how can god be real?
2015-08-16 16:40:35 UTC
Im 14 and very confused. Today i read about the deep web. A place where infant rape animal torture killing for Fun is a common thing. I've been a believer of a higher power, for two years now but I'm loosing faith.
I don't know a lot about any religions, but how can any of all "gods" be real, and let such thins happen. Either God/gods has abandoned us or God/gods isn't real. I'm sorry if I offended you or what you believe in.
54 answers:
Antique Silver Buttons
2015-08-17 09:57:12 UTC
If you are having doubts, you should explore them. If God is truly loving, and if he loves children best of all and hates to see them suffer, then why would he sit by and do nothing when they are raped and killed? If I knew that a child next door was being abused, I'd call the cops. I wouldn't sit by and say, "There's a reason for the child's misery." But that's what God does. No matter how hard that child prays, no matter how much faith he has, Jesus is never going to come to his rescue. If he's lucky, some kind neighbor will do the right thing, but God never will.

Moreover, look at the violence that God directly inflicts upon people in the Bible. Right from the start, he dislikes humans, regrets he ever made them, and acts to murder every last one of them. Men, women, children, unborn babies, all deserved to die for being "evil"--a concept that is never defined. Those people were never told what they are doing wrong, or given a chance to rectify it. Do you think that those babies and little kids deserved to drown?

How about when God set fire to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? There must have been a fair number of children and infants there, as well as pregnant women. God burned them all to death. Imagine the suffering of those kids, while God watched emotionlessly from the sky (which is, of course, where the gods lived). NOT ONCE does God ever express sorrow or regret at having killed people. To him, it's just business as usual. Why would he care if humans inflict pain upon each other, when he is so ready to inflict it on us himself?

We are told that we cannot know the mind of God, that he has a higher plan for us than we can understand. How is that plan facilitated by the torture and rape of children? How does the plan benefit by the starvation of millions all over the the slavery and sex trade of young girls and the horrific diseases and plagues that ravage mankind? If God is real, then it is obvious that humans take second place to The Plan. Everything he does is for some mysterious event in the future that we can't possibly know because he never tells us, and the suffering or well-being of humans is irrelevant. The Plan must go on, no matter how many people have to die for it. Is that the kind of God you want to worship? I sure don't. I gave it up a long time ago, for these and many other reasons.
2015-08-17 22:57:55 UTC
This subject cannot actually be talked about - not with any real results. If you want to find out some things, learn how to meditate. The whole world believes that truth can be found if we talk a subject to death. No. You find out through meditation. Learn how to do that because saying that God isn't or is real doesn't mean anything if you don't actually know ...
2015-08-17 20:15:00 UTC
Bless your heart, you're asking a question even the most devout believers have asked. I wish I could give you an answer that would be easy but the truth is this: God Almighty did not create a race of robots, He wanted creatures who would have free will and love Him because they wanted to not because they had to. When He did that, He gave up the ability to control our choices and our actions. When Adam chose to do what he wanted instead of what God said, he was choosing to sin. That's when he developed a sinful nature, and he passed it on down to the rest of us. Not our fault, but we have to live with it like some disease we inherited. That's why this kind of nasty stuff goes on in the world and God can't stop it; because it's a choice people make with their free will. Don't misunderstand me, God is still in charge, and He can do a lot to affect our behavior, put road blocks in our way, but even He can't stop us if we really want to act like idiots. I'm sorry you have to grow up and live in a world where these things are happening, but please believe that they are all the result of this sinful nature we all inherit from Adam.

There is a way, though, to restore your faith in God. If you read the Bible, in the New Testament you will find the gospel of Jesus Christ. God so loved us that He couldn't bear for us not to be with Him in eternity, so He sent His only son, known to us as Jesus, to die on the cross to pay for all our sins. Otherwise, we would all go to Hell when we died, because there can't be any sin in Heaven. We still have to live in this world where people do horrible things, but when we have Jesus Christ in our lives we also have an incredible joy in our hearts that makes living here so much easier.

