There are 10 million of Scientologist in the planet living happy and fruitful lives.
Last years Scientology opened 1,300 missions including missions in Nepal, India and Japan.
Over 40 academic scholars have found that Scientology is a bona fide religion.
Scientology is composed of 58 organized and self evident Axioms.
Scientology isn't a faith system but a series of processes that a person uses to find his own truth. Here are some of the principles.
1. What is true for you is what you your self observe to be true.
2. Man is his spirit not his mind or his body.
3. The spirit creates his own mind. Please do not confuse the mind with the brain that is a physical thing. The mind is composed of mental image pictures as explained in Dianetics. These pictures serve the spirit to give him knowledge and experience. These pictures are composed of energy. The energy in the picture can affect the spirit. You can feel better by remembering something that you like or angry by remembering something else. These emotions are actually energy waves emanated by the picture. You can actually feel pain by remembering a pain memory. Sometimes this pictures are accompanied by ideas or considerations. Lets supposed that you father beat you mom up in front of you. Your father was the dominating figure so you might conclude that you have to act like your father in some situations. This is what we call in Scientology an aberration (a conclusion that is impose to you by a mental picture). This picture is what we call a engram; A pain memory that affects your judgment and free will.
4. A spirit is capable of considerations and ideas and this ideas are solely based on ugliness and beauty-fullness. The spirit reject ugly things and intends on making everything beauty full. Do you like your car, you house, your job, your friends? Are you friends nice with you? Can you improve things in your life? All these are ideas based on ugliness and beauty fullness. This is why the spirits rejects the ugly memories and by rejecting the ugly memories (not confronting them) he is unknowingly affected by them.
5. You can discharge the energy in this pictures true communication. This is Auditing, the Auditor directs your attention to this pictures regardless of how ugly they are and you confront the picture and discharge the energy of the picture true the communication line. Is like if you have battery, in order to discharge the battery you need to discharged against something. If you try to discharge it against your self is just going to chock you.
6. Un ethical behavior and wrong doings are the #1 reason a spirit diminishes it power. In order to stop your self from hurting others, you hinder your own abilities and force. The rehabilitation of your own abilities and force is dependent on you taking full responsibility for your actions.
7. You are fully responsible for your condition. Blaming others for your condition will never solve that condition. It doesn't matter what that condition is, blaming other will never help. Only by fully taking ownership of you condition can you solve that condition.
Scientology is a very interesting religion that takes years of study to master. I just mentioned a few fundamentals. Scientology is so advance and so different that people can't understand it. People think that they know everything there is to know about life. And when they see Scientology they jump to conclusions when in reality they don't have a clue what are they talking about. The reality is that man attacks what he can't understand. That's why Scientology gets so much bad press.
Zero Cool is a self proclaim Atheist that searches Yahoo answers in order to bash God or Religion in any way possible, just look at her answers: "No, I don't believe in the power of prayer. Prayer does nothing but allow the praying person to feel like they're doing something supernatural about their problem".
Now about Zero Cool anti-Scientology propaganda I have this to say:
1. The drug Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine with anticholinergic (drying) and sedative properties that is used to treat allergic reactions and it has many other uses. There are many valid medical reasons why a trace LRH of this drug was found in LRH system at his time of death (like allergy relief and pain relief).
2. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but Scientologist don't believe in Aliens. The story of Xenu is just a fable like the story Jonah in the Whale in the bible. Fables are not intended to be taken seriously. The story of Xenu doesn't have any significance on Scientology beliefs. It is up to each Scientologist to identify what is true for him.
3. What the heck is a "Body Thetan"?. A thetan is the Scientology term for the human spirit, there is no such thing as body thetans. I have been in Scientology for over 10 years and I have never heard the term "Body Thetan". I challenge anyone to produce a LRH lecture or document that mentions the term "Body Thetan".
4. Scientology is the only church that doesn't ask their members for donations during their Sunday services. They rather earn their money by delivering courses and auditing. It doesn't cost anything to become a Scientologist. You can read the Scientology books from any library and go to the Sunday services, all for free!
