Christians did you know that Muslim pray to a stone. and that Mohammed commands them to? Its called Hajj?
2008-03-05 11:49:05 UTC
Islam hajj what are known as the 5 pillars

one is which is hajj

During hajj you go to Mecca to the Kabba

and you kiss the Idol. they call it "al hajr al aswad" we call it the "black stone"

This is Idol worship

"The Hajj is associated with the life of Muhammad, but the ritual of pilgrimage to Mecca predates Islam, and was considered ancient during his lifetime in the 7th century. Many Muslims believe that it goes back to the time of Abraham in 2000 BCE. Pilgrims would join processions of tens of thousands of people, who would simultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj, and perform a series of rituals. Each person would walk counter-clockwise seven times about the Ka'aba, the cubical building towards which all Muslims pray; kiss the sacred Black Stone on its corner"
Nine answers:
mg© - anti VT™ MG AM© Fundi4Life
2008-03-05 11:54:30 UTC
Didn't you say Jesus isnt God?

what are you dude?
2008-03-05 12:32:14 UTC
I find this is no more idolatrous than praying to crosses (Which is a symbolic representation of the cross of the zodiac separating the equinoxes from the solstices) having Easter egg hunts on the Church lawn (Which Easter is a pagan holiday celebrating the arrival of the spring equinox and the Goddess of Fertility) or a number of so called Christian traditions especially Christmas. This by no means diminishes the beauty of these traditions.

Just like the awesome spectacle of nearly one million Muslims taking part in their holy pilgrimage to Mecca. Being that I have been to Saudi Arabia and seen and entire Muslim society stop each day to pray to their "God" 5 time a day, I think Christian hardly are in a position to ridicule any ones religion. In Saudi Arabia their is no chemical dependency (ie. drugs and alcohol), less than a 1% crime rate, no out of wedding lock births, no illegitimate children, no parental absenteeism or any other of the ills that plague Westernized Christian nations.

I don't agree with any religious doctrine however I respect a persons choice. I don't respect those living in glass houses throwing stones.
2008-03-05 11:59:28 UTC
Hajj means literally pilgrimage. You are way off base. Not one Muslim will tell you they kiss the rock to worship it. You need to watch claims you make about things you have no idea about.

Honoring the things of God is not worshiping them. You would do well to reread your Bible and stop attacking others before you understand your own religion. Check out how the Jews were instructed in their treatment of the Ark of the Covenant. God's things are Holy and the places of God are Holy. As a Christian, I'm upset by your ignorance of other religions, especially those you would wish to bring down.
2008-03-05 12:00:06 UTC
They are not *worshiping* the stone, they are using it as a symbol to bring them closer to God as they complete the Hajj.

It's kind of like Christians kneeling at a Cross, or Jews kissing the Torah -- it's a ritual.
Seek Peace and Truth
2008-03-05 12:39:49 UTC
Assalamualaikum (Peace be upon you)

The questioner has displayed tremendous ignorance on Islam. Lets examine the truth, I'd like to find at least one Muslim in person out there who will tell me that he prays to or worships a stone, if so he ceases to be a Muslim, for the Muslim declaration of faith is "I bear witness that there is NONE worthy of worship besides ALLAH and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final messenger of Allah". Yes we Muslims do all face in the direction of Mecca when we pray to GOD 5 times daily but this is for the purpose of unity for it would be odd if we Muslims each chose our own random direction to face when we pray. The questioner has got it so wrong, Im absolutely amazed that there are people out there like our questioner who have such tremendous ignorance about the fastest growing faith on the planet and still feels proud to openly display such ignorance on Islam. Yes Hajj does predate the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as it was performed by another one of our beloved Prophets - Abraham (peace be upon him), read about it in the Holy Quran (visit and download your free PDF copy of the Holy Quran) and read also how Islam and Muslims absolutely despise Idol worship. We Muslims worship the one true unique creator Allah, he is one, not 3 in 1 or 1 in 3. This is what Jesus (peace be upon him) himself testified, he was a Muslim also, see the following:




I will once again make it clear to all of you my dear friends: we Muslims worship only Allah, the creator of all of us, we pray 5 times daily to him only, we dont believe he was a man or an animal incarnate, he is the most pure, he is unique, he is our creator Allahuakbar (Allah is the greatest). Sadly, many will still continue to have misconceptions about Islam, so I urge you all to learn more and please please feel free to apply lots of reason and logic when researching Islam, please my dear friends, visit the following, learn the truth about Islam and you be the judge thereafter (we Muslims have nothing to hide :-) ....... ), visit:

- (see the misconceptions on Islam section)


- (Here you can read for free the really excellent book by Dr Maurice Bucaille entitled The Bible, the Quran, and Science THE HOLY SCRIPTURES EXAMINED IN THE LIGHTOF MODERN KNOWLEDGE

- (see the Q & A section to help clear your misconceptions about Islam)


- (For a free PDF download of Holy Quran)

- (Excellent website, proves the Holy Quran is indeed a revelation from God)

- And a website known as http:// sultan dot org (PS I had to spell it out as when I type it, I mysteriously find that my answer is unable to submit). The web address is all one word from http to org.


Peace be upon you all
2008-03-05 11:58:15 UTC
Are you aware that this so called stone is actually a metorite?

Not of this earth! Hummmm!
2008-03-05 11:56:41 UTC
Its something that brings us close to God, period.

Just like your cross does.
2008-03-05 11:58:10 UTC
And this is idle rubbish.
2008-03-05 11:53:52 UTC

130. And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly? Him We chose and rendered pure in this world: And he will be in the Hereafter in the ranks of the Righteous.

131. Behold! his Lord said to him: "Bow (thy will to Me):" He said: "I bow (my will) to the Lord and Cherisher of the Universe."

132. And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; "Oh my sons! Allah hath chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam."

133. Were ye witnesses when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to his sons: "What will ye worship after me?" They said: "We shall worship Thy Allah and the Allah of thy fathers, of Abraham, Isma'il and Isaac,- the one (True) Allah. To Him we bow (in Islam)."

134. That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of their merits there is no question in your case!

135. They say: "Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation)." Say thou: "Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham the True, and he joined not gods with Allah."

136. Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)."

137. So if they believe as ye believe, they are indeed on the right path; but if they turn back, it is they who are in schism; but Allah will suffice thee as against them, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

138. (Our religion is) the Baptism of Allah. And who can baptize better than Allah. And it is He Whom we worship.

139. Say: Will ye dispute with us about Allah, seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord; that we are responsible for our doings and ye for yours; and that We are sincere (in our faith) in Him?

140. Or do ye say that Abraham, Isma'il Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do ye know better than Allah. Ah! who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from Allah. but Allah is not unmindful of what ye do!

141. That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of their merits there is no question in your case:

142. The fools among the people will say: "What hath turned them from the Qibla to which they were used?" Say: To Allah belong both east and West: He guideth whom He will to a Way that is straight.

143. Thus, have We made of you an Ummat justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Messenger a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qibla to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (From the Faith). Indeed it was (A change) momentous, except to those guided by Allah. And never would Allah Make your faith of no effect. For Allah is to all people Most surely full of kindness, Most Merciful.

144. We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do.

145. Even if thou wert to bring to the people of the Book all the Signs (together), they would not follow Thy Qibla; nor art thou going to follow their Qibla; nor indeed will they follow each other's Qibla. If thou after the knowledge hath reached thee, Wert to follow their (vain) desires,-then wert thou Indeed (clearly) in the wrong.

146. The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know.

147. The Truth is from thy Lord; so be not at all in doubt.

148. To each is a goal to which Allah turns him; then strive together (as in a race) Towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you Together. For Allah Hath power over all things.

149. From whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; that is indeed the truth from the Lord. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do.

150. So from whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; and wheresoever ye are, Turn your face thither: that there be no ground of dispute against you among the people, except those of them that are bent on wickedness; so fear them not, but fear Me; and that I may complete My favours on you, and ye May (consent to) be guided;

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.