You seem very thoughtful and mature for your age. I wish there was something I could say to help your doubts, but getting older doesn't always make a person wiser. I do know, though, that God is very real and he has not abandoned us. He will never abandon us, because He loves us very much. God bless you, sweetheart.
2015-08-16 16:44:46 UTC
I am an atheist, but I will not try to convince you to either believe or not believe in a god or gods. I simply encourage you to keep thinking about these things and dont accept the bad answers that so often masquerade as wisdom (points to PaulCyp's response) that are typically offered in rather thoughtless fashion. The ability to think about things and make up your mind for yourself is one of the true freedoms that we really have. A question you can ask yourself, if god is infinitely loving then why did it create a world in which infants and young children die from starvation in thousands each day, and why does it permit this horror to continue?
2015-08-17 12:57:46 UTC
Look kid, saying god works in mysterious ways is a cop-out. and that whole movie "Gods not Dead" made me crack up laughing at how much that movie was BS, all that being said you cant just change your whole identity over night these things take time do your research, read the bible, inform yourself about other religions of the world, listen to what atheists actually have to say. then when your all the way down the rabbit hole look and think for yourself if at the end you still believe in a god then find out which version you believe in and stick with it however if at the end of all that you dont then your an atheist either way you cant just make a snap decisions you have to be well informed.
2015-08-16 17:45:59 UTC
Such things would be the influence of the Adversary, or Satan if you will. Men are allowed to choose for themselves if they will follow God or the other guy. If God were to stop them every time they tried to do something bad, then they wouldn't really have free choice and it would make God to be more like a tyrant. (Tyranny isn't good or godlike. Tyranny is more of Satan's game, so God isn't going to do that).

Evil people will do evil things, but they will get their just punishment in the end. They are allowed freedom to act so that their punishment can be just. If God stopped them from acting in an evil fashion, then He couldn't really punish them for being evil, now could He? That would not be justice.

But what of the innocent who are being harmed by such acts? Such acts of cruel depravity bring sadness to all good people, even God, I would imagine. As good individuals ourselves, we can do our part and use our agency to try to put a stop to these horrors and to rescue the innocents. This would be a good thing (stopping the horrors, helping the victims). As for God's part, He actually does a lot of things behind the scenes that you just don't know about to help the victims when He can without overriding the agency of others. Those who die in such vicious acts are saved in the kingdom of God where they can rest from the troubles of this mortal life.

In the grand scope of things, this mortality is but a fleeting moment. God looks at the larger picture and everything will work out for the best, despite all of Satan's best efforts to the contrary. Oh, and God will still help us, even in our fleeting moments, so don't let that thought get you down.
2015-08-17 09:16:38 UTC
Emergency Telephone Numbers


You are sad phone John 14 and Phillippians 4

You have sinned phone Psalm 51 and 1 John 2:1-2

You are facing danger phone Psalm 91

People have failed you phone Psalm 27

It feels as though God is far from you phone Psalm 139

Your faith needs stimulation phone Hebrews 11

You are alone and scared phone Psalm 23

You are worried phone Matthew 8: 19-34

You are hurt and critical phone 1 Corinthians 13

You wonder about Christianity, phone 2 Corinthians 5:15-18

You feel like an outcast, phone Romans 8: 31-39

You are seeking peace, phone Matthew 11:25-30 and Phillipians 4

It feels as if the world is bigger than God, phone Psalm 90

You need Christ like insurance, phone Romans 8:1-30

You are leaving home for a trip, phone Psalm 121

You are praying for yourself, phone Psalm 87

You require courage for a task, phone Joshua 1

Money problems are hogging your thoughts, phone Mark 10:17-31

You are depressed, phone Psalm 27

Your bank account is empty, phone Psalm 37

You lose faith in mankind, phone 1 Corinthians 13

People seem unfriendly, phone John 15

You are losing hope, phone Psalm 126

You feel the world is small compared to you, phone Psalm 19

You want to carry fruit, phone John 15

Paul’s secret for happiness, phone Colossians 3:12-17

With big opportunity/discovery, phone Isaiah 55

To get along with other people, phone Romans 12


For dealing with fear, call Psalm 47

For security, call Psalm 121:3

For assurance call Mark 8:35

For reassurance, call Psalm 145:18

For getting prayers answered, call John 15:7

All these numbers may be phoned directly.

