go when I'm older?"

-If no one will drive you to church then this is the best you can. If you can get a ride, you should go to church now.

"And can I have nothing against homosexuals?"

-You can have nothing against homosexuals as people, but homosexuality is a sin. You must always remember that.

"And my last question is, how do I pray to God properly to tell him I am going to be a Christian, "

-Just pray to Him. Tell Him that you believe in Him and ask Him to help you be a Christian.

"when is the best time to pray?"

- That's up to you. it's best if you find a time of day where you can be undisturbed. There's no time that is better or worse.

I hope I helped a little.
2011-07-17 22:54:52 UTC
Hi Jess - You are fortunate toi be living in a very special time. The end of this system of things is very near and this is a time of judgment. The earthly governments and all the false religions in the world have already been judged and found toi be worshiping the devil, as they support his policies and not God's.

They will all be done away with. There is a religion that God approves of. If you pray to Him to help you find it,He will help you and you will be able to live forever in a beautiful new world.

This sight is not the place to learn about God. The bible is the source of knowledge. Start reading the gospels and learn how Jesus lived. That is the way he wants you to live. Best wishes.

P.S. Using any reference to God when you are cussing is not a good idea. By the way there is nothing uglier than a pretty girl with nasty words coming out of her mouth.

Saying God damn is not takin g the lord's name in vain because that is not His name. It is only a title. His name is Jehovah and to take it in vain means to call your self one of His servants or prophets when you do not have the authority from Him to do that. Or to preach in His name when you are not obeying His commandments.
2011-07-17 22:31:16 UTC
First, if your mum is not religious she is not Christian. And you Dad is not a very good Catholic if he's not religious. They are usurping those titles only to appear respectable. Now, let's not worry so much about your slang just yet, You want to be a Christian, then find a church and go there often. Participate in the praise, thanksgiving and worship. And just pray. There is no best time to pray. God is always listening.
Regit Nairebis
2011-07-17 22:24:41 UTC
Hmm, well, first, hand the keys of your life over to Christ. From there, you should be able to stop saying "Oh my ___" all the time. Going to church is crucial for hearing God's Word, and promising to go to church when you're older is, well, telling God that He needs to wait, and that your plan is better than His. Now in terms of homosexuals, we should NOT hate homosexuals, but we should not approve of them making choices to act on their homosexual orientation (it's a sin, but not a sin that's better or worse than any other sin). The best way to pray to God properly is simply to say a heartfelt prayer. He would much rather have you speak from the heart instead of trying to impress Him with how you pray.

Now, I'm human, so my recommendations might be flawed. The Bible is your best source of info for your question. I'm just trying to give you info based on my own learning from the Bible.
2011-07-17 22:21:20 UTC
I'm not going to quote scripture at you but I will say this: Jesus has obviously knocked at the door of your heart. You should let him in TODAY lest your heart be hardened. That means that if you keep putting off letting Jesus change your heart it will get easier to resist him and ultimately, you might not accept it and thus not become a true Christian. God said love everyone so there is no wrongfulness in having "nothing against" homosexuals. If your brother is dying though, you should try to save him. In other words live at peace with people but in a non-judgmental way, it's okay to explain what God says about sin. God is their judge not you. We are called to share the good news. Church wont save you but it will help you grow. Pray that God will make you a new creation. Ask Jesus to take away your sins, repent of wrongdoing and ask God to direct your path, in Jesus' name, Amen! ;) Hope that helps if you're serious <3 Congratulations on eternal life!!
2011-07-17 22:19:32 UTC
First of all, you cant become a christian by making open ended promises. I think you are confusing being a Christian with Choosing a specific faith to be baptized into. I think that you should just be who you are, and do not change just to please 'God'. If you are not already baptized, you will need to truly evaluate the reasons that you want to join a church and pick a faith to follow, and are your reasons the right ones? as for homosexuals, there is nothing wrong with keeping your personal opinions to yourself, as lets face it, someones sexual preference is none of your business anyway. It's not up to you to judge people anyway, leave that to God. Why not speak to a Catholic priest, and a pastor from a church the represents your mothers faith. gain some perspective and knowledge before you become one of the many 'sheep'. Be well.
A conscience
2011-07-17 22:42:45 UTC
I believe if you genuinely realized your own frailty and sins and genuinely prayed to God and acknowledged that he sent his one and only son Jesus Christ to die for your sins on the cross,who then resurrected (three days later), conquering the grave, and genuinely ask Jesus to come into your life to guide your future life, then you are a "Christian".

