Can you be specific about God?
2007-04-04 10:47:00 UTC
I'm not sure if I believe in God. I have listened to people on both sides of the argument. This is my problem... Believers are always saying stuff like "God is the word," "Jesus is the answer" and "everything comes through God." What do they actually mean when they say this? It sounds like a lot of vague rhetoric to me but I would really like to get an explianation if there is one.
22 answers:
2007-04-04 11:26:32 UTC
I think what you are saying is that you don't want to have people preach at you but simply try to give you an understanding of who God is, correct? I don't know if I can do that but I will try.

I can only speak from a Christian perspective so please take it in that context.

God first and foremost is the creator of all things. I am not going to go into arguments about the theory of evolution etc. because this is not a scientific explanation, but one based on what is in my heart personally.

As the creator, he loved all those things he created. That means he loved every man, woman and child on the planet regardless of their faith or lack of it, their color, their country of origin or what religion they do or do not follow.

He is a jealous yet totally righteous (free of sin) God and one that wants us to be obedient to his commands because he knows his way is the best way for all his children. Because of his own freedom from sin, he can not handle his creations being sinful either. (Just take a look at the commandments. Can you imagine what kind of a world we would live in if everyone followed them? It would be awesome.)

However, man disobeyed Gods commands and that did two things. First, it broke the bond that God had originally had with man. Secondly, that disobedience was passed from generation to generation. And although God still loved his creations, he more or less told them that now that they had sinned, they were no longer going to be under his protection and would have to make their own way in the world. I guess you could call it the original "tough love" concept. He hoped that man would then realize what they had lost when they turned their back on him and would voluntarily come back to him.

As it turned out, man did just the opposite and became more and more sinful as the generations passed. Eventually, God was so distraught with mankind that he made the decision to destroy them all because they had brought him nothing but heartache. It was at this time that one heavenly creature (some believe it was Jesus) spoke on behalf of mankind and pleaded that God allow the one righteous man to live. That man was Noah.

As time went by, even those that were born of the line of Noah and his family became sinners and disobeyed God. Then God brought the Ten Commandments to them and more or less said, "I will make myself clear. Here are the rules. Follow them and I will give you paradise. Disobey and you will die."

Again, some followed, some did not.

In a final attempt to get mankind to accept a life free of sin, Jesus was sent to try to teach us God's way by example. To prove he was the son of God, all sorts of miracles took place. His miraculous birth, the healings, voices spoke from the sky, he cast out demons etc., and many saw and believed and followed him. But their were still men who hated him because they themselves were the current leaders of the religious community in Israel and they feared what Jesus would do to that power base so they set a trap for Jesus which eventually resulted in his death. Jesus however knew that this was coming and had told his followers that if people would believe on him as the son of God, he would once again plead their case to God himself in the future. (Salvation) Jesus died on the cross so that all mankind would have one last chance to believe and to be saved from destruction by God. Jesus was raised from the dead as one last miracle to assure us that he had already defeated Satan on our behalf and that all we had to do was to believe and follow.

I do not know if God has a physical body as you and I do. I do know however that God is a spirit who is able to transport that spirit to people who believe in Him. That is from personal experience.

I do not know where God originated or how. I realize that this explanation may not be what you needed but it is the only way I can explain trying to show you his character. Like most parents, he loves his children but will not accept bad behavior. But I think the fact that he kept trying to get mankind to understand and finally went so far as to send and sacrifice Jesus on our behalf is proof of his love for us.

If you have specific questions, feel free to e mail me. God Bless.
2007-04-04 10:59:00 UTC
I don't think I've ever said any of those things... Yet I believe in God. There is no other explanation. Ever since I was a kid I've been taught about God. But it the last year I've found Him really for myself. I've seen things happen that only could have happened because God had something to do with it. I have felt him working in my own life. There are some things that I don't understand and I am willing to admit that but I have a trust in him because He's always worked out everything for me!