No operator assistance is necessary.

All lines to Heaven are available 24 hours a day

Feed your faith, and doubt will starve to death

healing Scriptures: Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 40:29-31; Exodus 23:25; Matthew 4:23; Psalm 91: 6, 10 and verses 15-16.

John 15: 7: If ye abide in ME and MY words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.
Christian Sinner
2015-08-16 16:47:11 UTC
I understand. We are speaking of something in a rather serious manner, about God, who we cannot see. This means we have to take someone's word for it.

People are evil. Why does God let it happen? What I can tell you is that I was molested, God helped me through. I had to trust him, and it is working. A person might never actually get over it, but what I don't do is blame God for something evil humans did. Life isn't simple to understand sometimes. But when I lean on God, it gets easier to live.
2015-08-16 22:45:43 UTC
Religions are false. That doesn't mean there isn't a god out there, but all the religions with their rules and beliefs are trying to get you to believe in one thing. No human is identical so how can their beliefs be? I believe in us being spirits and spirits live among us. I experience spiritual encounters often and have a feeling there's something great after this life. Just life a good life and don't stress about these things.
2015-08-16 21:30:11 UTC
This is a timeless question. Why does God allow suffering? I'm a Christian and I don't have an answer. Most Christians will say God allows free will, but honestly that is not very satisfying. The only comfort I really find is looking at Jesus dying for me and trusting that while I don't know why God allows suffering, it can't be because He doesn't care.

I hope you find love, joy and peace even in the midst of greiving and suffering and that you will have the opportunity to share that peace love and joy with others who are hurting.

None of us can change the whole world and make it a perfect place, but we can love the person next to us and in doing so perhaps find a trusting faith that in the end love conquers all.

Wish you all the best. <><
2015-08-17 04:05:33 UTC
The body has a system that renews it cells automatically. The bones and skin grows along with the body. Your blood circulate throughout the body because of the blood circulation system. You heart beat constantly even when you are a sleep. Your brain is more powerful than a computer system. All this did not happen by chance. If someone told you that they took all the pieces of a watch and shook it In a bag and it became a watch, you would not believe that theory. Our universe is more complex than a watch. We keep time base on the earth revolving around the sun on a timely bases.

Heb 3:4 Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.
2015-08-17 02:44:47 UTC
As an 15 year old turning 16 soon, i can understand to an extent given all scientific evidence and new theories or certain situations that people may not want to believe; but you must Pray to God and ask for forgiveness try and find your faith again and i promise you will experience Gods all mighty love and gracefulness.

There is only ONE God in the world no matter how many religions, we all pray to God and you need to know our dear lord loves us and he wants to be our friends and for us to talk to him; if you would just try and find your faith through the Bible or scriptures.

I promise, your faith will come back and you will experience the Holy spirit and the lord in many different ways that exceed human minds ever understanding; for i have and many have you must BELIEVE he has multiple ways for things to happen yes there is suffering in the world; because of the Devils evil acts and we cant save everyone but we need to know God is the only way to true happiness he will perform Miracles.
Paul Beckwith
2015-08-17 02:49:43 UTC
What you should believe in is "evidence" & nothing else. If you do that then you will stay sane & incorruptible. The facts state that there is zero evidence for God, there is zero evidence for anything written in the story book called the "Bible" (the same amount of evidence for anything being true in say a harry potter book). In fact all the evidence for our origins comes from evolution, and believe me there is tonnes of it. When you peice together a jigsaw of evidence (both for God and evolution) you may not have all the pieces yet, but the picture you begin to see is ONLY one for evolution. There is no loving caring God. How could he be real and still design (or not correct) things like cancer in children, parasites, killer bacteria/viruses, dinosaurs, crocodiles, scorpions, rattle snake, lions that rip baby animals apart whilst alive. The God theory makes no sense. All the evidence ie fossils etc point to evolution. The simple answer is to believe in evidence. Life preys on life!
StarGate I
2015-08-18 18:51:01 UTC
If you want to understand more about God, to know why we are here on Earth, the reason of our life, life after death, the spirit world, and many other things, learn Spiritism that will clarify you with all this things logically. Spiritism is a beautiful doctrine with wonderful teachings that bring us closer to God. If you have more knowledge your faith will increase.