Now if you want professional Auditing and training of course there are multiple ways to go about this:
a. You can do volunteer work in a church and get your services for free.
b. You can take the courses and become an Auditor your self and do all your auditing with a partner.
c. You can pay to have a professional Auditor audit you.
The cost for training is no more expensive than taking a course in your community college (per credit hour). The cost of professional Auditing is no more expensive than the cost going to a Psychologist (per hour). But if you are rich and you want to receive your Auditing while staying in a 5 star rated Scientology resort or the Scientology Cruise Ship, of course is going to cost you.
5. "The reality of chemical imbalance"? What reality of chemical imbalance? Blood test, cat scans, x rays or any medical test can't determine if a person is crazy. Depression is a state of mind, not a disease. Psychiatrists deny the God, the soul and believe that self awareness, love and faith is merely cellular activity. Many experts agree that Psychiatry is solely based on opinion and long term use of Psychiatric drugs are highly harmful not to mention many side effects including addiction. Antidepressant should only be used in emergencies as a short term solution to calm your nerves during a highly stressful situation like a family death. Please don't confuse Psychiatry with Psychology. Psychology is a practice to help people true communication. Scientologist don't have anything against Psychology only Psychiatry.
6. What coercive to recruit methods? Scientology has in your face solutions for in your face problems. This seems very strait forward to me.
7. Its founder leader is self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable and has charisma? So was Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad, what's your point?
8. It believes 'the end justifies the means' in order to solicit funds & recruit people? Scientologist are very Ethical people and base their conduct on a code of conduct.
9. Its wealth does not benefit its members or society? Scientologist are highly involved in their communities and run many community help programs.
Do you know that the campaign "Say no to drugs and yes to life" was started by scientologist?
Do you know that Scientologist fight for Human Rights?
Do you know that Scientologist run the biggest criminal rehabilitation program there is?
Do you know run the most successful drug rehab program there is, with a 75% long term success rate.
Do you know that Scientologist provide for free a very basic, easy to understand and to apply "moral code".
10. "Cults are extremely harmful. To remain within the strict mental and social confines of a cult for even a short time can have the following disastrous effects: Loss of choice and free will. Diminished intellectual ability, vocabulary and sense of humor? Reduced use of irony, abstractions and metaphors. Reduced capacity to form flexible and intimate relationships. Poor judgment. Physical deterioration. Malnutrition. Hallucinations, panic, dissociation, guilt, identity diffusion and paranoia. Neurotic, psychotic or suicidal tendencies."
Answer: Scientologist are some of the more intelligent, able and successful people in this planet. Including Jenna Elfman, Kelly Preston, John Travolta, Priscilla Presley, Sofia Milos and Leah Remini. Even Danny Masterson from the that's That '70s Show is a Scientologist and he is freaking funny. Also Bryan Zwan CEO of Digital Lightwave and Craig Jensen CEO of Executive Software International are scientologist too.
11. Those sites that she mentions are no more credible than the sites that say that 9/11 was a plot from the goverment and that the holocaust never happened.
For example the site"" alleges that Lisa McPherson died of neglect when in fact it was determined by several forensic examiners that "Lisa McPherson, died suddenly and unpredictably of a blood clot in her left lung that originated from a knee bruise she suffered in a minor auto accident 17 days earlier." The forensic examiner that originally said that Lisa died of dehydration and bed rest (Dr Joan Woods) admitted that she didn't perform the autopsy and after examining the facts she changed the cause of death of Lisa to be natural.
Also that site alleges that Lisa McPherson was held against her will when in fact Lisa was taken to the Scientology resort by her own request. In Judge Quesada's own words "Based on the undisputed facts of this case, plaintiff has not made and cannot make a showing that Lisa McPherson was unlawfully restrained 'against her will' by the defendants. In fact, all of the evidence indicates the opposite. Lisa McPherson refused psychiatric observation or admission at the hospital; she expressly stated her desire to receive the religious care and assistance from her fellow congregants"
I can challenge the information in those sites and "PROVE" that the information in those sites are not only false but absurd.
The reason that Scientology is attacked so much is simple: "Because it works".