"God is the Word" Well God's word is the Bible... it's almost like his letter to the people that believe in him.

"Jesus is the answer" Jesus has been the answer for my life. He's turned me around.

"Everything comes through God" God gives everyone a choice. Sometimes we choose things that don't value up with what God wants. So obviously my desicion didn't come through God! But God does have things in control... yet at the same time he allows us to choose.

I've chosen Him because without him I'd be nothing. Some say that religion is for weak ppl. I disagree. For me this is more than just a religion. It's a relationship! It's not a set of rules and dos and don'ts... It's about me speaking to God and HIm with me.
2007-04-04 11:01:41 UTC
"God is the word" is a part of "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He was with God in the beginning.

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." John 1.

Its to say that Jesus was there in the beginning in Genesis.

"Jesus is the answer" is to say that when one can't see a way to resolve a matter, Christ can show the way for the many that can't see hope.

"Everything comes through God" although satan is the prince of this world (John 12:31) everything is in God's control and his dominion.
2007-04-04 11:00:54 UTC
It's true that Jesus is the answer, every GOOD thing comes through God's grace.

For a more specific answer to your question would mean a long conversation. I can only answer from experience. I can say that being saved has meant answers to questions that had no answer in the natural. It means having a best friend that loves you beyond measure, at all times, through all things. It means loving others as yourself..... which makes life so much richer. It means realizing there are no accidents in the spirit realm. It means that your life has a destiny designed by God that none other can outdo. It means sweeter relationships with family and friends. It means belonging to a network of believers who "have your back" in times of need. It means witnessing miracles. It means having a right attitude. An attitude of gratitude. It means constantly being amazed at the wonder of His divine creation. It means looking at the softness of a puppy or the boldness of the ocean and being in awe at how He could have created this. It means believing in Him. It means having faith..... 'being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see', Hebrews 11:1. It means having the kind of peace within that can only come from Him.
2007-04-04 10:55:15 UTC
I question my faith a long time ago. I didn't understand all of it either. I use a lot of these sayings now too. But when I was down and out. I just prayed to God. I worked on my relationship with him. I blocked out every ones opinions and just worked with him. After seeing improvement in my life I started learning about the different Christan's religions. There is many and they believe a little differently. I am catholic and I went back because it made the most sense to me. But I think your personally relationship with God is more important then programs Christan's, and what they have to say.
4HIM- Christians love
2007-04-04 11:00:57 UTC
As a Christian, I have learned to have a personal relationship with God. That means that I talk to Him about everything. Prayer us just talking to my Heavenly Father.

When I want to know what He wants of me, I go to my Bible. I use a concordance which helps me tremendously. Also, at times I just sit and be still. His presence is with me.

The reason that Jesus is the answer is, we were all born with a sin nature because of Adam and Eve's disobedience to God. You can read about this in the first chapter of Genesis.

We are all sinners. All of us can be homosexuals, murders, fornicators, thieves, adulterers or liars. Maybe even more than one of those. We all sin which is the reason that we all are born separated from God and do the things that He has told us not to do. You can see evidence of this in the news and on TV.

Jesus came to the earth and died for the purpose of becoming the blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. Those of us who will choose Him as our Lord and Savior and repent (which means to turn away from sin), will be given the free gift of eternal life with God.

God doesn't want anyone to be lost. That is why even though we are born sinners, He has provided Jesus for us. Not choosing Jesus is the only way that we remain separated from God.

Coming to Jesus for love, leadership and forgiveness is the only way to go to Heaven and live forever.