Spiritism doesn't practice divination, it doesn't make any kind of witchcraft or sacrifice, or ritual, or use candles, or incense, or anything like that.

I'll let these videos that will give you a slight idea about Spiritism. Worth seeing.

Spiritism - What is Spiritism? Question 1/10

Spiritism - Are there any Postulates in Spiritism? Question 3/10

Allan Kardec: Fundamentals of the Spiritist Philosophy (in English after 4 min)
2015-08-17 06:39:36 UTC
Do you exist?

So if you exist then we have to search out an answer of why you exist and how you are able to exist.

At the begining and at the end there has to be (?) that started existance

This (?) has to be free from the need of begining and end.

The word you used by people to call this (?) is The Lah, The God and Many More words.

If u need, you are not God.

God made rules and regulations and has given everyone an option to obey or disobey and time to discover the truth and accept or not accept.

This world there are people who accept fully and there are people who

accept nothing.

That is why you have people doing good and people doing bad.

Science is an observer and does not make any rules or regulations to do with how and why, it just observes according to the scientists intellect to understand what is being observed and to report with accuracy according to the same intellect.

Religeon is only One which changes only certain things depending on

circumstances and time, but mostly is the same.

When people are involved in translating and interpretting the religeon that is when there is confusion. Because the one who accepts fully will be capable of knowing what is the right and good and the one who accepts very little or nothing will not be capable of telling people what the right and wrongs are.

A person can be leader of the world and yet follow his own made path.

That person no matter how he looks and behaves can not give you the path to freedom.

Freedom is not what you want but what the (The God) wants.

The The God has everyrthing and what ever you have will belong to

someone else and in the end return back to The God.

2015-08-16 21:46:15 UTC
You are young and don't understand it yet. People who blame god for bad things want their cake and eat it too. They can't have it both ways.

They want to be able to do things they choose and have all the fun they want and pollute the world.. bring in new diseases all the time. go crazy on ice .. murder others etc if they get angry at someone etc etc etc.. and the reason they are allowed to do all these things they decide to do is because GOD gave us all FREEWILL...

a FREEWILL that people love ..yet if because of their or someones elses freewill choices things go wrong.. Ie.. babys die, rape, murder, wars, etc etc... they then BLAME God.

They want it both ways..

they want their free will but when it comes back to bite them they don't accept responsibility for everyone having that free will they enjoy.. they just resort to blaming god.. passing blame back to the one that gave them the freewill to enjoy freedom of belief and freedom to do what they want.

its not God who does bad things..its people..and there is no satan in Christianity so those who claim there is and satan does it..are using excuses also. its US that do the wrong things and just because some of us use the freewill god gave for good doesn't give us the right to blame God.. its the people who use it for bad that is to blame not God.

The alternative is.. God doesn't give us free will.. and we are all robots and puppets.. just doing what god says.. I'm sure if god chose that outcome.. everyone would be spitting their dummies every second .on how they cant do the things they wish to when they like.


the ones doing the wrong will not be rewarded.. don't worry about what you can't control.. (what others do wrong) worry about what YOU CAN control...and don't make excuses that God does wrong or was wrong in giving you the free choices you LOVE to have.
2015-08-16 16:44:20 UTC
The only way God could prevent such sinful acts by humans is to take back the gift of free will from human beings, which would make us simply smart animals, with no spiritual nature, no moral capacity, and no chance for eternal life. But He loves us too much to do that. So He gives us the right to freely choose good or evil, and those who choose evil are completely responsible for the results of those choices, not God.

(pointing to Oregon Alley Cat's response): Thousands of children die of starvation every day because 15% of the world's people freely choose to consume 85% of the world's goods. How is God responsible for this?
2015-08-16 21:53:12 UTC
Is God to Blame for Our Suffering?

The Bible’s answer

The Bible emphatically answers no! Suffering was not part of God’s purpose for mankind.