When you accept Jesus into your life, you are willing to put away your old sinful ways and start anew. You are willing to listen to God's guidance (Holy Spirit).

At the end of the day though, what you know as religion has nothing to do with your relationship with God. Only God knows that. The most "religious" person may end up going to hell because they didn't really give their life to Jesus. The most "corrupt" person may end up in heaven because they've got faith in Jesus.

Keep that in mind when I answer your questions:

1. Do you know why God doesn't want us to misuse his name? Why does he care what sounds our vocal chords make? The reason we shouldn't say "God" all the time, especially in trivial circumstances, is because it inherently puts less value to the word. It's like the word "the". We hear it all the time, so what? But God shouldn't be a "so what?" in your life. To avoid that, you want to refrain from misusing his name.

HOWEVER: If you, out of habit, say "Oh my God" in an "inappropriate" situation, don't beat yourself about it.

Remember that a person gives their life to Jesus out of thanks for salvation, not out of fear of judgement.

2. Look over the first paragraph. You can not miss a single service, and still not be a Christian. In fact, the strict "no missing church or you're going to hell" people seem to have put their faith in church, not in Jesus. However, going to church (provided there's a healthy church family, you never know nowadays) allows you to fellowship with other Christians. You can encourage each other. Give each other advice. I think God also likes it when people worship together. Why can't/won't you go to church now? If Jesus is first in your life, church should be an awesome place.

3. The old Christian cliche: What Would Jesus Do? When Jesus came to earth, he treated the "sinners" with respect. When the pharisees brought before him a lady who committed adultery, he did not stone her, but forgave her and asked her to leave her life of sin. It's good that you have nothing against homosexuals. No one should. They are a human being and a sinner like everyone else. However, just like you wouldn't promote husband and wives having affairs, I don't think we should promote homosexuality. Lust and homosexuality are "in our genes" but should be cast away in your new life with Jesus.

4. You can talk to God (pray) whenever you want. Being God, He's never too busy! The main thing to remember is that it's not the magic prayer. What matters most is what's in your heart, and no one can teach you that. Don't pray "the prayer" unless you genuinely feel moved and ready.

Here's website that may help:
2011-07-17 22:16:21 UTC
First thing you should learn about Christianity. CATHOLICISM IS CHRISTIANITY!!!

Remember those simple problems from grade school?

Fruit is to grape as vehicle is truck

Furniture is to chair as machine is to computer

Christianity is to Catholicism as animal is to dog

Easy, right>

Saying "oh my God" should be avoided, but it will take a while to shirk and if it slips out without you thinking, it is fine.

You should go whenever you can to Mass. It really doesn't matter with Protestant churches, all that happens there is some rock music and a preacher screaming. At Mass you receive Jesus Himself, it is actually meaningful.

No Christian should have anything against homosexuals, hatred is always bad. But, gay "marriage" and adoption should be opposed for many reasons.

Just talk to him in a quiet place. Say a few prayers if you want, the Our Father, for example. The best time is any time.
2011-07-17 23:21:56 UTC
Firstly, God's name is Yahweh. Some people say Jehovah.

"God" is what people began to say to avoid mentioning his name in the first place. So you are not saying his name in vain because you are not saying his name at all.

Of course, he doesn't exist so the rules are flexible.