May God bless you. I hope this helps.
2007-04-04 10:58:17 UTC
Not sure what your looking for here,but I will say this. This world including us are under a curse,because of sin. That is why we die. Jesus came into the world to fufil the requirments of the law perferctly,and give a Blood atonement ounce and for all time. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. Jesus Christ is our atonement today. If like in the old testement we were under the law,there would still be animal sacrifices. But we are not,because Jesus Christ fufiled the requirements of that law perfectly,and God has accepted Him. All we have to do is belive. It is arrogant when most christians say I accept Jesus. It is not up to them to accept it but God. Our part is to believe it. Do it today won't you. Jesus is so all merciful and long suffering wish that all would come to repentence.
Gizelle K
2007-04-04 10:55:03 UTC
When the bible says Word, it could mean promise or the one being spoken of, I believe Jesus was the Word and not God, but God spoke of the Word, that he will send to us a ransom.

To know God is to start with the Bible....and some help with people who know it.
2007-04-04 10:57:24 UTC
I think that faith requires you to believe in vague rhetoric. It is purposely vague so that people can construe it to mean anything they want it to mean. That's why they preach the concept of a personal God. If need full explanations and specifics, belief in God probably isn't for you.
2016-05-17 09:55:42 UTC
I don't believe the existence of a god or gods would have any net effect since it (or they) have not made any major changes since the dawn of properly recorded history... but I do tend to lean toward Spinoza's god -(Nature), as an explanation for all the other god claims.
2007-04-04 10:54:58 UTC
Personally I believe the power of man should be taken into account more. It's not smart to wait for "God" to change your life. I also believe in a higher power, not necessarily God from the Bible, but just a higher power.
2007-04-04 10:52:40 UTC
Bottom line:

We are sinners. The 10 commandments show us what sin is. We ALL sin and fall short of God's glory. Just having flesh makes us be sinful persons. God cannot allow sin in heaven where he lives. So God sent his son who is perfect and sinless. He was 100% God and 100% man with flesh. Jesus hung the sins of all on the cross with him and destroyed sin. If someone accepts that Jesus was God's son, died for their sins, repents (says I'm sorry for my sins) and is baptized into Christ they man enter heaven and live with God forever.

Suggestion, pray to God, ask him to reveal himself to you, if you are sincere he will.

2007-04-04 10:52:12 UTC
Yes, there are a ton of expressions out there, and it confuses even me. (and I've been Christian for over 25 yrs.)

Everything becomes crystal clear when you read and understand the Bible. Some sayings though I don't know where they geet them from.

You need to read the Bible. If you truly seek the answers, you will find them. Guarenteed.
2007-04-04 10:57:55 UTC
God just is. You cant really see Him (just like you cant see air), but you know He's there. Want proof? Take a breath, look outside, enjoy life. God is like air; He's everywhere and in everything. just like in science and math, somethings are not fully explainable -- they just are. if you have any more questions, email me and i'll answer them the best i can as soon as i can.
2007-04-04 10:51:36 UTC
You can only be vague in something that is only proven by faith.

This is truth. I think that they are impressing their faith upon you to make you think a certain way. God, if he existed, left us here to die and went on to create another planet to play with.

Christians are blinded by false-truths and they are unable to realize this because of their faith.
Real Friend
2007-04-04 10:58:59 UTC
they mean "ignore what your senses are telling you, we did and look what it's done for us"

Yeah caused them to be senseless.

It boils down to replacing your ability to reason with something called "faith" which is simply imagining what someone else believes to be the truth. It's a form of internal brutality, instead of enslaving your body by force, they enslave your mind thus you enslave your body for their purposes.
2007-04-04 10:51:53 UTC
i would love to sees God
2007-04-04 10:54:20 UTC
If you doubt the existence of God, why are you telling us of it? Why bother us with your beliefs since you know very well that whatever we say, will not change your vacant mind?
2007-04-04 10:52:05 UTC
then remain agnostic, theism and atheism arguemnt never went anywere, for the past years/month/weeks/days
2007-04-04 10:49:56 UTC
I have never seen any evidence to suggest the existance of a monolithic, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent deity, especially one that is "good."

I think you will find it is not "believers" that say this, but Christians.
2007-04-04 11:00:12 UTC
"Vague rhetoric".That just about sums it up
2007-04-04 10:51:47 UTC
Even they do not know for sure.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.