However, the first human couple rebelled against God’s rulership, choosing to set their own standards of good and bad. They turned away from God and suffered the consequences.

Today we are experiencing the effects of their bad choice. But in no way did God originate human suffering.

The Bible says: “When under trial, let no one say: ‘I am being tried by God.’ For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.” (James 1:13)

Suffering can afflict anyone even those who are favored by God.
2015-08-16 16:57:04 UTC
The bible says:

...there is a judgment

...the man of SIN is being EXPOSED

...the TARES will be gathered up & burnt at the end

People must be exposed for ALL to see, or hear about.

Do you like animals? Do you know the ROUTINE torture in the FOOD industry, the conglomerates?

Yet atheists say they all can do it, hide it, no punishment.

Do you prefer that?

Or, like me know

1. GOD is just, good, merciful

2. There is a judgment, Jesus judges, everyone will know

3. Those wicked are forever destroyed.

But yes, now they get...worse & worse.
L. E. Gant
2015-08-16 16:50:57 UTC
Your options have many shad between them..

Think of it this way: God created us (well, set things in motion for humans to exist) to be his companions in eternity and to be his hands in deciding how the universe should be. That's why we have free will. But free will means we can choose to do what he might not approve of. We can choose to do bad things. He can't stop us, because then we'd have no free will.

So, make your own choices ... be free, and that includes destroying other people's free will
2015-08-16 17:17:32 UTC
Don't look for evidence simply because something doesn't happen. Don't say, "God doesn't exist because God doesn't do this or that." It's a false approach because it is impossible to prove something approaching it as a negative. Approach it like this: "There is no substantial evidence that any god is real."
2015-08-18 09:53:48 UTC
God is definitely real. please please watch this short youtube video:

secondly, why does He allow suffering:

I am muslim and my religion teaches that this life is temporary - and we are all being tested. There will be a Day of Judgement when everyone is judged. People who do bad things like rape will be held accountable and God is the Most Just. He will punish/reward people according to their actions so people who think they can cause suffering and get away with it will eventually have to face up to what they have done.

What do muslims believe? That there is One God - who we call Allah. He created everything and put us on the earth to test us. Ultimately our purpose is to worship the one true God. Overtime, man strayed from worshipping God and started worshipping other things so God sent messengers such as Moses, Noah, Abraham, Jesus (peace be upon them all) to guide us back to worshipping Him alone. He gave messengers revelations such as the Torah, and The Gospels however these books have overtime been changed and are no longer in their original form. The Qur'an is the last and final revelation from God to mankind.

How do i know that the quran is definitely from God and isn't just a fictional book written by man? Well, the quran is 1400 years old and has never been changed- God says in the Quran that He will preserve it. We have ancient copies of the quran that prove it has never been changed.

The quran mentions many many scientific facts that werent known to man at the time it was revealed - scientific facts that we have only come to know about in the last 200 years. The quran contains a detailed description of the human embryo - Dr Keith L. moore a professor of embryology has verified the statements made in the quran about embryology. here is a link to a video where he talks about it

in another video he says that some of his colleagues converted to islam after he showed them the passages in the quran about embryology.

there are many scientists who have converted to islam as a result of finding out about the scientific facts mentioned in the quran. this is something you can look into as there is a wealth of information on this topic

another incredible thing about the quran is that it is a linguistic miracle. God challenges man in the quran to bring a chapter like it if they dont believe it is from God - no one has ever been able to match the linguistic style of the quran. this video will briefly explain what i am talking about

you can read the quran online for free or order a copy of it for free. i would strongly urge you to read it as it may answer some other questions you may have,
2015-08-17 03:46:21 UTC
Ok, yeah when I was little I thought little

now that i'm bigger I think like a bigger not a bugger!

when I was little and stuff, when I was in school

i had a class i went to the teacher would make us

read the bible, i don't like to read books at all

she the teacher asked from the other side of class

Does any one want to accept Jesus anyone?