The old testament is pretty clear that "If a man lies with another as one would a woman, he should be put to death" (Leviticus 20:13)

It also says that if a woman is raped inside the city, if she is engaged, she should be put to death (Deut 22)

If she is not engaged she must marry her rapist (read it for yourself)

Honestly, does this sound like the wisdom of the creator of the universe?
2011-07-17 22:16:55 UTC
Yeah "Oh my gosh is fine." I really like how you're changing that because I used to do the same thing until I realized that I was sinning by using his name in vain. The bible says to go to church but if you can't go, always remember to be the church. You don't have to have anything against homosexuals, you don't have to go to hold up dumb signs at them or anything. The people who do that are hypocrites. Also if you're going to pray any time is best really. Just pray in solitude and free from distractions.
2011-07-17 22:14:50 UTC
Jess, anytime is a good time to pray. I know Christians who use the phrase "o my gosh" because as you have already determined, it is using God's name in vain the other way.

I would encourage you, if it wouldn't cause undo consternation, to find a church NOW with a solid youth group. (Yes, you can be a Christian without going to church.) As to the homosexual question, you'll have to come to your own conclusions about that based on scripture.

God bless.
2011-07-17 22:59:06 UTC
"oh my gosh" that is a start in the right direction - It is in each of us to see the good in people - you may not agree with their life-style, but we are not here to judge. As for a time to Pray, anytime is the right time. to pray properly to God, just say what is in your Heart. He already knows what you are going to say, or not say. He already knows what decisions you will make in your life. People say, well isn't our life preordained if God already knows. He has given us free will to make our own choices. It is just that he knows what choice we will make before we make it. He didn't create the path that we followed, or will follow. He just knows the path you will take before you take. You go to the Scriptures where Judas betrays Jesus. It was written, because it was already known the choice that Judas was going to make of his own free will. Jesus knew that this man was going to betray him, but, did he hate him for what he was about to do? No! He told Judas to go and do what he has to do. God knows already when you will, or will not come into His Church, but, for me we stand under his Temple, the Universe, and stand upon His Altar, the Earth. You feel His presence in every little breeze, you hear His voice in every song of the birds. You feel His warmth by the rays of the Sun. He is always there. all you have to do is ask. Maybe it is time for for you to bring your parents back to Church. Maybe this is your destiny. To bring them back to become "One with God." We are all God's children! We are all One Family by accepting Christ into our lives.

God Bless and fill you with His Joy!
2011-07-17 22:15:53 UTC
pefectly safe to say o my gosh i say that all the time u dont have to go to church but dont make a promise bc u cant always keep a promise its a sin to promise/ swear u dont have to have anything against homosexuals bc ur not suppose to hate anyboody u love everyone.

biggest question is the last

u jus talk to Jesus like u wood but u tell him all ur sins and u ask for forgiveness ask him too protect ur family and u and ur friends u can pray anytime of the day

i hope i helped anymore questions ask me ill help
2011-07-17 22:17:04 UTC
You don't have to go to church at all to be a christian. Just accept Jesus as your savior. Your personal beliefs and morals should not be influenced by a group of people. I believe homosexuality is just fine and that people shouldn't make assumptions to things they know nothing about. I am an agnostic for the record. Former christian. I decided to use my own common sense vs. living my life by a book. If you choose Christianity, I'm all for it. Just please don't go around telling people how they are sinners and judge people for what they do. One finger pointing out always leaves 3 pointing back at you.

Good luck.
2011-07-17 22:16:00 UTC
just remember that nobody nose for sure what god's message is. i say ohmygosh and i'm sure god nose what u mean. he did create us so i think he's ok with bad habits. and yea about the church thing. going to church doesn't mean ur a good christian. i no people who go to church who r the worst christians. he understands :). and i have nothing against homosexuals. if u actually study that passage it says that any1 who is gay/lesbian/bisexual, any1 who eats shellfish, any1 who has a tattoo, and any1 who wears a multifabric shirt goes to hell. theres more to that but the whole homosexual thing was a holiness code... anyway its totally cool to support them. and maybe get baptized. and guess what, god probabaly already nose ur christian ;). and whenever u need help or want to u can pray.
2011-07-17 23:09:15 UTC
I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 1 Timothy 2:12
2011-07-17 22:20:32 UTC
"Gosh" sound a lot like "God", so you might want to say something that soinds more different.