then the next time she asked the same thing

i accepted him into me heart. now i see and

and hear Jesus talkling to tell me to tell others


as for Father God well he is the Father of Jesus

so Father God must be real,

after all Jesus is real why now Father God be real

to! Thank you.
2015-08-16 17:11:34 UTC
Why do you believe that god is real? Belief is the acceptance of the truth of something. Faith is belief without evidence. To have faith in anything, let alone a higher being is, in essence, lying. To have faith that god exists is intellectually dishonest at best.
2015-08-16 16:55:14 UTC
Villads please follow me on this. God is love. Love by its nature MUST be shared hence the reason why He created. Love is best when returned so, yes He does want us to love Him. Love however cannot be forced; by its nature it MUST be freely given. So God could not create us already loving Him... that would be a contradiction. It is for the purpose of us learning true selfless love that I believe the physical world was created. Here we are given the complete free will to do any and all evil even though that leads away from God and from love because it is ONLY when we have the freedom to do evil that we also have the freedom to reject that evil and do the good that leads towards love and God.

The fact is that we cannot possibly learn to truly love without our deliberate choice to reject evil. If evil did not exist we would have nothing to reject and as a result would never learn love. The same holds true for pain, suffering toil and death. Without the personal experience of them in ourselves or someone in our social circle we can never learn how they really feel and thus could never learn compassion or sympathy for others in the same boat. Without learning compassion and sympathy we could never learn to care about people outside of our social circle. And without first learning to care about others we could never learn to selflessly love. Without learning selfless love we could never hope to be with God who is love.

It is all interconnected.
2015-08-17 02:40:03 UTC
God gave us all Freedom of Choice the choice to choose God ore the devil Choose Christ as the only way to Heaven or Not

Dont Blame God for Idiots who made the wrong choice
2015-08-17 04:29:55 UTC
God has got nothing to do with human vice. Free will is a divine gift and abusing that is the responsibility of the abuser. It is never revoked because we agree to the conditions that entails when we incarnate. Would you likewise blame your parents for what you do or take responsibility instead?
2015-08-17 02:34:56 UTC
God will punish all sin, the innocent will be rewarded for their suffering in the world to come. I can understand your disappointment but this is not the end, the world will pass away and a new era will be ushered in where all who refuse to repent in this life will be eternally separated from the presence of the holy God. There will be justice, you can bet on that

As for why God allows suffering, He alone knows. If all His ways were discernible and He was someone we could grasp with our human understanding, I would not believe that a being that simple could be great enough to create the entire universe

What I don't understand is how your faith in a higher power is dependent on how God responds to problems in the world? Why does God have to act in a certain way that suits your preference of how a God should act before you can acknowledge His existence? That's how atheists reason, which shows that their so-called unbelief is actually just their frustration at a God that does not act the way they think a God should act.

That's not a rational basis for belief

Either God exists or He doesn't, regardless of whether you choose to follow Him or not. We don't get to deny the existence of people we don't like so why do we do it with God?
Bobby Jim
2015-08-16 17:51:04 UTC
One of the things God gave to human beings was/is free will. People actually reason through morality and CHOOSE to engage in such behavior. To retract God's the gift of free will, would negate everything we know about His love. We cannot define "good" without knowing "evil."
2015-08-18 09:54:43 UTC
God, let us with a free will on earth as a test, but show us how to do the good things, and how to avoid to do worse things in spite of all that man keep obstinately doing the bad things...
2015-08-17 07:08:11 UTC
I do not belive god exist also I before was in abusive family praying all crap

hope my brother will change hopes are just stupid and lame I do not want get disappointment anymore

so I decided to cohabate with one of male friend to protect my self
2015-08-17 08:38:05 UTC
Gods are not real. They cannot be.
2015-08-16 19:07:12 UTC
Well, let us first see that the Bible is a book of truth.

Number 1: Are the Jews are real people. If you answer, "Yes", then move to question #2.

Number 2: Why the Jews are called "Jews". If you don't know, look to the Bible where the Jews are called Jews because they descended from the tribe of Judah.

Genesis 29:35 She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “This time I will praise the LORD.” So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children. NIV

Look and see if there is any other answer. There isn't any acceptable answer for the truth is accepted by the world.

Number 3: Now that the Jews are real people and they are in the Bible, ask yourself why Jews don't take Jesus as Lord and Savior and why they don't believe Jesus is the Messiah.

If you don't know, the answer is that the Jews holy text, the Tanakh/Old Testament was written before the coming of Jesus. This helps provide proof that the whole Bible (Old Testament/New Testament) were not written at the same time.

Now if we know that the Old Testament and the New Testament were not written at the same time, then the prophecies and foreshadowings of the Old Testament could not have been made up. Rather, they were made in advance and fulfilled later on. The fulfilled prophecies and foreshadowings are THE ULTIMATE PROOF of GOD.

What are some prophecies and foreshadowings given by God in the Tanakh/Old Testament that have come to be fulfilled, he may ask.

Now let's look at the Tanakh/Old Testament foreshadowings/prophecies concerning Jesus.

1) Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem---Micah 5:2

2) the King/Messiah was to bring salvation was to ride into Jerusalem on an ***, upon a colt, the foal of an ***-----Zechariah 9:9

3) the price of Jesus' betrayal was told to be 30 pieces of silver, told who would end up with the money (the potter), and where the silver would be cast (the house of the Lord-----Zechariah 11:13

4) that the hands and feet would be pierced-----Psalm 22:16

5) that He would be born of a virgin---Isaiah 7:14

6) that He would be pierced for our transgressions---Isaiah 53:5

7) that He would die with wicked, be assigned a rich man's grave, though He had done no violence or said anything deceitful---Isaiah 53:9

One foreshadowing fulfilled by Jesus is the Passover Lamb.

The Passover lamb died on the 14th of Nisan. Its' blood was placed on the door frames of the Israelites homes to protect the Israelites from the angel of death and the plague of the first born males. Those that had faith that the blood of the lamb would save them (the Israelites) were protected from physical death. The Egyptians, who did not have faith in the blood, died. No bones were to be broken on the Passover lamb.

Jesus, the true Passover Lamb, died on the 14th of Nisan. Those who have faith in the blood of Jesus to save them will be spared of spiritual death. Those who do not believe will suffer spiritual death/eternal torment in the lake of fire. No bones were broken on Jesus.

One foreshadowing you may not have known of is the names of the first ten descendants/genealogy of Jesus.

Look at the genealogy from Adam to Noah.

God always rewards the diligent student. Let us examine this chapter more closely. In our Bible, we read the Hebrew names. What do these names mean in English?

The Composite List

Now let's put it all together:






Mahalalel-----------The Blessed God

Jared-----------------Shall come down


Methuselah-------------His death shall bring

Lamech-------------------The Despairing

Noah------------------------Rest, or comfort.

Let's put the message/foreshadowing together, now.

Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest.

There is the good news of Jesus in the genealogy from Adam to Noah.

So there is proof that Jesus is the Son of God from the Tanakh/Old Testament which was written hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus.

One fulfilled prophecy that was recently fulfilled was the Isaiah 9:10 prophecy that the best-selling book the Harbinger was about.

This prophecy was fulfilled by Tom Daschel and John Edwards after the 9/11 attack.

Tell him that you have given him things to ponder.

Tell him the only reasonable response is that the Bible is God's gift to mankind to show us what God wants from us and how he expects us to act and what the future is.

God wants us to know that Jesus/Yeshua is the Son of God and is the Savior of the world.

No one can get eternal life/heavenly life without faith in Jesus and repentance of our sinful ways.

We are all sinners and unless we have faith in Jesus, his blood cannot pay the penalty for our sins. The result is an eternal existence without God and his blessings. It is pure torment.

May God Bless You Always
2015-08-16 16:44:48 UTC
God doesn't exist, good to know you're open minded, I'm 15 and I'm an atheist since I was 10, no regrets.
2015-08-16 16:48:50 UTC
God is real. God works through you and I. Jesus asked us to take care of our neighbors. Your neighbors are those whom you come across in your life, who are in need. If you take care of your neighbors, you will achieve what God wants to achieve through you for the benefit of humanity.
2015-08-16 20:59:37 UTC
Watch the movie "heaven is for real", or read the book...