You can be Christian without going to church.

You should dislike homosexuality

Here's how to pray

Don't pay attention to the atheists' answers.
a Real Truthseeker
2011-07-17 22:14:27 UTC
To be a Christian you have to accept Jesus Christ as your saviour. Simple as that.

There is no concept of promising to be a Christian later. It's one thing or the other - right now.

I suggest you find a Christian to talk to - maybe go along to your local church, and talk to the vicar/pastor.
2011-07-17 22:15:25 UTC
Why christian? there are a billion other religions to choose from. Some are waaaay cooler. And if you're not against homos then christianity ain't for you. I can't tell ya how to talk to an imaginary friend, I've heard he isn't a very talkative guy.
2011-07-17 22:14:17 UTC
How can your mother be a Christian and be non-religious? How can your father be a Catholic and be non-religious? Also, a Catholic is part of Christianity.
2011-07-17 22:26:46 UTC
Below is the prayer to be a Christian, and then you need to try to live a good, God-honoring life. Maybe you have a Christian friend who could get you to church with them. We need to love God and Jesus Christ and try to love and help others for God too. The Holy Bible says we need to only marry of the opposite gender so those who don't are sinful, but we need to love everyone. Pray for yourself and others daily, and this can be early in the morning before the day starts, whenever you feel like it, and in the evening after the day is over to thank God and ask for forgivenesss for anything you did during the day that wasn't what He wanted you to do. You can pray about saying "Oh my God." Thinking of God is nice. This is the basic Christian message and prayer --- you need to accept God's Son, Jesus Christ, into your life to be a born again Christian and follow God's ways so you can receive God's guidance in your life and get to heaven after you die. Knowing God can transform your life. When you know God, then pray about your life, God can help you live a better life. As God is love, life is primarily about love and relationships in order to have a rich and full life. Also, you need to know God's Son, Jesus Christ, in your life as your Lord and Savior as Jesus died on the cross as payment for our sins. Having Him with you will give you God's blessing and forgiveness, as you live God's way. Not following God leads to hell, eternal suffering. Instead, there is an important prayer to pray to become a born again Christian. This prayer should be said with faith in God and a sincere heart:

"Dear God, I know that I am a sinful person and I don't want to be like this anymore. I know that Jesus Christ died on the cross as payment for our sins, and I want to accept Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior so I can receive God's forgiveness, guidance, and go to heaven someday. Thank you, dear God, for your mercy and guidance; in Jesus' name. Amen."

This prayer can take you to a new place in your relationship with God and transform your life. After saying this prayer, you should check out a Christian church, like a Baptist or Lutheran one. The church can get you baptized and prayed for, and you can pray for yourself daily. Also, get into their youth Sunday school group or Bible study group so you can learn more about God, Jesus, and God's will for your life. The Bible is God's instruction book about how to live a God-honoring life so you can go to heaven after you die. Ways to stay connected to God's path include loving God and Jesus Christ, obeying God's ways, daily Bible reading, daily prayer for yourself and others, getting to church, having your church prayer group and/or pastor pray for you, fasting with prayer for a higher level of prayer, getting with other Christians and doing a Bible study, singing hymns to God, taking communion with the church, helping and loving others, expressing your gratitude to God for His help in your life by telling others of your progress and helping them draw closer to God too. God guide your life.
2011-07-17 22:14:39 UTC

you dont have to go to church, but it strengthes your relationship with god.

homosexuallity is bad, but yes you can.

just close your eyes, relax, and talk to him about how you feel, you love him, you want to give your heart to him...
2011-07-17 22:17:33 UTC
I'm sorry but there is no "God"

If you still want to believe it, it's up to you. Good luck.
2011-07-17 22:12:59 UTC
There is no God. There never were and there never will be.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.