And let a 3-year old boy that died in the hospital and came back answer your question.

Everything he saw macthes the Bible, but he was way to young to know fact, he ended up telling his parents things about heaven that healed them from personal pain (like the fact she saw a sister in heaven and asked her mom "why did you never tell me I had a sister there" - because the mom never shared with the 3-year old that she had a miscarriage...)

There are many such examples and stories.

It will melt your heart and you will cry out to God...

But I would hurry, this world is on the edge of some awful things we can't take any more time for granted.
2015-08-16 16:50:13 UTC
Gods, the correct term to use when questioning that which mankind has created and worshipped thousands upon thousands of is gods.
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2015-08-16 16:45:18 UTC
The existence of evil is actually a very good argument for the existence of God. Just saying.
2015-08-17 05:12:56 UTC
God is not real, pain and suffering is
2015-08-16 17:33:02 UTC
How can anything be real? Start with that. Also, stay away from the deep web. No good can come of it.
2015-08-17 08:25:29 UTC
Proof of God.
2015-08-18 10:47:03 UTC
Every person at some point in their life questions if God is real. Please do some reading at and you'll see for yourself if He is.
2015-08-17 09:16:13 UTC
Dear Friend,

God isn t interested in any man made ...religions. He desires a real intimate spiritual relationship with His creation. With you. But, it is OUR sin that blocks that covenant relationship with a Holy God. And, it is only through Jesus Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit can anyone be reconciled/restored back into a relationship with a Holy God.

It is SIN that entered into man through Adam and Eve ...and that is why there is evil in this world.

Remember, Adam and Eve ate from the tree of "KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL." And in doing so... disobeyed God when He "Warned" them, not to.

God s Word is His "Personal (Spiritual) Instruction Manual" for man to live a safe, abundant life in Him. Personalize God s Word as I have illustrated for you below:

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NIV)

"For I know the plans I have for you (insert your name),” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you (insert your name) and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

12 Then (insert your name) you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

13 You will seek me (insert your name) and find me when you seek me (insert your name) with all your heart.

The key my friend is that...we can only approach a Holy God on His terms, not ours. When you begin a relationship with someone, you get to KNOW them. God desires for you to get to "know" Him. Spend quality time with Him in prayer and in His Word daily; preferably in the morning before you start your day. Ask Him what it is He wants you to learn from what you read and how to apply what you've read in your...daily life. God examines our heart. Our motive and intent. He knows if we are truly sincere or not.

You will never regret dear one, surrendering your life over to the One who died a horrible death as your substitute on that horrific Cross. He loves you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3b

Get to 'know' the Lover of your soul...personally! :)

Tender blessings,
2015-08-16 17:20:29 UTC
What if it was an energy our soul , when we believe in and practice goodness we increase goodness connection to the energy , I have no wish to sin do harm in thought or action because I am one with this energy.

search for goodness and string theory
2015-08-17 11:20:27 UTC
People conduct their own lives; God does not do it for them.
2015-08-16 16:58:25 UTC
please continue your searching and questioning. perhaps a gradual and personal revealation will allow you to develop an understanding. I'm 68 and I get very sad thinking about the hate and meanness online
great knight
2015-08-18 15:58:36 UTC
Get a kjversion Bible and believe. Jesus Christ is the truth. Read the parable of the sower. God is the one who will judge and set all things right in the end. Study the Word. and so on. And, and so on. Jesus Christ is the truth!
2015-08-16 16:46:34 UTC
Ahh typical ignorant athiest. No wonder you fail at life.
2015-08-16 18:37:32 UTC
It for you to make it possible. If you have implicit faith, unshakable belief and unflinching devotion, HE will be real.
2015-08-17 04:47:18 UTC
Good question
2015-08-16 16:45:32 UTC
there is NO PROOF that any god is real. PERIOD
2015-08-16 21:25:56 UTC
There is no god.

There is no devil.

Your born alone and you will die alone.
2015-08-17 08:32:45 UTC
he isn't it's all bullshit but people are to retarded to know that he isn't real
2015-08-16 16:41:58 UTC
There is no reason to believe it is....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.